Spatial Data Structures HHiieerraarrcchhiiccaall BBoouunnddiinngg VVoolluummeess GGrriiddss OOccttrreeeess BBSSPP TTrreeeess 11/7/02 Speeding Up Computations • Ray Tracing – Spend a lot of time doing ray object intersection tests • Hidden Surface Removal – painters algorithm – Sorting polygons front to back • Collision between objects – Quickly determine if two objects collide Spatial data-structures n2 computations 3 Speeding Up Computations • Ray Tracing – Spend a lot of time doing ray object intersection tests • Hidden Surface Removal – painters algorithm – Sorting polygons front to back • Collision between objects – Quickly determine if two objects collide Spatial data-structures n2 computations 3 Speeding Up Computations • Ray Tracing – Spend a lot of time doing ray object intersection tests • Hidden Surface Removal – painters algorithm – Sorting polygons front to back • Collision between objects – Quickly determine if two objects collide Spatial data-structures n2 computations 3 Speeding Up Computations • Ray Tracing – Spend a lot of time doing ray object intersection tests • Hidden Surface Removal – painters algorithm – Sorting polygons front to back • Collision between objects – Quickly determine if two objects collide Spatial data-structures n2 computations 3 Speeding Up Computations • Ray Tracing – Spend a lot of time doing ray object intersection tests • Hidden Surface Removal – painters algorithm – Sorting polygons front to back • Collision between objects – Quickly determine if two objects collide Spatial data-structures n2 computations 3 Spatial Data Structures • We’ll look at – Hierarchical bounding volumes – Grids – Octrees – K-d trees and BSP trees • Good data structures can give speed up ray tracing by 10x or 100x 4 Bounding Volumes • Wrap things that are hard to check for intersection in things that are easy to check – Example: wrap a complicated polygonal mesh in a box – Ray can’t hit the real object unless it hits the box – Adds some overhead, but generally pays for itself. • Most common bounding volume types: sphere and box – box can be axis-aligned or not • You want a snug fit! • But you don’t want expensive intersection tests! Bad! Good! 5 Bounding Volumes • Wrap things that are hard to check for intersection in things that are easy to check – Example: wrap a complicated polygonal mesh in a box – Ray can’t hit the real object unless it hits the box – Adds some overhead, but generally pays for itself. • Most common bounding volume types: sphere and box – box can be axis-aligned or not • You want a snug fit! • But you don’t want expensive intersection tests! Bad! Good! 5 Bounding Volumes • Wrap things that are hard to check for intersection in things that are easy to check – Example: wrap a complicated polygonal mesh in a box – Ray can’t hit the real object unless it hits the box – Adds some overhead, but generally pays for itself. • Most common bounding volume types: sphere and box – box can be axis-aligned or not • You want a snug fit! • But you don’t want expensive intersection tests! Bad! Good! 5 Bounding Volumes • You want a snug fit! • But you don’t want expensive intersection tests! • Use the ratio of the object volume to the enclosed volume as a measure of fit. • Cost = n*B + m*I n - is the number of rays tested against the bounding volume B - is the cost of each test (Do not need to compute exact intersection!) m - is the number of rays which actually hit the bounding volume I - is the cost of intersecting the object within 6 Bounding Volumes • You want a snug fit! • But you don’t want expensive intersection tests! • Use the ratio of the object volume to the enclosed volume as a measure of fit. • Cost = n*B + m*I n - is the number of rays tested against the bounding volume B - is the cost of each test (Do not need to compute exact intersection!) m - is the number of rays which actually hit the bounding volume I - is the cost of intersecting the object within 7 Hierarchical Bounding Volumes • Still need to check ray against every object --- O(n) • Use tree data structure – Larger bounding volumes contain smaller ones 8 Hierarchical Bounding Volumes • Still need to check ray against every object --- O(n) • Use tree data structure – Larger bounding volumes contain smaller ones 9 Hierarchical Bounding Volumes • Still need to check ray against every object --- O(n) • Use tree data structure – Larger bounding volumes contain smaller ones 10 Hierarchical Bounding Volumes • Still need to check ray against every object --- O(n) • Use tree data structure – Larger bounding volumes contain smaller ones 11 Hierarchical Bounding Volumes • Still need to check ray against every object --- O(n) • Use tree data structure – Larger bounding volumes contain smaller ones Check intersect root If not return no intersections 12 Hierarchical Bounding Volumes • Still need to check ray against every object --- O(n) • Use tree data structure – Larger bounding volumes contain smaller ones Check intersect