Moving Out Blues Inside Pack Faces Jackets Sports /Page 3 As the semester draws to a close. students are face w ith finals and moving. Sidetracks Page 5 FfldOY Let’s Hear It For The Veto Opinion/Page 8 Techm01an Serving North Carolina State University Since 1920 M Volume LXXI, Number 76 Friday, April 6, 1990 Raleigh, North Carolina Editorial 737.2411'Adverfising 737-2029 v: CHASS~ fair connects I " y topic of humanities with life 1990 Harrelson By Scott Webb le1ted by \braham Holt/man. 11 Staff Writer political science and public ailininistration professor. The (‘ollcgc of Humanities and A panel discussion was field yes Social Sciences has been holding terday entitled "Students living in guest lecturer its first ever college exposition it Post ('ol1lw1ir World." The dis this week to celebrate the gradua- cussion teatuied guest speaker Hal By Punit (‘hhabra finds a partner with ideal looks, tion of the seniors in the depart» (‘rowthcr. 1r 1ol1imnist for the Staff Writer passion. scktftt‘ss or inonev they ment on Sunday. Independent. are still looking for .i better offer This year's theme is "Something Yesterday. a poster session dis N.(‘. St1rt1"s l‘Nf) Harrelson In her spee1 h. S1fiwait/ 1l1's1 ids-1f playful that will help students played protects doitc by ('HASS Lecturer, Dr. Pepper Schwartl. the components nc1 css1iiy for 1| \tt1 make connections between students and evplained the pur addressed the privati'lation. politi- ccssful and self llflllllltlL‘tti1ttrf1ty11' Humanities and Social Sciences pose of the college. ()ne of the ci/ation 11nd diversity of families in She said that men are not as iirti and life." The event began organi/ers of the event. ('HASS the l99tts in a speech Wednesday mate in their relationships and need Wednesday and ends today. senior Darryl l.omick. said, “The evening. to understand their partners better Today‘s events include a student posters are to get students interest— Schwartz. a before marriages can be saristving video competition from It) am. ed in the internships offered by professor of to both panners. until 2 pm. a poetry reading and the college. which offer experi» sociology at the Schwartz addressed the aridicnc c several dancers. All of these ence that will be helpful after University of, of approviimately Stiff students events will take place in and graduation." Washington in about the politici/ation of families. around ('aldwell Lounge and are Seattle. was the which involves the issues of .ibor open to the whole campus. lornrck said that planning for first speaker in lion and the lack of federal policies Wednesday. the exposition this exposition was started by the |990 concerning families. Micnoer Propst/Stott kicked off witli 1i kite»flying con |)1ivrd (ireene, the coordinator of Harrelson test in the (’oiirt of North (‘arolina Art Studies program. earlier this ()n abortion. slt1‘ said that tmrh Srott Brennan plays his guitar and sings behind (aldwcll llall Lecture series. liberal and conservative politicians and poetry reading by William semester If the event is a success Speaking on Schwafz are no longer keeping their 1on lliiirsdav for the first ll1irn1initi1-s and Sor ial S1 ien1es ekposition. Toolc. lll. dean of (‘HASS this year there is 11 good chance "privati/ation," stifuents in the gray about wtir1h ()tlir'r t‘\’(‘ftlS featuring 1l1rni 1‘rs, poetry readings and 11 kite flying Another feature included a display that If “I“ be field annually. said Schwartz said that couples have side they take on the issue (tfftlt‘sl have been s1 l11'1l11l1'1l this vveck during the (‘l lASS festival. of political campaign buttons col— l.omick. entered into “era of individualistic Schwart/ also said that iiiistahlc totalitarianisrn." trends in the Offs will deliriitclv She said that families no longer cause the federal government to value traditional ideals which once begin addressing issues of l.f|tttl\ Picnic to kick off Pan-African Week unified them with immediate and policy. such as childcare 1tlt1l distant relatives. divorce, on a legislative level By Terry \skew everyone is welcomed to come in lecture is the most important event Schwart/ said that her research Speaking on the diversity of farm ilrrft Wlfl"l and try to get an understanding of of the festival because his father. has shown that the mean age at lies. she said that the largest family African cultrrrc. W.li.B. [)uBois. was one of the which men get married is 36. while group in this country is the single lll1' .rririual l’1rii '\llt11ttl picnic “Somewhere during the friii and founders of Pan» Africanism. the mean age for women is 25. She woman with children. wfio make up will head rip the list of