February 15, 2000 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE H385 ancient moral standards. The reaction ality across America, this is a testament to the leading a machine gun squad. He kept mo- of His Eminence to this misplaced hos- wonder and grace of Cardinal O'Connor. That rale high by decorating fellow soldiers' let- tility has earned him the respect and he was able to reach out and touch the souls ters home with cartoons of barracks life. awe of all of us. (3) After returning from the war, Charles of so many people, help them, guide themÐ M. Schulz returned to his love for illustra- Mr. Speaker, this medal will be fund- it is inspiring. tion and took a job with ``Timeless Topix''. ed by the sale of authentic bronze du- We would all do well to follow the examples He also took a second job as an art instruc- plicates of the medal which will be of what he has done for the people of New tor. Eventually his hard work paid off and placed on sale by the U.S. Mint. I am York and the American people. Cardinal when the Saturday Evening Post began pur- honored to associate myself with this O'Connor is an outspoken critic of racism. In chasing a number of his single comic panels. legislation initiative, and to congratu- the face of severe budget challenges, Cardinal (4) It was in his first weekly comic strip, late Cardinal O'Connor and to wish him O'Connor has protected and preserved inner- ``L'il Folks'', that Charlie Brown was born. good health and happiness upon his an- That comic strip, which was eventually re- city Catholic schools. The Catholic High named ``Peanuts'', became the sole focus of ticipated retirement. School's graduation rate is 99 percent. And Charles M. Schulz's career. Mr. QUINN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in his commitment to helping the sick and people (5) Charles M. Schulz has drawn every support of a bill to award a Congressional gold with disabilities has been unwavering. frame of his strip, which runs seven days a medal to Cardinal John O'Connor. We are It is our responsibility to honor him outside week, since it was created in October 1950. gathering here today to honor a man who has of this House, and beyond just today. We can This is rare dedication in the field of comic been described as being the spine of the do that by learning from his grace and prac- illustration. Catholic community throughout the United ticing what he has taught us. (6) The ``Peanuts'' comic strip appears in 2,600 newspapers around the world and States. Cardinal John O'Connor has held the Mr. LAFALCE. Mr. Speaker, I yield reaches approximately 335 million readers most influential post in the U.S. Catholic back the balance of my time. every day in 20 different languages. Because Church and has led the congregation of St. Mr. BACHUS. Mr. Speaker, I have no of this, Charles M. Schulz is the most suc- Patrick's Cathedral since 1984 with unwaver- further requests for time, and I yield cessful comic illustrator in the world. ing faith and a sense of leading a good Catho- back the balance of my time. (7) Charles M. Schulz's television special, lic life devoted to service. The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. ``A Charlie Brown Christmas'', has run for 34 His life of service formally began when he HANSEN). The question is on the motion consecutive years. In all, more than 60 ani- was ordained as a Roman Catholic priest in offered by the gentleman from Ala- mated specials have been created based on ``Peanuts'' characters. Four feature films, 1945. His service continued to not only include bama (Mr. BACHUS) that the House sus- the Church and to God but also to his country 1,400 books, and a hit Broadway musical pend the rules and pass the bill, H.R. about the ``Peanuts'' characters have also as he served in the Chaplain Corps of the 3557. been produced. U.S. Navy, including assignments in Okinawa The question was taken. (8) Charles M. Schulz is a leader in the field and Vietnam. Mr. BACHUS. Mr. Speaker, on that I of comic illustration and in his community. Cardinal O'Connor was able to revitalize the demand the yeas and nays. He has paved the way for other artists in this bishops' sense of urgency about the premier The yeas and nays were ordered. field over the last 50 years and continues to civil right issues of our time. He has indeed The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- be praised for his outstanding achievements. left an imprint on New York City and Catholics ant to clause 8 of rule XX and the (9) Charles M. Schulz has given back to his nationwide as a ``prophetic