i Thursday, May 15, 1947 THE JOURNAL CALDWELL OHIO Page Nine ness session. NOTICE OF •’Summerfield High School Will Hold Destiny Calls The Women’s Society of Christian Service met at the home of Leura PUBLIC SALE Dickinson, Thursday, of last week. RAYMOND LINCICOME. 59th Annual Commencement Friday Twelve members and four visitors Administrator of the Estate of Thomas Me Mann, Deceased, were present. Potluck dinner was Plaintiff, The fifty-ninth annual com­ served at the noon hour followed DOLLY~ HESSON ,et. mencement exercises of Summer­ by a business session and a program ley, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bates, Defendants. field high school will be held Fri­ children, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sell, in the afternoon. day evening, May 16, beginning at The June meeting will be at the In the pursuance oftne__ ______order ___of ____the 8:00 o’clock, according to an an­ son, Terry, of Canton, Mr. and Mrs. Probate Court of Noble County, Ohio, I Junior Lashley, son, Danny, Bates­ home of Mrs. John Blackburn. will offer for sale at public auction on nouncement made today by F. ville, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Meighen, Mrs. John Hall spent a few days the 7th day of June, 1947, at 10:00 o'clock Ward Bishop, superintendent. A. M., at the West Door of the Court children, Miss Kay Bates of Sales­ last week in Good Samaritan hosp­ The complete program will be as House, the following described real es­ ville, Mr. and Mrs. William Rich, ital, where she underwent a minor tate situated in the State of Ohio, County follows: concert, “Salute to the children, and Mr. and Mrs. William operation. of Noble, to-wit: Colors,” “Legend of Spring” and Lashley, son, Gary, and Miss Wilma Jean Hall of Cleveland is spend­ And Township of Enoch, and being “Sunshine and Shadows,” by the ing a few days with her parents, the East half of the SE14 of the SE^ school * orchestra; processional, Wilson was an afternoon caller. of Section 32, Township 6, Range 8 Quite a number from the Ken- Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hall. containing twenty (20) acres, more or * March Triumphal,” school orches­ less. ALSO, the following real estate nonsburg grange attended Center Mrs. Ernest Thorla has gone to tra; invocation, Rev. Marie Tschap- situate in the Township of Jefferson grange at Sarahsville Thursday Cincinnati to spend a few days with and being Fraction No. 2 in the NW% pat; music, “Summer Winds Blow,” evening. A potluck lunch was served her daughter. of Section 34, Township 6, Range 8 girls’ glee club; salutatory, “Amer­ containing twenty-seven (27) acres, after the meeting. Garnet Parks spent the past week ica Calls To Youth,” Freda Sorg; more or less. end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Said premises are appraised at Two music, “Enchantment,” school or­ A. G. Parks. Hundred Seventy-five Dollars ($275.00) chestra; valedictory, “A Brave and must be sold for not less than two- New World,” Dorothy Ann Sorg; SALESVILLE thirds of said appraised value, and the terms of the sale are cash in hand at clarinet duet, Freda and Dorothy Salesville, May 14 — Salesville time of sale. Ann Sorg; class address, “The school will close May 22 with a WALNUT RIDGE RAYMOND LINCICOME. Practical Objective of American basket picnic at noon and a school Walnut Ridge, May 14—Mr. and Administrator of the Estate of Thomas McMann, Deceased. Ikiucation,” Dr. Galen Starr Ross, program at 2 o’clock. Everyone in­ Mrs. Hobert Feldner, of Dalton, 44 45 46 47 president of Capital university, vited. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Columbus; presentation of diplo­ Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Holmes and Mose Horton and Mr. and Mrs. I mas, H. C. Secrest, county superin­ Roy Holmes were in Newark Sun­ Charles Feldner. LEGAL NOTICE tendent of schools; benediction, day. NOTICE TO NEXT OF KIN Rev. Richard Wells; and exit Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Long and Mrs. Abbie King and grand­ Probate Court, Noble County, Ohio family and Henry Kehl visited Mr. daughter, Donna Kay Wintgens, re­ Notice of Application to Probate march, “Happy Landing,” school TO SAVE In the Matter of the Will of orchestra. and Mrs. Harry Kehl and son, Sun­ turned to Canton, Sunday night, af­ TILLIE HUFFMAN, Deceased. Members of the graduating class day. ter spending two weeks at O. O. To Evelyn Swick, Youngstown, Ohio.; FREEDOM You are hereby notified that on the are: J. O. Carpenter, Jr., Ward Marie Eschbaugh spent Sunday Horton’s. 29th day of April, 1947, an instrument of Cunningham. Donald Franks, Car­ with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hashman — ANTD === Warren Horton, of Alliance, spent writing, purporting to be the last Will roll Guiler, George Horton, Rich­ and family of Byesville. DEMOCRACY Sunday night and