FIRST H U M t i- V MTNX* HOMECOMING DECOR —Page 5 Published Weekly by SMU Students' Publishing Company No. 14 Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas, Friday, October 30, 1959 1959 Homecominj ueen Jm#?.. , .* s ' sssss wmm MARTHA NYSTROM VIVIAN HUGHES inw PAULA HAYES CARYL ENNIS WM iHH ?¥S?>;S: DOTSY BEAUCHAMP PAT DAWSON mm®: DEE ANDERSON by SUSAN HERRING Parties, publicity and practice have been the prelude to the se­ lection of the 1959 SMU Homecoming Queen, who will be se­ lected "from the 14 SMU coeds pictured on the following pages. WHA Climaxing a week of luncheons, parties, publicity pictures, in­ terviews and presentation practice, the Queen will be crowned at the SMU-Texas Game, Saturday, Oct. 31, by SMU President Wil­ lis Tate. All nominees will be escorted to the game by their fathers. The Queen will then reign over the Homecoming Dance Satur­ day night in the Grand Ballroom of the Umphrey Lee Student mmm DEW ANA PRICE Center following the game. JOAN BAKER ALYS PRICE Alpha Delta Pi's nominee for queen is their president, Alys Price, a senior from Italy, Texas. She is a key member of the Ar- den Club, cochairman of the Student Center Dance Committee, and an AWS Colt-Wrangler cochairman. She was an officer of Panhellenic, and a member of the Dolphin Club, Leadership Con­ ; J.'.vkV'S.v.wJ/m mmm ference, Rally Committee and the Social Council. Her honors in­ clude, Summer Beauty Nominee, A&M Cotton Ball Duchess, Cos­ mrnm mopolitan Queen Nominee, Junior Class Favorite Nominee, Miss Football Nominee and a Royalty Nominee. DEE ANDERSON Dee Anderson, representative and president of Kappa Alpha Theta, received the Scholarship Award and the Ideals Award of KAT. She is also chairman of the Board of Standards of Theta. A member of Mortar Board, Dee is chairman of the Evaluation Committee of the Student Center, secretary of Arden Club and on the Dean's List. She has also been a discussion leader at Leader­ ship Conference and Freshman Orientation, as well as a member of Alpha Lambda Delta, and the Student Center Directorate, CAROL LOYD (See NOMINEES, page 2) M^Y$f»mcE '• '*• ~ • •! i. 2 dEftf (Eamyiig Friday, October 30, 1959 JflgLy* - * rnmm Fourteen Nominees Seek Crown (Continued from page 1) Snider Hall and a member of ler cochairman for Town Girls. JOAN BAKER C. C. R. A. She is a member of Pi Lambda Theta, education honorary, Alpha Joan Baker of Houston, a sen­ CARYL ENNIS Lambda Delta, Luther Club and ior and president of Kappa Kappa The editor of Mortar Board, the Campus Council of Religious Gamma, was vice-president of the Caryl Ennis is the representative Activities. Freshman Class, chairman of of the Town Girls Association. Campus Homecoming Decorations PAULA HAYES * ' > Her activities include key mem­ Committee, secretary of C. C. R. A. bership in Arden Club, as well as A senior from Houston, Paula •ssiisia? ssSpiiisils: and treasurer of AWS. She has corresponding secretary,' record­ Hayes, is the nominee from Zeta been pledge trainer of her soror­ ing secretary and treasurer of the Tau Alpha. She is secretary of ity, a member of SMU Royalty, a l#®:spsj;s;immmmm organization. She has been Ma­ Kirkos, communications chairman «1§® Manada Queen and a member of nada cochairman and Colt-Wrang- of Mortar Board and treasurer of Kirkos. She was selected as a Zeta. She has been treasurer of Mortar Board member last year. Alpha Lambda Delta, secretary of wllm&m DOTSY BEAUCHAMP AWS, historian and vice-president of COGS, president of Kappa Mu SUE BARNES Dotsy Beauchamp, senior from Epsilon and Beta Theta Pi sweet­ Rosenburg and representative of heart nominee. Vice-president of SUE CANNON Delta Delta Delta, is also presi­ A member of Kirkos, an A&S the Pledge Council, Rally Com­ representative to the Student dent of her sorority, in addition mittee, SMU Publishing Board, to being president of Mortal Council, chairman of the Social Sue Cannon, the representative Virginia Hall Secretary and Y Board, Associated Women Stu­ Committee of the Student Coun­ of Mary Hay Hall, is a senior Ragg Mopp Team captain are also cil, Sue Barnes is the representa­ dents and Alpha Lambda Delta, among her activities. She was re­ from Tyler. She is a dormitory her junior year. Her junior year tive and president of Pi Beta Phi. cipient of the freshman scholar­ The senior from Dallas was treas­ counselor in Mary Hay, chairman she was also a Student Council ship bracelet of ZTA, and also re­ representative, and worship chair­ urer of the Sophomore Class, a of Wesley Foundation Recreation, ceived the Outstanding Junior man of MSM. She is a member of member of Rally Committee, and a Colt-Wrangler group cap­ % Award of her sorority. Kirkos, University Choir, and a MSM, the Social Council and tain. She was Shuttles Hall nomi­ iour-year University Scholar. She VIVIAN HUGHES Town Girls. She also includes Y, nee for Miss Football in 1959 and has also been a member of the Y Cabinet, Friendliest Girl on President of Sigma Kappa, Vi­ on the Dean's list. Rally Committee, secretary of Campus and Manada Princess in vian Hughes, a senior from Texas her list of activities and honors. City, is their nominee for Home­ coming Queen. She is treasurer of BUDDY MORROW'S ORCHESTRA the French honorary, Pi Delta ••• ! 