The -Established 1904- rinity ripod T T Volume CXV “Scribere Aude!” Tuesday, September 10, 2019 Number II Campus Students Taken Off Trinity Ranks #46 Monday saw the announcement of the 2020 US News Renovations Housing Waitlist and World Report College Rankings. Trinity retained JAY PARK ’22 its position at #46 in the National Liberal Arts College KAT NAMON ’22 permit a higher number of NEWS EDITOR students to live off cam- rankings. Trinity also recently ranked #87 in overall NEWS EDITOR colleges and universities in The Wall Street Journal. Triniy underwent pus this academic year. Trinity’s housing lot- Director of Residential page a series of renova- tions on campus, tery annually leaves a Life Susan Salisbury dis- particularly in number of students with- cussed the change with the four year graduation rate Mather. out housing, due to factors Tripod, noting that “Ev- 78% which include shifting cir- erybody got housed, there cumstances, dorm avail- were a few students, not 4 ability, and low lottery very many, that came back avg. starting salary numbers. Last semester, and said they wanted to live $55,400 Trin Fits: due to the closing of the together, and because we Boardwalk and Park Place couldn’t accommodate them fall 2018 acceptance rate dormitories, 50 students during the time of the lot- 34% Fashion were left on the waitlist to tery, the Dean of Students receive their housing as- office permitted us to allow MICKEY CORREA ’20 signments. In past years, them to live off campus.” Whitman College (WA) COLUMNIST as many as 100 students Typically, the Dean Tied Furman University (SC) have been on the waitlist, of Students Office im- Dickinson College (PA) page The Tripod brings however, despite these poses a 175-student lim- Depauw University (IN) back its fashion high numbers, students it on those released from with: Connecticut College (CT) column, high- always end up with a the College’s on-campus Berea College (KY) lighting Bantams housing assignment by the housing requirement. across campus. start of the fall semester. Included in the College rankings are comprised of many factors Because Boardwalk off-campus limit are ranging from graduation rates (and specifically for 7 and Park Place were shut- first-generational college students), to social mo- tered, the Dean of Students bility to retention rates. Above are some of the fac- Campus Office made the decision to see HOUSING on page 3 tors highlighted by US News and World Report. Public Art Trinity Athletes Participate in “Do It Day” Trinity participated in for Hartford Engagement HUNTER SAVERY ’20 the twenty-first annual and Research (CHER), ARTS EDITOR “Do It Day,” a Saturday at over 350 students vol- the beginning of the aca- unteered with 18 differ- A&E Editor Hunter demic year where differ- ent organizations across page Savery ’20 sur- ent athletic teams and stu- Hartford. The event was veys the public art dent groups do volunteer a success due to com- scene- from the me- work in the community. munity partners, Trini- tallic bantam to the According to a recent ty athletic and student 10 Jackson graffiti. blog post by Jack Dough- groups, as well as the Of- erty, Erica Crowley, and fice of Community Service Athletics Joe Barber for the Center and Civic Engagement. Hall of Fame @TRINCOLLCHER ALEX DAHLEM ’20 Men’s Basketball at Colt Park. SPORTS EDITOR page New Hall of Fame shows commit- ment to athletics 12on campus. Also in this week’s issue.... Opinion:Opmliollll: GreenlandGreellllllmd andamtd HollllgHong Kong,page6Kong, page 6 TrmlityTrinity i.nin Rome CelebratesCefo1brates 50 @TRINCOLLCHER Yeinrs,Years, page 8 @TRINCOLLCHER Women’s Basketball at Cedar Hill Cemetery. How mimymany VmeyairdVineyard VinesVmes stickstick.­- emers i.sis too mamty?,many?, page 10rn Women’s Softball at Bushnell Park. Published weekly at Trinity College, Hartford, CT TRINITYTRIPOD.COM 2 SEPTEMBER 10, 2019 The Tripod Editorial As we enter the month and your family. is a right that many today Trinity Tripod of September, another Voting is a civic duty continue to fight for and milestone in the election manifest in all of our na- continue to struggle for. It Established in 1904 calendar in our democrat- tion’s citizens. It is what is a right whose progress is “Scribere Aude!” ic process is reached: the affords our nation that in- never truly complete and primary. Primary elections extricable ability to sustain whose sanctity must be Editor-in-Chief carry a weight commensu- and persist, despite our constantly guarded. GILLIAN M. REINHARD ’20 rate to those of the gener- own disagreements and If you should be fortu- al election, for they limit contrasting visions for its nate enough to have this Managing Editors the candidates for any one future. Without the