Maryland Directory of Radio Berlin Sports. News staff: one. Target aud: 25 -54. Spec prog: Relg 5 hrs Licensee: WTBO -WKGO Corp. LLC. Group owner. Wooster Republican wkly. *Troy D. Hill, gen mgr, Shane Walker, opns mgr; Shan Sheriff, Printing Co. Population served: 2,000,000 Natl. Network: Westwood progmg dir; Mike Delmer, news dir; Bryan Harz, engrg dir; Dwight One. Format: Classic rock, new rock. News staff: one; News: one hr WOCO(FU) June 25, 1981: 103.9 mhz; 3 kw. 328 ft TL: N38 22 58 - Cromwell, reporter; Bob Kinnamon, sports cmtr. wkly. Target aud: 25 -54. Richard Cornwell, adv mgr; Jim Van, local W75 18 58. Stereo. Hrs open: 24 20200 DuPont Blvd., Georgetown, news ed; Mark St. John, disc jockey; Ray Wagner, disc jockey; Tim 19947. Fax: (302) 856 -7633. Web Site: www.oc104.com. Licensee: Martin, disc jockey. Great Scott Broadcasting. Group owner: Great Scott Broadcasting acq WCEM -FM- Jan 29, 1968; 1063 mhz; 6 kw. Ant 325 ft TL: N38 35 11 -7 -97; $2.775 million). Population served: 228,000 Format RhythmicJCHR. 03 W76 04 54. Stereo. Hrs open: 2 Bay Street, 21613. Secondary News staff: one; News: 4 hrs wkly. Target aud: 18-49. Sue Tramons, address: Box 237 21613. Phone: (410) 228 -4800. Fax: (410) 228 -0130. WROG(FM)- 1948: 102.9 mhz; 32 kw. Mt 1,440 ft TL: N39 34 56 gen mgr. E -mail: [email protected] Web Site: www.mtslive.com. (Acq 1993; W78 53 53. Stereo. His open: 24 516 White Ave., 21502. Plane: (301) FIR: 8-23-93). Population served: 60,000 Format: Hot adult contemp. 777 -5400. Fax: (301) 777 -5404. E -mail: mail @wrogfm.com Web Site: Target aud: 18-49. Mike Detmer, news rptr; Shan Sheriff, sports www.wroglm.com. Licensee: Broadcast Communications Inc. Group Bethesda cmtr. owner: Broadcast Communications Inc. (acq 1 -8- 2004; $2 million with co-located AM). Population served: 350,000 Shaonis & Peltzman. Format: Country. News staff: 2; News: 20 hrs wkly. Target aud: 25 -49. WMMJ(FM)- Nov 12, 1961: 102.3 mhz; 2.9 kw. 480 ft TL N38 5609 WINX -FM- 2000: 94.3 mhz; 4.6 kw. Ant 3617 ft IL: N38 37 49 W76 Eva Mace, gen mgr & gen sls mgr; Grant Garland, progrng dir & W77 05 33. Stereo. Hrs open: 5900 Princess Garden Pkwy., 8th Floor, 03 24. Stereo. Hrs open: 8903 Glebe Park Dr., Easton, 21601. Phone: news dir. Lanham, 20706. Phone: (301) 306-1111. Fax: (301) 306 -9510. E -mail: (410) 770 -3939. Fax: (410) 770 -5855. E -mail: info @winxlm.com Web info @magicl023.com Web Site: www.magic1023.com. Licensee: Radio Site: www.wínxfm.com. Licensee: CWA Broadcasting Inc. (acq 9-23- 2005). One Licenses LLC. Group owner: Radio One Inc. (acq 11.8.01; grpsl). Format: Country. Steve Kingston, gen mgr; Bill Partis, stn mgr; WTBO(AM)- Dec 13, 1928: 1450 khz; 1 kw -U. TL: N39 38 43 W78 Population served: 3,500,000 Format: Adult contemp. Alfred Liggins, Cheryl Baynard, gen sls mgr; Don O'Brien, progrng dir. 45 05. Stereo. Hm open: 24 Box 1644, 21501 -1644. Secondary CEO & pres; Catherine Hughes, chmn; Scott Royster, CFO; Michele address: 350 Byrd Ave. 