Monday with his and Testament of Tillie Huffman, de­ Mrs. Roy Holmes has returned ceased, late of Elk Township, in said ard Hupp, Leland Leasure, Paul parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Hor­ County, was produced in open Court, and Ritterbeck, Dorothy Ann Sorg, to her home after a ten-day visit an application to admit the same to pro­ with relatives in Newark. ton. bate was on the same day made in said Freda Sorg, and Alfred Warner. Mrs. Abbie King and little grand­ Court. Said application will be for hear­ Members of the faculty are: Miss Verna Statan visited Mr. and ing before said Court on the 20th day Superintendent Bishop, Otis G. Mrs. John Roe Tuesday. daughter spent Tuesday with Mrs. of May, 1947, at 10:00 o’clock A. M. Mrs. Pauline Lashley spent a few Martha Horton. Witness my signature and the seal of King, Grace Taylor, and Ruth Day. said Court, this 9th day of May, 1947. Richard Clark, Z. W. Mallett, days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mabel Horton is employed at the OTTO POLING. Stanley Bates, Wilbur Palmer, and John Roe this week. home of Dr. and Mrs. G. B. Taylor, Probate Judge. •Harold Mallett are members of the Wilfred Roe and James Redman of Summerfield. By Helen Johnson, Deputy Clerk. Summerfield local board of edu- were shoppers in Barnesville Satur­ Mr. and Mrs. Rome Morris, Max­ cation. day. Mrs. Ray Lashley of Olathe, Colo., ine and Janet Morris were Sunday visitors at Otis Martin’s. LEGAL NOTICE Summerfield— and Mrs. Russell Waggoner of Ken­ IN THE COMMON PLEAS COURT nonsburg visited Mr. and Mrs. Har­ Mrs. John King and Donna Kay OF NOBLE COUNTY, OHIO old Meighen and family Thursday Wintgens, of Canton, spent Thurs­ WILLARD D. LASHLEY, Plaintiff Special Speakers To and Friday. Sunday. Perfect Record day night and Friday at Bert Van- Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hinton and Mr. and Mrs. Daton Harper and PLEASANT VALLEY Fossen’s, of East Union. C. R. CALDWELL and Address Grange Meeting son, Phillip, Mrs. Blanche Williams A. G. CALDWELL, and Judy Brill of Columbus visited son of Marietta, spent Mother’s day Pleasant Valley, May 14 — Mrs. STATE OF OHIO Defendants. Raymond Franks, daughter, Janet, COUNTY OF NOBLE : SS. Case No. 8705 Summerfield, May 14 — Regular relatives here Sunday. with his mother, Mrs. Ella Harper. C. R. Caldwell and A. G. Galdwell, re­ were business callers in Caldwell IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS meeting of the local grange will be Friday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Wilson visited siding at Keysville. Virginia,___ . will___ ______take Wednesday. TUSCARAWAS COUNTY, OHIO notice that on the 7th day of April. 1947, held in their hall, Saturday evening. Miss Vinnie Fra'me were Mr. and at the James Harper home Sunday. Hattie Wickham, son, Leland, W. Cause No. 21669 Willard D. Lashley filed his Petition in During the program hour, Floyd Mrs. H. A. Frame and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Baker visited In the Matter of the Common Pleas Court of Noble Coun­ T. Hague, Shelby Green were busi- Henderson and Margaret Donohoo Mrs. Edwin Burt, Byesville route. Mrs. Baker’s parents at Elba Sun­ MUSKINGUM WATERSHED ty, Ohio in Case No. 8705 against the ness callers in Zanesville last Wed- CONSERVANCY DISTRICT above named parties praying for parti­ of Caldwell will be the principal Mrs. David C. Stoneburner was a day. nesday. tion of the following described real estate: speakers. caller at the home of Miss Vinnie Earl Keith of Florida, Mr. and Being all of the oil, gas, coal and other supper will be enjoyed Frame, Wednesday, and Mr. and James Wickham and family were Notice Of volatile substance in and under the A pot luck Mrs. Alva Keith of Macksburg and guests for supper at the home of following premises: Situate in the during the social hour and all Mrs. W. E. Frame were also Wed­ Charley Crossen spent Mother’s day Shelby Green last Wednesday. Hearing Appraisals State of Ohio, County of Noble and grangers are urged to attend. nesday visitors. John Mautz and wife, Zanesville, Township of Wayne and being Frac­ Class Meeting Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Stillion en­ with their mother. Mrs. Rebecca To All Persons and Public Corporations tion No. 2 of the Northwest quarter Keith. visited Shelby Green and family Interested: of Section 3. Township 8, of Range Members of the Alpha Omega tertained a number of young people Sunday. Public Notice Is Hereby Given: 8. and being the same premises de­ Sunday school class of the Methodist at the family home on Wednesday James Harper spent the weekend Raymond Franks, who has been 1. That heretofore on the 3rd day of scribed in a deed from C. R. Caldwell church will meet Tuesday evening, evening, with a surprise party hon­ with his father at Akron.
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