voice'' which has community in many ways, including owning Chair's prior announcement, further and operating Redwood Empire Ice Arena in constantly challenged people's viewsÐregard- proceedings on this motion will be Santa Rosa, California. The arena has be- less of how upsetting they might be, even to postponed. come a favorite gathering spot for people of politicians. f all ages. Charles M. Schulz finances a yearly The Cardinal has been an icon for and has ice show that draws crowds from all over the diligently served the American Catholic com- GENERAL LEAVE San Francisco Bay Area. munity particularly due to his strong bond with Mr. BACHUS. Mr. Speaker, I ask (10) Charles M. Schulz has given the Nation Pope John Paul II. He consistently served to a unique sense of optimism, purpose, and unanimous consent that all Members pride. Whether through the Great Pumpkin participate in and better the Catholic school may have 5 legislative days within system and gave children the opportunity to Patch, the Kite Eating Tree, Lucy's Psy- which to revise and extend their re- chiatric Help Stand, or Snoopy's adventures be taught in the traditional Catholic system. marks on H.R. 3557, the bill just consid- with the Red Baron, ``Peanuts'' has em- The Cardinal also sought to strengthen the ered. bodied human vulnerabilities, emotions, and ties between Catholics and Jews. Once, in Je- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there potential. rusalem he went so far as to apologize for the objection to the request of the gen- (11) Charles M. Schulz's lifetime of work Church's history of anti-Semitism and was a tleman from Alabama? has linked generations of Americans and has become a part of the fabric of our national chief advocate in persuading the Vatican to There was no objection. recognize Israel. culture. Today, we as a nation gather to celebrate f SEC. 2. CONGRESSIONAL GOLD MEDAL. the work Cardinal O'Connor has devoted his PRESENTING CONGRESSIONAL (a) PRESENTATION AUTHORIZED.ÐThe Presi- life to: charity, service to our community, ac- GOLD MEDAL TO CHARLES M. dent is authorized to present, on behalf of the Congress, a gold medal of appropriate de- ceptance of others and living a good life in the SCHULZ eyes of God. We would be lucky to be able to sign to Charles M. Schulz in recognition of Mr. LUCAS of Oklahoma. Mr. Speak- his lasting artistic contributions to the Na- follow his example as selflessly as he has led er, I move to suspend the rules and tion and the world. his life. Cardinal O'Connor has left a deep im- pass the bill (H.R. 3642) to authorize (b) DESIGN AND STRIKING.ÐFor the purpose pression on America and he will continue to the President to award a gold medal on of the presentation referred to in subsection inspire to follow in his footsteps. behalf of the Congress to Charles M. (a), the Secretary of the Treasury (hereafter Mr. LAZIO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to help in this Act referred to as the ``Secretary'') celebrate His Eminence John Cardinal O'Con- Schulz in recognition of his lasting ar- shall strike a gold medal with suitable em- nor. For all of his accomplishments as a tistic contributions to the Nation and blems, devices, and inscriptions, to be deter- priest, a chaplain, and a humanitarian, there the world. mined by the Secretary. can be no way to fully honor him. The Con- The Clerk read as follows: SEC. 3. DUPLICATE MEDALS. gressional Medal of HonorÐthe highest honor H.R. 3642 Under such regulations as the Secretary Congress can bestowÐis simply a beginning. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- may prescribe, the Secretary may strike and While we will do our best in Congress to resentatives of the United States of America in sell duplicates in bronze of the gold medal struck under section 2 at a price sufficient to honor him, it is clear that the true honor is Congress assembled, SECTION 1. FINDINGS. cover the costs of the medals, including ours for having the privilege of learning from labor, materials, dies, use of machinery, him. The Congress finds the following: (1) Charles M. Schulz was born on Novem- overhead expenses, and the cost of the gold As New York's archbishop since 1984, Car- ber 26, 1922, in St. Paul, Minnesota, the son medal. dinal O'Connor has seen the Catholic popu- of Carl and Dena Schulz. SEC. 4. NATIONAL MEDALS. lation of the archdiocese rise from 1.8 million (2) Charles M. Schulz served his country in The medals struck under this Act are na- when he arrived to the 2.3 million it is today.
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