The WeaUMT pAO l m r m Average De0y,,Net Praee Ron •t o , A WOHIMM jRanrlr^Bti^r ^vptting ^^ralb FRIDAY, AUGUST 14, 19BS For tlM Waek BikM Hmy Mrd, UM Members of the Walthor L«agu* bodge 8t. area will pay 40 per 'Rarller. the School Building elMT a U n «■«•$« ti and all youth of the Zion Luther­ cent, or $40,000; persona who may Mohahan to Get Committee had auggeated the 12,925 * manring Hag. Law ■ 7e, About Town an ChuiTh have been Invited to a one day mo vis into the area north Building Inspection Department avaay. bat, bs.nnd aummer rally, sponsored b>' the of W. Middle Tpke. in fhe Adams Fourth 5lan Soon might be able to do the work. At MMibav of Mm Andtt Th* W-montlily dtnce *t the Hartford Zone of-the nWlonal St. area will pay 30 per cent, or that time. Committee member BofMiM M OlreatattoM ManchentKT’^ A City o f Villago Chorm EUlnfttm Rl(l|« Countrj- Chib; league, Sunday at 2 p.m'. at Slop- $80,000 (meanwhile, the payment A fourth man may 6e appointed Raymond Goalee said he did not will be held Saturday nitrht from! la- deferred 1: and the Water and favor such a move because the de­ era Camp. Southington Thoae to the building inspector's depart­ B to 1 attending ahoiild bring their own Sew'er Department will pay 30 per I partment was understaffed. MANCHESTER, CONN„ SATURDAY, AUGUST 15, 1959 (Ctaaaiflad*AdvartlatNg Paea i) PRICE n V E CfeMTB food Soda and Ice cream may be cent, or $30,000. ment next week. The job for a fourth Inspector In VOL. LXXVllL NO. 269 TEN PAGES—TV SECTION Ma] Donald K Kuehl. 1« N Kim ! purchased there In caae of rain, A public hearing on the projects D epii^Jm reel nr of P u b lic Works i the building department haa been S t. haa been elected vice preeident j the rally will be held the follow­ will be held Sept. I.S. Chester^.heater^. Langtry said today that ■ open for many months. About 30 of the 7«th DlviBion Training chap­ ing Sunday. Aug 2.1. '. no definite date has been set for men took an examination for the ter of the Resene Officers Assn the appointment but it will be I post in December and there la a Cone Catch Foiled pixie Senators The dlsision is presently taking an-, The Manchealer Square I>anre Booklet Describes made "reaaonabi soon, possibly salary allotment in the budget for Union Chief nutl Held training at Ft PU. K J | Club will meet Saturday night at next week." ' the position. Meanwhile^ Building Inspector The building inspectors depart- The Aaaumption hf the Blessed: a o'clock a f the Weal Side tennia Typical Shelters Hint Filibuster courla Ih rase of rain, the rJub Thomas Monahan estimated today I ment is now acting In the clerk Virgin Mary Mass will be cele-! that the town could save about i of the works capacity despite the Sees Long Balloon Orbit Try Castro Charges U.S. brated at 8:S0 tomorrow mom-|■ will meet at the Baal Side Rec. A booklet with plana for five f4.000 If the appointment la made I fact that It Is undermanned. On Rights Bill Ing in St John's Polish National j! F.arl .Tohnsfon will he the caller types of radioactive fallout shelter and the buildings department's CathoUc Church ' for aqua re dancing. la being distributed In Manchester by the Civil Defense office. staff, which would then be at full complement, performed the clerk Steel Strike Washington, Aug; 16 (/P)— The Buckingham CongregaUon- Gordon C Todd, son r>f Mr. and Celled The.Family Fallout Shel­ Special Ma^^es Results in Failure of the works Job at the North End Southern Senators hinted to­ al Church will hold lU annual ' Mrs. Gordon Todd. 182 "McKee 8t„ ter, the booklet contains diagrams, lists of materiala and estimated Junior high school project. A total Detroit, Aug. 15 (/P) — day that any ahort-ciit move chicken barbecue, for the benefit ,has been accepted for enrollment of $8,000 has been set aside for the Slated Saturday of the building fund, on Saturday. m the College of Arte and Science prices. There la also brief instruc­ United Steelworkerd president T he U nited S ta te s had ita tb u t th# Dafens# to force a broad civil rights at the L'nlversity of Bridgeport tion on equipping the shelter. supervisory position". David J. McDonald says pros­ thpre was little hope they would bill up for action in the Sen­ Aug 22, at the church, with three Monahan Aral made the suggea- M. sses wt- aH * four ■ Cathedie busiest day of rocketry yes­ find it. The device’s signal equip­ Aids Cuban Plotters sittings. 