![BOMBS EXPLODE in US EMF, A'ssy--U~ I~ E;-; Xec~ H.~~: Bo~ Rd](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
University of Nebraska at Omaha DigitalCommons@UNO Kabul Times Digitized Newspaper Archives 2-5-1964 Kabul Times (February 5, 1964, vol. 2, no. 283) Bakhtar News Agency Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimes Part of the International and Area Studies Commons Recommended Citation Bakhtar News Agency, "Kabul Times (February 5, 1964, vol. 2, no. 283)" (1964). Kabul Times. 545. https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimes/545 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Digitized Newspaper Archives at DigitalCommons@UNO. It has been accepted for inclusion in Kabul Times by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UNO. For more information, please contact [email protected]. - , .. ~ "- I -. ..... ,. 'y , ,. '. ... - '"" ~ - " : • ., -FEBR"UARY, 4, 1964 '. ,- I TIMES " PAGE 4 .<i THE WEATHER -- .}., --, '. Afghanistiin, West German Firms Sign o' YESTERDAY M~x -12°C. Home News In ~I\Iinimum - . ~ ~tws Sl'ALt-S ': - ". EVE~" O·C. ;:'5ar,e,n~w;· Kh~ber-- o CYPRUS )~ ~ Sun sets today at 5- ~9 p.m Resfaumt ­ ... ... ContJ~-acts ·....O~ Mahipar Power Project , >, ),e:u -Sh3;li Pu(~ iYue' lHoSque «(;Ontd. from oage It~ . i Brief ..,~ Sun rises tomorrow at &-:35 a,m. tn~:J .'- t ' •, "'-T Tomorrow's OutlOOk' ':1 lif:.nai ClclJ; ?':>mir qroeill.l 0: lr;e gO\ ernmen I. , r 5­ KABUL, Feb 4.-The Pashtani .~-=- SHghtly cloudv . , " Tur :Ish officials last ;..::.D.lght I '. .~h"t Tejarat1 -Bank held a reception -ForecaSt by Air Aothuiity , ,rre<!'eli Turkey W6'fJd be '- I • lD honour of two ViSiting ~. ( ,10; \;lIe of }andm~ ,,~ -least 20.000 -- last mght m the \'OL II, NO 283 --- ·ncr. on Cyprus \';~tjhtn V~prs If Brltlsh bankprs PARK CINEMA ' KABUL. W~DNESDA"{~FEBRUARY 5,1964. (DALlVA 15. 1~42SHj :," _. '.' .: .:; Spm;car Hiitel t!lc' s:t"a'lOn \\'uTranlled a .=lltary I At 3, 7 and 10 p.lJl Russian film. ' . i The bankers Mr D Rodsfln and !110Y( !~.. SERVANT OF 'l'WO l\JASTERS ., , s{1~rc A L Goodall of the Westmimster -U~I~E;-;xec~h.~~: Bo~rd_ ,··~~BINE~·., APJ~?tt}\jES- T .. rbsn So- ore --nSmlflg I \\'lth translation 5n PerSIan .. ~.re BOMBS EXPLODE IN US EMF,A'SSY- TErqTATD'E ,rFcc s:;:.teS!T1en who a~-l!. hkelY ! Ba.'1k m Kabul to have talks KABUL CINEMA 't"'"'{}.~ b"~, ." ltn the Pashtam TeJaratl Bank At 3, 7-30 and 10 p.m. RUSSian (1 bi: apP0Jn1.-ed . meOla Atte~ds .'lE~\R ~ I'..'.6.TO Counnl Tr.ey are Bel-' o':1~lals on vanous b.usmess trans­ film; VOL"ARI CHAKALOV With IN CYPRUS: U.S.A.?S PRGTESTI A Meetlng' Held •. - BUDGET ·...FOR FiSC-jU,' "1343 _. _ en Foreign . llmst~r Pau} Hen­ actIonS and co-operatlOn between translation m Persian, ,Ma~arios ~ ~jUL F~b. ~.-- .- • s.paal: Dutcb ForF1gn .~mlster t~e' "',0 enterpnses The West­ B.EHZAD CINEMA Wants Security Cbuncil In Ministry':' -of "Health' .