TASMANIAN INSTITUTE OF SPORT yearbook and annual report 2001-2002 TASM ANIAN TASMANIAN INSTITUTE OF SPORT INSTITUTE OF SPORT RT IAN F SPO ISSUE 43 – MAY 2002 AN BRUARY 2002 ASM ISSUE 42 – FE T Back row, from STITUTE O left: David Ellis, IN Sonia Laduzko, Andrea McQuitty, and Paul Manion. Front row: Elizabeth Jack, Premier Jim Bacon, and Ilene ISSUE 41 – OCTOBER 2001 Carr. Peter Churchill is absent from the s spread photo. Forumessage Early success for g kin IS SMANIAN ta Centre are T port is into bart Aquatic y, of S nd attersall’s Ho Chris Hartle 2001 te s a e hip deal at T ive Director aspiring coaches TA TIS mstitu citie of fre sponsors nia Execut In e s TIS sma LY nian erie ouncing the ith Echo Ta im Bacon. a t of th s Ann ogers, left, w d Premier J Tasm ou ith a ble an Denis R beth Jack an THE rtise ia w uita Chairm irector Eliza A NEW scholarship program designed to program is providing the support needed xpe an Eq & TIS D INSTITUTE OF SPORT40 – JU e asm s. ss & as B encourage the development of elite Tas- to give our coaches the opportunity to E its nal T rum Ba ply n gio the sim ard o manian coaches is already achieving achieve in elite coaching circles,” TIS SU re unity fo by now yny m omm ored ow k t W .30p results. Director Elizabeth Jack said. IS Launching the c ons ty, n eld a -9 . Sp cie as h pm lub Two of six coaches awarded scholar- The first intake of scholarships 2001 Powerade g So w m 7 ns C r ildin rum 3 fro itize e fo ships by the Tasmanian Institute of Sport announced on July 31 last year included Schools Bu t fo st 2 nd C tiv e firs ugu n a t initia ges TIS scores double Sonia Laduzko (athletics), from Laud- Program were, , th e n last year have now been awarded nation- E ay, A em orta f all a d from left, rower ursd ervic imp le o an al coaching positions. This comes just erdale; Andrea McQuitty, (canoeing), Th x-S ally eop ome Darren e E a re for p c IS nine months after the Premier and Minis- from Kindred; Ilene Carr (hockey) from at th is is nce port to out,” T Balmforth, “Th cha in s b ter for Sport, Jim Bacon, presented the West Hobart; Paul Manion (cycling) from is a ted all a nt Coca-Cola nd res re t- o suppleme urchill (swimming), from us a inte e a aid. rd firs sponsorship dcoup services t inaugural scholarships, made possible Loira; Peter Ch Amatil state re t w k s ea g grams an e State ho a ha ac m h ndin has pro get from th through State Government funding. New Town; and David Ellis (sailing) from market w ut w eth J foru tsta e of Sport ing that we d o ab e ou mpic nian Institut the fund s.” David Ellis (sailing) has been appoint- Mt Stuart. manager Steve fin r Eliz e at th two raly THE Tasma new major Government cto nc m a le asmania as a and Federal company cholarships provide financial Fordham, Dire udie s fro ual P trip ed up Echo T ia is a new ed by the Australian Yachting Federation The s he a nce , d nd sign cho Tasman ase of yachtsman T erie tes n, a dam . lly E e the next ph as one of the coaches to attend the Youth and mentoring support to the coaches, exp thle arlto . al e A e sponsor was officia ed to overse n Mark Padgett, and n a C llins ysic ine of th -year deal establish l remediatio World Sailing Championships in Lunen- allowing them to gain valuable national h nia lissa l Co ph o n tra ne The five an Denis nvironmenta and students sma e anie TIS h tio n o p. TIS Chairm the major e e site at burg, Canada, during July. He will be one and international experience, while at the Ta er M r D ded ne, w istra ye o m ounced by ier Jim former Tioxid from Riverside m ake clu ulha all in in n e al ju ann n with Prem ram at the same time adding to their knowledge swim kay rs in r C s b adm ps a rtic his in associatio tic prog . of four coaches responsible for the