Evidence of U.S. Human Rights Violatiom American Friends Service Committee New York Metropolitan Region Criminal Justice Program 972 Broad Street, 6* moor Newark New Jersey 07102 XI* Bonnie Kernesr, Associate Director, Coordinator, Prison Watch Edited by Julia Lutrky Regional Director, Ehabeth Enloe CrinJnal Justice Program Director, Michael Ekner Prison Watch Program As&tant Masai Ehehosi Dedicated to Holbrook Teter 'odd (Hymg-Rae) Tarselli -.-- - - .- .-. .-. .- .. -- %OW.. They Live Squeezed Together, t- The forceful rushes ofthis isolational perversion has pulled my essence into a cersspool incesantly devoted to a grime of darlmess and sordid pungents of evil.. This just ain't life as the innumberable scopes of hurt-filled anxieties come forth in stripped depths! of a consciousness wrapped within interiors of doctrines in- with control cries diseased insanity traumatic and situated from cold functions! of wickedness .. This just ain't life pathologbed in a subsumed litany of steel and cement codes preoccupied with the disturbing thrust of death TABLE OF CONTENTS :;ourcesotherthanleners ........................................................... iv I'rcj:~~: ~ ~ ... Inrroduction .Thc En-XISof lsolalion .... ................................... ........ I I . Excessive Use of Force .......................................................... 4 i. Excessive Use of Restraints ........................................................ 8 Genaal ................................................................... 8 FourPointRestraint ........................................................ I1 Restraintchar ............................................................ I3 3.StunTechnology ............................................................... 14 Grenades ................................................................ IS StunBelts ................................................................ IS 4 . Pepper Spray. Tear Gas. Mace and other chemical agent. ................................ 17 5'. Denial of Medical or Legal Services ................................................. 20 DenialofMedicalServices ................................................... 20 Denial of Legal Services ..................................................... 23 6 . Housing Living and Working Conditions ............................................. 24 Crowding ................................................................ 24 Yardlncidents ............................................................ 25 . WorkingCondmons ........................................................ 26 StripCells ................................................................ 27 Randomsearches .......................................................... 28 ;'.WorneninPrison .............................................................. 29 8.Prisoners'Observations .......................................................... 32 Table of Contents Page *i* INDEX OF PRISONERS AH: Securily Management Unit (SMU), Gumison, Utah 9/27/95. 11/17195 A(): Slale Comcc110!131l~i~t~lul~ori at hn~ltl~lield. Iiu~lllnfld~l. l'c!l1i~?i\;11!1;1. 2, i > (Ill AQ: USP Lexingron, Kentucky, 211 8/98 AT: Northern State Prison, Newark. New Jersey, 4130199, 8/13199(2) BA: Stiles Unit, Beaumont, Texas, 9/26/99 BC: Amarillo, Texas, 8/20/98 CF: Northern State Prism, Newark, New Jersey, 11/2/98 DLM: Gander HiU Prison, Delaware, 1/19/99,2/10/99 EF: Utah State Prison, Draper, Utah, 6/13/99 ES: Ohio State Penitentiary, 6/2/99 FA: Northem prison, Somers, Comcticuf 7110199 J: Ohio State Penitentiary, undated letter JA: Wallens Ridge State Prison, Big Stone Gap, Virginia, 4/l9/00,5/2100, 5/5/00 JDE: McNeil island Correction Center, Steila- Washington, 2/1/98 JGM: James V. Allred Unit Texas, undated, early 1998 JH: Northern State Prison, Newark, New Jersey, 7/5/99 JHE: Wallens Ridge State Prison, Big Stone Gap, Virginia, 1/16/00 Ki Southwoods Prison, New Jersey, 1/23/00 JTK: Ely State Prison, Ely, Nevada, 8/99 (personal correspondence) IRB:Limn Correctional Facility, Lion, Colorado, 3/30/98 KJM: Northan prison, Soma, Connecticut, 1 1/24/99 LE Telford Unit, New Boston, Texas, 22/98 LM: El Dorado Correctional Facility, El Dorado, Kansas, 3/15/98 LW: Northern State Prison, Newark, New Jersey, 8/3/99, 8/16/99 MC: USP Lewisburg Pe~sylvania,1/21/98 MN:Maximum Control Facility, Indiana Department of Corrections, undated Index ojPrisoners Page 'ii* IMT: S.C.I. Greene, Waynesburg Pennsylvaniq 10/4/99 1\11 I: Minnesota Correctional Facility, Oak Park Park Heights, Stillwata. Minnesota. 2/21/00 QF and JB: East Jersey Stale Prison, New Jersey, 12/30/98 ICXb: i'ellcan Ua), Cr~>ic.nlill?. Cailljn113,j/iO!Ub: IMc: Northern Slate Prison, Newark, New Jersey, 1/7/99: Denial of Medical or Legal Services IES: Ariuona State Prison, Eyman, Arizona. 