- . J ._ ,- _ •• ', , .. "'"'ph ],.U'15 and, a '~ormer mm"is.le:- Bank !S prOVIding trave­ ~ ~ C~~lnet ~ lers cheques for the Afghan Bank At 3. 7-30 and 10 p.m. Russian Authority On' All ied Force To . Cyprus Council 'fi:ls. a!ll)I'Hed':; tcrt--;,t;,ve O!!dge.t for::._- F- "~C!1 Pnme .)hni::;t=eT- _I KABUL. F"o........ 5,-Dr_ 'rablbi.... t-ne ~ _ 1343• It 11":.~~ "~l".... _ t.-';.":·"d_4 ': li''';/!, n-~"'r,,5-~ "S.Vi,.I--.>,oto.,.A ;;.n"l',~L' ~""'cu"';1" ._.l-fg" _~;c- ~... _ - film; SKY BEING CONQTJERED . l .f 'The cmner was also attended by head of UNICEF Execll~nie Board . ThIS '.figiir.C.- iI:("~U'd'!s. un.a ord:n_t.'. ::::.' r~,,'?t::;i.m:e::t e:: . "'1~. the PreSidents of several com­ BY THEM. (neuter).~ ::1 Athe'l' Cyprus Fore,gn 1 . , NICOSIA, Feb: 5. delega,t1on. now.. v1sltUlg Af"hanl's- ·d·..." ,,- 'h? 'Tn"" - <o > • .. - 1" . ~.I~"(; ZAINEB CINEMA . WO. b,omb.s exploded at the multI'-storey AmerJ'can emb~ssy .. ~. pen I.ares cram: 1:<1''' -, i'-'O'i .I111<i, th? '~:L:? 'len j in J;-;:>. - SO\-=ros K)-pnal1Qll S.<HO merCial orgamzatlOns and a num­ '- . a 1 tan, attended yesterdav a- ineetmcr ... - - • -.- .: ~cia~ 'wa'JCy;p'rus Prc:'ld;:;nt ber of ealtors m the Capital At 3; 7-30 and 9 n,m. RUSSian T ln Elm. MORNING FLIGHT With serib::~~ym:u~s.t mght ~ausing some damag~ but no Qne was i hHeld, h the-l\JhnIstrY'~f Bubh~ N-~inrnha}:- P~{mle:Receh'~~ (\0~·'-~~~~;'~~-:;-i~":f.,~,~;~J!{:~;~. ;"- .~",('rb:sf.op :akario.$ ~~Dly 1.? he I eaLt. and e.xplain"d the actlVI- ""-' ,,- 'l" '. d' .' -B~ translatlOn m Persian. 0J': _. S "sh proposU wr a , The American ~mba~sadQr, Mr. Fraser Wilkins, i~l'1lediate- I ;,es of thE1 speclalrzed a~enCles of; Va~~iDa.ti.{)n.· Agamst·. t~t,~~~~~ I~ :;~~t~ ~~~~J~';;'~~;; cO:1'e~ence C~'.P~u;; - '\ -\TO on I ly ~ent to the P::esldentlal palace with an escort of a~med US \ ;he Un~~e'd NatIOns and ,w«YS to 'Sniallpox 'Ariel-. ~hG~d' n t.ht' >leLP ef i>m[J..':."·, bu~t'·· " .C ~" :-.~ueci to ~'2 \\ ,,0- KABUL, Feb 4 ~Paklstan Am- THANT NAlVIES ALGffiR J mannes and lodged a strong protest. ' ' ~se t~elr service!'., - ),'..., - p ,_ ,1t''''''.I(11;: the .deVdQ;J-:T!=n~~~&ad!<c-. '1~':' SQU~DE. :.::.r ·.. ··:.:7c:-:;C ;he.nex; t\,.o'l i bassador hela a reception at hiS IN 'lION,OUR An Ainencan embassy official \ '" ." _' _ JA~~ABAD"Feo. :\:~l',VI"!-l"} rne :",cm:, i' '->i':'~ H~i: ;;ri!:U'.p1? ; ..,' ~ c Ai" i reSIdence last evening Among ~ T~, pte"l.ge~. !Jubli~'heaJ~ au~nCi'l:.Jes saId the bombs exploded at the His lUaJ"es.ty A u::-ds \ b rheettng was owr, :lal "'1;we 'P"'Pl'\.· !'l'lf.lr.e -- " - : ,,~ r.~·\·<men ~a.ry. 1UI":_'~trv. 'f '''I' "':In . those who attended the party OF UNITED NATIONS rear of .the embassy buildmg. Hen Late. y r. A?dyl Kayeu~ R,:!~()OI, the 'mnoculateCl rrio~.e tbar: Q':J.OO Jiim-' :: - . '0 ~ VA'BUL. Fe'b'. 4.