6 and " p.m The menu for the fall term beginning In Tile simplest shelter is made pects are bleak for an rarly September. He la a graduate of • from concrete blocks, costs about" ITbn last week that his department churches In .Manchester ' will be terday since it began reaching ment apparently failed to work. ate Will rifn smack into a fili­ Hill include baftecued chicken, $1.50, and is largely a do-it-yourself perfoim the job at the junior high celebrated ton orrow ^ obaervanee settlement of the nationwide buster. baked poUto. baked 'beans, toss htonaon Academ.v. for Space. But the main ef­ If the Cape Canaveral balloon project, according to the booklet.; school instead of a private in- ! of the Feast of the Assumption. steel strike. fort- failed—an attempt to had gone into orbit, it would have Plana to carry the fight to the salad. French bread and Ice cream . Membere of the 8th Dtatnct Fire The Office of Civil and ,Defen8<M dividual. Today, he explained that ; The Masses st St. Bridget's McDonald, on a tour of -Detroit been the third successful satellite Senate were made by civil rights Resen-atlons may be made with send a 12-fo«t inflatable bal­ advocates after futile efforts yea- Mrs Alvah Russell Mountain Rd . * Department are requested to meet Mobtlir-alion in Washington, D. the 4 inspectors in his department j Church will be at 7. 8 and 9 o'clock area picket Unee yesterday, told to circle the Earth In a week. Last Hits Herter, at the firehouse at. .S;30 tomorrow has advised local CD groups th at' could work an 8,a.m. to 5 p.m. day , in the morning, and at 5'.80 and newamen the strike will end when loon into orbit. Frldky a Thor-Able rocket shoved te~day to jar a bill loose from GlastonbuiH- night. In uniform, to partictpate loans to homeowners for the con- instead of the present 9 to 5. This 7;3o in the evening, Roger M. Blough, preeident of U.S. The Juno n i^ket -roared space­ a 142-pounda t'Paddlewheel” satel­ the Senate Judiciary Committee at ' in the parade in Haiardville. stiuctlnn of shelters sre available Would mean an extra four hours s gix Masses will be held at St. Steel Corn., "decldee to end It.” ward from) Cape Canaveral, Fla., lite Into orbit which still is radio­ ’a 6-hour i lee'ting. through the Federal Housing Ad- qay which could, be devoted to su- | Ja.mes' Church, at 6:80, 8:30, 7:80, Later he told a tmion rally "thia bearing the unusual balloon-moon. ing back important space Informa­ Sen. Joh.: L. McClellan (D-Ark), Blasts O A S INTERIOR and EXTERIOR A food sale, eponaored by Senior Edwin Carey's car was. deposited on the sidewalk. The quilled . pervlslhg the school project, he 8;so and 9:80 a.m., and at 7:80 won't be a abort atrike.” Its three atages ignited succese- tion.-’ a committee memlier, declined to Girl Scout Troop'1. will be held at door and smashed side show the point of impact. Police esti­ The FHA will Insure home Im- gaid. - ‘p.m. At a newa conference, McDon­ fully, but the last one apparently The balloon-moon was designed give any direct reply when asked PAINTING the ,1. W. Hale .store tomorrow mated damage to this car at about $400 and to Donald Eagle- provement loans up to $.1,500, ac-i Me-.iberji of St. Bf.rtholomew's ald waa aaked if he thought Preal- went in the wrong direction and to show just how much drag the how he and other Dixie foes of 2 Admitted Carried the satellite back into thi^ A s ‘ F a rc e ’ PAPERHANGING (morning, alerting at 8 o'clock.. son's car at about $800. i Herald Photo by Oflarai. comecording directly to CD. from but F'HA,the loan mual| be about one"inr^hiie half of of thethe $8,000,ss ooo hebe 'i arish will hkve Maaaea. in the dent Elaenhower might employ the super-thin atmosphere up to an civil rights measures intended to Proceeds will go Into the Scottish I earth’s atmosphere. altitude of 1,000 m|lee or so would counter this strategy. The fallout shelter Ixioklet Is **'“• Buckley School at 8, 9 and 10 a.m. Tdft-Hartley Act and invoke an Another failure waa a giant Titan By NAROLO K. MXUHI SPRAY PAINTING F^^nd. Virginia King and Karen | To Hospital Carey, driving ea.st, was making The times for the Masses at the 80-day antl-etrlke injunction,, Mc­ 'have on such a large, light object.
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