$ m r ‘ W m V V £ i n ile Dealers In 1965 Model Show Saturday COVERING rowNmin or HOLMDU, MADISON HABUWBO, MATAWAN loiifnal MATAWAN M M tO I MMtmbtrm THURSDAY, APRIL Member HNi Y IM — 43rd WEEK ■a* J M * fl MATAWAN, N. J„ 29, 1965 KlMWil MUorUI AmocUHob SiwgU Copy T n C uts Concrete Counter Balance Gives Way On Matawan Creek Bridge L ight Industry M m s / m s p r Tax A pportionm ent _ Coataiaar Cotp,’» Members of the Matawan Bor­ lo a meeting that was scheduled ough Council wasted little time • «a expand Its factory a m W flM oat Monday yesterday in Trenton to discusa |i«g MIM m M ft. by H fl. to Tuesday night letting Gov, Richard possible changes in Ihe apportion­ t wall of it* pm est J. Hughes know they don't chew ment of school taxes in a regional l l l i i i out to the The Matawaa Borough Recrea­ their cabbage twice. school district. i «A AtlMUc Av«. raa into tion Committee will hold a regular Council voted unanimously to in­ monthly meeting oa Monday at I The invitation noted' the proposal db)Mtlea W m the. Matawan form the governor's office it could to be discussed ‘‘is that one of tha p.m. In the Borough Hall. Men In­ Township T w h i Board «* Adjust­ not attend or send a representative alternative bases of apportionment terested In forming a aoft ball ment laat alght. H u m nearby be changed from ‘average daily en­ league to the borough are request­ raaideatMawaara apposed it. rollment' to ‘the number of pupils ed to attend. Frsdariak Mauer. president of Salary Raises enrolled on the last school day of tb* csa*aay. put oa tba at aad by September of the current school Deaa Saatord, Partb Amboy, attor- year’." M f :<gr tha Ir a , ratetad that tbe Bids High For Eyed For Police Same As BUI IM bgilaiwa of tha Arm had It was noted the language was J lavfwd addition* to tho Adopt Ordinance the same as was included in Assem­ plant la raosatyaers, thalatt oae in Ravine Dr. Unit bly Bill 404 which was pockot-ve« U M , wh*a there wa* no difficulty O n Public Works toed by Gov. Hughes early in Jan­ aa total are* waa aooad for. heavy Fin t School Undar uary. The measure once had been !■ Industry aad this wa* an enianaloa $2,625,000 Bonding An ordinance granting all mem­ favored by the borough as a step « I i m accepted ia soalng. bers of the Matawan Police Depart­ in the right direction towards ad­ But, Mr. Mauer pointed out, the ment salary increases this yeur was justing inequities in present appor­ Matawan Regional Board of Edu­ introduced by the Matawan Bor­ tionment. Council indicated the lat­ towasMp haa ilaca teaoaed the ar- cation Monday received bids.on the aa to ligM Industry oa which a plant ; ough Council Tuesday. A public est proposal offered nothing new. II-room . Ravine Dr. School. The I hearing on (he ordinance was Waa to ba located oa a three-acre total of low bida without giving con­ Last November, borough voters ptot wHb I t t ft. eetfcack reetrjc- : scheduled by council for May 11. approved a referendum permitting sideration to a long Hit of alter­ ttona. He noted thia put a plant nates il $538,398. In the total bond- The proposed salaries: Police council to spend {10,000 in legal chief, $7350, an increase of 5250; longestablished within aa area lag to .build four schools and ac- fees on the apportionment issue. captain, SG775, up J'iSO; lieutenant, tamt up arauad tt at a great diffi­ re lande that waa approved by Council has hired special attor­ $M125, up $237.SU; sergeant, $6475, neys to handle the case, the firm culty in atttnptlag to coaaply wiib t voters in the amount of 12,625,. up $250; patrolman first grade, ol Schiff, Cummfs and Kent, New­ the now aoalag, that aa eaeeaeively M , there w u $430,000 allotted for $6200. up $250; patrolman second ark. The governing body’s suit is Coetly purchasing o f property all tha coeta of erecting the Ravine grade, $5C0Q, up $221.68; patrolman expected to be filed in Superior around It muit be oadertafcea to Dir. achool. Thia would make the third grade. $5300, up $H3.0'J, and Court. the eoiat whera it would dspnta low bida without consideration of A heavy raacreta eaaater balance, attached te the . attempted to clear and repair the section beneath Ihe bridge. How­ probationary patrolman, $5000, up The borough is contending that kibe earaiac power aad aaosta af a alternates I I I I M in excess of the tba Matawaa Creek Bridge, Haklag Matawaa TewmMp aad Kaypertea ever, it may be nccesaary to close Ihe span if heavy iron work is because