-The 0 ,., Ines, anu - . =- ·''::''c::o. spa",.. u,' ,,"'" LU "LUll'> I t I were certam Cabinet Members, • (R ). shattenng-a concrete pJllar and Makhmoor's COr: dolence Deputy :'-hnlster of ~ub!l;: !r!'alth..Clr~d geveJTty ,thoilsand pcSfple -1,,,-,. .ye rr :'1\_·2.~NlO,O Ai~'T· · -- - 0 ':"-'-::IO;.l:e~, s:'-W-D\-er u. .dustries 1\'fo'nda" signed two agreements WIt 1 wo ALGIERS, FeB 4, euter.- C • . - • "L ' k t b hIgh rankmg officials of some mI- h U . d N t 'S' blowmg oat the embassy tel~ . - ng<'lln~Lsmallpox. and rltQr~ th,,!') I "is .....-,1- '. c~~" ,-.u r ':- t"1~ cr~v h - 0..::,,':5 2.'p"-: er. rOll'<= 0 or.- 'VeSt Ge.rman 'firms on the preliminary wor 0 e nlstnes and a number of heads U 'T ant, mte a,lOns ecdre- ~ Meetl'ng Rep1esentatives of 'van',us ,1,,,-' h '--' <- " " - phone ~xchange ~ U<.: t'.'0 l.ousaHll mur. wncweC" peu' j m~,,[, l.nrd,,€:t' - -. _. ::-C.T, ~ ('05:" V:!:i'l was launched on t;""e l\ia"'u'nar Power Pro.J'ect. W.hen com, tary-General, Monday name ~ 'h, '- ~. ananIi G l ,11 1! " and members of 'the Diplomatic AI' h f panments usmg UNICDF alu out· 1 g d I - - . Ambassador Wilkms, hiS Wife KABUL• Feb 5 -HI, Majesty 1 d P I' a aUlSt, ,-,'PMO:._ - - -' l~' . :"_",.1"'.:' l)'- : FJn..nc~ i:." . I~.c:,.c: Cle:-:oes. .hea"Cl O.1,t I' re- pleted the lUahipar Electric Pl~nt wlil.provld,e 40,000 Corps square In glers m onour 0 me 'tbelr nee.ds to the mee,·ttng. .. D" uasc'<n .\ I th n. - . ,'-'- Anne and their two sons who thI' K mg attended yes: ~rday thE. ,- " LA,;a ,:,"'. .e 1-'" esto:' or 1.!C14.Ite>.~ al~ t::uver,t:nel':!<il ,,-' " C\ ',0; a;:;.ega ~ 10 the kI'lowatt's of ele-ctricity which wIll be pu.mped mto the the United Nations and inaugu- P-uli!i(~ :He!\lthA~a1d.~hat S!mmnS"'r-(:ucle~ ~9--J{) ~.fleir m~~- ." ;. _".,~c Ion J '--~U" . t rated the new Umted Nations ocetipy a sUite on the top' floor, funeral services of ttl! late. J\llr Th . '. Ulf9u,dl cO:J.~.~ ~onsumptlon '. I' mee-tmg'.\\ as dtlended a'm- Iy j1 S d"p r:t fit h d '" I d th t . .. ' ._ "-,:0:1 ..,c, ,"-y,,.,. citT at times wh'en electricity goes up 0 we~e unhurt Abdu ami Makhmool' adVIser h ", I.~, a me,•• ,.:1:. -c,,_ee5e ,E:- fI1Z~:.on,,~.o:~.etc;T.>: "J'1,1 <'''." , " KABUL. Feb 4--The UNICEF headquarters here " 1 H d ' Dng ot ers by Dr. KOZllSlUk Chatr- 1 h ., fi,a ' Embassy offi~lals confirmed that to the Mmlstry of Pre,ii nd Infor- -f h ~ nea t 01 mnz:e. tfEll ,\\ ~ ttlQ',b3:J'€t .,,,hal e c;; th~y C3U' rmg. ~Q(}.' \' recondh,' 'carned Maka- its maximum.·' ., .L h B d -d I Later the Secretary-General, ~ t h h \, man 0 t e Nafional:. Executive 9ne hant/rad peo '0 '~-- { '. '1-0 •• he".·~pl" h· h was siooncd WIth a ExecutIve oar . I' egat:on now o~ Afric~, Mr Wilkms was lodgl'ng the rna Ion. W IC was held m~ Shah C t" f UN'ICEF - " ,. 'P., !n.• s c y ",~.·.tn ,,~. Gr E1:!0- expellG! -'J,,,;; • 'c, on the n.
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