![1936-11-19 [P A-6]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
velt to work more closely with the the official continued. “Berlin and Joke. The agreement just played Into pour a greatly augmented supply of Orchids From Kentucky. •‘democratic” bloc of world powers— Home helped to plan the revolt and the hands of the Fascist Interven- munitions into Spain. sent to stead- ST. defined as Russia, France and Great material aid the rebels tionists.” At the same time it was announced MATTHEWS. Ky. (*>).—The ITALY EXPEDITING Britain. SOVIET POLICIES ily. Material aid was not enough. Little Change Expected. that several Soviet ships, reported de- humid tropics where orchids are most Now the Fascists are extending dip- The in Soviet cir- tained in Spanish waters by insurg- '""throat Informed quarters said France would general opinion table are reproduced during Kentucky's doe toroid relieved by one swaDowot lomatic aid also. ents, had been released. Pore adhere to the non-intervention accord cles was that the government's defense adaptable are reproduced during Ken- weecnption medicine. Nogars- nag. Satisfaction. or money Cell. for the present as the German and “It only goes to prove what we al- In Spain would not be affected by the tucky's 15-below Winters In several Italian Joint move did not in itself TO BE UNCHANGED ways have said—that the Fascists were Italo-Gennan recognition of the In- The automobile Industry in IMS acres of hothouses st a cost of several NEW and SHIPS behind the whole unless the PLANES. arms Spanish war. surgents, Fascist ranked first In the use of constitute a promise to send and powers steel, using miles of hot-water pipe and 150 tons THOXINE ammunition to the insurgents of Gen. that non-intervention was a tragic take over the insurgent campaign and 34 J per cent of the output. of coal a year. After Francisco Franco. Attitude Toward Spain Fears Complications Semi-official sources, however, in- dicated the government feared the Same Action of Recognition of Rebel recognition might be used as a means Despite of legitimatizing future activities of and Force in Spain. German and Italian warships along Italy Germany. the Catalan coast. BV the Associated Pres*. BT tbe Associated Press. MOSCOW, November 19.—Soviet ROME. November 19.—Fascist Italy, Russian participation in an arms race of compli- mindful possible European REFERENDUM ON WAR with the Fascist neighbors of Spain U cations from recognition of the Span- “hardly possible,” an authoritative ish insurgent government, ordered PROPOSED BY GANNETT source said today. construction of airplanes and war- The Soviet Union, this source said, ships speeded up today. does not Intend to change its policy of Published Advocates Constitution- "The military preparation Italy toward Spain because Italy and Ger- In this moment must be ac- special al Amendment in Address to many have recognised the insurgent above all in the aerial and celerated, belligerents in the civil war there. and naval fields.” Premier Mussolini Danville, 111., Group. “Such recognition should not neces- the Fascist Grand Council decided. BJ the Associated Press. aarily break up the International Neu- The "In this mo- phrase special DANVILLE. 111.. November 19 — trality Committee, which is beginning ment” referred to the particularly Frank E. Gannett said last night the to show signs of life,” one official told situation, circles Spanish political United States should never enter a the Associated Press. said. war—unless attacked—without a di- Other Action Seen. At the same time, the Stefani rect vote of the people. He admitted, however, it was possi- (Italian) news agency published a The Rochester, N. Y., publisher ad- ble the I talo-German move might report Austria and Hungary shortly vocated an amendment to the Con- force Great Britain and Prance to will follow Germany and Italy’s ex- stitution providing for such a refer- “act.” ample in recognizing Gen. Francisco endum in an addres before the Dan- "Recognition was long anticipated," Franco’s Fascist Spanish regime. ville unit of the Emergency Peace Order Issued After Meeting. Committee. He added: The order to strengthen Italian "I can imagine no situation de- sudden where aerial and naval forces was issued in veloping. except attack, we not have time to consider a special communique after the coun- should cil meeting. the facts and decide for ourselves whether we want our boys to march Count Galeazzo Ciano, Italian for- oil to battle.” eign minister, named de Filippo He said millions of soldiers were Ciutiis, former chanceUor of the em- killed, wounded, crippled and sick- at Madrid, d'Affaires ac- bassy Charge ened for life in the World War. He credited to the Franco government. estimated the cost of that conflict at De Ciutiis Is now at Alicante, living •'something like *200,000.000,000." Bboard an Italian warship in the harbor. -» ...