Notice of Meeting and Agenda Planning Committee Venue: Council Chambers, Midlothian House, Dalkeith, EH22 1DN Date: Tuesday, 19 February 2019 Time: 13:00 Director, Resources Contact: Clerk Name: Mike Broadway Clerk Telephone: 0131 271 3160 Clerk Email: [email protected] Further Information: This is a meeting which is open to members of the public. Recording Notice: Please note that this meeting will be recorded. The recording will be publicly available following the meeting. The Council will comply with its statutory obligations under the Data Protection Act 1998 and the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002. Page 1 of 154 1 Welcome, Introductions and Apologies 2 Order of Business Including notice of new business submitted as urgent for consideration at the end of the meeting. 3 Declaration of Interest Members should declare any financial and non-financial interests they have in the items of business for consideration, identifying the relevant agenda item and the nature of their interest. 4 Minute of Previous Meeting 4.1 Minute of Meeting held on 22 January 2019 - For Approval 5 - 22 5 Public Reports 5.1 Planning Performance Framework Annual Report 2017/18 – 23 - 30 Report by Director, Education, Communities and Economy. 5.2 Midlothian Local Biodiversity Action Plan – Report by Director, 31 - 60 Education, Communities and Economy. 5.3 Major Applications: Applications Currently Being Assessed and 61 - 68 Other Developments at Pre-Application Consultation Stage – Report by Director, Education, Communities and Economy. Pre-Application Consultations - Reports by Director, Education, Communities and Economy 5.4 Proposed residential development and erection of school, with 69 - 72 associated engineering works, open space and landscaping at Land East and West of Easthouses Road, Easthouses, Dalkeith (18/00962/PAC). 5.5 Proposed redevelopment of existing snow sports centre to include 73 - 78 leisure facilities; tourist accommodation; hotel; function suite and ancillary retail and restaurant; formation of access and car parking at Midlothian Snow Sports Centre, Biggar Road, Hillend (18/00970/PAC). Application for Planning Permission Considered at a Previous Meeting – Report by Director, Education, Communities and Economy 5.6 Application for Planning Permission in Principle, for Planning 79 - 114 Permission and for Listed Building Consent for the Conversion of Listed Buildings to Dwellings and Residential and Commercial Development in the Grounds of the former Rosslynlee Hospital, Roslin (17/00980/PPP, 17/01001/DPP and 18/00061/LBC). Page 2 of 154 Applications for Planning Permission Considered for the First Time – Reports by Director, Education, Communities and Economy 5.7 Application for Planning Permission for the Erection of 28 115 - 136 dwellinghouses and 44 flatted dwellings; formation of access roads and car parking and associated works at Land East of Conifer Road Mayfield Dalkeith (19/00042/DPP). 5.8 Application for Planning Permission for the Erection of 5 137 - 154 dwellinghouses and 16 flatted dwellings, formation of access and associated works at Site HS22, Land to The North of Kirkhill Road Penicuik (18/00494/DPP). THE COMMITTEE IS INVITED (A) TO CONSIDER RESOLVING TO DEAL WITH THE UNDERNOTED BUSINESS IN PRIVATE IN TERMS OF PARAGRAPH 13 OF PART 1 OF SCHEDULE 7A TO THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT (SCOTLAND) ACT 1973 - THE RELEVANT REPORTS ARE THEREFORE NOT FOR PUBLICATION; AND (B) TO NOTE THAT NOTWITHSTANDING ANY SUCH RESOLUTION, INFORMATION MAY STILL REQUIRE TO BE RELEASED UNDER THE FREEDOM OF INFORMATION (SCOTLAND) ACT 2002 OR THE ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION REGULATIONS 2004. 6 Private Reports 6.1 Enforcement Report: Gorebridge – Report by Director, Education, Communities and Economy. • 13. Information which, if disclosed to the public, would reveal that the authority proposes—(a) to give under any enactment a notice under or by virtue of which requirements are imposed on a person; or (b) to make an order or direction under any enactment. 7 Date of Next Meeting The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 2 April 2019 at 1.00pm Plans and papers relating to the applications on this agenda can also be viewed online at www.midlothian.gov.uk. Page 3 of 154 Page 4 of 154 Planning Committee Tuesday 19 February 2019 Minute of Meeting Item No 4.1 Planning Committee Date Time Venue 22 January 2018 1.00 pm Council Chambers, Midlothian House, Buccleuch Street, Dalkeith Present: Councillor Imrie (Chair) Councillor Alexander Councillor Baird Councillor Cassidy Councillor Curran Councillor Hackett Councillor Hardie Councillor Johnstone Councillor Lay-Douglas Councillor McCall Councillor Milligan Councillor Muirhead Councillor Munro Councillor Parry Councillor Russell Councillor Smaill Councillor Wallace Councillor Winchester Page 5 of 154 1. Apologies An apology for absence had been received from Councillor Smaill, who hoped to join the meeting later. 