THE WISCONSIN JUNE 2020 Bro. Wellington Amaral, Ph.D.; in Masonry I found Inspiration. Masonic Journal See page 12. Wisconsin Masonic Calendar June 2020 December 2020 6 Grand Lodge of Wisconsin 176th Annual Communication. 16 Scottish Rite Valley of Green Bay, Christmas Party, Beja Shrine Center, 5:30 p.m. 20 West Bend Lodge No. 138, DeMolay 3rd Annual Dancing Pigs and Chicken Roast, 4 to 9 p.m. Tickets available at the door and at Eventbrite.com. 28 Landmark Lodge No. 244, 4th Annual Golf Social. Public wel- A Time to Toast come. $50 includes cart, trip to burger bar, dinner and prizes. $10 din- ner only. 10:30 registration, noon shotgun start and 5 p.m. dinner. Frederic Golf Course. For more information contact Spencer at 715- 866-5313. July 2020 10-11 Job’s Daughters International, Wisconsin’s Grand Guardian Council Session, Holiday Inn in Manitowoc. 13 Lake Country Freemasons Lodge No. 42, 17th Annual Pay it Forward Golf Outing, The Legends at Brandybrook, Wales, Wis. For more info go to [email protected] or call 262-468-3008. 15 Scottish Rite Valley of Green Bay, picnic and installation of offi- cers. 18 District 6 Masonic Night at the Ball Park, gates open at 5:45 p.m. Wisconsin Rapids Rafters vs. Fond du Lac Dock Spiders. Witter Field, 521 Lincoln Ave., Wisconsin Rapids. Great evening of fun and fellowship. For more information contact Bro. Jason Laramee at [email protected] or 715-712-4001. See page 21. 17 Job’s Daughters International, Grand Bethel Exemplification – Celebrating DeMolay, Burlington Masonic Center. 5:30 p.m. light re- freshments and 7:00 p.m. meeting. 18 Ozaukee Lodge No. 17, Port Washington Fish Day. August 2020 8 Job’s Daughters International, Grand Bethel Exemplification – Conferring the Majority Degree, Oshkosh Masonic Center. More details to follow. 15 Lake Country Freemasons Lodge No. 42, Masters Picnic. All Masons, families and friends are welcome. 23 10th Annual Mosinee Car, Truck and Motorcycle Show, spon- sored by Forest lodge No. 130. 8 a.m.-4 p.m., free to spectators. Con- tact Bro. Kevin Sorenson, [email protected] or 715-581-0553. 24 Children’s Dyslexia Center – Upper Wisconsin, Teddy Bear Classic. 18 holes, cart and lunch. 10 a.m. shotgun start, 5 p.m. dinner, raffles and live auctions. See page 19. September 2020 26 Middleton-Ionic Lodge No. 180 150th Rededication. Grand Lodge October 2020 F. & A.M. 17 AASR Valley of Green Bay Fall Reunion, S.W. Oshkosh Ma- of WI Twitter sonic Center. Like us on Facebook www.twitter.com/WI_Freemasons 30 Three Pillars Senior Living Communities, An Evening of Music and Memories. Fundraising gala at the Marriott Milwaukee West. THE WaISCOsNSINo nic ournal M J VOLUME LIII, NUMBER 6 The Official Publication of the Grand Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons of Wisconsin JUNE 2020 Be Prepared for the AC – The Grand Master’s Message: By Most Worshipful Grand Master of Masons in Wisconsin Brother Robert C. Strader Greetings Brothers, Latest Information This is my last column as your Grand Master. The year is finishing By Grand Master Robert C. Strader so much differently than it started. It seems like ages since we have last sat together in a lodge room whether in a stated meeting or de- As many of you saw in my letter of March 24 on the disposition of the 2020 An- gree. I have to say that the social meetings via Zoom that many nual Communication, without any good indications that our current COVID-19 health lodges and districts are having, when working crisis will be concluded by early June, our Grand Lodge Executive Committee has well, are quite satisfying. Chatting with our decided that a scaled back Annual Communication is necessary, one that is not fo- Brothers, remarking how our hair is longer or cused in the centralized current format, but one with a virtual/online focus. Our cur- rent 2-day onsite AC event will be shortened to a single day on June 6, organized how we are creatively getting it cut, some like around a video conferencing tool. me having beards that were started when many of us started working from home due to Here are the details of the virtual format and your necessary preparation as a voting delegate: the crisis response, is gratifying given we can- • This Annual Communication Meeting will be a Virtual Meeting. not meet personally. Virtual meetings such as • Meeting to be held on Saturday, June 6, open at 10:00 a.m. 9 o’clock toasts, meetings with everyone wear- • To attend the Virtual Annual Communication you will need to go to the following link and register in ing hats, and other creative themes make the advance of the meeting. calls more