"1" : Interaction Predicted; "0" : Interaction Not Predicted. Mirna ID

"1" : Interaction Predicted; "0" : Interaction Not Predicted. Mirna ID

# "1" : interaction predicted; "0" : interaction not predicted. miRNA ID miRNA Acc Refseq Symbol Description diana microinspector miranda hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_004440 EPHA7 EPH receptor A7 0 0 1 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_007249 KLF12 Kruppel-like factor 12 0 0 1 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_001316 CSE1L CSE1 chromosome segregation0 1-like (yeast)0 1 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_001152 SLC25A5 solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial0 carrier;0 adenine nucleotide1 translocator), member 5 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_001105 ACVR1 activin A receptor, type I 0 0 1 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_013261 PPARGC1A peroxisome proliferator-activated0 receptor gamma,0 coactivator1 1 alpha hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_013309 SLC30A4 solute carrier family 30 (zinc0 transporter), member0 4 1 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_032017 STK40 serine/threonine kinase 40 0 0 1 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_013437 LRP12 low density lipoprotein-related0 protein 12 0 1 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_013449 BAZ2A bromodomain adjacent to zinc0 finger domain,0 2A 1 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_031372 HNRPDL heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein0 D-like0 1 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_001046 SLC12A2 solute carrier family 12 (sodium/potassium/chloride0 0 transporters),1 member 2 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_181712 KANK4 KN motif and ankyrin repeat0 domains 4 0 1 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_014445 SERP1 stress-associated endoplasmic0 reticulum protein0 1 1 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_014682 ST18 suppression of tumorigenicity0 18 (breast carcinoma)0 (zinc1 finger protein) hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_014683 ULK2 unc-51-like kinase 2 (C. elegans)0 0 1 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_025134 CHD9 chromodomain helicase DNA0 binding protein0 9 1 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_024953 C12orf30 chromosome 12 open reading0 frame 30 0 1 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_001438 ESRRG estrogen-related receptor gamma0 0 1 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_007203 PALM2-AKAP2 PALM2-AKAP2 0 0 1 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_001938 DR1 down-regulator of transcription0 1, TBP-binding0 (negative1 cofactor 2) hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_004354 CCNG2 cyclin G2 0 0 1 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_004451 ESRRA estrogen-related receptor alpha0 0 1 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_004229 MED14 mediator complex subunit 140 0 1 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_004687 MTMR4 myotubularin related protein0 4 0 1 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_004759 MAPKAPK2 mitogen-activated protein kinase-activated0 protein0 kinase1 2 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_003888 ALDH1A2 aldehyde dehydrogenase 1 0family, member A20 1 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_005639 SYT1 synaptotagmin I 0 0 1 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_153634 CPNE8 copine VIII 0 0 1 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_006153 NCK1 NCK adaptor protein 1 0 0 1 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_173354 SNF1LK SNF1-like kinase 0 0 1 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_006267 RANBP2 RAN binding protein 2 0 0 1 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_003043 SLC6A6 solute carrier family 6 (neurotransmitter0 transporter,0 taurine),1 member 6 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_173552 C3orf58 chromosome 3 open reading0 frame 58 0 1 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_002515 NOVA1 neuro-oncological ventral antigen0 1 0 1 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_002442 MSI1 musashi homolog 1 (Drosophila)0 0 1 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_173828 RELL2 RELT-like 2 0 0 1 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_002126 HLF hepatic leukemia factor 0 0 1 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_024749 VASH2 vasohibin 2 0 0 1 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_020818 KIAA1409 KIAA1409 0 0 1 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_018704 CTTNBP2NL CTTNBP2 N-terminal like 0 0 1 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_203403 C9orf150 chromosome 9 open reading0 frame 150 0 1 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_017719 SNRK SNF related kinase 0 0 1 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_206854 QKI quaking homolog, KH domain0 RNA binding (mouse)0 1 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_001003792 RBMS3 RNA binding motif, single stranded0 interacting0 protein 1 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_016271 RNF138 ring finger protein 138 0 0 1 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_199324 OTUD4 OTU domain containing 4 0 0 1 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_198581 ZC3H6 zinc finger CCCH-type containing0 6 0 1 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_000399 EGR2 early growth response 2 (Krox-200 homolog, Drosophila)0 1 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_016356 DCDC2 doublecortin domain containing0 2 0 1 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_019593 RP5-1022P6.2 hypothetical protein KIAA14340 0 1 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_000248 MITF microphthalmia-associated 0transcription factor0 1 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_016374 ARID4B AT rich interactive domain 4B0 (RBP1-like) 0 1 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_020440 PTGFRN prostaglandin F2 receptor negative0 regulator0 1 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_021183 RAP2C RAP2C, member of RAS oncogene0 family 0 1 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_018364 