2. Order of Business The Clerk confirmed that that order of business was as outlined in the agenda that had been previously circulated. The Committee agreed, on the suggestion of the Chair, to take agenda item 5.7 - Application for Planning Permission in Principle, for Planning Permission and for Listed Building Consent for the Conversion of Listed Buildings to Dwellings and Residential and Commercial Development in the Grounds of the former Rosslynlee Hospital, Roslin (17/00980/PPP, 17/01001/DPP and 18/00061/LBC), as the final item of public business. 3. Declarations of interest Councillor Milligan (non-pecuniary) declared an interest in agenda item 5.7 - Application for Planning Permission in Principle, for Planning Permission and for Listed Building Consent for the Conversion of Listed Buildings to Dwellings and Residential and Commercial Development in the Grounds of the former Rosslynlee Hospital, Roslin (17/00980/PPP, 17/01001/DPP and 18/00061/LBC) – on the grounds that he was a non-executive Member of the NHS Lothian Board who retained an interest in the application site it being a former NHS property. He would therefore withdraw from the meeting during discussion of this item of business. In addition, Councillors Muirhead, Lay-Douglas, Smaill, Cassidy and Alexander (non-pecuniary) all declared an interest on the grounds that, at the invitation of the applicants, they had all visited the application site, but at no time had offer an opinion on the current applications before Members. Councillors Hackett (non-pecuniary) declared an interest in agenda item 5.10 - Application for Planning Permission for the Erection of dwellinghouse; formation of access and car parking and associated works at Land at 3 Eskview Villas Dalkeith (18/00760/DPP) on the grounds that he had been approached by the nursery which his children attended, regarding the application, as it was on land that adjoined/was part of their grounds, but at no time had offer an opinion on the current application before Members. On behalf of the Members of the Conservative Group, Councillor Hardie (non- pecuniary) declared an interest in agenda item 5.3 - Application for Planning Permission for Residential Development including Park and Ride; Allotments; Land Safeguarded for possible Education Use; Formation of Access Roads and Car Parking and Associated Works at Land At Newton Farm and Wellington Farm, Old Craighall Road, Millerhill, Dalkeith (17/00408/DPP and 17/00408/DPP) – on the grounds that they all knew the current occupant of Wellington Farm, who was a Conservative Party candidate. Page 6 of 154 4. Minutes of Previous Meetings The Minutes of Meeting of 20 November 2018 were submitted and approved as a correct record. The Committee, on the suggestion of the Chair, agreed to clarify for the record that agenda item 5.5 - Application for Planning Permission in Principle, for Planning Permission and for Listed Building Consent for the Conversion of Listed Buildings to Dwellings and Residential and Commercial Development in the Grounds of the former Rosslynlee Hospital, Roslin (17/00980/PPP, 17/01001/DPP and 18/00061/LBC) - had been deferred rather then continued. 5. Reports Agenda No Report Title Presented by: 5.1 Supplementary Guidance: Special Landscape Peter Arnsdorf Areas Executive Summary of Report With reference to paragraph 5.1 of the Minutes of 9 October 2018, there was submitted report, dated 15 January 2019, by the Director of Education, Communities and Economy, providing the Committee with an update on the adoption of the Special Landscape Areas Supplementary Guidance. The report explained in particular that – • the required public notification/advertisement advising that the Special Landscape Areas Supplementary Guidance would not have a significant environmental impact triggering the need for a formal Strategic Environmental Assessment had been published in the Midlothian Advertiser newspaper on 17 October 2018; and • Scottish Ministers, in response to notification of the Council’s intention to adopt the supplementary guidance had informed the Council by letter dated 26 October 2018 that they did not propose to issue a direction in relation to the guidance and that the Council was free to adopt the guidance Decision The Committee, having heard from the Planning Manager, noted the update on adoption of the Special Landscape Areas Supplementary Guidance. Action Planning Manager Agenda No Report Title Presented by: 5.2 Supplementary Guidance: Resource Extraction Peter Arnsdorf Page 7 of 154 Executive Summary of Report With reference to paragraph 5.2 of the Minutes of 28 August 2018, there was submitted
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