December 16, 2010 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 156, Pt. 15 22475 the habitat at Sharp Park, balancing environ- all know, Haiti suffered a devastating earth- no as it celebrates its one hundred-year anni- mental concerns with the recreational pursuits quake in January 2010. The magnitude 7 versary. of golf and archery. Julie also represented her quake claimed the lives of hundreds of thou- Beginning in 1911 as a small teachers col- community on the Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory sands of Haitians, displaced over a million and lege, Fresno State has built a reputation for its Committee and the City/County Association of left the capital of Port-au-Prince and outlying academic standards as well as its athletic Governments. country areas in ruins. achievements. Located in the heart of the San Throughout her life, Julie has been pas- Haiti’s road to recovery has been long and Joaquin Valley, Fresno State has played an sionate about the outdoors and the preserva- arduous. Despite overwhelming support from important role in the history of the valley, in- tion of open space. One of the highlights in the international community, the success of re- cluding making it the most productive agricul- her career was the purchase of Mori Point and development and rebuilding efforts has been tural region in the world. its inclusion into the Golden Gate National extremely limited. Even today, thousands re- Fresno State is one of the few universities Recreational Area. She launched a campaign main in international displacement camps, in the country to have an on-campus diversi- for that purchase and organized the commu- many overrun with disease and violence. To fied farm of over 1,000 acres. The campus nity to raise money to partner with the Trust date, more than a thousand have died due to was also the first in the country fully licensed for Public Land, the Park Service and the the cholera outbreak. Even more continue to to produce, bottle, and sell wine. Coastal Conservancy. Thanks to Julie, Mori suffer in unspeakable poverty and squalor. Home to the largest library in the California Point is now a spectacular hiking area open to One of the strongest obstacles to meaning- State University System, Fresno State has everyone. ful recovery in Haiti has been a political envi- educated innovative professionals in every- Madam Speaker, it is right to honor my ronment long plagued with corruption and dis- thing from winemaking to nursing to liberal friend and colleague Julie Lancelle for her out- honesty. Despite the presence of over 100 ob- arts. The extensive range of degrees offered standing advocacy and dedication to her com- servers, Haiti’s presidential election two Sun- by the college mirrors the diversity of the val- munity, particularly on December 15, 2010, days ago was overrun with allegations of fraud ley. In addition to outstanding academic stand- the day she retires from the Pacifica City and overtly questionable practices. It is my ards, Fresno State has gained a reputation for Council. hope that the election results are indeed as its championship-winning athletic program. f accurate as possible and that the former First This includes the Bulldogs baseball team win- Lady Mirlande Manigat and ruling party can- HONORING CHRIS EBIE ning the 2008 College World Series. didate Jude Celestin are the true, democrat- From its beginnings as the Fresno Normal HON. GEORGE RADANOVICH ically elected candidates to participate in the School, Fresno State has become one of the Presidential run-off. OF CALIFORNIA leading academic institutions in the San Joa- Although Haiti experienced numerous polit- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES quin Valley. I am proud to have the Fresno ical and economic problems prior to the earth- Thursday, December 16, 2010 State campus in my district and congratulate quake, the current level of challenges the Hai- past and present students, teachers, and ad- Mr. RADANOVICH. Madam Speaker, I rise tian people are facing is no longer tolerable. ministrators for 100 years of success. today to commend and congratulate Chris The United States and the international com- Ebie upon his retirement as the Mariposa munity cannot continue to accept the pace at f County Auditor. which Haiti’s recovery is taking place, while PERSONAL EXPLANATION Mr. Ebie began his career with Mariposa human lives are at stake. We can all do bet- County in September of 1987 as Account ter, and to choose complacency over delib- HON. DAN BURTON Clerk III in the Auditor’s Office. In November erate action would be a grave insult to human- OF INDIANA of 1988, he was promoted to Assistant Audi- ity. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tor. In April 2005, Mr. Ebie briefly left Mariposa As we approach a new year and a new Thursday, December 16, 2010 County but returned in January 2006 as the Congress, I urge my colleagues to never for- Board-appointed County Auditor. In June get Haiti and the challenges its people con- Mr. BURTON of Indiana. Madam Speaker, 2007, Mr. Ebie was officially elected to the po- tinue to face. As the Representative of a large due to severe weather which delayed my re- sition of County Auditor. Caribbean-American constituency and as a turn to Washington, D.C., I was unable to be In his time with the County, Mr. Ebie worked daughter of Caribbean, Haiti has always been on the House Floor for rollcall votes 628, 629 on a number of projects, including coordi- close to my heart. However, my commitment and 630. Had I been present I would have nating efforts in assuring the County’s compli- to helping Haiti does not solely come from my voted: yea on rollcall vote 628; nay on rollcall ance with Governmental Accounting Stand- constituency or my familial background. It vote 629; and yea on rollcall vote 630. ards Board (GASB) 45, maintaining the Coun- comes from my identity as a public servant f ty’s software and budget structure and imple- and a citizen of the world. In all of my work, GERRY HOUSE menting the Alternative Measurement Method I will continue to give the people of Haiti a (AMM) for reporting costs and liabilities asso- voice. I will not give up until my colleagues HON. JIM COOPER ciated with health and other non-pension ben- recognize Haiti and Haiti resurges as the pearl OF TENNESSEE efits for public employees. of the Caribbean once again. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES In addition to his service to the County, Mr. Let us never forget that as we unite with the Ebie is a dedicated family man. Chris and his people of Haiti, Haitian-Americans and the Thursday, December 16, 2010 wife Grace are the proud parents of four chil- Haitian Diaspora to assist with the develop- Mr. COOPER. Madam Speaker, today I rise dren and the proud grandparents of four ment of this great nation, we are forever guid- to honor Mr. Gerry House on the occasion of grandchildren. ed by the words etched indelibly on the Hai- his retirement from WSIX radio and the end of Madam Speaker, I rise today to honor Chris tian flag, ‘L’Union fait la force’ (Loon yon feh his famous radio show, Gerry House and the Ebie for his dedicated service to the people of la force) . through unity, there is strength! House Foundation. Mr. House is an award- Mariposa County. I invite my colleagues to join f winning American radio personality, talented me in wishing Mr. Ebie many years of contin- songwriter, stand-up comic and an outstanding ued success. RECOGNIZING THE CENTENNIAL Tennessean. f ANNIVERSARY OF CALIFORNIA The king of morning radio in Nashville, STATE UNIVERSITY, FRESNO HAITI EARTHQUAKE Gerry has kept listeners company in their cars, offices and homes for three decades. He will HON. YVETTE D. CLARKE HON. DEVIN NUNES be the first-ever country music DJ to join other American radio and television luminaries in the OF NEW YORK OF CALIFORNIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES National Association of Broadcasters Hall of Fame. Thursday, December 16, 2010 Thursday, December 16, 2010 Gerry is truly engaged in all levels of the Ms. CLARKE. Madam Speaker, I rise today Mr. NUNES. Madam Speaker, I rise today music industry. He has written songs for leg- to draw attention to the plight of Haiti. As we to recognize California State University, Fres- ends like George Strait, Reba McEntire, VerDate Mar 15 2010 14:15 Oct 17, 2013 Jkt 039102 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR10\E16DE0.000 E16DE0 ehiers on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD.
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