December 14, 1995 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S18617 AMENDMENT NOS. 2025, 2031, 2032, 2041, AND 2042, FELLER—may take pride in Marshall’s reported that it was HELMS doing the WITHDRAWN winning record up to this point. That is holding up, when actually it was the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under fine. I see nothing wrong with acknowl- administration and the Democrat the previous order, the pending amend- edging the accomplishment of the sec- Members of the Senate. Now, there was ments numbered 2025, 2031, 2032, 2041, ond-best team. But Governor Caperton one Senator who was willing to nego- and 2042 are withdrawn. crossed the line when he signed a proc- tiate and participate in the process, The Chair recognizes the Senator lamation naming December 16—the day Senator KERRY of Massachusetts, to from North Carolina. of the game—Marshall University Day. whom I shall forever be grateful. Mr. HELMS. I thank the Chair. The Now, normally, I am a strong sup- It needs to be made clear that the Chair is absolutely correct. Mr. Presi- porter of States rights. But Governor Senator from North Carolina has dent, I believe there is a time agree- Caperton has gone too far. His procla- never, never demanded that I get my ment on this of 4 hours equally divided. mation is a slap in the face to me and way as press report after press report The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- every other self-respecting Montanan. after press report claimed. I have never ator is correct. There are 4 hours on And it is an insult to the good sense of demanded that the Senate accept this the managers’ time and the bill. every American who follows college authorization bill or that the adminis- Mr. HELMS. Very well. Mr. Presi- football. tration agree to downsize Government dent, before I begin, I will yield to the Mr. President, sometimes State gov- by eliminating a few Federal agencies. Senator from Montana to speak as in ernments make mistakes. And on occa- I have never demanded that the Senate morning business. sions like this one, they are whoppers. accept this authorization bill or that I ask unanimous consent that it be in The time has come for Congress to step the administration agree to downsize order for me to yield to the distin- in and set things right. Government and abolish some Federal guished Senator 6 minutes, not to be That is why I am introducing my res- agencies. I had hoped all of that would charged to either side, at which time olution today. It would recognize the happen, and the bill was drafted for the time will begin running on the bill. Montana Grizzlies as the new national that purpose, but I never made any de- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without champions by proclaiming all of next mand for anything—except that the objection, it is so ordered. Senate be allowed to vote on S. 908. I The Senator from Montana is recog- week Montana Grizzlies Appreciation said from the very beginning, ‘‘Let me nized. Week. It would also declare the unfor- tunate, unjust, and illegitimate procla- have a vote and you will have your am- f mation by the Governor of West Vir- bassadors.’’ I have asked only that the GO GRIZ ginia null and void. Senate be allowed to conduct its legis- Mr. BAUCUS. Mr. President, I rise If you still doubt the need for this lative responsibilities and vote. Not today to introduce a critically impor- resolution, tune in on Saturday. The once did I stipulate that S. 908 had to tant resolution. It will restore the game starts at 10 Montana time—that’s pass but just that it be voted upon. But honor of our country, and my State of noon in Washington on ESPN. It will the Democrats were afraid that if it Montana in particular, in the face of an be a great game. were put up for a vote, the Senate impudent affront leveled against us by Mr. HELMS. I can see why the Sen- would agree to abolish three Federal the Governor of West Virginia. ator was eager to make a speech and agencies—what a tragedy that would Let me begin with a question. What make a reference to Montana. I con- have been. would possess as many as 5,000 Mon- gratulate him. Since this process began months ago, tanans to leave our beautiful State and f the Foreign Relations Committee has travel to a small town in West Vir- acted on at least 58 of President Clin- FOREIGN RELATIONS ton’s ambassadorial nominees—most of ginia—of all places—for the weekend? REVITALIZATION ACT There is only one answer—and that is them political appointees, I might add. Grizzly fever. The Senate continued with the con- The committee has acted on six tax As I have proudly told many of my sideration of the bill. treaties and assorted other inter- colleagues, the University of Montana Mr. HELMS. Here we are, Mr. Presi- national treaties in that same time pe- Grizzlies are traveling to Huntington, dent. As I was saying a few minutes riod. I have asked myself many times, WV, to take on the Thundering Herd of ago, at long last, S. 908 is the pending what have we received in return? Until Marshall University in the NCAA, Divi- business before the U.S. Senate—S. 908 this date, nothing; nothing. There goes sion I–AA National Championship. And being the plan to reorganize the State that obfuscation, delay, postponement, on Saturday night, they will come Department—a plan much maligned by derailment. home to Missoula as the national all the bureaucrats who do not want to I take issue with those in the admin- champions. be folded into the State Department. istration and with my colleagues, espe- It takes a good football team to get They do not want to save any money. cially the distinguished Senator from that far. But the Grizzlies are not just To their chagrin, it looks to me like we Connecticut [Mr. DODD], who at one a good football team—they are a great are going to save some money, not as point asserted that it was the ‘‘height football team. much as we would have liked, but that of irresponsibility to hold up nearly all How great are the Grizzlies, some is an issue we can work on in con- other committee business over one may ask? ference with the House. S. 908 was re- piece of legislation.’’ CHRIS DODD Great enough to have trounced their ported to the Senate more than 6 knows better than that, Mr. President. playoff opponents. During the three months ago, and I have never seen as He is in charge of the political wing of playoff games, the Grizzlies scored a many erroneous news reports about a the Democratic Party. He is perhaps total of 156 points. Their three oppo- piece of legislation in all of my 23 experiencing a convenient amnesia, nents managed to score a paltry 14 years in the Senate. The administra- forgetting that as chairman of the For- points; and two out of the three playoff tion at every turn has vowed—and I use eign Relations Subcommittee on West- games were Grizzly shutouts. the administration’s words—vowed to ern Hemisphere in 1992, Senator DODD And the Grizzlies are great enough to ‘‘delay, postpone, obfuscate and derail’’ himself refused to schedule any sub- have what I believe is the finest quar- S. 908. They made no bones about it. committee ambassadorial nomination terback in college football today. Dave All of that was ignored by the great hearings for an entire year. So when Dickenson, from Great Falls, is a media of this country. There was just Senator DODD made his extravagant three-time first team academic all- one Senator who was holding up the statement, I respond, ‘‘Look who is American, a first team all-American whole works—that fellow from North talking.’’ quarterback, and Dave will probably Carolina, HELMS—and they went after I could go on, but suffice it to say receive the Walter Payton Award next HELMS with a feverish attitude. many of my Democrat colleagues have week as the best Division I–AA player Our Democratic colleagues signed up engaged in a bit of injured innocence in America. and have refused to allow the Senate to when they weep such copious tears Many West Virginians—including my work its will, but that did not make about the delay in Senate confirmation friends Senator BYRD and ROCKE- any difference to the news media. They of several nominees. Now, were it not VerDate Aug 31 2005 03:40 May 29, 2008 Jkt 041999 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 J:\ODA15\1995_F~1\S14DE5.REC S14DE5 mmaher on MIKETEMP with SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS S18618 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 14, 1995 for Senator KERRY’s commitment, Sen- policy of an isolationist if it were made ment. Senator KERRY knows how I feel ator KERRY of Massachusetts, his com- by anybody on this side. They all ap- about that. We have been candid to mitment to negotiate common ground, plauded when the Vice President said each other. But I want to get started we would still this very afternoon be at it. But look at the facts. How did Mr. on this business of saving the tax- an impasse. Everybody knows that GORE come up with those figures? He payers’ money, and I think JOHN there needs to be streamlining and con- yanked them out of thin air.
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