Digital Commons @ George Fox University Northwest Yearly Meeting of Friends Church Friendly Endeavor (Quakers) 1-1928 Friendly Endeavor January 1928 George Fox University Archives Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.georgefox.edu/nwym_endeavor Recommended Citation George Fox University Archives, "Friendly Endeavor January 1928" (1928). Friendly Endeavor. 72. https://digitalcommons.georgefox.edu/nwym_endeavor/72 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Northwest Yearly Meeting of Friends Church (Quakers) at Digital Commons @ George Fox University. It has been accepted for inclusion in Friendly Endeavor by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ George Fox University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The Friendly Endeavor Volume 6, No. 12. ^ ^ PORTLAND, OREGON. January, 1928. HEARKEN! ONE AND ALL! Just now we all stand at the opening received a definite call from God to of a new year. We must part with luu-time Christian seiwice. This group Perhaps you were surprised to receive the old, never to see it again, never to will work in harmony with the Ministry a four-page paper this time instead of hear of it again, only as the deeds and Oversight of the Church, with the an eight-page one. Allow an explanation. which were accomplished in that span purpose of fellowship ,and of entering When the Ministerial Conference of time live on and on forever in the all doors of service which God may open, decided to accept the offer of the lives of men and women. With a bhall we not ;all say, "Praise God for a Christian Endeavor Department to add feeling of reluctance we leave it for some pages to the Endeavor paper, and we realize that time is so swiftly top'oup make of youngevery people effort whoto useare readytheir put in material which would he of passing, and there is so much peed in talents in the Church which has interest to the whole Church, the under the World of loving service, and nurtured them in spiritual life"? God standing was that it be tried for a year. comparatively few to give it. IS setting His seal on this movement, T h e y e a r h a s c l o s e d a n d a f t e r c o n s u l t a On the other hand, ,the true Christian so let everyone pray that nothing will tion with the chairman of the Ministerial feels a thrill of joy in his heart as he hinder. Publication Board, we have decided to realizes that one more year's work for God has blessed! Is there any doubt omit the "Church Section," beginning Jesus has been done, and that we are but what He will continue to do so? w i t h t h i s i s s u e . that much nearer the day when 'our This backward look is not to boast of Since an appropriation of three anything that has been accomplished, hundred dollars was made at last Lord shall sound the trumpet for His Bride. but to stir us up, and bring to our Yearly Meeting to pay for the "Church remembrance the fact that God expects Section" for a year, it means' that at Before leaving the old year, perhaps progress in our individual hearts and in least half of that will not be used for a retrospect would be profitable. As our work as a group, so there is no that purpose. The Endeavor Board has we see Jiow God has wrought in the doubt that, if we ALL walk in the path decided to use only one hundred dollars past, our faith will be stronger as we He will mark out, GREATER THINGS of that appropriation toward the expense step into untried ways. are in store for the Christian Endeavor of the "Church Section," from July to Each individual will find encourage Department and all other departments December, 1927, and leave the other two ment, when he sums up the victories in 1928! hundred dollars in the hands of the which God has given. Sometimes we Yearly Meeting Treasurer. are inclined to feel that we aren't having Another result of this action is that we the victories that others tell of, but just must have a new mailing list. We are remember that you are an individual SOCIETY NOTES sending this issue to all those on our who is mfferent than any other in the list of last year, but upon receipt of world. God may not and will not deal this paper, WE ASK EACH CHRISTIAN wth you in the same way He .does ENTIAT C. E. ENDEAVOR PRESIDENT to send us a another soul, but you will have His mailing list of all in your Society and special attention to your personality, The November business meeting of Church who should get the paper A xour nctories will be your o%vn. If our Society was held at Morrill's home, quota will be assigned to your Society you yyill take time to sum up the things on Friday, November 4, 1927. There a s h a s b e e n t h e c u s t o m . God has done for you in a special way w a s a f a i r a t t e n d a n c e . A f t e r t h e We hope this phange will not lessen during a year, surely you will fall at business session, light refreshments were the interest of anyone in the paper, for His feet in adoration and offer the served. At this meeting we voted to we try to igive material which will be of sacrifice of praise. You will find that raise ten dollars to be used to help get spiritual benefit, as well as the news God's providential care has guided your the Church out of debt. "Ibis sum was Items and necessary announcements steps along a divine plan, that He has raised the following Sunday by a special Anyone who is not close enough to a prepared you by His Holy Spirit to meet collection. Church to subscribe through a Society all emergencies, and has been ready to The Chairman of the Missionary may send the business manager seventy- hear your every call. How great and Committee had charge of the Home V^, address. marvelous our .God is! There is none Mission lesson. We had a special song o t h e r l i k e u n t o H i m . by the young men of our Society, and Jear. talks on yarious subjects related to If you are close enough to a Society Since we must necessarily leave the to pay your subscription on their quota individual retrospection to each one, let Home Missions. It was a very good It will help them, and they will send us together look over the Christian meeting but would have been better if Endeavor year. God has been wonder we could have had rtvice the time to your name ^d address with their list spend on it. If you do not get your paper'in fully good to this department of the The December business meeting was Febiuary, see your Society President Church, in blessing and broadening our held at the home of May Sherman on If you change addresses during the year service. The Christian Endeavorers have PLEASE notHy the Circulation Manager' taken a greater interest in the Church the second day of December. After the as e-yidenced by the number who business, we had a social that was e n j o y e d b y a l l . pape°r" continue receiving the attended all the sessions of Yearly I forgot to tell you that we are having Hoping everyone will rally to the new Meeting, last June. The Summer winter up here now. The mercury has form of paper, we are, Conference, this year, was owned and been hovering do%vn near zero for the Sincerely, blessed lof God. The Lord is directing last two days and the ground is covered The Executive Committee. and helping toward our permanent home, and each year is seeing a decided with snow. progress. This is a wonderful project WHAT WE ARE LEAVING. for the Endeavorers, and is making a S C O T T S M I L L S C . E . ~ vital contribution to the lives of the There is always a feeling of sadness young people. The young people them Our last business meeting was held at which accompanies a parting of anv selves are putting forth every effort to the W. E. Coulson home, November 17, king. Human nature becomes attached help preserve the orthodoxy of our 1927. At this time the balance of our to that which is familmr. Perhaps S ,7,!} gospel which has quota was raised for the "Friendly reason God often allows .separations wcught such a marvelous transforma- Endeavor." from that which is 'dear to us is no passed on During the Thanksgiving holidays a a reminder. "That here we have no unadulterated to the generations that number of our young people were home will come, if (Jesus delays His coming. f r o m s c h o o l . continuing city, but we seek one to b r a n c h o f w o r k h a s b e e n Our revival, under the direction of come." Our minds would become so started which resulted from a definite Miss Springer and Miss Batchelor, closed engrossed in the things of ,time that our concern laid on the heart of one of the spiritual growth would be hindered if rece^ly.
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