root If intersect check intersect left sub-tree check intersect right sub-tree 13 Hierarchical Bounding Volumes • Still need to check ray against every object --- O(n) • Use tree data structure – Larger bounding volumes contain smaller ones Check intersect root If intersect check intersect left sub-tree check intersect right sub-tree 14 Hierarchical Bounding Volumes • Still need to check ray against every object --- O(n) • Use tree data structure – Larger bounding volumes contain smaller ones Check intersect root If intersect check intersect left sub-tree check intersect right sub-tree 15 Hierarchical Bounding Volumes • Still need to check ray against every object --- O(n) • Use tree data structure – Larger bounding volumes contain smaller ones Check intersect root If intersect check intersect left sub-tree check intersect right sub-tree 16 Hierarchical Bounding Volumes • Many ways to build a tree for the hierarchy • Works well: – Binary – Roughly balanced – Boxes of sibling trees not overlap too much 17 Hierarchical Bounding Volumes • Sort the surfaces along the axis before dividing into two boxes • Carefully choose axis each time • Choose axis that minimizes sum of volumes 18 Hierarchical Bounding Volumes • Sort the surfaces along the axis before dividing into two boxes • Carefully choose axis each time • Choose axis that minimizes sum of volumes 19 Hierarchical Bounding Volumes • Works well if you use good (appropriate) bounding volumes and hierarchy • Should give O(log n) rather than O(n) complexity (n=# of objects) • Can have multiple classes of bounding volumes and pick the best for each enclosed object 20 Questions y6 y2 r3 x1 x2 r1 y4 r2 x6 x5 y1 x1,y1 x3 x4 x2,y2 y2 x3,y3 y5 Given two bounding boxes at one level of the hierarchy, How about for how do you compute the bounding spheres? boxes for the next level? 1.1 Related Work Many important methods have been developed for collision detec- tion with rigid models. We refer the reader to these recent sur- (a) (b) (c) (d) veys: [Lin and Gottschalk 1998; Jimenez et al. 2001]. Sphere p trees are a canonical example of a bounding volume hierarchy used Figure 2: Example deformation: (a) Reference shape (b) Dis- U U p! for collision detection and proximity queries (e.g., [Quinlan 1994; placement field ∗1 (c) Field ∗2 (d) Deformed shape . Hubbard 1995; Brown et al. 2001; Guibas et al. 2002; Bradshaw and O’Sullivan 2004]). Collision detection with bounding vol- 3 Bounded Deformation Trees ume hierarchies is output-sensitive and provides graceful degrada- tion [Hubbard 1995; Dingliana and O’Sullivan 2000]. Hierarchy This section describes the construction, derivation, post- construction can be based on either spatial proximity between fea- deformation updating, and use of BD-Trees. Without loss of tures within the undeformed model or on mesh topology, as well as generality, we consider sphere trees constructed on polygonal inter-surface proximity (as in [Bridson et al. 2002] for cloth, and models henceforth, and briefly discuss how these could be extended in [Warren and Weimer 2001] for subdivision hierarchies). to bounding boxes. Throughout, we will describe the bounding Many of these methods could be directly applied to deformable sphere with radius, R, and center point, c (see Figure 5). objects. The major cost for hierarchical collision detection algo- rithms is updating the hierarchy after every deformation, e.g., at 3.1 BD-Tree Construction: A Wrapped Hierarchy each time step, before queries are performed. As a result, much at- BD-Tree construction involves first constructing a sphere tree on the tention has been drawn to hierarchies with easy to compute bounds undeformed model, after which it can be updated following defor- (e.g., [van den Bergen 1997; Ganovelli et al. 2000]). Alterna- mation using the approach of §3.2. In the terminology of [Guibas tively, intelligent methods for updating the bounding hierarchies et al. 2002], this undeformed BD-Tree is a wrapped hierarchy, and exploiting temporal coherence have been explored [Guibas wherein spheres enclose (or wrap) associated geometry, and not et al. 2002; Brown et al. 2001; Larsson and Akenine-Moller¨ 2001]. a layered hierarchy in which spheres merely enclose their child Larsson et al. [2003] propose a collision detection algorithm spe- spheres (see Figure 3). Layered hierarchies are important in pre- cialized for morphing that has features similar to ours (and is a vious work on updating using hierarchical linear-time sphere refit- special case). Because we use a more general deformation model ting, e.g., see [Brown et al. 2001]. Unfortunately, layered bounds (Eq. 1) our method can be applied in a more general setting (see sec- can fit more loosely than wrapped ones [Guibas et al. 2002]. By ond paragraph of Sec. 1), and we derive significantly less expensive updating a wrapped hierarchy, BD-Trees can obtain tighter bounds bounds (Secs. 3.2 and 3.5).
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