interesting. The link is: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_6jVRST5YShK_rfqDX_8dYg Answer the question and you will receive an email with all the necessary information. You must be a Lodge Wellness Committees are getting Master Mason to attend and will need your member number found on your dues card starting with M. more traction at many lodges. I get many • Only the three required resolutions will be considered this year. (See page 9) comments how our Brothers, especially those • Voting will open at 8:00 a.m. June 6, 2020 and continue until 10:00 a.m. June 6, 2020. remote or homebound really appreciate the • Those lodges that did not submit a Certificate of Election or submit their Annual Financial Statement calls from members of the committees. The Grand Master will not have voting privileges. lodge officers are truly getting the latest news Robert C. Strader • The meeting will be in an electronic form and is to be treated as a tiled meeting, be sure your area is from our Brothers, from those that are laid off, from those ill and secure. The voting system we are using for the 2020 Annual Meeting is Election Runner. distressed, from those in need who would not have called anyone to • To participate you will need to make sure: let them know they were in need. Thank you, my Brothers, for rising o Your name and date of birth is correct in MORI. o You have a correct email address in MORI. to the occasion. This should be continued when we get back to the o Lodge Certificate of Election must be filed, Financial Statements and Per Capita must be new “normal”. submitted. I hope you paused this past Memorial Day and remembered that o If a Proxy was requested, it must have been received in the Grand Lodge Office by 12:00 p.m. freedom is not free and has cost us dearly. We honor those of our May 15, 2020. armed services who have fallen, making the ultimate sacrifice, in de- • Those brethren with an email address in MORI will receive an email at 8:00 a.m. on June 6 that will in- fense of our country and its freedoms. We gave our thanks and ap- clude a direct link to vote. Their credentials are preloaded, just click on the blue button. For those who preciation for all those men and women of our military and those did not update their email or do not have one can use the following link to vote: who support them, past and present. They were and are our heroes. https://j.mp/35PI9U8. You will then need to log in with your credentials; your Voter ID is your We pray for all of them. member number including the M, and your Voter Key is your birthday, in the following format: mm/dd/yyyy you must include the /. The question I know that is in all your minds is when will all of us • Be sure to check your email software SPAM folder for the voting and meeting invitation emails if you be able to enjoy meeting together again in our lodges, be able to don’t see them. enjoy face-to-face fellowship, work on fundraising efforts, examine • Reports will be available on the Grand Lodge website. our candidates, and start doing degree work. I know it is constantly on my mind and is every morning when I wake up. This terrible Brothers, this will definitely be an instance of “We’ve never done it this way before!”. Our continuing COVID-19 virus and our reactions to it have irrevocably changed mantra is to keep doing our part as a Grand Lodge to help keep our Brothers safe and healthy. We will our lives these past months. Lodges that depend on annual fundrais- look back on this crisis as a time where the Brothers of Wisconsin worked together in the spirit of Broth- erly Love, Relief and Truth. ers for supporting the lodge and its charitable endeavors have not been allowed to do them. This will have lasting effects and will take Any Questions contact your District Deputy Grand Master lots of effort to catch up when we can re-engage. Since many of the community events that we pair those fundraising event with have been cancelled, we’ll need to be creative in our future fundraising Restructuring and Improvements Move events and efforts, thinking out of the box. We just completed our first Re-engagement Strategic Planning session. With some of the Forward on Wisconsin Masonic Center various counties and major cities in Wisconsin still having separate orders or regulations controling stay-at-home policies or just social distancing, it will be difficult to have a consistant re-engagement pro- ening up the main foyer, hallways sis, nearly all of our events had to adjacent to, the restrooms, stair- cancel through June.
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