ACTTION - IMMPACT-XIX Accelerating the Development of Precision Pain Medicine June 3, 2016 A Matter of Record (301) 890-4188 Min-U-Script® with Word Index ACTTION - IMMPACT-XIX Accelerating the Development of Precision Pain Medicine June 3, 2016 Page 1 Page 3 1 C O N T E N T S (continued) 1 ACTTION 2 AGENDA ITEM PAGE 2 3 Workshop: Sodium Channels as Targets for 3 INITIATIVE ON METHODS, MEASUREMENT, AND PAIN 4 Precision Neuropathic and Musculoskeletal 4 ASSESSMENT IN CLINICAL TRIALS 5 Pain Medicine 5 6 Rare vs. Common Gene Variants as Guides to 6 IMMPACT-XIX 7 Pain Mechanisms and Drug Development 7 8 Alban Latremoliere, PhD 238 8 Accelerating the Development of 9 Sodium Channels as Targets for Precision 9 Precision Pain Medicine 10 Pain Medicine: Preclinical Perspectives 10 11 11 Simon Tate, PhD 268 12 12 Sodium Channels as Targets for Precision Friday, June 3, 2016 13 8:09 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. 13 Pain Medicine: "Irritable Nociceptors" and 14 14 Other Phenotypes in the Design of 15 15 Clinical Trials 16 16 Troels Jensen, MD, PhD 299 17 Westin City Center 17 Q&A and Panel Discussion 18 Washington, D.C. 18 Do Sodium Channels Provide a Model for the 19 19 Development of Precision Pain Medicine? 326 20 20 Nathaniel Katz, MD 21 21 22 22 Page 2 Page 4 1 C O N T E N T S 1 P R O C E E D I N G S 2 AGENDA ITEM PAGE 2 (8:09 a.m.) 3 Introduction and Meeting Objectives 3 Introduction and Meeting Objectives 4 Dennis Turk, PhD 4 4 DR. TURK: Good morning. My name is Dennis 5 Precision Pain Medicine: Accomplishments of the 5 Turk. I want to welcome you to the 19th IMMPACT 6 Past 25 Years, and Prospects for the Next 10 6 meeting. When we had the third IMMPACT meeting, I 7 Clifford Woolf, MD, PhD 31 7 had a slide that I made up, a humorous slide, of 8 Preclinical Research Obstacles and 8 Dr. Dworkin and myself at the 20th IMMPACT meeting, 9 Opportunities in Developing Precision Pain 9 and we were gray-haired and hobbled over. And I 10 Medicine: An Overview 10 looked in the mirror this morning, and I was quite 11 Andrew Rice, MBBS, MD 84 11 distressed to see that, in fact, we're approaching 12 Clinical Research Obstacles and 12 the 20th meeting, and I may have to revive that 13 Opportunities in Developing Precision Pain 13 slide. 14 Medicine: An Overview 14 I do want to thank all of you for being here 15 Michael Rowbotham, MD 120 15 and welcome you to this particular meeting. As I 16 Precision Medicine at the NIH 16 said, this is the 19th meeting. I especially want 17 William Riley, PhD 156 17 to thank people who have come from great distances 18 Q&A and Panel Discussion 181 18 to be here, from U.K., from Germany, from all parts 19 Roy Freeman, MD 19 of the United States, from other countries that I'm 20 20 not even remembering at the moment. So thank you 21 21 all for coming. 22 22 Hopefully, this is going to be an enjoyable Min-U-Script® A Matter of Record (1) Pages 1 - 4 (301) 890-4188 ACTTION - IMMPACT-XIX Accelerating the Development of Precision Pain Medicine June 3, 2016 Page 5 Page 7 1 meeting, as well as a productive meeting. Let me 1 proprietary information on any of those slides, 2 tell you a little bit about what's going to happen, 2 we'll ask you to delete those. But we will ask 3 and, first of all, a little bit about what -- for 3 your permission, and the reason for doing that is, 4 those that haven't been here, there are a number of 4 obviously, there are many, many more people -- this 5 you that have not been to any former IMMPACT 5 could be huge, but there's not enough room and not 6 meetings. So I'll give you just a quicky overview 6 enough conducive for discussion. As Dan Carr told 7 of what's going to come. 7 me, it's the old Socratic method of getting people 8 I slightly apologize for the room. I know 8 to talk to each other. 