1120198 IFUL: USP Atlanta, Atlanta, Georgi4 3/5/00 (personal correspondence) 1s:Starke, Florida, 4/27/99 !SLY: Utah State Prison, Draper, Utah, 5/1/98 :SM:Clallam Bay Correction Centa, Chllam Bay, Washington, 11/28/99 :SMR: ADX-Florence, Colorado, 3/3/98 :SN: Los Angeles, California, 1/8/00 SWW: Hays State Prison, Trion, Georgia, 9/8/97 TC: Northem State Prison, Newark, New Jersey, 9/6/99 T: Ohio State Penitentiary, 1/20/99 .IU:Connezticut prisoner in prison in Virginia: 1/20/00 T: East Jersey, State Prison, Rahway Ad Seg, Control Unit, 3/14/00 'WSK: Program for Aggressive Mentally Ill Offenders (PAM1O),Texas, 1/16/98 'WV: Northern State Prison Newark New Jersey, 1 1/19/98 'YM: Northem Prison, Somas, Connecticut, 1/23/98, 111 8/98, undated 'YW: Camden County Correctional Facility, Camderi, New Jersey, 111 6/99 Index of Prisoners Page 'iii SOURCES OTHER ThXN LETTERS Inremationol Coveoonr on Civil and Poliricol Riphrs. entered into force March 1976. (ICCPR) Srandord .Illrlrniunr Ru/c~sJ,r I;,<.li~~ornrc.nr o/fJrron~~rs. Adopted 30 August. 1955 (k1ISKlil.l. ) Cmelry m Conrrol' "The Stun Belt and other Electro-Shock qulpment in Law Enforcement." Anincsr~ lnrernatronal report, June 1999 (AICRUEL) Torrure in rhe UnrfedStares, report prepared by the Coalition Against Torture and Racial Dircriminarion, and compiled and edited by Morton Sklar. Director, World Organization Against Tonure USA October 1998. (USTORTURE) US Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Prisons (USDOJ BOP) * Sources other than Letlers * Poge *iv8 PREFACE "Ulp-,*,w &=qEkW- a: ~~k:OC8tOdma~marmclaad ~~t~-6n+~~~~~af&~Krsdp.,~n~~6o;m~pei;dliaaarimprisomnent~~ m~~tiY:humanriglmafapersonnodaanyformafd~~-' oriutp~'shallbe ordered by, or bc sub~cdto dx dfeztmr cootrol of a jud~nalor other anthorrt). " FCCPR - Ann% P~mc~ples1 and 4) The American Friends Savicc Committee has had a Criminal Justice Program in Ncwark, New Jersey since 1975. Wehave received thousands of calls and knas of testimony of conditions of imlprisauncnt franihilymcmbaaandprisawsthmugboutthe~try.Asarcsuh,theAFSC began a poject cakd Prison Watch which monitas human rights abuses m Unitsd States prisons. For the past 24 years, I have had the megcof being a human ri&s advocate on behalf of the AFSC for US prisonas. rhispamphktirour.ttcmpttosharowithywsomofthe~~iasweheard~our&ys. Thc politics oftbe systems - the dEimsystem, the public scbool systan, the he& care system and the criminal justice system -play a profound role in the hes of the poa m this country. It is hard not ~~thath~1erand~h0fhSy~k~whichaffed~all0fu$mcreated,~~ and voted upoo by mostly uppa dass whitc maks wbosc liver will not be toucbtd by their decisions. Their chido not go to public schools, thy do not use public hospiitbcy are surely not on welfare, and s&mM they cunmit a aimq even thcir prisons arc diff~cd ~,m~tht~systan,thepoiiticsofthcpolia,thepolitiaofthecourts,politics ofthe prison system and thc politics of the death pmahy arc a manifestatioa of the ncism and classism wt~ichgovan so much ofthe lives of all of us in this country. Every part of the United States criminal jurhsystem falls most heavily on the poor and people of wlor, including the fad that slavay is still permitted in prisons by the 13* Amendment of the US constitution. Although. prison labor is not the focus of this pamphlet, involuntary slavay in prisons is d. As a result of our New Directions Youth Project, we hear from young people in Newark and otha . inrlacitk Tby tdl us that he police fed like an occupation army as if he inner cities arc mihnzd. moes. Tbyf&lthattfre~muscdasf&systemstofiltayoungbladudLatioos*mtoprisons wtlcnthciryoungbodiesmworthafatune I'vchcardpcopksaythattl~~aimiaaljustsystemdosn't wrk.I'vtcometobdievccxactIythcoppositc-that itwdcspa-fedfyasa mattaofbothcconomicand political policy. - ~ col&xt of this country. Thcy have becn discarded as a waste product of the techwlogical revolution, with illegal drugs turniag the ghebiipow into invalids just as alcohol was introduced to incapacitate the people of the First Nations. I don't believe that it is an accident that people who m perceived as emnomic liabilities have b&n turned into a major economic asset - for the young male of wlor who cannot get a job and is, therefore, Preface Page *v* .. worth nothing in the country's annomy suddcnly g-tcs betwan 30 and 60 thwand dollars a year onec happed in the criminal justice systan. Nor do I believe it's an accident that this tshnological revolution has brm accompanied by the largest explosion of buildii prisons in the histay of the world. 7hc expansion of prisons, parol+ probation, the court and police systems has resulted in an enormous bureaucracy. This proliferation of the Prison Industiial Complex has ban a boon
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