DOCUMENT RESUME ED 110 358 ' SO 008 382 AUTHOR -Sharp, Ann; And Others TITLE A Study of the Effectiveness of the Booklet Entitled' "Family Tours of Michiana.* PUB DATE , Nov74 , NOTE 145p.;Simile pages of the appendixes may reproduce poorly . & . :.. 1 EDRS PRICE. MF-$0.76 HC-$6.97PLUS POSTAGE, fl DESCRIPTORS *Community Resources; *Cultural Awareness; .*Cultnral, Education; Cultural Environment; CUltural Opportunities; Educational Research; Information Sources; *Information Utilization; Local History; State Surveys; *Use Studies IDENTIFIERS Indi %na; Michigan , 0 ABSTRACT .$ This study assesses the effectiveness of a book .which designates places of interest in Michigan and ,Indiana. Developed by students at the University of Indiana, the book increases the local cultural awareness of both adults and children in the two state area. A questionnaire was sent to 336 families to determine the number of familiet iho had used the booklet as a guide for family tours, the number of site they visited, and an evaluation, of each` one. The results indicate, that. the majority of respondents .who had received the book used it as a source of information. Length of residence in the area has a ppsitive influence on the number of sites visited. In ,,general the book'i a valuable tool to introduce places of interest to those who had'p i: eviously been unaware them: Included in the appendix are' the qstionnaire, summary of comments, percentage tables, 1,etters of respondents, and a copy of the "Family Tours of * f Michiana" booklet. (Atithpr/DE) - **t****;0.*************4;*********************A************************ Documents acquired by ERIC include many informal unpublished * * materials not available from other sources. ERIC makes every effort * * to obtain 'the best copy available. nevertheless, items of marginal * ° * reproducibility are, often encountered and thi's affects th'e quality * * of the microfiche and hardcopy reproductions ERIC makes available * . * via the ERIC Document Reproduction Service (EDRS), EDRS is not /* responsible for the quality of the original document. Reproductions * supplied by EDRS'are the best th# can be made from the original. * ***********.***********************************************************. U.S DEPARTMENT ONNEALTN, EDUCATION &WELFARE 0 NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS 6EEI REPRO DUCEO EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGIN ^ ATING IT POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY RERRE SENT OFFICIAL NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EOUCATION POSITION OR POLICY A STUDY OF THE EFFECTIVENESB.OF THE BOOKLET ENTITLED FAMILY TOURS OF MICHIANA N't by the following Graduate Students Ann Sharp ) Sarah Bhaw' IlalMarie Lee O Robert WiIkeson,' -' Steve Van Bruaene Patricia A. Hooton u os c a I . 4 1 ,S61 rdirected by. 01a141e's R. DuVi Indiana Universityat South'Ben Novem er, 1974 TABLE OF CONTENTS.. PAGE ° INTRODUCTION 1 0, CHAPTER \e" I. THE DESIGN CAF F-THE STUDY AiND STATEMENT OF ° THE PROBLEM s 3 ;, The Design of the Study i... 3 The Problem 4 . A , UnderlAng assumptions 1 4 fi SpeCifio4problems 5 1 Importance of the Study.. 6 Definitions of Terms U'ed 7 Limitations of'the Study' 8 P Instrumentation 8 Methodology. ..«.e 10 , . v- . Identification of the materials and,the °ppopulation lq Mai:lin the questionnaire 11 , .:4FOIlow-up technique . 11 ,I.,I REV1i4FillISTORICAL, BACKGROUND 12 sing the Comm'unity as a)Resource'... 12 vReview of Free and. Inexpensive Materials 18 . Y Interviews of Maki a Memory and Family Tours of Michiana 21. Questionnaires , 23. Summary "-- .. S. tir CHAPiER- ,PAGE f .0 .III. FINDINGS OF-TRE,STUDY, .?9 ., Mail returns.,. 29. , Analysis. of 'Questions , 30 ;IV. SUMMARY, FINDINGS. AND CONCLUSIONS 53, SummarSr. 53 . 0 HistoricAl'Ilackground 53 Related Literature 53 Methodology 54 Findings° 54/ 4 ConclIzsions Recommendationg for Further Study.. 55 BIBLIOGRAPHY 8 5? APENDIXES 60 APPENDIX A Covering LettersAirad,Questionnsire, '60 APPENDIX B Summary-of Commehts 67 APPENDIX C Additional Tables 86 APPENDIX D Percentage of Responses 91 .+ APPENDIX E .Letter to Respkndents.:i- 112 8 APPENDIX F Family Tours of Michiana Booklet .116' O LIST 'OP TABLES , TABLE PAGE , . ,\ 1. Number and Per Cent 'of Response of trom each'Group 29 ., , : * . , . 2. Number and Per Cent of Responses Indicating . Number of Years Lived in the Nichiana Area 31 ' ,' 3. -Nu mper and Per Cent of Responses Indicating .Size of Family . 3:'2, , ., 4._ Number and per Cent of Responses Indicating Hobbies and Interests. .,-. 33 . , - 5. Number of Responses Breaking Down the Category "Others",in Table 4 :.4 8'7 6. Number_ and Per Eent of Responses Indidating or not Television wasWato4ed Together as a Family 5 7: Number and Per Cent'of Responses Number of Hours of TelevisionWatched per Day 36 8. Number and Per ,Cent o ResPonseOhdicating Typeb of Activities Enjoyed by the Entire. Family... 