21502. Phone: (301) 722 -6666. Fax: (301) Wiliams, gen mgr. 722 -0945. Web Site: www.am1450.com. Licensee: WTBO -WKGO Catonsville Corp. LLC. Group owner: Wooster Republican Printing Co. (acq 11- 1 -77). Population served: 2,500,000 Natl. Network: CSN. Baker & WTGBFM- October 1959: 94.7 mhz; 20.5 kw. Ant 771 ft TL N38 57 Hostetler. Format: Nostalgia, adult standards. News staff: one; News: 49 W77 06 18. Stereo. Hrs open: 24 8403 Colesville Rd., Ste. 1500, 1963: mhz; kw. 492 26 WHFS(FM)- Nov 22, 105.7 50 ft TL: 1139 19 20 hrs wkly. Target aud: 40 plus. G. Charles Dix II, pres; Richard L. Silver Spring, 20910 -3474. Phone: (301) 683 -0947. Fax: (301) W76 32 56. Stereo. Hrs open: Clarkview Rd., Towson, 21209. 241423 Comwell, gen mgr & gen sls mgr, Tim Martin, prom dir & progmg dir, 881 -8746. Web Site: 947theglobe.com. Licensee: CBS Radio East Fax: (410) 821 -8256. Web Site: www.whts.com. Phone: (410) 825 -1000. Jim Van, news dir; Mark Workman, chief of engrg; R. DiBuono, traf Inc. Group owner: CBS Radio (acq 8 -1-85; grpsl; FTR: 6- 10 -85). Natl. Licensee: CBS Radio Stations Inc. Group owner: CBS Radio (acq mgr; Linda Ward, spec ev coord. Network: CNN Radio. Natl. Rep: CBS Radio. Format: Classic rock. 11- 13 -98; grpsl). Population served: 905,759 Natl. Rep: Christal. Target aud: 25 -49. *Michael Hughes, gen mgr. Format: Talk. News staff: one. Target aud: 25 -54. Robert Philips, VP, mgr mgr. gen & stn Denton WTNT(AM)- Jan 2, 1946: 570 khz; 5 kw -D, 1 kw-N, DA -2. TL: N39 02 07 W77 10 11. Hrs open: 241801 Rockville Pike, Rockville, 20852. Phone: (301) 231-7798. Fax: (301) 881 -8030. E -mail: Chestertown WKDI(AM)- Dec 27, 1988: 840 khz; 1 kw -D, DA. TL N38 53 53 W75 [email protected] Web Site: www.wmtam570.dom. Licensee: 51 10. Stereo. Hm open: Sunrise- sunset Box 309, 21629, Secondary Red Zebra Broadcasting Licensee LLC. Group owner: Red Zebra address: 24580 Station Rd. 21629. Phone: (410) 479 -2288. Fax: (410) WCTR(AM)- June 16, 1963: 1530 khz; 1 kw -D, 270 w-CH. TL: N39 Holdings 7 -15 Natl. Rep: Channel. 479.5188. E-mat wkd @broadcast.net Licensee: Bayshore Communications LLC (acq -2008; grpsl). Clear 13 35 W76 05 20. Hrs open: Box 700, 21620. Secondary address: 231 Talk. 25 Inc. Format: Christian/talk. News: 12 his wkly. Target aud: 25 -49: Format: Target aud: -54. Kaiya Ramsey, gen sls mgr; Kevin Flatland Rd. 21620. Phone: (410) 778-1530. Fax: (410) 778 -4800. Cannady, prom dir & prom mgr. middle-income Christians. *Edward Baker, CEO: Michael A. McCoy, E -mail: wctr @wctr.com Web Site: www.wcr.com. Licensee: WCTR gen mgr & progmg dir. Broadcasting LLC (acq 5 -12 -2004; $340,000). Population served: WTOP -FM-See Washington, DC 50,000 Natl. Network: ABC. Rgnl rep: Rgnl Reps Format: Oldies. News: 10 his wkly. Target aud: 35 plus. *Richard Gellman, pres; Ken Collins, gen mgr; Keith Thompson, opns mgr; Sean Hall. progmg dir Easton WUST(AM)-See Washington, DC & news dir. WCEI -FM- May 14, 1975: 96.7 mhz; 25 kw. 245 ft TL: N38 46 13 W76 04 55. Stereo. Hrs