Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-06236-8 - Imperial Ambition in the Early Modern Mediterranean: Genoese Merchants and the Spanish Crown Céline Dauverd Index More information Index Abulafia, David, x, 10, 13–14, 24, 26–28, Caffa, 28–29 36–37, 39, 67, 86, 111, 113–114, 116, Campanella, Tommaso, 55, 70–71, 79–80 120, 128, 256 Canny, Nicholas, 15 acculturation, of Genoese, in Kingdom of Capaccio, Giulio Cesare, 56–57, 61–62, Naples, 4 134, 188 Adorno family, 63–64 capitalism, 15, 249–250 Alba, Viceroy Duke of, 137, 141–143, 153 Caracciolo, Battistello, 193 alberghi (clans), 10 Caracciolo, Francesco, 144–145 Alcalá, Viceroy Duke of, 143, 156 Carafa, Count Diomede, 93 Alfonso I (king of Naples), 86 Castillians, rapprochement between Genoese Alfonso the Magnanimous (king), 170–171 and, 57–65 Alfonso V of Aragón (king), 59 Castro, Viceroy Francisco de, 51–52 Americas, Spanish trade with, 155 Catalans, Genoese and, in southern Italy, Annunziata, 222–224, 228–233 1300–1500, 113–127 asientos (short-term loans at high interest), 12–13 Cataponte, Marino di, 88–89 Catherine of Genoa, Saint, 224 Banco di San Giorgio, 61 Catlos, Brian, xi, 26, 258 banking Cavensi, Pietro, 88–89 Genoese and, 68–70, 238 Centurione family, 58, 61, 63 Barbarossa, Khayr al-Din (corsair), 33, 44 Centurione, Christoforo, 143 Bartlett, Robert, 17–18 Centurione, Don Carlo, 49 Battista Alberti, Leon, 217 Centurione, Giulio (Baron of Crispano), 78–79 Battista del Tufo, Giovanni, 181–182 Centurione, Ottavio, 154–155 Bâyezîd II (sultan), 30 Cerda, Viceroy Juan de la, 46 Benavente, Viceroy, 137, 145–147 Cestaro, Giacomo, 193 Bianchi della Giustizia, 224–226 charitable institutions Bocanegra, Simon, 9 Annunziata, 217–219, 222–224, 226, 233–239, Braudel, Fernand, 11–12, 26–27, 39, 43–45, 53, 240–242, 260–261 55, 71, 85, 102, 106, 108, 110, 112, 153, 208, Charles V (Holy Roman emperor), 10, 13, 31–32, 250–251, 260–261 33–34, 38–39, 45, 46, 58, 59, 60, 64, 68, Brummett, Palmirra, 26 78–79, 89, 103, 118, 123, 128–129, 141–143, buon governo (good government), 134–141, 222, 154, 160–163, 165–169, 173, 178–179, 185, 226–227 192, 207, 215, 226–227, 229, 234–236, Burke, Peter, 27, 135, 168, 220–221 248–249 Buzal, Martino, 121–123 Chios, 28–29, 66 295 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-06236-8 - Imperial Ambition in the Early Modern Mediterranean: Genoese Merchants and the Spanish Crown Céline Dauverd Index More information 296 * Index Christianity, Genoese defense of, in fiefs, granting of, in Kingdom of Naples, 76–77 Mediterranean, 5, See also Easter processions Fieschi family, 9–10 churches, Genoese, 190, See also specific church Figueroa, Don Pedro de, 33–34 Cigala, Eduardo, 78–79 flagellants, 173–175 Cigala, Filippo, 34 Florentines, Genoese and, 1480–1580, 127–131 Batta Cigala and family, 51, 115, 146, 202, 204 Fontana, Giulio Cesare, 194 Cohen, Abner, 7 Forêt, Jean de la, 39–40 Compagnia del Divino Amore, 260 Foscari, Marco, 102 Constable, Olivia Remie, 17–18, 254 France, relations with Genoa and, 36–43 Constantinople, fall of, 26–27, 28–29 Franchi, Battista de, 199 conversos population, of Naples, 252–253 Francis I (king of France), 