37 9. Number of Responses Breaking Down the Category '"Others" in Table & Page, .4* 10. Number and Per qpnt ofResponges,IndIcating-HoW, Families Spend *Vacations. 11. Number and Per Cent f'Responses T eating Locations Visited (on Vacation's * 1972 and 197 40 12.- Number of Responses Indicating Locations Visited DuringVacations.of and 1973.... 13, Number and Per Cent o#/Responses Indicating Whether or not Famllies Visited Places of Interest in the M/ichiana Area 14. Number and Alr Cent-of Resnees'Indipating how:, Th6se Fa lies who Visited the Michiana Area: LearnedLAbo4t ThosePlAes- 48 iv ova , TABLE PAGE- 15. Number an( Per Cent of 4sponpes of Group One Indicating Sites V/sited, a R4ing ot the 'Sites, and if Sites Would be Revisited 92 16. Number) and Per Cent af.Responsoes of Grbup Two Indicating Sites Visited, a Rating 'of,the O Sites, and if SiteWould be Revisited 97 17. Number and Per Cent of ResponOes of Group Three Indicating Site Visited, 'a Rating of the Sites, and ifSitesWould be Revisited 102 --18. Nuiiber and.Per Cen of Responses of all Three ;. Crroups Indicati g Site Visited,a Rating of thb Sites,. and f SitesWould be Revisited.8. 107 et 4 .r O 4 C . O k r LIST OF -FIGURES FIGURE . PAGE 1. ,Map of United States Divided Int peons 42 . Ir a 4 X 'se 0 (-7 4, O 1 ft 44. ' er A ' I O 14, 1 INTRODUCTION Never before in the tistory of the United States has 1f interest in visiting historic pIces of interest been higher Nor has there evel-been a period in., tP than it is today. history before when families could. travel as easily as they donOw.Along with this the result of research has shown that ",children who come tosOGol withan appreci4ativi of r their_cultural heritage and a sense of belonging to their own family haveai*tter chAce of achievitng,scholastic suc- cess ". (DuVall, 1973,1*.With these,:ideari'in mind, a group of graltute'1972, under the guidance of Charles R. DuVall, Ph. D. and Donald TruexAvelopea MakingA Memory, a paper designating places ofinterest in the Michiana area. 1 As members Of4hecommunity showed an increasing ,interest in,isiting these various places, a secon ,graduate class Under the direction of Dr. DuVall expandedMaking AMemory, which was subsequently printed in 1972 as FamilyTours of Michiana. These booklets were distributed by The Natjon and .Trust CO. anc IUSB. lj Bank ,v-ApproxAtelyone year after the booklet wasfirst ptint- et. - eacipterest was.:show in determining its effectiveness. This papfr wag the result of'that'interes.t. The major purpose of this project was todetermine the number of families who h4d used,thellgoklet as aguide for family tours, the number o sites' theyvisited, and an asked for their' 4 tion of each one. The respondents were also 00008 a, . .. - opinion of the booklet and suggestions ofany other sites that might be,included in another project of this type. 4 t. :TheLresults were tabulated and apper in tables in thisastudy and can be foundsin Appendix C. The evaluative 'responses and .. \ suggestions of othe.sitea can be found in Appendix B. The graduate classes that developed Family Tours of Michiana and the class that conducted the research worked toward a common goal--that of providing information 'that would get families in the.Michfana area in contact with their cultural heritage and.provide,meaningful family experiences. R t' ,Educators realize the impo-rtance of first. hand experiences, . "that curricula are most effective when closely related to the community they,servel and that boys and girls learn best when deating with direct; concrete experiences." This adds further sup ort to the Chinese Eldagei "We hear and We forg .we see ° ancl we remember, we do and we understand."' to 4 ' Collings,Filler R., How To Utilize Common Resources, National A e 'Council for the Social Studies, How ToDo It Series .No. 13, ,National Council for the Social Studies, Washington; D.C., 1960, p, 1. 0 4 "r\ 4 J 6 3 CHAPTER I THE DESIGN OF THE STUDY AND STATEMENT OFTHE PROBLEM 6 THE DESIGN OF THETUDY ,SiX graduates students were presented with theproblem, of Ovaluating the pamphlet, Family Tours ofMichiana, edited , 0 by Charles R. "DuVall, Ph.D. In writing the paper the steps were to,define .the problem and to do research on other pamphlets ofthis type and related articles. The historical background of theresearch was divided , intp four.areass (1) using communities asra resource,(2) the , value offree. and inexpensivematerials, (3) the,coMpilation. e, ti of Making A Memory andFamilyTours of Michiana, and(4) com- . pilingcen instrument-for'questioning. This included reviews , , . ERIC; related research papers,: of books, abstracts, magazines, . , 6 . ,. / , and interviews. 'Sincethe..booklet'wasyresented tothe public fi the as a free Im.mphlet,1.$ was thought necessary to. research 1 . value of free and inexpensivematerials" It.was also felt 'Important that the interviews involve peopleassobiated with , . 0 Eastman of theAkational Bank and 'the project such as Arthur 1 .
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