BIOLOGY AND ECOLOGICAL ENERGETICS OF THE SUPRALITTORAL ISOPOD LIGIA DILATATA Town Cape byof KLAUS KOOP University Submitted for the degree of Master of Science in the Department of Zoology at the University of Cape Town. 1979 \ The copyright of this thesis vests in the author. No quotation from it or information derived from it is to be published without full acknowledgementTown of the source. The thesis is to be used for private study or non- commercial research purposes only. Cape Published by the University ofof Cape Town (UCT) in terms of the non-exclusive license granted to UCT by the author. University (i) TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1 CHAPTER 2 .METHODS 4 2.1 The Study Area 4 2.2 Temperature Town 6 2.3 Kelo Innut 7 - -· 2.4 Population Dynamics 7 Field Methods 7 Laboratory Methods Cape 8 Data Processing of 11 2.5 Experimental 13 Calorific Values 13 Lerigth-Mass Relationships 14 Food Preference, Feeding and Faeces Production 14 RespirationUniversity 16 CHAPTER 3 RESULTS AND .DISCUSSION 18 3.1 Biology of Ligia dilatata 18 Habitat and Temperature Regime 18 Kelp Input 20 Feeding and Food Preference 20 Reproduction 27 Sex Ratio 30 Fecundity 32 (ii) Page No. 3.2 Population Structure and Dynamics 35 Population Dynamics and Reproductive Cycle 35 Density 43 Growth and Ageing 43 Survivorship and Mortality 52 3.3 Ecological Energetics 55 Calorific Values 55 Length-Mass Relationships 57 Production 61 Standing Crop 64 Consumption 66 Egestion 68 Assimilation 70 Respiration 72 3.4 The Energy Budget 78 Population Consumption, Egestion and Assimilation 78 Population Respiration 79 Terms of the Energy Budget 80 CHAPTER 4 CONCLUSIONS 90 CHAPTER 5 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 94 REFERENCES 95 1 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Modern developments in ecology have emphasised the importance of energy and energy flow in biological systems. The interest· in ecological energetics stems from work published by Lindeman (1942) who described an ecosystem in terms of energy flow between interrelated trophic levels. Perhaps the best known examoles of whole ecosystem studies are those of Odum (1957) and Teal (1957) who overcame the difficulties involved in investigations based on the trophic-dynamic approach by choosing a convenient unit of habitat, categorising trophic levels within this unit according to species composition and assuming a steady state system (Phillipson, 1975). Many workers have adopted another approach based on the conviction that a complex system, even if it can be easily distinguished by habitat boundaries, should be divided into a large number of fairly simple component units (such as single species populations) rather than a few relatively complex parts (such as trophic levels). This belief has given rise to work on populations of single species of animals, and detailed studies of food consumption, assimilation, respiration and growth of all life stages of individual populations have been carried out. \ 2 It is believed that studies on individual species populations are important to gain a full understanding of ecosystem dynamics and that data gained from these studies can be incorporated into complex but meaningful models. This approach was adopted in a study of the complex kelp bed ecosystem off the west coast of South Africa initiated in 1975. Pilot studies indicated which plant and animal species should receive particular attention and several workers engaged in detailed studies of population dynamics and ecological energetics (Greenwood, 1974; Muir, 1977; Shafir, 1978; Dieckmann, 1978; Griffiths and King, 1978). A feature of the kelp bed system is that large masses of plant material are exported due to the heavy wave action experienced (Field et al., 1977; Velimirov et al., 1.977). Attempts have been made to trace the fate of the kelp which is exported to adjacent beaches. A study by Muir (1977) showed the importance of kelp debris for the sandy beach amphipod Talorchestia capensis. The present study concerns the population dynamics and energetics of the supralittoral rocky shore kelp-eating isopod Ligia dilatata Brandt. Apart from the fact that populations of L. dilatata consume large masses of kelp every year and are thus active agents in breaking kelp into particulate matter in the upper intertidal zone and in recycling nutrients, there are a 3 number of factors which make the animal interesting in its own right. The habitat in which the isopods live represents a combination of marine and terrestrial conditions. This extremely harsh environment is inhabited by few animals, either terrestrial which in the course of their evolution have moved seaward, or marine which have evolved towards the land (Carefoot, 1973a). Thus Ligia may be said to represent a transitional stage in the· evolution of the land habit in isopod crustaceans. The genus Ligia has featured in a number of physiological studies particularly with regard to osmoregulation (Parry, 1953; Todd, 1963). Nicholls (193la, b) published some results on growth and feeding of ~· oceanica in Britain and Jons (1965) described population structure and fe·eding of the same species in the Baltic. There have been no comprehensive studies of the biology and energetics of the genus apart from Carefoot (1973a, b) and Newell et al. (1976) who looked at the effects of various factors on the metabolism of L. oceanica. This study was designed to. investigate some aspects of the biology of L. dilatata and to gain quantitative estimates of the population dynamics and energetics of the species. 