Tuesday, November 19,2002 Irish THE B-ball downs IUPUI page 24 The Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary's VOL. XXXVII NO. 60 HTTP://OBSERVER.ND.EDU PSA makes headway on union neutrality statement December with Executive tive. By agreeing to the card­ PSA shifted its focus from Ooverstepping our bounds as + Group will talk to Vice President Father check system, Notre Dame the University's de facto students." administration Timothy Scully to discuss the would effectively bypass the employees abroad to campus The PSA believes that and reassert its issue. regular employees. PSA co-President University employees are PSA mem­ l e g a I Brigette Gynther said the afraid to speak up about position on unions bers say "What we're working for unioniza­ idea to advocate University wanting to unionize for fear they're is for the University to tion proce- employees' right to unionize of losing their jobs or being By C. SPENCER BEGGS demanding agree not to fire them if dure of came to the subjected to N~sWritor not only that having a group through intimidation t h e they decide to unionize. " secret bal­ students who "For them to be treated tactics by When the Progressive University lot vote had interac­ fairly, they have to be at t h e Student Alliance petitioned remain neu­ Kate Maich a m o n g tion with University. the Notre Dame administra­ the bargaining table tral if work­ PSA member affected campus The PSA tion last year to issue a ers decide to employees employees in and as soon as the wants to statement of neutrality on organize, but after a s uf­ their on-cam­ facilitate the issue of the right of also that it ficient pus jobs. workers realize that for the means University employees to voluntarily recognize a sys­ interest is shown by employ­ "It came to them to have a voice for campus unionize. the administration tem of card checks for col­ ees who sign union autho­ our attention and be heard, they have employees declined. saying it supported lective bargaining. rization cards. from workers. to unionize, the right of If the sys- PSA has organized cam­ Different peo­ to organize. " but not workers to tem were paigns on a number of ple have had force union­ organize. "I don't think we're estab- issues, including adding sex­ different jobs Paul Graham ization This year 1 is h e d , ual orientation to du Lac's on campus PSA member itself. the PSA has overstepping our bounds once a non-discrimination clause, and gotten "It's really reasserted as students. " majority of raising awareness about ideas from up to cam­ its position University sweatshops and petitioning people they pus work­ on the issue employees Notre Dame to join the worked with in the dining ers, not the PSA, not the and is Brlgette Gynther signed Worker's Right Coalition. hall and other places ... [The University. What we're preparing PSA co-president u n i o n Most recently, the group has campus employees] didn't working for is for the for round authoriza- campaigned for a living explicitly come out and say, University to agree not to two with the tion cards, wage for migrant farm work­ 'Oh, we want to form a fire them if they do decide to administration in their cam­ the University would recog­ ers. union,' but they were just unionize ... We'd really like paign. The group is sched­ nize the union as the exclu­ After Notre Dame joined having problems,'' Gynther uled to meet in early sive bargaining representa- the WRC in March 2001, the said. "So I don't think we're see PSA/page 4 Speaker links race -with environtnental and health risks Claims that and technology as ways of con­ + trolling nature. She also illus­ minorities face trated how other pieces ideal­ unequal public ized depictions of natural wildlife and indigenous people, health treatment glorifying man's. power and control over nature. By JOE TROMBELLO "It is not too difficult to see News Writer how we got into a problem of en vi ron men tal injustice; we Kristin Shrader-Frechette, idealize what humans do to O'Neill Family professor of phi­ people on it [the land] and losophy and concurrent profes­ [what we do] to the land itself," sor in biological sciences, spoke she said. Monday in the Snite Museum of After discussing examples of Art about the activists in ways in which L a t i n ethnic minori­ "The poor deserve equal America and ties face the opportunity regarding Africa who brunt of pub­ financial treatment." were killed lic health and for their environmen­ attempts to tal risks Kristin Shrader-Frechette prevent because they philosophy professor large corpo­ lack the rations such understand- as Shell Oil ing or the from pollut­ resources necessary to fight ing their environments and against the threats. harming