GILB: Yellowed Images of a Van- skate rental $2.50; Public skating hrs. (*$1 ACADEMIC CALENDAR ished Country; records East and West Ger- off admission): Mon. 1:15-3:15 p.m.*; many when divided; Arthur Ross Gallery. Tues. noon-2 p.m.*; Wed. 1:15-3:15 p.m.*; 10 Spring Semester Classes Begin. Through January 30. See Films. Thurs. noon-2 p.m.*; Fri. 7-9:30 p.m. when 17 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (ob- Non-Retinal: Kovert Konflagration no hockey game is scheduled; Sat. 12:30- served). No classes. Kovenant; sculptor revisits the 2002 Vir- 2:30 p.m., 8-10 p.m., midnight-2 a.m.; Sun. January 21 Add Period Ends. ginia vs. Black case; Slought Foundation. 12:30-2:30 p.m.; info.: http://hstrial-rrob- Through January 31. ertson1.homestead.com/HOME.html. CHILDRENʼS ACTIVITY Architecture Against Death; features Rape Aggression Defense; 12-hour two texts by Jean-Michel Rabaté, Arakawa, sessions give hands-on physical defense A T P E N N 15 Celebrate the Indian Festival of and Madeline Gins installed on the walls of training for women; session I: January Whenever there is more than meets the eye, Lights; ages 8-12; celebration the gallery; Slought Foundation. Through 15, 22 & 29, 6-9 p.m.; session II: January see our web site, www.upenn.edu/almanac/. of Diwali accompanied by the January 31. 17 & 24, 9 a.m.-3 p.m.; 4040 Chestnut exchange of sweets, and light- Sun Ra Meets Napoleon; historical St.; free/students, staff & faculty; regis- Cock a doodle doo! ing of small oil lamps made materials pertaining to ancient Egypt; ter: (215) 898-3590; for spring schedule Welcome the Year of by the children; $10; register: (215) 898- Slought Foundation. Through January 31. see www.publicsafety.upenn.edu/Special/ the Rooster at Penn 4016 (Penn Museum). The Other Epistemology; revisits the dpsRAD.asp (UPPD). Museumʼs 24th annu- works of international artists of the 1960s 6 Penn Knitters; noon; 3rd fl., ARCH al Chinese New Year EXHIBITS and 1970s whose art was neglected in con- Bldg. Also January 20. Celebration! New temporary criticism; Slought Foundation. Year traditions are Admission Donations and Hours Through January 31. Christian Association celebrated on http://dolphin.upenn.edu/~upennca. Janu- Arthur Ross Gallery, Fisher Fine Enchanting Plants: Images from Info.: ary 22 with childrenʼs Arts Library: free; Tues.-Fri., 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; a Roving Horticulturist; Lower Gallery, 6 Sister Circle; noon. Also every workshops, storytell- Sat.-Sun., noon-5 p.m. Morris Arboretum. Through February 27. Thursday. ing, arts and crafts, Burrison Gallery, Faculty Club, Inn Track of the Rainbow Serpent: Aus- 11 SLANGuage; practice speaking martial and healing at Penn: free; Mon.-Fri., 8 a.m.-6 p.m. tralian Aboriginal Paintings of the Wolfe English; 3 p.m. Also every Tuesday. arts demonstrations, Charles Addams Fine Arts Gallery: Creek Crater; Merele-Smith Gallery, Penn and music and dance free; Mon.-Fri., 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Museum. Through February 27. 13 Worldspeak; multicultural discus- sions; 7:30 p.m. Also every Thursday. performances. See Fox Gallery, Logan Hall: free; The Nine Lives of Edgar Fahs Smith; Special Events. Mon.-Fri., 9 a.m.-5 p.m. examines of his service to Penn through 14 Arts After School; orientation and Graduate Student Center (GSC): books, manuscripts, photographs and training for volunteers to bring positive free; Mon.-Thurs., 9 a.m.-10 p.m.; Fri., memorabilia; Kamin Gallery, Van Pelt- role-modeling to kids from West Phila- 9 a.m.-6 p.m.; Sat., noon-6 p.m.; Sun., Dietrich Library. Through March 4. delphia; 3-6 p.m. noon-9 p.m. A Place of Transcendence: Louis I. 18 Bible Study; noon. Also January 25. Graduate School of Education Kahn at Dhaka; working documents for Motivation for Active Adults; noon; 15 (M & W) Swimming vs. Brown; noon. (GSE) Student Lounge: free; Mon.-Fri., his architectural masterpiece at Dhaka, ELP Courses rm. 113. (M) Squash vs. Amherst/Haverford; 9 a.m.-5 p.m. India; Kroiz Gallery. Through April 8. Register at www.upenn.edu/elponline or 21 Pilates Class Demo; noon-12:30 time TBA. Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA): Treasures from the Royal Tombs of (215) 898-8681 by January 5. p.m. & 12:30-1 p.m.; studio 305. 16 (W) Running vs. Hofstra; 1 p.m. Online: Courses through week of $3, $2/artists, seniors, students over 12, Ur; ancient Sumerian artifacts from the Technology Training Services (W) Running vs. Wagner; 3 p.m. free/members, children 12 and under, site of Ur in Mesopotamia; Dietrich Gal- February 25; $650/course. Classes at ISC labs, 3650 Chestnut St., (W) Running vs. Drexel; 5 p.m. w/PennCard and on Sun. 11 a.m.-1 p.m.; lery, Penn Museum. Through May 28. 10 Writing for Professional Purposes; 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Open to faculty, staff & 22 (W) Gymnastics vs. Yale; 1 p.m. Wed.