36–37, 38–39 Coppola, Francesco, 88–89 funduk, 17–18 Coppola, Luise, 88–89 funerary monuments, 212–216 Coppola-Cavensi-Di Nerone company, 88–91 Fusaro, Maria, 27 corsairs, 43–48 Corsica, wars of, 42 gabelles, 136–137 Coulon, Damien, 254 Galasso, Giuseppe, 32, 83, 103, 138–139, 144, Council of Elders, 9–10 148, 153–154, 174, 224, 233, 239 Curtin, Philip, 7, 71, 112–113 Galateo, 31–32 Galzerano, Raffaello, 121–123 Dandelet, Thomas, 25, 162, 167, 182, 250–251 Garnica, Juan de, 181 De Ferrari, Giovanni Andrea, 203 Genoa De Mari family, 228 colonies of, 3–4, 10, 13, 36–43 De Marini family, 228 Genoese De Mura, Francesco, 193 ability to maintain identity of, 4–5, 6, 7–8, De Ponte family, 227–228 12–13, 31–36, 49–54, 57–65, 85–95, 96–103, De Stefano, Pietro, 173–175, 198 110–127, 131–133, 141–159, 165–166, De Xeres, Gonsalvo, 121–123 227–228, 256, 260–261 Di Cataponte, Pietro, 88–89 Gentile family, 230 diaspora, Genoese and, 257–259, See also trade Gentile, Imperia, 217–218 diaspora Gesualdo, Cardinal Alfonso, 199 Doge of Genoa, 8–9, 30, 201–204 Giordano, Luca, 203 Doria family, 9–10, 227–228 Giovio, Paolo, 162–163, 173 Doria, Andrea, 10, 34, 38–39, 60, 76, 162–163, Giudice family, 64 249 Giustiniani, Alessandro, 210–212 Doria, Giovan Battista, 78–79 Giustiniani, Giorgio, 140 Doria, Nicolo, 121–123 Giustiniano, Consul, 197 Dursteler, Eric, x, 41, 53, 76, 254–255 Giutiante, Hieronimo de, 88–89 Goano, Nicolo de, 123–124 Easter processions, 163–164, 165–182, Goiten, S. D., 253 183–187 Good Friday, Easter celebrations and, 180–182 Elliott, John, 18, 27, 32–33, 35, 52, 139, good government (buon governo), 134–141, 222, 144, 150, 154 226–227 Empoli, Jacopo da, 203 grain, trading in, Genoese and, 65–67 endogamy, 65 Granvelle, viceroy, 238 Epstein, Steven, x, 3, 83, 91, 97, 220–221, 258 Greif, Avner, 253 exogamy, 65 Grendi, Edoardo, 220–221 Grillo family, 64 Febvre, Lucien, 157–158 Grillo, Nicola, 74–75 Ferdinand III of Aragón (king), 94 Grimaldi family, 9–10, 58, 61, 64, 230 Fernández-Armesto, Felipe, 10, 17–18 Grimaldi, Ansaldo, 78–79 Ferrante (king of Naples), 28–32, 83, 86–89, Grimaldi, Battista, 78–79 92–95, 124–127, 214–215, 228–229 Grimaldi, Francesco, 33–34, 160 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-06236-8 - Imperial Ambition in the Early Modern Mediterranean: Genoese Merchants and the Spanish Crown Céline Dauverd Index More information Index * 297 Grimaldi, Francesco Ceva, 175 Mari, Brigida de, 78–79 Grimaldi, Merualdo (Marquis of Diano), 78–79 Mari, Giovan Battista de (Marquis of Assigliano), Grimaldi, Nicola (Prince of Salerno), 78–79 33–34, 78–79 Grimaldi, Stefano, 33–34 Mari, Raffaele de, 33–34 Guarino, Gabriel, 164–165 Marini, Tommaso de (Duke of Terra Nova), guild system, Neapolitan, 96–103 78–79 Marinis, Benedetto de, 218 Habsburg Empire, 6, 153–154 Marino, John, x, 19, 27, 53, 62, 98, 138–139, Genoese support of war efforts of, 154–155 164–165, 172, 220 Haro, Ferrante de, 126 Marranos, 5–6 Haro, Francesco de, 126 Martin, John, 220 Heers, Jacques, 76 Masaniello, revolt of, 134–136 Henri IV, king of France, 43 Maundy Thursday, 172–180 Hess, Andrew, 45 Mazur, Peter, 252–253 Hispano-Genoese alliance (1480–1572), 