9 it's a little hard for people to see if you're 9 That's our goal, but the idea, for 10 sitting down there and asking a question or 10 transparency, is to make sure that we do have a 11 somebody over there, so we're going to count on the 11 transcript so if someone wants to listen to a day 12 moderators to try and intervene and help out when 12 and two-thirds or a day and three-quarters of us 13 they're up here, because I can see everybody, but 13 talking, they'll have an opportunity to do that. 14 when John Farrar wanted to speak to Bob Dworkin, 14 The slides, we hope, will become available, 15 he'd have a hard time seeing around the corner. 15 as well. Usually, when we get permission for the 16 So that's why I'm going to apologize in 16 slides, it takes about anywhere from a month to six 17 advance, and I'm asking the moderators of all the 17 weeks before they go up. But, for example, if you 18 different sessions to try to be aware of that when 18 want to see somebody's slides, you will eventually 19 it comes to questions. 19 be able to get access to them or you can send them 20 Housekeeping details are always the most 20 an email, I'm sure, and they'll send them to you, 21 important things. Make sure you sign in. That 21 as well. 22 will be each morning that you're here. Silence 22 Lunch is going to be in the Vista Terrace, Page 6 Page 8 1 your cell phones, and if you put them on airplane 1 which is on the mezzanine level, which is a couple 2 mode. If you're a speaker, by the way, if you're a 2 levels up from here. Checkout time on Saturday is 3 speaker, put it on airplane mode, because if you 3 12:00 noon. You can check your baggage at the bell 4 get any messages on your phone while you're 4 stand or place it in the back of the meeting room, 5 speaking, the mics will pick it up. So please do 5 if you choose to want to do that. The meeting room 6 that. 6 is secured. So if you go to lunch and you're 7 Microphones are voice-activated, so speak 7 wondering about your laptop, can you leave it in 8 directly into them. Are these the kind that you 8 here, yes, in fact, you can, and it's going to be 9 have a certain number of people who can light up or 9 safe. 10 is it just -- there's six people. So if six people 10 Taxis can be ordered, and what we typically 11 have started going to their mics, if you're the 11 do is we have a signup sheet so that people can get 12 seventh person, your mic won't work until someone 12 to the airports and make sure they have plenty of 13 stops speaking. So it's not that your mic isn't 13 time to do that. Valorie Thompson, who some of you 14 working, it only means that you're being blocked 14 have met, who we couldn't do these meetings 15 out until there's room for that. 15 without, and Andrea Speckin, who are at the 16 The meeting is going to be recorded, and, 16 registration desk, they can help you with any 17 therefore, everything you say can and will be held 17 issues related to your room, transportation, taxis, 18 against you. 18 what have you. So check with those young ladies, 19 All of these speakers' slides, we will ask 19 who are standing toward the back. I think Valorie 20 their permission, but once we get permission, they 20 I can see from here. If you need any assistance, 21 will all be placed on the ACTTION website. 21 check with them. 22 If you're a speaker and you have some 22 If you do have some call or something that Min-U-Script® A Matter of Record (2) Pages 5 - 8 (301) 890-4188 ACTTION - IMMPACT-XIX Accelerating the Development of Precision Pain Medicine June 3, 2016 Page 9 Page 11 1 you have to take, make sure that you don't do it in 1 Maritime Potato Action Team, that is also not this 2 the room here. So that's just the housekeeping. 2 meeting. The Infrastructure Management Mapping, 3 Restrooms, which they didn't put on the 3 Planning, and Coordinating Tool from Austin, Texas, 4 slide, if you go out the back door, turn to my 4 so if you happen to be living in Austin, Texas, 5 right, you'll eventually bump right into them. You 5 this is a entity that is helping develop the city 6 can't miss them. So they're very conveniently 6 and get it all prepared for you to enjoy your life 7 arranged.
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