open: 24 306 Pod St., 21601. Phone: (410) Braddock Heights College Park 822-3301. Fax: (410) 822-0576. Web Site: www.wceiradio.com. Group owner First Media Radio LLC Population served: 120,000 Format: WTLP(FM)- Apr 8, 1972: 103.9 mhz; 350 w. Ant 958 ft Ti.; N39 27 Adult contemp. News staff: one. Target aud: 25 -54. Kolbieski, WMUC -FM- Sept 10, 1979: 88.1 mhz; 10 w. 3 ft TL: N38 58 59 W76 *Alex 29 44. Hrs 24 50 W77 Stereo. open: 56 37. Stereo. Hrs open: 24 Box 99, 3130 S. Campus Dining Hall, CEO; Stacie Monz, gen mgr & sls dir; Julie Johnson, traf mgr, Don -FM Rebroadcasts WTOP Washington, DC 100%. 20742 -8431. Phone: (301) 314-7865. Phone: (301) 314 7868. Fax: Bumpus, local news ed. Idaho Ave. DC, 20016. Phone: 3400 N.W., Washington, (202) (301) 314 -7879. Web Site: wmuc.umd.edu. Licensee: University of 895 -5000. Fax: (202) 895 -5103. E -mail: newsroom @wtopnews.com Maryland. Population served: 50,000 Format: Var/div. Target aud: Web Site: www.wlopnews.com. Licensee: Bonneville Holding Co. WEMD(AM)- Sept 29, 1960: 1460 khz; 1 kw-D, 500 w -N, DA -2. TL: College students. Steve Gnadt, gen mgr & opns mgr. Group owner: Bonneville International Corporation (acq 1996; grpsq. N38 4613 W76 04 55. Stereo. Hrs open: 306 Port St., 21601. Phone: Population served: 125,000 Natl. Network: CBS Radio. Natl. Rep: Katz (410) 822 -3301. Fax: (410) 822 -0576. E -mail: stacie @wceiradio.com Radio. Format: News. Target aud: General. Joel Oxley, gen mgr. Licensee: First Media Radio L.L.C. Group owner: First Media Radio Crisfield LLC (acq 11-30-99; $4 million with co-located FM). Population served: 70,000 Natl. Network: Jones Radio Networks. Dow, Lohnes & Albertson. Format: Music of Your Life. Target aud: 45 plus; mature WBEYFM- July 1995: 97.9 mhz; 4.3 kw. Ant 379 ft TL: 1138 01 45 Brunswick adults. Matt Spence, progmg dir. W75 45 05. Hrs open: Box 69, 21817. Secondary address: 1637 Dunn Swamp Rd., Pocomoke City 21851. Phone: (410) 957-6081. Fax: WTRI(AM)- Oct 2, 1966: 1520 khz; 9.3 kw -D, 14 kw-CH. TL: N39 18 (410) 957 -6080. E -mail: bay979Ngmail.com Web Site: 45 W77 36 31. Stereo. Hrs open: 214 13th Ave., 21716. Phone: (301) www.easternshoreradio.com. Licensee: Bay Broadcasting. Format: 834 -9000. Fax: (301) 834-6944. E -mail: sales @vegasradiowtri.com Elkton Adult country. Michael Powell, gen mgr, opns mgr & gen sls mgr, Web Site: www.vegasradiowtri.com. Licensee: WTRI Holding LLC Adam Riggin, progmg dir. (acq 10.20 -2004; $1.6 million). Population served: 500,000 Format: 'WOEL-FU- September 1978: 89.9 mhz; 3 kw. 259 ft TL: N39 35 35 Nostalgia. Fred Rohner, gen mgr & news dir; Martin F. Sheehan, gen W75 51 49. Hm open: Box 246, 21922. Secondary address: 3141 Old mgr, Buddy Ricer, progmg dir. Elk Neck Rd. 21922. Phone: (410) 398 -3764. Fax: (410) 392 -3229. Cumberland E -mail: apd.saved @juno.com Web Site: www.mbcmin.org. Licensee: Maryland Baptist Bible College. Population served: 200,000 Natl.
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