the Rice Thresher Vol. XCIV, Issue No. 19 SINCE 1916 Friday, February 9, 2007 BAKER INSTITUTE Autry to undergo FOR 5LIC POLIO major overhaul by Perry Factor of jokes on nationally televised broadcasts—will be removed, and THRESHER STAFF seating will be installed on that side Autry Court will receive its of the court. first major upgrade in 57 years Del Conte said the curtain may this July. A $7 million gift from be cut up and sold to collectors or alumnus, trustee and former varsity placed in an athletic hall of fame. basketball player Bobby Tudor "It's part of Rice culture, but \ (Hanszen '82) and his wife Phoebe at the same time it's also part of Tutor jump-started the project, a detriment to us as we recruit," estimated to cost $23 million. he said. The upgrade, which is being designed by sports architectural firm To see architectural plans for Autry • - • -'&•£$$! Hellmuth, Obata and Kassabaum, Court's renovation, see Page 7. is expected to take 18 months. Autry Court will be reconfigured, The current Rice Pool and the and the space between it and Recreation Center's facilities will not Fox Gymnasium will be filled in, be affected by the construction. according to the tentative plans "No student will not have a released Tuesday. place to work out — period," Del The renovation will create new Conte said. offices, restrooms, locker rooms He said an upgraded Autry will and concession stands. A new not only be nicer to look at on the weight room for varsity athletes will inside but will also enhance the IAN WHITE/THRESHER supplement the one at Rice Stadium, attractiveness of campus. President Bill Clinton spoke yesterday at Autry Court. The speech, "Embracing our Common Humanity: Meeting the Chal- existing academic facilities for the "Rice students have the finest lenges of Global Interdependence in the 21st Century" focused on U.S. policy's current and future roles in the world. varsity athletes will be improved facilities in the country to learn, but and expanded, a team store will the facility used the most is one of be built in the entrance lobby and the worst," he said. "It is an eyesore a club lounge will be built on the at an institution of greatness You second floor behind the north end come to the pearly gates when you Clinton expounds global issues of the arena. see Dwett Hall, yet [Autry] looks Although the name Autry will like an old junkyard, even though Increasing US. diplomacy, aid key to 42nd President's vision for future remain in some capacity, Athletic it's the most-used facility." Director Chris Del Conte said new- Since he was hired, Del Conte by Grace Ng and Natalie Kone speaker here for quite a number of change of free trade in the Western facility may receive a new name. has said he wants to use the years — we began to think if things hemisphere or by serving as an THRESHKRSTAFF The blue curtain on the south basketball program to generate got going another couple years, we honest broker in the Middle East," end of the arena, long part of Rice revenue for the Athletic Department President Bill Clinton spoke about would have to start all over again Baker said. athletic tradition — and the brunt see AUTRY, Page 7 global challenges from terrorism to and invite the next President Clin- In opening, Clinton discussed health care policy to sustainability at ton," Baker said, eliciting applause the challenges of globalization. He a near-capacity crowd at Autry Court from the audience. addressed the audience directly, yesterday afternoon. The topic of the "Please do me a favor," Baker reminding listeners of their ad- speech was "Embracing our Com- said to Clinton. "Tell the senator vantageous positions in the global mon Humanity: Meeting the Chal- that, of course, cannot be an en- economy and inviting them to keep lenges of Global Interdependence dorsement." in mind that framework when W,. -V • *"• -w in the 21st Century." Baker acknowledged that he and they think about global issues, Baker Institute Director, Ambas- Clinton often find themselves on economic and otherwise. sador Edward Djerejian, President opposite sides of issues, but he had "If we live in an interdependent David Leebron and former Secre- no shortage of praise for Clinton, ac- world, that's good for us, but not so iiy» tary of State — and Honorary Chair knowledging his Global Initiative, good for half the people," he said. of the Baker Institute for Public his work in the wake of the Indian "And if it's unequal, unstable and Policy — James Baker each made Ocean tsunami and his advice to unsustainable, it's clear that what opening remarks. the Iraq Study Group, which Baker the mission of thoughtful people After lamenting the length of co-chaired. He also stressed some all over the world is in the 21st time Clinton took to schedule a trip of their common