cor- right as you read this, con- BRENDAN W. CLARK ’21 party and, ultimately, de- recting contrivance of the sider yourself blessed for ALEX W. DAHLEM ’20 termine those who will face democratic process, one’s you have an opportunity one another directly in the community and one’s na- to shape—through politi- NEWS EDITORS SPORTS EDITOR November 5 general elec- tion shall certainly fall into cal action and the electoral KAT NAMON ’22 MATEO VAZQUEZ ’21 tion. gradual decline and, even- process—those decisions of JAY PARK ’22 Today, Sept. 10, marks tually, find itself eradicated the greatest consequence. A&E EDITORS the date of Hartford and or entrapped amidst the You have an opportunity Opinion Editors LIZ FOSTER ’22 Connecticut’s primaries. throngs of tyranny. to determine, for the good DANIEL J. NESBITT ’22 HUNTER F. SAVERY ’20 This year is one of great As President Frank- of the collective, what laws AIDAN TUREK ’20 consequence for Hartford, lin D. Roosevelt so aptly are instituted, what rights COPY CHIEF as voters will decide in No- noted, “nobody will ever preserved, and what prog- FEATURES Editors WILL TJELTVEIT ’20 vember who will occupy the deprive the American peo- ress is made on a myriad of AMANDA SCOPELLITI ’20 Office of the Mayor. Wheth- ple of the right to vote ex- fronts. AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHER er you realize it or not, your cept the American people If you are registered to AIDEN DUMAS ’20 enrollment at Trinity Col- themselves and the only vote in Hartford, then the lege permits you to change way they could do this is most important thing you your registration to vote by not voting.” Fortunate- can do today is get to the in Hartford and Connecti- ly, all citizens of this nation polls and cast your ballot: cut statewide elections. As have within themselves the they are open until 8:00 a student and an active capability and right to ex- P.M. this evening, with the member of this communi- ercise their will and make most convenient location ty, you have an imperative their voice heard. for Trinity students being role to play in the politics It is a right, as rights so the Hartford Magnet Trin- that shape the region in often are, that was fought ity College Academy on The Trinity Tripod has been published by the students of Trinity Col- for with blood, sweat, tears, Broad Street. lege since 1904. Its staff members are committed to the reporting which you are educated. and distribution of news and ideas that are relevant to the College Further, even if you are determination, and that in- If you are not registered community. The Tripod is published weekly on Tuesdays during the not able to vote here, it is effable spirit of Americans to vote here, then be sure academic year. Student subscription is included in the Student Ac- critical that you educate that has continued for gen- you register for the No- tivities Fee (SAF). For non-students looking to subscribe, a one-se- yourself and vote in any erations. It is a right that vember general election or mester subscription costs $10.00 and a one-year subscription costs election to which you are af- has been denied and sus- vote absentee in your home $20.00. Please address all correspondence to: forded the right. From the pended—too often at the state or municipality. If you expense of hate and igno- want to learn more about 300 Summit St. Box 702582 treasurer of a small town to Hartford, CT 06106-3100 your senator in Congress, rance—to far too many. It how to register, informa- Phone: (860) 297-2584 every elected office holds a is a right that has been de- tion is available on the responsibility and duty to nied to African-Americans, Connecticut Secretary of Opinions expressed in Tripod editorials represent the views of the the public. No matter how to women, and to all class- State’s website. Tripod editorial board, unless otherwise signed. Those opinions do small, the office and its ac- es of immigrants that have not necessarily reflect the views of all contributors to the Tripod. Ad- tions have or will have an ever sought refuge through- ditionally, writing expressed in the Opinion section belongs to the impact on the lives of you out our nation’s history. It -BWC, AWD, GMRG:Mffi writers themselves and are not affiliated with the Tripod in any way. The Trinity Tripod is always looking for student contributions in pho- tography, writing, and graphic design. Anyone interested in joining Tripod Editorial the Tripod can email [email protected]. Additionally, all mem- This past summer, getting to travel on group ble to those who cannot bers of the community are invited to our meetings, which are held excursions to surrounding afford the full price tag.
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