Mmm 2 3 APR j Balochistan Education Program End-Line Evaluation Report Submitted to Save the Children Netherlands by Dr. Sarah Tirmazi March 10. 2015 Acronyms ADE Associate Diploma in Education ADEO Assistant District Education Officer AJK Azad Jammu and Kashmir Alif Ailaan An education research non-government organization (NGO) ASER Annual Status of Education Report BEP Balochistan Education Program BEMIS Balochistan Education Management Information System BESP Balochistan Education Sector Plan BoC Bureau of Curriculum CC Child Club C&W Construction and Works Department CFHE Child Focused Health Education Chowkidar Guard CRM Child Rights Movement DAC Development Assistance Committee DBDM Data Based Decision Making DDEO Deputy District Education Officer DDR Disaster Risk Reduction DEO District Education Officer or Office DEMIS District Education Management Information System ECC Early Childhood Care ECD Early Childhood Development ECE Early Childhood Education ED-LINKS Links to Learning; Education Support to Pakistan (USAID) EKN Embassy of the Kingdom of Netherlands ELM Education Leadership and Management EMIS Education Management Information Systems FATA Federally Administered Tribal Areas FGD Focus Group Discussion GB Gilgit-Baltistan GER Gross enrolment ratio GGMS Government Girls Middle School GoB Government of Balochistan HDI Human Development Index H&H Health and Hygiene ICT Islamabad Capitol Territory ICTD Information and Communication Technologies for Development IDO Innovative Development Organization IDSP Institute for Development Studies and Practices Infra Refers to infrastructure questionnaire in BEP Survey INGO International non-government organization IP Implementing Partner IT Information Technology Katchi Nursery or grade zero KAP Knov/ledge, Attitude and Practices Kll Key Informant Interview KN Kingdom of Netherlands KPK Khyber Pakhtunkhwa LEG Local Education Group, Department of Education, Balochistan M&E Monitoring and evaluation MDTF Multi-DonorTrust Fund (World Bank) MEAL Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning Unit at SC MoU Memorandum of Understanding MTB-MLE Mother Tongue Based-Multilingual Education NEP National Education Policy 2009 NER Net enrolment ratio NFC National Finance Commission Award NGO Non-Government Organization OECD Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development OR Operational Research PC Planning Commission PDQ Program Development and Quality PEACe Provincial Education Assessment Center PGEB Promoting Girls Education in Balochistan PITE Provincial Institute for Teacher Education PPAF Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund PPIU Policy Planning and Implementation Unit, Department of Education, GoB PSC Public Service Commission PSLM Pakistan Social and Living Standards Measurement PTI Physical training instructor Parent Teacher School Management Committee QPO Quetta Program Office, Save the Children RCC Releasing Confidence and Creativity RTE Right to Education SC Save the Children, Global SCNL Save the Children, Netherlands SCPK Save the Children, Pakistan SCSPEB Society for Community Strengthening and Promotion of Education or SOCIETY SDCP Sustainable Development Consultants, Pakistan SDPI Sustainable Development Policy Institute (Pakistan) SEHER Society for Empowering Human Resource SEP School Expansion Plans SHN School Health and Nutrition SIP School Improvennent Plan SNE Statement of new expenditure SO Refers to school observation questionnaire in BEP Survey SOCIETY Society for Community Strengthening and Promotion of Education or SESPEB SOP Standard Operating Procedure SPO Strengthening Participatory Organization SSI Secondary school teacher St. Refers to students' questionnaire in BEP Survey T- Refers to teachers' questionnaire in BEP Survey UNICEF United Nations Children's Fund WATSAN Water and sanitation MAP OF BALOCHISTAN [BEP focus districts specified) ".UTECSX*»' 'MKTj^u\./ itiiJrim w^yia'4 ll- k^d^. mtj «1^ de «tf <"V^' »* A* fBrt y rW WuJj fdtl Crovp, Oiy Af«<*"A1cp f / f' PAK\i TAN r ./u«ï«boBl» --' isA .'. / MWS/ 'fMè I I V>—<^ScÜrf» 'ek.a- S<4 iir''.'iJ*r<> ZoraT^'^ ( S 5_ 'C A .V. ...V. -. , . , t^hsnf O :;. {/r •"=5^\ \ - .:• • / •- - vJF?^ , ^ ,, '/"o^ ^', • ([PUNJAB 0 N" • \- ^ ^ Cdw»., • A • • :•"' / • • w«, -I r" f _Jl.