3hi and a member of Sigma Delta P«1 SYLVIA NORMAN Pi, Spanish honorary. She was •Ifit* •55 on November 12th Only a Kappa Alpha Rose Nominee, a ::: Shuttles Hall representative, 9** •ItMl Sylvia Norman, is a senior from member of Y, Rally Committee ••• ::: Waco. She is a member of the and received the Pan American ::: / ::: LOUANNS / Newman Club and treasurer of Round Table Languages Award. the Student Marketing Club. She EXPRESSWAY AND GREENVILLE AVE. CAROL LOYD ••I••• is counseling in Shuttles Hall and *•9 U Si* at LOVERS LANE A senior Gamma Phi Beta, Car­ ••• was a freshman dorm advisor. ••••i* Open Nightly Except Sundays EM 1-2681 She is also a member of the De­ ol Loyd, has been a University SHETLAND SWEATER coration Committee. Scholar since coming to SMU her Jinff mint's (See 1959 NOMINEES, page 3) ::: PAT DAWSON A senior from Waco, Pat Daw­ son is Delta Zeta's nominee for STUDENTS ... Homecoming Queen.' She is presi­ dent of Y, vice-president of Mor­ tar Board, Kirkos Projects Chair­ who have used it say it's better than ANY man, a member of the Delta Zeta they've used . NEENAH erasable paper Executive Council and chairman of the Great Issues Committee of in letter and legal sizes. Also 28x44 the Student Center. She has been Poster Boards, Mimeo Papers in colors. president of Shuttles Hall, Pan- hellenic parliamentarian, a Stu­ Cardboards and papers in all standard dent Council member, Chairman IUr\jrn^M3 of the United Nations Model As­ colors and sizes. i: sembly, council member of AWS and a delegate to the National Student Assembly of the YM- YWCA. She was recently award­ UNIVERSITY PRINTING & OFFICE SUPPLY ed the Florence Hood Award as 6305 Hillcrest Across from Virginia Halt the outstanding junior Delta Zeta in the nation. Especially For You! We of the JOHN ROBERT POWERS SCHOOLS would like to help you develop and tactfully emphasize your most becoming characteristic*. We'd like you to share some of the secrets which for 30 years have made the POWERS GIRLS the most admired in the world . SECRETS PERTAINING TO I've finally found a place that does my • Personality Wardrobe & Cleaning and Laundry Right! Development Styling • Figure Control Voice & Diction • Make Down Visual Poise PICK-UP & DELIVERY ALTERATIONS low Budget Terms—Call now for Complimentary Analysis REWEAVE GARMENT STORAGE Classes limited to six students to insure individual attention. Brochure Sent Upon Request "Serving SMU for 3 5 Years on the Drag" Wouldn't You ftofhor John Robert Powers School be a Powmrs Girl? Air-conditioned for Your Comfort DANIEL DRY CLEANING O Hours! 1808 Commerce 9 'til 9 Dallas RI7-8174 AND LAUNDRY 6301 HHIcrast LA 8-7718 Friday, October 30, 1959 fltyr 0 MM (Humpua 3 'College Days' Search of Pony Past Shows To Be Revue Theme Starring SMU students, the Pigskin Revue promises an Decorations No New Idea array of surprising talent to­ by ELIZABETH RASMUSSEN tang Memories From 1915" with night at 8:15 in the Coliseum, Homecoming has arrived! the catagories ranging from reports Irving Dreibrodt, "Stomp the Steers" week is un­ buildings to dances on the SMU Band Director. More than 25 derway, alums have begun ar­ campus. "Foreign Countries" was students compose the cast. riving on the scene and the soror­ the motif for the house decora­ Sponsored by the Mustang ity and fraternity decorations are tions, and each organization drew Band, the program is entitled up. the name of the country it was "Rah, Rah, College Days." The theme for this year's house to represent. Mmm Tickets may be purchased at decorations was "Sports Through the Coliseum for $1.25. the Ages" and sorority and fra­ Following the revue will be ternity rows look like crepe paper Jill Cory Visits a pep rally and serenade in Olympic grounds. One may see front of the Athletic Dorm. such events as deep-sea diving, Campus Tuesday snow skiing, cock fighting and, of Jill Cory, popular recording course, football. star, now appearing at the Em­ These decorations are not a pire Room of the Statler Hilton, new idea, for they date back al­ dropped in at the Coffee Hour EUROPE most to the first Homecoming held in the Student Center at 3 Campus Staff Photo by Bill Bennett A Howard Tour Program held on the SMU campus.
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