31–36 Medina, Viceroy Duke of, 137, 157 Holy Saturday, Easter celebrations and, 183–187 Mehmed II (sultan), 23–24, 28–31, Horden, Peregrine, 18, 108, 260–261 260–261 Hospitalier Knights of Saint John. See Knights of Mendoza, Viceroy Bernardino de, 141 St. John (Knights of Malta) merchant empire model, 16 hybridity, 9, 259 Messina, port of, 47–48 Mezzogiorno, Hispano-Genoese alliance imperial vocation, theory of, 251 (1480–1571) and, 31–36 Imperiale, Andrea, 217 Milan, 153 Incurabili, 222–224, 226 Miranda, Viceroy Count of, 144 Iudice, Marcantonio, 78–79 Mohaçs, battle of, 38–39 Moles, Francisco, 126 Juan of Austria, Don, 47–48 Monti Juros (securities), 12–13 family, 1650–1700, 243–247 Monti de Pietà, 233–239 Kamen, Henry, 32, 35, 222, 235 Moro, Ludovico il, 127 Knights of St. John (Knights of Malta), 45, Muir, Edward, 182, 220 207–212 Musi, Aurelio, 13, 32, 56–57, 65, 83, 124, 135, Koenigsberger, Helmut, 47–48, 139 150, 154, 171, 205, 251 Muto, Giovanni, 139–140 Labrot, Gérard, 214 Lagomacino, Giacomo, 148–149 Naples, city of Lemos, Viceroy Count of, 137, 147–148 charities in, 81–83, 222–233 Lepanto, battle of, 24, 35, 69–70 Naples, kingdom of, 4, 31–32, 76–77, See also Levant, alliance between Genoese and, 23–25 Sicily, kingdom of: acculturation of Levin, Michael J., 250–251 Genoese in Liguria, philanthropy in, 220–221 Nerone, Francesco di, 88–89 Litchfield, R. Burr, 62 Netherlands, the, 143, 149, 157 Lomellino family, 63, 227–228 networks Lomellino, Francesco, 33–34, 121–124 Genoese family-based, 7–8, 254 Lomellino, Gian Battista, 72 New World. See Americas Lomellino, Paris, 143 nobili (urban patriciate), 9 Lomellino, Stefano, 78–79 López, Pasquale, 185–186 Olivares, Count-Duke, 134, 153–154 Low Countries. See Netherlands, the Oriolo, Marchese d’, 119 Luigi of Aragón (bishop of Aversa), 229 Ospedale delli Incurabili di Genova, 240–242 Mancini, Franco, 164–165 Ossuna, Viceroy Duke of, 137 Mari family, 63, 64, 230 Otranto, 31–32, 127 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-06236-8 - Imperial Ambition in the Early Modern Mediterranean: Genoese Merchants and the Spanish Crown Céline Dauverd Index More information 298 * Index Pagden, Anthony, 15, 251 San Giorgio of Palermo, church of, 202–203 Palermo, Genoese community of, 201–204 Santa Maria del Rimedio di Genova, 240–242 Pallavicino family, 61 Santa Maria la Nuova, church of, 195–201 Pallavicino, Augustino, 121–124 Sauli, Antonio, 224–225 Pallavicino, Damiano, 33–34 Sauli, Marcantonio, 1–2, 42–43 Pallavicino, Francesco Antonio, 74–75 Selim, Sultan, 44 Pallavicino, Paolo Geronimo, 210–212 Serra family, 58 Pallavino, Allesandro (Duke of Castro), 78–79 Sessa, Duke of (viceroy), 50 Palma, Jacopo, 202–203 Sicily, kingdom of, 31–32, 46–48, 201–204, See Parker, Geoffrey, 139–140, 250–251 also Naples, kingdom of; Palermo: Pasqua, Ottaviano, 212–213 commerce in Pavia, battle of, 36, 38–39 silk trade, 49–54, 65–67, 84 Pax Hispanica, 250–251 southern Italy Pera, 28–29 Genoese economic presence in, 12–13, 14–15 philanthropy, 219–221, See also charitable Spain institutions; in Liguria seventeenth century financial
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