List of Abbreviations AI Artificial Intelligence AJAX Asynchronous JavaScript And XML API Application Programming Interface AUI Abstract User Interface] BFO Basic Formal Ontology BMBF Bundesministerium fur¨ Bildung und Forschung (German Federal Ministry of Education and Research) BPEL Business Process Execution Language CAB Composite UI Application Block CCT Concur[rent] Task Trees CIDL Component Interface Description Language COM Component Object Model CSS Cascading Style Sheet CUI Concrete User Interface DIG DL Implementation Group DAML DARPA Markup Language DARPA Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency DHTML Dynamic HTML DOLCE Descriptive Ontology for Linguistic and Cognitive Engineering DL Description Logics DnS Descriptions and Situations DTD Document Type Definition EBNF Extended Backus Naur Form ECA Event Condition Action EMF Eclipse Modeling Framework EMML Enterprise Mashup Markup Language ER Entity Relationship F-Logic Frame Logic FOAF Friend of a Friend GFO General Formal Ontology HCI Human Computer Interaction H. Paulheim, Ontology-based Application Integration, 235 DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-1430-8, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2011 236 List of Abbreviations HTML HyperText Markup Language HTTP HyperText Transport Protocol ISO International Organization for Standardization JavaCC Java Compiler Compiler JDIC Java Desktop Integration Components JSF Java Server Faces JNI Java Native Interface JRON JavaScript RDF Object Notation JSON JavaScript Object Notation JSP Java Server Pages JSR Java Specification Request JQL Java Query Language KIF Knowledge Interchange Format LINQ Language Integrated Query LISP List Processing LZX The XML based language used in OpenLaszlo; a resolution of the abbrevia- tion is not given. MARIA Model-based lAnguage foR Interactive Applications MDA Model Driven Architecture MDL MashArt Description Language MXML The XML based language used in Adobe Flex; it is likely that it originally stands for Macromedia XML. N3 Notation 3 OASIS Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards OIL Ontology Inference Layer OMA Open Mashup Alliance OMG Object Management Group OWL Web Ontology Language OWL DL OWL Description Logics OWL-S Semantic Markup for Web Services (not really an abbreviation) PROTON PROTo ONtology RCP Rich Client Platform RIF Rule Interchange Format RDF Resource Description Framework RDF-S Resource Description Framework Schema RMI Remote Method Invocation RSS Really Simple Syndication RuleML Rule Markup Language SAWSDL Semantic Annotations for WSDL SCA Service Component Architecture SOA Service Oriented Architecture SOAP Simple Object Access Protocol SoKNOS Service-orientierte Architekturen fur¨ Netzwerke im Bereich Offentlicher¨ Sicherheit (Service oriented architectures for networks in the public security area) SOS Sensor Observation Service SQL Structured Query Language List of Abbreviations 237 SPARQL SPARQL Protocol And RDF Query Language (a recursive acronym) SUMO Suggested Upper Merged Ontology SWRL Semantic Web Rule Language THW Technisches Hilfswerk (Federal Agency for Technical Relief) UCL Universal Composition Language UI User Interface UIDL User Interface Description Language UIML User Interface Markup Language UISDL User Interface Service Description Language UML Universal Modeling Language URI Uniform Resource Identifier UsiXML USer Interface eXtensible Markup Language W3C World Wide Web Consortium WAI ARIA Web Accessibility Initiative – Accessible Rich Internet Applications WIMP Window, Icon, Menu, Pointing Device WML Wireless Markup Language WSDL Web Service Description Language WSDL-S Web Services Semantics (not really an abbreviation) WSML Web Service Modeling Language WSMO Web Service Modeling Ontology WSMX Web Service Execution Environment XAML eXtensible Application Markup Language XBL XML Binding Language, also eXtensible Bindings Language XIML eXtensible Interface Markup Language XML eXtensible Markup Language XPIL eXtensible Presentation Integration Language XSLT eXtensible Stylesheet Language Transformation XUL XML User Interface Language YAML YAML Ain’t Markup Language (a recursive acronym) List of Figures 2.1 Different levels of integration ................................. 10 2.2 The design space of UI integration . ............................ 15 3.1 The semantic web stack . ..................................... 29 3.2 Different syntaxes for RDF ... ................................ 30 3.3 Example OWL ontology . ..................................... 31 3.4 The linked open data cloud ... ................................ 32 3.5 Example F-Logic ontology.................................... 34 3.6 Ontology types based on the degree of formality ... .............. 35 3.7 Classification of ontologies based on their level of abstraction . ..... 