Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly TUESDAY, 24 MARCH 1981 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy 404 Ministerial Statements [24 MARCH 1981] Ministerial Statements TUESDAY, 24 IMARCH 1981 The committee has now completed^ its deliberations, and its findings and recom­ mendations are embodied in a 425-page report. I am sure members wiU be sitbfied .that the committee has effectively carded out Mr SPEAKER (Hon. S. J. MuUer, Fassi­ the commission which it was given^ fern) read prayers and took the chair at A summary of the committee's main recom­ 11 a.m. mendation b as foUows:— The ambulance service should retain its organisational independence and not PAPERS become incorporated into either the Public The following papers were laid on the Service system or the State hospital system. table:— It should be controlled and governed by a central body caUed the "Queensland Orders in Council under— Ambulance Service Board" and administra­ Supreme Court Act 1921-1979. tive responsibUity should be devolved into State Housing Act 1945-1979. two further tiers in the form of three Electiicity Act 1976-1980. divisions and 90 ambulance centres through­ Mines Regulation Act 1964-1979. out the State. Harbours Act 1955-1980. Ambulance superintendents should be in charge of administration and operations Section 43 of the Metropolitan Transit throughout the State, subject to a central Authority Act 1976-1979. exeoitive and the Queensland Ambulance Service Board Area ambulance committees should be retained in an advbory capacity MINISTERIAL STATEMENTS to exercise certain prescribed functions and to lend assistance in fund-rabing. AMBULANCE SERVICES IN QUEENSLAND Standardised specifications for motor Hon. B. D. AUSTIN (Wavell-^VIinbter vehicles and equipment are proposed in for Health) (11.3 a.m.): We in Queensland order to provide the optimum in type, are very fortunate in that we have a dedicated cost-effectiveness and utiUsation. community ambulance service. The report Uniform standards of training, levels of I present to Parliament today deals with skill required and standards of service an exhaustive investigation into the service, provided, are proposed in some detaU. A and I am sure the findings wiU be of great career stmcture for ambulance ofiicers value for Queensland for the future. The is considered essential. report covers all facets of the service, includ­ More stable financial arrangements have ing financing, staff-draining, vehicles, equip­ been proposed which include assurances ment and paramedics. I stress that we need of minimum Government assbtance on the rational thinking and planning on this matter, one hand and maximum limits of Govern­ and not some emotive, headUne-grabhing ment liabUity on the other. response which casts a slur on ambulance officers. The proposed Queensland Ambul^ioe Service Board would comprise a chairman nominated The committee of review of ambulance by the Minbter fpr Health, the director services was formed in 1979 to undertake a of the Ambulance Services, two Department complete review of the Queensland ambulance of Health representatives including a medical transport services. That committee, under officer of senior rank, a medical officer of the chairmanship of the senior health officer senior rank from a major hospUal (who of my department, Dr Musgrave, comprised has ajqjropriate experience), each of the three senior representatives of the QATB, three divisional representatives of the area including the former presidwit and current ambulance committees, and each of the three secretary of the QATB State CouncU; mem­ divisional (ambulance) superintendents. bers of the medical profession, including the professor of anaesthetics at Queensland uni­ Basic adminbtrative units would be called versity; and two senior officers of my depart­ ambulance centres. There ^ould be 90 of ment, who also hold positions on the QATB these. It is recommended that there wiU be State CouncU. 26 functional districts created to ensure the optimum in co-ordination of the operational The committee's terms of reference were aspects of the ambulance services. to review the State's ambulance services Existing services should be rationaUsed on with regard to the foUowing matters:— the basis of viabUity and efficiency with the The relationship of ambulance services elimination of non-viable centres or their with other arms of the health services; downgrading in status to "subcentres" as An examination of ramifications of appropriate. The latter should occur in 17 regionalisation of services; instances, and one new subcentre should be The rationalisation of services; created. A review of financial arrangements; and The functional structure of the ambulance Training (including advanced life-saving headquarters should cover staff and indus­ support techniques) and standardbatioji of trial, researdi, radio communications, central vehicles and equipment. training school, supply, property, marketmg Ministerial Statements [24 MARCH 1981] Ministerial Statements 405 and finance and accounts. Motor vehicle time ensure that minimum funding wiU be ser^cing should be rationalised and main­ available to the ambulance service from tenance workdiops and vehicle pools estab­ the Govemment. Ushed in key centres. Fund-rabing by means of benefits should Re^xinsibiUty for the eight ambulance be abolished except for especially approved services operated by country hospitals should capital works projects. Most fund-raising be transferred to the Queensland Ambulance should be the ultimate responsibility of a Service Board. central promotions and marketing branch. The future role of area ambulance com­ Uniform rates of contribution should apply mittees should be to promote the ambulance throughout Queensland, and variations in service, advbe the board, participate in contribution rates should be at the discretion appointment of staff, provide three represent­ of the board. Ambulance officers should atives to serve on the board, assist in fund- not be involved in fund-raising. raising and provide representatives for attendance at conferences at various levels Two altemative methods of financing inter- up to State level. hospital transfers of public hospital patients have been recommended. One involves a Seven advisory committees should be single lump sum payment to be provided as created to cover the following disciplines; part of the annual grant and the other would medical, training, health service co-ordina­ be provision within the Department of Health tion, industrial liaison, planning-development annual budget of funds to enable hospitals and building standards, finance and vehicles boards to pay fees levied by the ambulance and equipment. service for each patient transfer. Centralisa­ The operational guide-lines should be based tion of accounting systems is recommended on precise aims and objectives. These should along with the estabUshment of a central be clearly defined and relate to the provision accounting branch. and maintenance of emergency care through the initiation and maintenance of Ufe support, It is also recommended that the Ambulance provbion of ambulance transport, provision Services Act and part of the Health Act of first aid and the teaching of first aid. and Hospitals Act should be redrafted to Three categories of vehicles have been accommodate the changes recommended by suggested with one sort to be used for the committee. standard accident emergency transport. The question of legal liability of ambulance Paramedics are not recommended, but a officers and various insurance policies cover­ limited trial of mobile advanced Ufe support ing accidental injury and death require units in ithe Brisbane metropolitan area is further attention by the Queensland recommended. CaUs for these would be Ambulance Service Board when constituted. mediated through the ambulance centre controUer, but the vehicles would be staffed I wiU be very interested in the reaction by a doctor and nurse as well as the to these findings throughout the community. ambulance officer. The report has been widely circulated. I Improved communications systems are hope honourable members will take the recommended. A series of training courses opportunity to give me their comments on of prescribed standards should be introduced it. I now have great pleasure in tabling the over a period of some years. Advancement report. of anibulance officers would be dependent on this. Special provision should be made Whereupon the honourable gentleman laid for refresher courses and advanced training the report on the table. in special skiUs. A new expanded central training school ELECTROLYHC CHLORINATOES, SALT­ wiU be required. WATER SWIMMING-POOL FILTERS Appointments of ambulance officers up to Hon. I. J. GIBBS (Albert—Minister for Grade III should be made by a divbional Mines and Energy) (11.10 a.m.): Concern has superintendent upon the recommendation of been expressed in recent months over the an aHxiintment panel, and more senior staff proper use of electrolytic chlorinators fitted should be appointed upon the recommenda­ to salt-water swimming-pool filters. Reports tion of a central committee. have been received of explosions occuning in 24 fUters fitted \rith this device in Queens­ The method of financing recommended land. Fortunately, no person has been will involve a limited Government grant plus injpred. An investigation has now been com­ ^."marginal Government endowment which wiU be based upon the fund-raising perform­ pleted into the circumstances
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