RSBN1 round spermatid basic protein0 1 0 1 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_001198 PRDM1 PR domain containing 1, with0 ZNF domain 0 1 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_006534 NCOA3 nuclear receptor coactivator0 3 0 1 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_006526 ZNF217 zinc finger protein 217 0 0 0 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_006914 RORB RAR-related orphan receptor0 B 0 1 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_052905 FMNL2 formin-like 2 0 0 0 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_033224 PURB purine-rich element binding 0protein B 0 1 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_006275 SFRS6 splicing factor, arginine/serine-rich0 6 0 1 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_052874 STX1B syntaxin 1B 0 0 1 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_033375 MYO1C myosin IC 0 0 1 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_006621 AHCYL1 S-adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase-like0 1 0 1 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_020676 ABHD6 abhydrolase domain containing0 6 0 0 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_018126 TMEM33 transmembrane protein 33 0 0 1 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_032804 ADO 2-aminoethanethiol (cysteamine)0 dioxygenase0 1 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_006722 MITF microphthalmia-associated 0transcription factor0 1 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_006999 POLS polymerase (DNA directed) 0sigma 0 1 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_032827 ATOH8 atonal homolog 8 (Drosophila)0 0 1 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_006624 ZMYND11 zinc finger, MYND domain containing0 11 0 1 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_020727 ZNF295 zinc finger protein 295 0 0 0 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_018195 C11orf57 chromosome 11 open reading0 frame 57 0 1 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_006618 JARID1B jumonji, AT rich interactive domain0 1B 0 1 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_018211 RAVER2 ribonucleoprotein, PTB-binding0 2 0 0 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_006562 LBX1 ladybird homeobox 1 0 0 1 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_006557 DMRT2 doublesex and mab-3 related0 transcription factor0 2 1 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_006540 NCOA2 nuclear receptor coactivator0 2 0 0 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_006920 SCN1A sodium channel, voltage-gated,0 type I, alpha0 subunit 1 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_018490 LGR4 leucine-rich repeat-containing0 G protein-coupled0 receptor0 4 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_005182 CA7 carbonic anhydrase VII 0 0 1 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_005109 OXSR1 oxidative-stress responsive0 1 0 1 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_004979 KCND1 potassium voltage-gated channel,0 Shal-related0 subfamily,1 member 1 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_004974 KCNA2 potassium voltage-gated channel,0 shaker-related0 subfamily,0 member 2 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_032960 MAPKAPK2 mitogen-activated protein kinase-activated0 protein0 kinase1 2 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_004854 CHST10 carbohydrate sulfotransferase0 10 0 1 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_144660 SAMD8 sterile alpha motif domain containing0 8 0 1 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_144778 MBNL2 muscleblind-like 2 (Drosophila)0 0 1 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_018710 TMEM55A transmembrane protein 55A0 0 0 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_018896 CACNA1G calcium channel, voltage-dependent,0 T type,0 alpha 1G subunit1 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_018970 GPR85 G protein-coupled receptor 085 0 1 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_004559 YBX1 Y box binding protein 1 0 0 1 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_004449 ERG v-ets erythroblastosis virus 0E26 oncogene homolog0 (avian)1 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_138730 HMGN3 high mobility group nucleosomal0 binding domain0 3 1 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_138444 KCTD12 potassium channel tetramerisation0 domain containing0 121 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_101395 DYRK1A dual-specificity tyrosine-(Y)-phosphorylation0 0regulated kinase1 1A hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_006253 PRKAB1 protein kinase, AMP-activated,0 beta 1 non-catalytic0 subunit1 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_006224 PITPNA phosphatidylinositol transfer0 protein, alpha 0 1 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_004776 B4GALT5 UDP-Gal:betaGlcNAc beta 01,4- galactosyltransferase,0 polypeptide1 5 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_006160 NEUROD2 neurogenic differentiation 20 0 1 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_020432 PHTF2 putative homeodomain transcription0 factor 20 1 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_005955 MTF1 metal-regulatory transcription0 factor 1 0 1 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_005822 RCAN2 regulator of calcineurin 2 0 0 1 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_080670 SLC35A4 solute carrier family 35, member0 A4 0 1 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_005730 CTDSP2 CTD (carboxy-terminal domain,0 RNA polymerase0 II, polypeptide1 A) small phosphatase 2 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_005711 EDIL3 EGF-like repeats and discoidin0 I-like domains0 3 0 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_018698 NXT2 nuclear transport factor 2-like0 export factor 20 1 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_080836 STK35 serine/threonine kinase 35 0 0 1 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_005628 SLC1A5 solute carrier family 1 (neutral0 amino acid transporter),0 member1 5 hsa-miR-137 MIMAT0000429 NM_004438 EPHA4 EPH receptor

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