4 CHAPTER 2 METHODS 2.1 The Study Area The study site is a west-facing stretch of rock at Kommetjie, Cape Peninsula (34° 8'S, 18° 18'E) approximately 80m in length with an extensive offshore kelp bed (Fig. 2~1). Komrnetjie was one of the sites studied in a survey of South African kelp beds (Field et al., in press). Although detailed investigations into the kelp bed community dynamics are being conducted mainly at another site on the Cape Peninsula - Oudekraal - particular requirements made .it necessary to locate some studies at other locations (e.g. Muir, 1977). Kornmetjie was an ideal site to study a population of L. d~latata. Populations of ~- dilatata on South African rocky shores are associated with kelp debris which is broken from the kelp beds by wave action and is subsequently cast up on the rocks (Day, 1974). The site chosen for the present study thus had to have a sufficiently large input of kelp at all times of the year to support an isopod population. The population had to be spatially isolated from other 5 STUDY. SJTE ~f~~ -SANBY BEACH .t-\TLANTIC C -CAPE TOWN OCEAN K -KOMMETJIE Fig. 2.1 Map of the Study Area 6 populations of ~· dilatata in order to exclude inunigration · and emigration, and it had to be large enough for a progranune of monthly sampling not to disturb the population structure significantly. The area chosen fulfilled all these requirements. It is bordered on either side by a sandy beach. Observations confirmed that L. dilatata do not migrate over large distances of sand thus excluding immigration and emigration. The coastline is exposed to strong south-westerly swells which cause heavy water surges resulting in large amounts of kelp being broken free from the substratum. This debris is either swept out to sea or cast up on adjacent beaches although some of it may be consumed by debris feeders such as the sea urchin Parechinus angulosus within the kelp bed. 2.2 Temperature Temperature profiles were obtained for the four seasons of the year. Temperature was recorded using a mercury thermometer and readings correct to one decimal place were taken every two hours for 26 hours. Ambient temperature and temperature in 10 kelp debris patches containing specimens of ~· dilatata were taken. The mean of the 10 readings from stranded kelp was calculated and a temperature profile of the kelp debris habitat was plotted; 7 2.3 ·Kelp Input Monthly estimates of standing stock of kelp debris at the study site were obtained by determining the ·wet mass of all kelp plants found in a Sm strip at right angles to ·the shoreline. The location of this strip was randomly chosen by asking a.person not involved in the research project to call a number between 1 and 80 (the length of the stretch of rocks in metres). This number was paced from the beginning of the rocks and represented the mid-point of the Sm corridor. The same strip was cleared of kelp once every month for 17 months. The mass of the three kelp species Ecklonia maxima, Laminaria pallida and Macrocystis angustifolia were measured separately. 2.4 Population Dynamics Field Methods The sampling period extended from May 1976 to December 1977. Each month three samples of isopods were obtained from rock crevices at Kommetjie. It was not possible to sample crevices randomly since factors such as accessibility and size of crevices had to be taken into account. Attempts to sample crevices at different heights above HWS were not always successful because at times there were no animals in 8 high shore crevices. Crevices of similar size were sampled each month and on several occasions identical crevices were used. Samples were collected at high tide at which time~ the population of ~- dilatata is concentrated into a narrow strip above the high water mark. L. dilatata is an extr~mely fast moving animal and scuttles for shelter at the slightest disturbance. In order to sample the population quantitatively a sticky glue, made by mixing flour and water, was spread around the crevices to be sampled. This prevented animals escaping while they were being removed from crevices and placed in plastic bags. All samples were oreserved in formalin immediately to prevent cannibalism during the journey to the laboratory.
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