> •'• ., , 'f. •' I; ^ Hoi-SoT " ; 'J Af^ .'' '. i'JZl' , ; -mA :i Us a^v \lodgati« f ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN Ï i INDIA ? r f Arabian Sea Contents I. Introduction and Background 20 II. Objectives of the Evaluation 26 III. Methodology 27 IV. Findings on Program Objectives 28 V. Relevance 49 VI. Effectiveness 52 VII. Efficiency 62 VIII. Impact 71 IX. Sustainability 86 X. Summary of Conclusions and Recommendations 93 XI. Lessons Learned and Good Practices 103 Tables Table 1. Population of Balochistan and focus districts 20 Table 2. Comparative Education Statistics Pakistan (%) 22 Table 3. Enrolment in focus districts as a percentage of total Balochistan enrolment for that category ..23 Table 4. Rural access 23 Table 5. Rural quality 24 Table 6. Education scores for primary schools 24 Table 7. Education statistics for the three focus districts with reference to the province 25 Table 8. Primary school infrastructure scores for the year 2014 26 Table 9: Children enrolled in ECE Classes 2014 29 Table 10; BEP retention and completion rates 2011-2013 29 Tablell. Number of ECE Centers in Balochistan Schools 30 Table 12: Breakup of Upgraded Schools for Girls by District 30 Table 13: Transition rate of girls -B EP schools 37 Table 14: Progress in Recruitment of ECE Teachers 66 Table 15. BEP Budget and expenditures (€) 67 Table 16. Horizontal distribution of the National Finance Commission Award (NFC) 86 Table 17: Straight Transfers for FY2013-14 & FY2014-15 (Rs. million) 87 TablelB, Donor Collaboration in Balochistan 88 Table 19. Summary of Conclusions and recommendations 93 Diagrams Diagram 1. Incidence of poverty in Pakistan 22 Diagram 2. Which type of infrastructure facility is most important for promoting education according to the teachers? 31 Diagram 3. Provision of utilities in schools 32 Diagram 4. Teachers' opinion about facilities and positive impact on schooling 33 Diagram 5. Availability of School Supplies 34 Diagram 6. Do you feel safe in the school environment with the teacher? 34 Diagram 7. Provision of child friendly school environment 35 Diagram 8. Primary school student teacher ratios 36 Diagram 9. Promotion rates of girls in focus districts overall (%) 37 Diagram 10. What is the most important effect or change that this BEP education project has had on you personally? 38 Diagram 11. Effectiveness of training 38 Diagram 12. is teachers' teaching metho d participatory (according to school observations)? 39 Diagram 13. How has the teacher organized sitting arrangements for children? 39 Diagram 14. Is the teacher utilizing ECE material and learning support material? ) 40 Diagram 15. Communications with teachers and participation 40 Diagram 16. How does the teacher make the learning process interesting for you? 41 Diagram 17. Observations (primary, middle and high) regarding student learning achievements 42 Diagram 18. Socialization and learning of children in BEP schools 43 Diagram 19. Percentage utilization of the education budget 2010-11 to 2012-13 70 Diagram 20. Children awareness through training 72 Diagram 21. Teachers' opinion of girls' schooling 73 Diagram 22. How to further encourage girls schooling according to teachers 74 Diagram 23. How do teachers feel about ho w to get children to behave? 78 Diagram 24. Bullying in school and teachers' help in countering it 78 Diagram 25. What are the topics which are covered in the (PTSMC) training? 81 Diagram 26. Reported hand washing practices among school children 83 7 Diagram 27. Hand washing practices among adolescent girls 83 Diagram 28. Education Budget as a Percentage of the Provincial Budget 88 Annexes Annex 1. Persons interviewed 107 Annex 2. References 108 Annex 3. Submissions on BEP by Implementing Partners 110 Annex 4. Quantitative questionnaires 110 Annex 5. Qualitative questionnaires 110 Annex 6. Consolidation and analysis of qualitative questionnaires 110 Annex 7. Survey Data Collection Ill Annex 8. Procurement orders and dates received for 2014 117 Annex 9. Planned versus actual coverage of quantitative and qualitative data collection 121 Executive Summary For five years, Save the Children supported the Balochistan Education Program (henceforth called BEP or the Program) which aimed to benefit approximately 56,800 e xisting and 16,200 new children in 340 schools through increased access to a bett er quality of education. Of the total number 73,000 children that the program aimed to reach, about 43,800 were girls. Three Balochistan based partners. Innovative Development Organization (IDO), Society for Empowering Human Resource (SEHER) and Society for Community Strengthening and Promotion of Education (SCSPEB or Society), were selected to i mplement the program in close cooperation with the Department of Education at the provincial and district levels. One o f the mayor achievements is access of quality education to more than 105,000 boys and girls which is 26 percent more than the target. The Program was im plemented in the districts of Quetta, Mastung and Killa Abdu llah and aimed at achieving four objectives: improving access; quality; advocacy with government and implementation thereof, improved management information systems at the district level and enhanced provincial budgets for the education sector; and information on health and hygiene needs at the school
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