of heavy enrollments front «*nall mMtectwlageMapaay. Mr. allotted capital expenditures for $200. ’ Aaatop Bd. aad Weal FraM St., suddenly gave way laat weefe aad required. Repairs are uadcr way by the county now. Council also adopted an ordi­ Strathmore in Matawan Township, Maaer declared he waa aceordlag- thi* achool. ■ ly eeekint ’ variance aa aa owner taahad Iraawark aad aappaats beaeaih Ihe ipaa. Couaty crow* hava nance creating a department of borough taxpayers, for 2'^ years,' cofrfrooted with hardaMp. : However, iba greater number of public works. There were no ob­ have been subsidizing the township the ahem atM open to the board First Aid Drive jections at the public hearing. The since school taxes are apportioned are oa the miaua aide, taking olf Outdoor Auto Show ordinance establishes the post of on a per-pupil basis on past-year . The M anam ith Container presi­ itama of conitructkm or embellish­ Tow nship W ill Have public works superintendent and enrollments. Hie Matawan First Aid and dent aotad there wasaotklagsb- ment at the school rather than add­ The P aapls’a Natienal creates a bureau of engineering lt is estimated that current and Rescue Squad will conduct Its an­ Jectfcmabie about tbe firm's busi- ing thereto. So achool officiala tee Keypart, will apaaaar Its second and a bureau of inspection within back taxes in the total amount of ‘ ‘ ir aa being aaar to m t- a chance of reducing the coats to aaaaal eat dear automobile show nual drive lor funds with house- the department. Frank Triscari, $150,000 to {200,000 are at stake. oaacaraed, ao amok*. Within a reasonable approach to Saturday at the apadoua parking 20 C andidates In R ace to-house calls Monday through public works superintendent also Through litigation, council will at­ ' Ha declared tha Thursduy from C p.m. to 8 p.m. the S4»,M0. The board ia to meet let at Firemen's Memorial Park, . '!ti . serves as a full time borough en­ tempt to recover all or part of tha propoeed would oaly be uaed throughout Ihe month ol May, (continued on page fifteen) West Frast St., averleeldog Rarl- Democrats and Republicans. vlew Way, president of the Regu­ gineer and building inspector. money and have the present appor­ lor atoraga and for a relatively ml- which has been proclaimed First taa Bay. Ia caae of rain, the Matawan Township will select f. lar Democratic Club, and Jerome Eye Recreation Site tionment method overturned. operate*. He Aid Drive Month in Matawan. shew will bo held May ». candidates from a field of 20 per-'‘ R. Knyc of 23 Noble PI., a Plan­ Councilman Frank J. Ferrano dadared wlBdewi in the aaw wias Residents arc asked to have the Marlboro Appeals Nine area aew car dealers will sons who filed Thursday for thaf* ning Board member. reported that negotiations are un­ would ba I* ft. above ground, ao IMS aulas at lha euldeor coin cards leil in February ready June 1 primary election. Tbe wia*' And, Township Committeeman der way for the possible purchase Coif Course Map " re would be ao vlaw to the pub- tfurday. Many dealers will for pick-up by squad members nera will fight it out in November Daniel 11. Downey of Smith Rd.; of a chemical, acquathol, to eli­ eye of aa Industrial oporatiao. attempt to bring aa many madels who will be wearing the official Setback In Court to determine who will be seated as Board of Education member Ed­ minate nr control weed growth Aa tor tha lavsatiaeat, ha declared aa paaslble to the spacious lot on white hats and coveralls with the township's first seven-member ward J. Ledford of 23 fidgeview at Lake Lefferts. Mr. Ferrano al­ Comes In Tonight Wsst Front St. lo a park interest blue Jackets. Combats Order On council. Rd.; lienry C.F. Arnold of 17 1-nrd- so announced that council has ap­ la tho aanaal allair. Anyone who does no< expect to ' Rudelpfe Maela. actlag chalrmaa, ham Dr. and Planning Board At­ proved an agreement to purchase To Be Built First (eoatiaaad oa page fifteen) 20 Budding Pormitt Participating dealers Include The new seven-member township be a t home week-day evenings council - manager form of govern­ torney Waller II. Gehricks of 2'> the four-acre Hamilton tract which Keypart Rambler, Buhler and may m ail a donation tn the Under Midtown Plani Ardmore Lane. will provide public acccss to the M a r I b o r o Township Council BKios lac., Plymouth; Washing- ment will take office next Jan. I. squad, P. O. Box 28, Matawan.
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