Pest risk analysis for six moth species: lessons for the biosecurity system on managing hitchhiker organisms Draft approved for release for review February 2008 Pest risk analysis for six moth species: lessons for the biosecurity system on managing hitchhiker organisms MAF Biosecurity New Zealand Wellington New Zealand February 2008 i ii MAF Biosecurity New Zealand Te Manatu Ahuwhenua, Ngaherehere Pastoral House 25 The Terrace P O Box 2526 Wellington New Zealand Telephone: +64 4 894 0100 Facsimile: +64 4 894 0733 Internet: http://www.biosecurity.govt.nz Policy and Risk MAF Biosecurity New Zealand Pest risk analysis for six moth species: lessons for the biosecurity system on managing hitchhiker organisms Date 2008 Draft approved for release for review iii iv Contributors to this Risk Analysis Numerous staff within MAF Biosecurity New Zealand and MAF Quarantine Service contributed invaluable advice, data, ideas and information – many thanks. Both New Zealand and overseas scientists have provided advice and unpublished information from their own research – this support is greatly appreciated. Staff from within the following MAF groups have reviewed all or part of the risk analysis: • Biosecurity Monitoring Group; • Biosecurity Standards Group; • Biosecurity Policy Group; • Response Group; • Surveillance Group; • Incursion and Diagnostic Centres; • MAF Quarantine Service; • Risk Analysis group. The draft risk analysis has also been reviewed by: • John Bain, ENSIS (all chapters); • Melody Keena, Acting Project Leader/Research Entomologist, US Department of Agriculture Forest Service (all chapters except white-spotted tussock moth, guava moth and gum-leaf skeletoniser); • Joanne Perry, Manager, Biosecurity Section, Department of Conservation (all chapters); • staff of the US Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Centre for Plant Health, Science and Technology: − Nehalem Breiter, Biological Science Technician (painted apple moth); − Kenneth Bloem, Biological Control Unit Director (executive summary, introduction and methodology); − Laura Duffie, National Program Staff Scientist (guava moth, white-spotted tussock moth); − Glenn Fowler, Entomologist (Asian gypsy moth); − Lisa Jackson, Biological Science Technician (fall webworm, chapter 11, chapter 12); − David Prokrym, Biological Scientist, Entomologist (gum leaf skeletoniser, chapter 13); − Marina Zlotina, Entomologist (Asian gypsy moth); − Daniel Fieselmann, National Science Program Leader (co-ordinated reviews). The contribution of all the reviewers is gratefully acknowledged. Melanie Newfield, June 2007. v 1. Executive summary 1.1. BACKGROUND There has been concern about the number of recent arrivals and incursion responses for moth species over the last decade and there is a perception that such arrivals have increased. This risk analysis considers six high-profile moth incursions from the last decade. The purpose of this risk analysis is twofold; firstly, to consider whether the species that have been eradicated are likely to arrive again and if so, what measures are necessary to prevent reinvasion and secondly, to use some of the recently arrived species as examples to investigate a range of different arrival pathways and better understand moth invasions. This work uses pest risk analysis methodology to understanding potential entry pathways and management. It uses a broad approach to arrival pathways, considering host plant and non-host (inanimate) pathways, including a wide range of imported goods (including items such as passenger baggage and military transport) as well as the associated packaging, containers, ships and aircraft. Natural invasion has also been considered. This risk analysis has investigated the risks associated with five recently arrived species in detail, including pathways for the entry and establishment, and impacts overseas and in New Zealand. These species are Asian gypsy moth1, fall webworm2, guava moth3, painted apple moth4 and white-spotted tussock moth5. In addition, a further species, gum leaf skeletoniser6, was investigated; the similarities between likely arrival pathways for gum leaf skeletoniser and arrival pathways for the other species, as well as the lack of interception records, meant that detailed analysis was not considered useful. The reasons for the perceived increase in the arrival of pest moths have been considered and there are recommended approaches to inform future import health standards and border management, both for the five species investigated in detail and generic approaches that will be useful for other species. 