Aus- Primary. pic ake ete wis jury TIS kee e ve m. T Rogers obart Aqua e near Burnie r lym pe h P e s in gs n th foru ren Tattersall’s H Heybridg utive Directo tralian team competing in six boat class- and skills through hands-on coaching O er s oac of th also wlin ts o ing hild acon at the long-time ania’s Exec Oth n c se nd Ro den ven oolc the B ame time, Echo Tasm y had a es against 28 other countries. and educational opportunities. tio the u nt a s stu e e ch nd e. At the s n for his compan para ted pme itie th for s , a . Centr atil signed o Hartley said ilita- Ilene Carr (hockey) has been named The scholarships will continue to be pre stra elo ctiv p to pos ntre nge oca-Cola Am - Chris to the rehab on dev of a g u ex Ce alle sponsor C major spon ommitment by the State Government and dem nd ay din orts orts Ch e become the long-term c equally long- Assistant Coach to the under-18 Aus- supported ing a full d lea d sp Sp rate t th other year, to r site and an in n. a de yard rpo eld a usi- an n of its forme tralian women’s team to compete against will be an ongoing feature of the TIS pro- tra ntio t on inclu yn Co h al b the TIS. pon- tio Tasmania. ve pu e W ble as loc in sor of important s mmitment to ject New Zealand in the Rose Quaid Series in gram, allowing these and other aspiring pre TIS t th quita e w ith g are both very term co r Burnie pro The a & E ng , w uttin ts “These athletes that phasis of ou New South Wales in August. high-performance coaches to spend up ass halle entre rs p tes e TIS and the “The em llence and B e C C the IS e rships for th oca-Cola ance exce to two years gaining additional coaching Th ports nd o of T y th so hank both C on perform “This is a great achievement for these rd S il a ries n b vice and we t ere- is nya unc se wo we ser nia most sinc Page 2 two individuals and it is evidence that the knowledge and experience. Wy o for a as Echo Tasma Continued ses, c ree ent w n Amatil and ers said. nes f th e ev . ld o port,” Mr Rog s o . Th ade e for their sup veloping n am s brig e h ly vital in de r the Tasmania The TIS Bulletin is published quarterly by Corporate Communications Pty Ltd for the Tasmanian te ctivitie fire ill b onsorship is ions Pty Ltd fo d a the m w “Sp te Communicat Institute of Sport. If you would like to contribute information,please forward it to: an m ru ns. rly by Corpora forward it to: m fro xt fo ele ublished quarte mation, please tea e t H ge 5 IS Bulletin is p contribute infor Denise Hansson,TIS,PO Box 93 Prospect 7250. he n 2 at S , Pa The T u would like to T er 2 res e of Sport. If yo Telephone:(03) 6336 2202 Facsimile:(03) 6336 2211 mb ictu anian Institut nsson, letes and students. Athletes get the i- ove re p asm Denise Ha 0. Email: d [email protected] artic N Mo e T 3 Prospect 725 chance to improve their speaking and ge p nce • for th TIS, PO Box 9 Editor: k [email protected] llen ula ty Ltd ) 6336 2202 presenting skills, while students are ha mb g s P it to: Telephone: (03 r further information on the TIS,check out our website:www.tis.tas.gov.au. ble C rd A rm/le ard 36 2211 Fo Powerade boost for uita nya e a unication imile: (03) 63 exposed to an elite athlete and what that y th m se forw Facs v.au Eq e W n om lea [email protected] entails. ss & th rd o ,p il: denise.hans .gov.au. Thank you to The Examiner newspaper for the provision of some photos for our newsletter. “In many cases, students are returning Ba m d ha r. rporate C ation Ema as.com.au e: www.tis.tas ts fro rke ete o inform knylander@cct out our websit pan wo om ute Editor: n the TIS, check ice erg uarterly by nCtrib r information o to the primary schools that they attended, Serv q For furthe schools program blished like to co .
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