- At the same time Ciano recalled to Rome Orazio Pedrazzi, Italian Am- DR. PERGLER TO SPEAK bassador accredited to the Socialist government in Madrid. Dr. Charles Pergler. dean of the Italy's position in the International National University Law School, will Non-intervention Committee has not address the weekly meeting of the been affected her "necessarUy” by Washington Round Table on "Dic- recognition of the Fascist administra- tatorships in Europe” tomorrow at a well-informed source asserted. tion, 12:30 p.m. at the Cosmos Chib. This "Italy does not see why she cannot and subsequent meetings will be held continue in the committee, assisting in at the Cosmos Club, due to the sale its work and collaborating with the of the University Club property. other he said. powers.” F. Elton Rogers, a member of the this is a which "However, question Washington Club, was elected vice will have to be decided by the com- governor for the Eastern district at mittee itself when it meets again.” a sectional convention in Norfolk last session Lasts All istgni. week. The session of the council, supreme organ of Fascist started on Room Suites policy, the first anniversary of the imposi- Dining tion of League of Nations sanctions against Italian aggression in Ethiopia, and lasted through the night. The council warned any resistance Thoroughly reconditioned and guaranteed. to the Italian program of self-suffi- ciency "is sabotage which must be • Tastes • For 3- B C r ■ » punished severely.'* $13-5013 Portable _ It also approved reports of Count 4- B Corona Discriminating Ciano on his to Vienna $27-50 trip Berlin, Portable and Budapest, noting "with satisfac- tion’* that "bases were laid thereby Corona Sterling: Portable; newt __ for effective collaboration among used only as $^0-00 Italy and the German, Austrian and demonstrator Those who like the unusual in Din- Smokers Magyar peoples.” L. C. Smith $30.00 Gifts for Model S_ JV ing Room Furniture will find much 11 Duce's announcement yesterday Table Smoker black c-d Rebuilt Royal ni m of recognition of the Insurgent gov- 3U of interest in our present collection Portable ... OZ chrome push lever dis- ernment of set the for Spain stage of Lifetime A poses o* osh.es out of sight __ Suites. the long council meeting. Modernised Far- ___ dependable t o r y Rebuilt In the six-hour >K/.50^ session, lengthiest Woodstock_ suggestive few ore described below. ivtndie _brre $11.75 in years, the premier expounded in Italy's international and domestic Stop and see these distinctive Pedestol Smoker block political situation in a two-hour styles and their noble qualities. ond chrome hidden ash speech. container... a. After the dawn adjournment, a chrome handle_ communique announced the council 4 l Kf 5 » a Bronze Smokers with had appointed commission to draw I heavy up a "proposition” for the make-up g!ass removable ash con- tainer bronze o and machinery of the new corporative Adam Dining Suite Authentic Grand Rapids rA handle _ 90*5” chamber, successor to the abolished Registered Furniture solid Cuban Chamber of Deputies. mahogany structural with laminated and Chrome Smoker modern Count Costanzo Ciano, father of the A Good Head of Hair parts five-ply tops 3 tube pedestal sty ie foreign minister, was named to the fronts on case pieces; velvet-lined silver mahogany, troy handle and hidden committee with Lieut. Col. Achille in buffet table extends to 8 feet roomy cup- ash receptocle_ Starace, Fascist party secretary, and Is A Priceless Heritage board china 2-drawer linen chest the ministers of justice, education and ten pieces with 6 2 corporations. ; chairs, including A The council also approved a report Teakwood armchairs _ by Dino Grand!, Ambassador to Eng- Don’t Lose It! Imported land, who returned to attend the ses- sion, on his activities before the In- Stands ternational Non-intervention Com- provides you with a mittee in the Spanish civil war and These pieces make delightful Coloniol Sheraton Suite ... ten finely made pieces with on the-present status of Italo-British good head of hair. and add interest in the Duncan Phyfe-type chairs, backs commode relations. NATUREWhether you keep it or gifts lyre rooms where are server has 3 drawers cupboard china cabinet with The council also granted a request lose it depends upon YOU. If they placed. an drawer ... by Starace for increase in the hair is and We are showing several styles and spacious undersection top buffet drawer number of your thinning your vice secretaries and mem- and sizes at prices ranging from possesses lined silver section and bers of the national directorate. scalp is itching and laden with mahogany gum- $14.50 to $21.50. in and wood construction, beautiful hand-rubbed finish 11 Duce read to the council a re- dandruff, it is Nature's warning Stop and port from Marshal Rodolfo Graziani, that something is»wrong.
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