38 3.8 Classification of ontologies in software engineering . .............. 39 3.9 Comparison of different ontology engineering methodologies . ..... 42 3.10 The top level categories of DOLCE ............................ 44 3.11 The top level categories of SUMO . ............................ 46 3.12 The taxonomy of Cyc’s upper level ontology .. ................... 47 3.13 The system and top level categories of PROTON ... .............. 48 3.14 Screenshot of the ontology editor Proteg´ e´ ....................... 50 3.15 Screenshot of the Linked Data explorer Tabulator ... .............. 51 3.16 Examples for integration on the different layers .................. 56 3.17 Ontology-based database integration ........................... 57 4.1 Characterization schema for ontology-enhanced user interfaces ..... 63 5.1 Characterization of the approach ... ............................ 84 5.2 Ontologies used in the integration framework . ................... 86 5.3 Improving modularity with event annotations . ................... 91 5.4 Schematic view of an application and the logical representation of its state . ................................................... 93 5.5 Roles in and tasks in UI integration ............................ 95 5.6 High level view on the implementation of the integration framework . 97 239 240 List of Figures 5.7 Screenshot of the event inspector, showing the annotation of an eventinRDF ............................................... 98 5.8 Object exchange between applications ... .......................100 5.9 Overview of the SoKNOS prototype ............................102 5.10 Screenshot of the SoKNOS prototype with a set of UI modules and possible interactions .........................................104 5.11 Coordinating interaction in the integration framework ... ..........106 5.12 The SoKNOS toolbox ... .....................................108 5.13 The link storage extension in the integration framework . ..........110 5.14 The update service extension in the integration framework .........111 5.15 Ontologies used in the SoKNOS project.. .......................112 5.16 Six use cases for semantic technologies covered in the SoKNOS project .. ...................................................115 6.1 Overview of examined UI description languages ... ..............120 6.2 A screenshot of the Teresa toolkit .. ............................124 6.3 Distribution of UI component definitions across different UI description languages ... .....................................127 6.4 Ontologies reused for building the ontology of user interfaces and interactions ... ..............................................129 6.5 Core concepts of the Core Ontology of Software ... ..............130 6.6 Different realizations of a slider user interface component ..........133 6.7 The top level of the ontology of the user interfaces and interactions domain . ...................................................139 6.8 Excerpt from the detail level ontology, showing the top categories of UI components ... ..........................................140 6.9 Example for user activities and their mapping to hardware devices . 143 6.10 A-Box statements processed by the reasoner .. ...................146 7.1 Example for mapping a Java class to an ontology ... ..............152 7.2 Multi-purpose class ..........................................153 7.3 Artificial class ..............................................154 7.4 Class for relation .. ..........................................154 7.5 Multi-purpose relation with a flag .. ............................155 7.6 Multi-purpose relation with background knowledge . ..............155 7.7 Skipping categories in chains of relations .......................156 7.8 Shortcut including a subclass relation ...........................156 7.9 Non-atomic data types .. .....................................157 7.10 Counting attributes ..........................................157 7.11 Example class model that can lead to very large annotations ... .....165 7.12 Example for a template for restricting an object’s annotation .. .....166 7.13 Architecture diagram of object exchange between applications via dynamic annotation ..........................................167 7.14 Excerpt from the common SoKNOS class model and the SoKNOS domain ontology .. ..........................................170 List of Figures 241 7.15 Excerpts from two class models and the corresponding part in the SoKNOS domain ontology....................................171 7.16 Runtime behavior of creating annotations for Java objects ..........174 7.17 Runtime behavior of creating Java objects from annotations ... .....174 8.1 Performance of a naive implementation of semantic event processing 178 8.2 Framework
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