ideals. century: We have to move from to Rice, Baker drew laughter from "We share a profound apprecia- simple interdependence to more the audience bv alluding to Senator tion of the imperative of American integrated communities locally, nationally and globally." Hillary Clinton's presidential bid. engagement on the world scene, COURTESY RICE ATHLETICS "We've been trying to get our whether by expanding the ex- see CLINTON, Page 4 The renovations to Autry are expected to take 18 months to complete. VP to focus on accreditation INSIDE Casino Party 2 007 OPINION Page 3 In November 2005, SACS raised concerns by Eric I )octor Casino Party 2 007 is scheduled for Is the college system failing? about eight of Rice's accreditation criteria, THRKSHKR STAFF Saturday, Feb. 17 from 10 p.m.-2 a.m. at including objections about how Rice A&E Page 10 Lovett College. In the wake of last year's rocky re- evaluates itself. Art invades Rice Gallery accreditation process, Rice has hired SACS' Criterion 2.5 stipulates that a school SPORTS Page 13 an associate vice president for institutional should "engage in ongoing, integrated and Vagina Monologues Men's basketball wins two in a row institution-wide research-based planning effectiveness—a new position—to strengthen Today and tomorrow from 7:30-9 p.m. and evaluation processes that incorporate a Quote of the Week the university's evaluation procedures. in the Sid Richardson Big Room. Tickets systemic review of programs and services "You still want to be part of an event that's a Provost Eugene Levy announced in a Jan. are $5 for students, $6 for staff and $7 for that (a) results in continuing improvement social outlet and an opportunity to show pride." 31 e-mail that John Cornwell, currently the non-Rice. See review, Page 9. vice provost for institutional effectiveness and (b) demonstrates that the institution is — Men's Basketball Coach Willis Wilson on the importance of student attendance at athletic and assessment at Loyola University in New effectively accomplishing its mission." events. See Story. Page 4. Orleans, will assume the post March 1. Levy said SACS made three recommen- Archi-Arts"Delirious" Ix'vy said Rice hired Cornwell to improve dations about consistency in assessment Scoreboard Rice's reaccreditation process. Every 10 across departments. "Delirious"-themed Archi-Arts party Baseball years, accredited institutions in Alabama, "They weren't criticisms of our current is tonight, 10 p.m.-2 a.m. at the Meridian Rice 5, Central Missouri State 0 Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, educational programs," Levy said. "[SACS] felt (1503 Chartres). Tickets are $10 in Men's Tennis Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, thatwe needed, underthe currently developing advance and $12 at the door. Rice 2, Texas State 3 expectations, to better define our objectives Tennessee, Texas and Virginia are required to Weekend Weather submit a report to the Southern Association and assess whether we were achieving Friday of Colleges. those objectives." CRUSH Party Cloudy. 52-62 degrees SACS examines about 80 criteria for re- Cornwell will bring the number of Rice vice RPC's annual CRUSH Party is Saturday accreditation and sends its assessment to presidents to seven, joining the vice presidents Wednesday from 9 p.m.-2 a.m. at Few showers, 55-61 degrees the U.S. Department of Education, which for finance, administration, enrollment, Willy's Pub. Fill out the survey at Sunday decides whether the university is eligible for investments and treasurer, public affairs and m y meet sheet. com/ricecrush. Showers, 60-75 degrees federal grants. see CORNWELL, Page 5 THE RICE THRESHER OPINION FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 9,2007 hx. z You'ie. z imagine x WON'T BE TH6 Fl A ST To ASK WHY the Rice Thresher THE N&N VICE- YOU'AE HTKC. ptfesmtrNT Fo& / INSTITUTIONAL. TUB BUSH BffGCT I V&NESS. ADMINISTRATION Autry renovations set a f?eQUI ties UNIl>&?SiTI& positive precedent To T>E/ytONS7fiAT£ I flifAoVEm&fr Yesterday, former President Bill Clinton spoke at a curtained, Gt Ite-ACcecViTerfi decrepit Autry Court. While the setting was pleasantly informal, the state of our gym was more than a little disheveled — a burden the FJOUJ vo You PCFIN TO DO PlBASQ TELL MB volleyball and men's and women's basketball teams have shouldered THAT? YOU'RE MVP/fi/Gr, for seasons on end. Fortunately, in about two years no one will have to worry about the unsightliness of Rice's largest-capacity indoor SIMPLE. YOU'LX. venue. (See story, Page 1.) to Ate Sc//f£" TO BXCUSE The improvements certainly will be easier on the eyes for aestheti- MQtf£" cally oriented fans, but they may also improve the quality of varsity RefU&LlCANS IN THE athletics overall.
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