Enrollment Up To Present At DMACC "Something Des Moines Area Community To Hide'" College credit student enroll- by CATHY VEALE ment increased 9.9% this fall You won't want to miss this term compared to 1985. year's Boone Campus fall play, This year 8,663 students "Something to Hide," to be have enrolled in credit classes held Friday. Oct. 24 and Satur- at one of the four DMACC cam- day, Oct. 25 at 8 p.m. both eve- puses. Ankeny Campus increas- nings in the auditorium. The ed 6.75% with 6.520 students: play, by Leslie Sands, is a Urban Campus grew by 11.80% murder-mystery and thriller. with 1.1 18; Boone grew by The cast and characters they 16.47% with 700 students: and play are Jon Wright, Howard: the new Carroll Campus grew Michelle Turner, Julie; Diane 87.88'h with a total of' 325 Alston, Karen; John Vachris, qti~d(.nts Inspector Davies: Shannon This is the first year that: stu- 'Soder, Mr. Purdie; Bernice Kitt, cien~saltending courses at Car- Stella; and Sheri Mlemmer. roll have had their own build- Mrs. Cunningham. ing. Director Kay Mueller says Of all the students at the col- she expects a good show and lege, 55% go part-time, 45% hopes that attendance will be full-time. something to Hide greater than last year's spring Valerie Cole, coordinator of play attendance of over 300. student recordslenrollment The cast for this year's fall play "Something to Hide" is in back, from left: Shannon Soder, John Vachris and Jon Wright. In front: Bernice Kitt, Sheri Klemmer, Michelle Turner and The set, including new flats, services, said no particular age is done entirely by the cast. groups accounted for the in- Diane Alston. (Since this photo was taken, Turner has dropped out of the production. Kay Mueller, director, will play her part.) Tami Porter is the student crease, but there was growth at director with Ted Hawkins in all levels. She added there was a charge of lights and Cathy major increase in evening Veale in charge of sound. If courses. anyone would like to help, con- DMACC offers credit classes tact Mueller in Room 109. in career education; career op- Tickets will be sold during tion, and college parallel pro- the week of Oct. 20 outside the grams. Boone Campus Foundation lounge. The cost is $2 in ad- vance and $3 at the door. by JUSTINE SHRIVER they toured the Boone High nouvelle French cuisine. The For more information on Five French natives, in- School, Fareway Distribution wife of one chef will accompany tickets, contact Mueller or one cluding two chefs, were in Center, Archway Cookies, the them. The other two guests will of the cast members. Boone Saturday, Oct. 18, after King Farm, and the Boone and be the secretary general of the presstime, to present a seven- Scenic Valley Railroad. Association of Hotels and Res- course gourmet meal for the Dinners will also be held in taurants at the Chamber of Book Sale DMACC - Boone Campus Foun- Ankeny Oct. 23 and Carroll Commerce of St. Etienne. He dation. Oct. 27. will be accompanied by his wife Goes Well Dinner was prepared and The five are from St. Etienne, who is a teacher of restaurant served at the Boone Country Des Moines' sister city in management. by JUSTINE SHRIVER Club at 6:30 p.m. The hors France. St. Etienne has existed Besides the dinners, the chefs This year's Boone Campus d'oeuvres featured Iowa prod- since the 11th century and is will present seminars at many library book sale went well, ac- ucts. located in the valley of the locations in central Iowa, in- cording to Louise Payton, head Commentary All proceeds from the meal Furan River. It is France's cluding DMACC - Ankeny librarian. will go to the student scholar- ninth largest city. Campus. Payton estimates there were ship fund for Boone Campus One of the chefs is trained in between 200-225 books sold, Students. The cost of tickets the traditional style of French The group was brought to netting $85, or twice as much as was $30 per person. cuisine and the other is con- Iowa by DMACC and seiyeral last year's sale. The money will 'g sidered an expert in the le Iowa-owned companies. be used to purchase new While the five were in Boone, 1 1 materials. The sale included both hard Sports Graduation Applications Due Daylight Savings and paperback books and en- # cyclopedias. Free magazines Those planning to graduat.? A $20 graduation fee will be Ti me Ends proved to be a draw for the sale. in the spring of 1987 should get assessed at the time the grad- Personnel from the Ames their graduation application to uation application is filed. Students and faculty are Retarded Adult Center obtain- the