1.2. KEY CONCLUSIONS • The analysis indicates that all the moths, except guava moth, arrived through similar means, as hitchhikers on inanimate pathways such as transported containers or their contents, on bulk goods, vehicles or machinery. • These moths entered New Zealand as small, camouflaged eggs or pupae. They occur in low numbers, but on high volume pathways. The risk for any single item on a pathway is low, but the high volumes multiply the risk of entry. • Guava moth is different. It may have arrived as naturally (by flying to New Zealand), on a ship or plane, or with fruit carried by passengers. • Specific incursions cannot be linked to specific pathways. A moth found in a trap will look exactly the same if its parents came to New Zealand on a sea container, a car or garden furniture. • The overall risk of entry differs for each pathway, and also according to a range of specific factors that may also differ for each consignment that arrives at the border. • The analysis demonstrates how difficult the problem is to manage, and that there are no immediate solutions with our current trade volumes, infrastructure and technology. 1 Lymantria dispar(Lymantriidae) from east Asia 2 Hyphantria cunea (Arctiidae) 3 Coscinoptycha improbana (Carposinidae) 4 Teia anartoides (Lymantriidae) 5 Orgyia thyellina (Lymantriidae) 6 Uraba lugens (Nolidae) vi • This analysis identifies a range of approaches that can be used to reduce the risk of future moth incursions. Some are already underway, including: − improving the quality and access to interception data; − increasing follow-up on significant border interceptions; − planning to improve identification of intercepted insects on some priority pathways; − improving our links with overseas countries managing similar pest problems. 1.3. SPECIES SUMMARIES 1.3.1. Asian gypsy moth Gypsy moth is a species which defoliates trees in both its native range (Europe and Asia) and where it has been introduced to North America. It is of major concern internationally and is expected to have significant impacts on a range of values if established in New Zealand, although its impact is not expected to be as severe as that seen for gypsy moth in North America. This analysis has focused only on gypsy moth from eastern Asia, usually known as Asian gypsy moth. Asian gypsy moth is frequently detected at the border and has been detected once in a surveillance trap. The detected moth was a male and considered most likely to be from an established population based on the life stage detected and time of year. This species is considered eradicated from New Zealand. Most Asian gypsy moth females are capable of flight and are attracted to light. They lay their eggs on a wide range of surfaces. The egg masses persist for long periods, 9 months or longer. Asian gypsy moth is most likely to enter New Zealand as egg masses. It is essentially a hitchhiker pest, occurring on a range of pathways but comparatively unlikely to be imported associated with its host plants. Overall, the proportion of imported items that contain Asian gypsy moth egg masses is small, but it is difficult to predict which items are likely to have egg masses on them and which are not. This difficulty is partly because of the very wide range of substrates that Asian gypsy moth uses for egg laying but is also due to the information available. Asian gypsy moth is considered to occur at low frequency on a number of high volume pathways, making management difficult. Asian gypsy moth could enter New Zealand from any temperate East Asian country, including China, Japan, the Russian Federation and South Korea. Available evidence suggested that the most likely pathway for arrival is used vehicles (specifically from Japan) and that while the current measures do reduce the likelihood of entry and establishment, they do not reduce it to a level that is negligible. There are several other pathways on which Asian gypsy moth can arrive. The measures currently in place for most pathways will not reduce entry and establishment to negligible levels (although the measures are considered to be adequate on some pathways). The sea container pathway is of particular concern. There is limited information on the association of Asian gypsy moth with sea containers, but available information suggests that egg masses are most likely to occur on their lower surfaces making the moth difficult to detect. The likelihood of Asian gypsy moth establishment is lower than that for some other species because it typically only has one generation per year and its life cycle is strongly linked to seasonal changes. Therefore it must overcome the seasonal inversion from the Northern to the Southern Hemisphere. The seasonal inversion is likely to reduce the likelihood of establishment but would not prevent establishment occurring. vii 1.3.2. Fall webworm Fall webworm has an extremely wide host range and is considered a significant pest overseas,
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