their citizens, "The poor deserve equal Shrader-Frechette discussed CLAIRE KELLEY fThe Observer opportunity regarding financial how similar issues of environ­ Kristin Shrader-Frechette spoke Monday In the Snlte Museum about current lnequaltles that treatment; they also deserve mental injustice exist within the minorities face In financial and public health treatment. equal opportunity in public United States. a poor black community in health and environmental risks Snite Museum, which uses the health treatment," Shrader­ "Many people know about Louisiana to environmental and that ethnic minorities face. lecture series to advance the Frechette said. environmental injustice, but health hazards. "It is not idea that scholarly thinking can The author of more than 300 you don't [always} realize that "You don't our charity take place outside the class­ articles and 14 books, Shrader­ some of these threats happen in need to be bril­ "It is not our charity to to stop room. Frechette said that more than the U.S.," she said. liant to see stop environmental injus­ environ­ Each Snite lecture takes place She discussed some case 60 percent of blacks and 50 these problems tice. It is our duty ... " mental in the art gallery most relevant percent of I lispanics in America studies that she and her stu­ [in environmen­ injustice," to the lecture topic's time peri­ live near at least one uncon­ dents have worked on, analyz­ tal impact state­ she said. od. Shrader-Frechette spoke in trolled toxic dump. She also ing environmental impact state­ ments], you just Kristin Shrader-Frechette "It is our the 20th century gallery and ments published by companies said that 80 percent of minori­ need to care," philosophy professor d u t y included her analysis of paint­ ties live in an area that is "fla­ seeking to build hazardous sites she said. because ings from this and other time grantly hazardous" to their and pointing out faulty scientif­ Shrader­ we are periods. health. ic reasoning and ethical con­ Frechette con- complicit Shrader-Frechette began her cerns. Shrader-Frechette and cluded the lecture by explain­ in their [ethnic minorities'] talk by discussing a few works her students were successful in ing why every person, especial­ harm." of art in the Snite whose artists preventing a large multination­ ly non-minorities, should be Her lecture was the 11th Contact Joe Trombello at falsely romanticized science al corporation from subjecting concerned about the public annual talk presented in the [email protected] r------ page 2 The Observer+ WHAT'S UP Tuesday, November 19, 2002 INSIDE COLUMN WHAT'S INSIDE CAMPUS WORLD& BUSINESS Forecast: NEWS NATION NEWS VIEWPOINT SCENE SPORTS Cloudy, cold Student group Weapons Kmart Corp. Letter charges Scene reviews Final tune-up for In case you haven't been glued to The Parietals inspectors corrects report United States Saturday's womens the Weather Channel like I have Question call for Iraqi that more than must preserve John Mayer basketball recently, here's a little weather update for you: addresses CLC cooperation 500 stores are global morality concert against OGBM Forecast for today: Cloudy and cold. closing Forecast for Members of The After arriving in CEO says the num­ Freshman Mike A Scene reviewer The Irish prepare to tomorrow: Cloudy Bryan Kronk Parietals Question Iraq Monday, the ber reported in the Koprowski pre­ reports on and ana­ play in an exhibi­ and cold. sents arguments lyzes the prep-rock speak to CLC about U.N. team of 30 Atlanta Business tion game between Forecast for the inspectors called supporting Bush's performance by Chronicle is "erro­ womens basketball next day: Cloudy the group, its open for the compliance stance that the U.S. John Mayer, who Senior Sports discussion last neous" and the and the Ohio Girls and cold. Writer of Saddam has a moral respon­ performed You get the week and its aims Hussein's govern­ company will close sibility to conquer Saturday at the Basketball idea. for the Notre Dame ment in the search as few stores as another "evil University of Magazine All-Stars. Freshmen, wel- campus and dormi­ for weapons of possible. empire." Illinois in Chicago. come to "South Bend winter." tory life. mass destruction. It doesn't take much in the way of meteorological skill to predict the weather here in South Bend. page 3 page 5 page 7 page 10 page 12-13 page 24 One look outside your window, and you too can get a job at WNDU telling people that it will be cloudy and cold - with an occasional chance of rain, WHAT's GoiNG DowN snow, sleet, freezing rain, locusts or a WHAT'S HAPPENING @ rational Notre Dame administration NO - from now until March.
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