office as soon as ~ossible. reminded Daylight Savings ed boxes of the magazines to be All spring graduates should Any student entering Time ends Sunday, Oct. 26. used for various activities. apply before the midterm of the DMACC will be required to Persons should turn their "Overall I was very pleased fall semester. Deadline is have a 2.00 grade point average clocks back one hour before with this year's sale," Payton Thursday, Oct. 23. in order to graduate. retiring Saturday, Oct. 25. said. Page 2 Commentary The Play's Video Review Corner The Thing by JON WRIGHT black and white of Mitch run- The Boone Campus Theater cept to say that the evil warden and fantasies. Runaway Train ning the football and swinging Productions will present * * * * * begins a chase, as track con- Kim Basinger plays a clothes "Something to Hide," a three- trollers desperately try to stop designer in New York City who on the high bar). Steve ap- parently doesn't have much of a act play Oct. 24-25. "Runaway Train" is such,a the runaway train. leads a normal life. Mickey I was fortunate enough to be fast-paced, exciting movie that Voight was nominated for Rourke plays a rich stockbroker life as he hangs out around the . you quickly forget that it is a gym a lot, watching other gym- cast as "Howard," who is best best actor and Roberts for best who apparently gets off on find- described as Dick Dastardly movie. Jon Voight and Eric supporting actor, and after see- ing and manipulating women nasts. It is here that he spots Roberts have combined for one Julie Lloyd (Janet Jones), a without the compassion. Other ing their performances, you'll for his own sexual fantasies. cast members include Michelle - of the most potent screen wonder why they didn't win, Basinger and Rourke meet by much ballyhooed gymnast who Turner as Julie, Diane Alston I adventures in some time. especially Voight. We are nor- is competing for a spot on the chance, and they immediately USA team that will compete in as Karen, Jon Vachris as In- The setting is Alaskan State mally used to seeing him in feel an energy between them. spector Davies, Shannon Soder Prison, and Manny (Voight) is more constrained roles, and this the world champiosships. Julie Thus begins a journey into and Steve hit it off right away as Mr.- Purdie, Bernice Kitt as the toughest of tough prison- performance is so unlike these many sexual arenas, some nor- Stella, and Sheri Klemmer as ers, having been literally other characters that at first much to their delight and our mal, most not, from food to dismay, and we see them frol- Mrs. Cunningham. isolated in his own cell for two you can hardly believe this is whips to public sex, exploring years under orders from the evil the same Voight who starred in icking in many scenes. For "Something to Hide," we their fantasies. Many selsual Meanwhile, Steve has decided prison warden Ranken. Manny "Deliverance" and "The taboos are approached on the rehearsd Monday, Wednesday is finally released from isola- Champ." to take a shot at the men's and Thursday afternoons from screen, and we tend to get into team. However, his parents tion, and he quickly befriends a Voight plays Manny with some of their activities. 3 to 5 p.m. for several weeks. con (Roberts), whom he uses to such raw anger and conviction don't like his career move, and Other time slots are designated However. Basinger begins to Mom (played bp Michelle Phil- escape from the prison. There is that from his opening ap have trouble concentrating on for set construction, normally one particularly graphic fight pearance, you are totally con- lips) tries to talk him out of it, held on Sunday nights. With a her. job' and Rourke becomes while Dad just screams and scene where another prisoner, vinced Manny is real. Roberts, more demanding as he pushes , small cast like this one, it is a apparently to gain recognition, as the sometimes bumbling con, yells and throws little Stevie little easier to work around con- her into more bizarre situa- around. tries to kill Manny, and it is is perfect in his supporting role. tions. As Rourke finally admits flicts. Still we often rehearse then that you begin to feel the We sympathize with him while As championship time draws without all required actors for a that he loves her, she cannot ac- near, the tension mounts. Steve pent up rage that Manny still laughing at his naive cept him on those terms and particular scene. This means possesses. nature. Rebecca De Morney trains intensely, parents com- that either Tami Porter, stu-.
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