events for games. you try to educate people." The African Student Association said that since adults are getting about 33 percent of the population l’aii \fri11iri \\1'1'k toiiioii'ow at tlte (‘arnpbell said. will present a fashion show. Also. rnarrred in their rnid~twenties. their The diversity of fariiilies and the Student ("cuter l’l1r/1i from noon to David l)uBois, visiting singer parents have less influence on who demands of the labor force. f p III author. profes— Art Malloy will they marry. Schwartz said, have the gtt‘alt‘sl I am. r\llI1'1lll/:\ll‘fL'llll-Alllk‘t‘lCan sor of journal- present 11 must Schwart/ said that 11 marriage is negative impact on kids. Night will be field at 7 pm. in the ism and cal history of like a corporation in which each She said that urrtrl the labor for1e Student (cuter Ballroom and A f r i c a n - African partner is trying to find a "good adapts to the needs of families. 1 liil (iallerics This is the first time American American music deal” dreit will continue suffering into the African students and African- Studies and spanning from She said that even after a persr . 22nd century .-\meric1iir students have collaborat— stepson of gospel to ja/l to ed in a totally joint function said W.E.B. DuBois. modem. A panel Larry Campbell. assistant director will help launch discussion on l of the Student (‘cntr:r.‘ the Pan-African “African and Southern Bell offers new lhe theme of this year s l’1in- DuBois Festival with a A f r i c 11 ii Alii1an lesir‘val. which is the week lecture tonight American of April ti—ll. is "a Rebirth of in the Student (‘enter Ballroom at 8 Student Relations" moderated by number for service calls African Consciousness." The par pm. He will speak to students Channette Brown will follow. Technician News Service repair scrv ice pose of the festival is to promote about “Pan—Africa. Racism and the After African/African—American ('ristoirrers 11illing Southern Bell tlte concept of PanAfricanism. the Rising Tide of Color." The lecture Night. there will be a party from It) z>o-:rim>-z>'ucmoz A new threedigrt number will be repair are 1oriiicclc1l to .1 computer bringing together of all people of is free and open to the public. p.111. to l a.m. African music will he the new number Southern Bell cus i/ed answering Sl‘f\lLt‘ that helps African descent in brotherhood and After the lecture the Black provided by “Mbonda Afrika". 1r torricrs can call for repair service the company respond to r1'1picsts understanding. (‘arnpbell said. Alumni Association will sponsor a Triangle~based soukous band. beginning the first of this month. 1itiicklv and efficiently The event is targeted toward reception to give students an oppor- which consist of Africans. African— “(if I" Will replace the seven digit A 1omputcrr/e1l now will ask .I African and African~Amcrican stri- tunity to talk with l)uBois and numbers starting with "78”." which series of questions that are .irisvscierl dents. said lidwina .lones. Pan- black alumni. 51’1’ AFRICA", Page 2 the company currently Uses for ser by using the buttons on .1 [Hill fr tone African (‘omrnittce chairperson. but Jones said slte thirtks that l)uBois' r'><-if’Df||fl vice repair. telephone “The telephone number (ill is The information is s1'lll ffttltti'ill much easier for customers to atcly to a repair center. wlictc If Sun Tan Jam to benefit hospice program remember than a sevendigit num— receives the same attention a: it All her." said Joseph I a1her. N (. vrce attendant had taken rfic report By (ieriel 'i‘hornburg carts only. munity service project every year. In Will). the president. "In fact. many customers "The automated repair svsrerri ts Staff Writer “This should be the biggest party of the fraternity raised Slittttf. probably remember that till used to easy to use." |.1i1lier said '11 will spring." said coordinator Bird Wallace. be the repair number." also inform you of situarions. such The brothers of Kappa Sigma I-‘rater'nity will Three bands will be featured: The l'suals. Members hope to increase profits this year by About lfl years ago. Southern Bell as a cut cable. that may be .itfe1 llflf' sponsor the third annual Sun Tan .lam Saturday Waving Poetics. and The Bone Shakers. selling more tickets arid shirts. Moore said. began rising seven digit numbers to your scrv icc " at Fraternity ('omrnons from noon until 7 pm. Wallace said tickets for the Sun~Tan Jain are ”The more T shirts and tt1‘kels we sell. the fiaridlc residential and business cits ('1rstoin1'rs with rotary 1lr.il Iclc The activities for the event are an outdoor con» $3.00. and will only be sold in advance.
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