-Fri., noon-8 p.m.; Sat.-Sun., 11 a.m.- A Wonderful Life: A Daughterʼs Trib- Writing that Works; Grammar for Writ- students. Register at www.tts.isc.upenn.edu. 25 (M) Basketball vs. St. Josephʼs; 8 p.m. 5 p.m.; free tours on Sunday at 1 p.m. ute to a Family of Educators; Joan Myer- ers; TOEFL Essay; University Applica- (M) Basketball vs. Yale; 8 p.m. Kroiz Gallery, Fisher Fine Arts son Shragerʼs digital art; Student Lounge, tion Essay; Writing the GMAT/GRE 4 FilemakerPro 7.0 Intro.; $190. 28 Library: free; Mon.-Fri., 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; GSE. Ongoing. Analytical Essay. 5 HTML Fundamentals; $494. 29 (M) Swimming vs. Navy; noon. Sat.-Sun., appointment only. Through January 6. (W) Gymnastics vs. URI/Wilson/ Ongoing at the Penn Museum 18 Grammar for Biomedical Profession- West Chester; 1 p.m. Meyerson Gallery, Meyerson Hall: als; Writing for Biomedical Professionals. 7 PowerPoint 2000 Intro.; $190. free; Mon.-Fri., 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Worlds Intertwined: Etruscans, (W) Swimming vs. Navy; 3:30 p.m. Greeks and Romans; Canaan & Ancient Through week of April 22. 10 Access 2000/XP Advanced; $448. (M) Basketball vs. Brown; 7 p.m. Morris Arboretum: $8, $6/seniors Through January 11. & students, $3/children 3-12, free w/ Israel; Living in Balance: The Universe of Evening: Courses through week of the Hopi, Zuni, Navajo and Apache; Me- 30 (M & W) Fencing vs. Rutgers; time PennCard, children under 3; daily, 10 February 21; $300/course with $15 reg- 12 Excel 2000/XP Intro.; $190. TBA. a.m.-4 p.m. soamerica; The Egyptian Mummy: Secrets istration fee. Intermediate and advanced 13 Adobe In-Design CS-Level 1; $190. Penn Museum: $8, $5/seniors, chil- & Science; Ravenʼs Journey: The World courses unless otherwise noted. Pagemaker 7.0 Intro.; $179. of Alaskaʼs Native People; Buddhism: TALKS dren 6-17, full-time students w/ID, free/ 10 Grammar Practice. 14 Word XP Intro.; $190. History & Diversity of a Great Tradition; TOEFL/TWE Preparation members, w/PennCard, children under 6; ; $600. PowerPoint XP Intermediate; $190. 5 Cryptorchidism and Infertility; Tues.-Sat., 10 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Africa: The Cradle of Humankind; 11 Conversation Practice; elementary. 18 Polynesia: ʻahuʼula + lei niho palaoa. Thomas Kolon, CHOP; noon; rm. 251 Slought Foundation, 4017 Walnut Conversational Interactions. 19 Excel 2000/XP Intermediate; $190. BRB II/III (CRRWH). St.: free; Wed.-Sat., 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Penn Museum Tours Pronunciation Improvement. 20 Access 2000/XP Intro.; $357. 12 Metals, Folding and Catalysis in Van Pelt-Dietrich Library. For hours Meet at Trescher main entrance; 1:30 12 Oral Presentation. Through January 21. Ribozymes; Victoria DeRose, Texas A&M see http://events.library.upenn.edu/cgi- p.m.; free with Museum admission dona- 13 Pronunciation Basics; elementary. 24 Word XP Advanced; $190. University; 4 p.m.; Auditorium, BRB bin/calendar.cgi. tion; info.: www.museum.upenn.edu. Listening & Speaking w/ Confidence. Implement Windows Server 2003 II/III (Biochemistry & Biophysics). Upcoming 8 Etruscan and Roman: Trade and Vocabulary Expansion. Network Infrastructure: NetServ; $1,395. Control of Growth and Metabolism Through January 28. 13 1 Implementation: CARRY OUT, AC- Influence. Learning and Education by Akt/PKB; Morris Birnbaum, medicine; COMPLISH; novel-length work of fiction 9 Diversity of Alaskaʼs Native People. Open to faculty and staff. Register: www. 25 Dreamweaver MX 2004 Intro.; noon; Conference Room, John Morgan to be published and distributed on stickers; 15 Egypt: Life Along the Nile. hr.upenn.edu/learning/. $570. Continues January 26. Bldg. (Radiation Oncology). Slought Foundation; reception: December 16 Mesopotamia: Treasures from the 21 Career Focus Brown Bag–Self-As- 27 Intro. to Fireworks; $570. Through 14 Spolia, State of the Question; Dale 28, 8 p.m. Through January 31. Tombs of Ur. sessment: Put Your Strengths to Work; January 28. Kinney, Bryn Mawr College; 3 p.m.; rm. Word 2000/XP Intermediate; $190. 201, Jaffe Bldg. (History of Art). 7 The Revolt of the Bees, Wherein the 23 Highlights of the Collection. noon-1 p.m. Future of the Paper Hive is Declared; 6th Updating Systems Administrator TRIM5-alpha and Innate Intracel- 25 Transitioning to Management at Skills from Microsoft Windows 2000 to 19 fl., Van Pelt-Dietrich Library; reception: 29 Archaeology: Learning from the Penn; 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m.; $50. Class contin- lular Immunity to Retroviruses; Joseph January 20, 6:30 p.m. Through March 17. Past. Windows Server 2003; $558. Through Sodroski, Harvard; noon; Austrian Audi- ues every Tuesday through February 15. January 28. 10 Ryan Ross: Recent Work; paintings 30 Ancient Greek Life and Legend.
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