Sponsored by L’Aeroteca - BARCELONA ISBN 978-84-608-7523-9 < aeroteca.com > Depósito Legal B 9066-2016 Título: Los Motores Aeroespaciales A-Z. © Parte/Vers: 21/12 Página: 6001 Autor: Ricardo Miguel Vidal Edición 2018-V12 = Rev. 01 GRAND FINALE (2) ANEXO IV (Pag. 6001 a 6100...) -Material consultado en la confección de parte de ésta publicación- “PARA LEER (y averiguar) MAS” ---------------------------------------------------- A = LIBROS (Motores, constructores, diseñadores, etc). B = Manuales de Servicio, de Mantenimiento (Entretien), Listas de Piezas (Parts List), Notas Tecnicas. C = “E-Books”. Libros-audio, Material audiovisual descar- gable. Micro-fi chas. Micro-fi lms. On-line Publ. D = ARTICULOS en Prensa, Revistas, etc. Informes. Tesis. E = Peliculas en Film: 8 / Super-8 / 16 mm / 35 mm. F = Cintas de Video (Beta, VHS y NTSC) G = DVD´s y CD’s. Cassettes H = Revistas, Magazines. Catalogos. Fasciculos I = Bibliotecas (Librairies) J = Museos y Amicales K = Institutos, Universidades, Asociaciones, Sociedades Historicas, etc. L = Ferias y Festivales M = Exhibiciones y Exposiciones N = Fabricas y Centros de Mantenimiento. Empresas públicas. Agencias Ofi ciales. OKB O = WEB’s de Internet (Blogs, etc). Sites. YouTube * * * “Los Motores Aeroespaciales, A-Z” (Edicion 2018-V12) -Además hay 2 Partes con 600 páginas con información complementaria del autor relativa al “How to Make this publication”. Son la “Grand Finale”. Sponsored by L’Aeroteca - BARCELONA ISBN 978-84-608-7523-9 Este facsímil es < aeroteca.com > Depósito Legal B 9066-2016 ORIGINAL si la Título: Los Motores Aeroespaciales A-Z. © página anterior tiene Parte/Vers: 21/12 Página: 6002 el sello con tinta Autor: Ricardo Miguel Vidal VERDE Edición: 2018-V12 = Rev. 01 -Advanced engine technologies (In) Heisler 1998 -AENOR. UNE 51-019-87. (Es) Caracteristicas deto- nantes para combustibles de auto y aviacion. 1987. A = Libros (en Papel) -Aerial Locomotion. Harper, 1911 ================================ -Aero engines (In) Durls 1916 (a) -Aero Engines. (In) GA Burns -A brief history of airplane engines (In), Carl Scott. -Aero Engine magnetos, 1935. GB Air Ministry. -A history of mechanical inventions (In) A. Paysons, 1988 -Aero Engineering. (In) H. Nelson, 1937 .A historical summary of the Royal Aircraft Establishm- -Aero Engines: with a general introductory account af nent (RAE) 1878-1918 (In) CF Caunter, Child. the theory of the internal.combustiobn engine, 1916. (In). G.A. Burls. -A historical summary of the Royal Aircraft Establish- ment (RAE) 1918-1948. (In). C.F. Caunter. -Aerodinamica aplicada. Lafi ta, 1946 -A history of aeronautics. 1997. (In) E. Charles Vivian. -Aerodynamics of turbine and c ompresors. Hawthorne. WWS. 1964 -A General Survey of the history and Development of air- -Aerodynamics of turbines. Thompson, 1972 craft Propulsion. (In). A.G. Newton -Aerodynamik. Fuch Hopf, 1922 -A Story of aircraft piston engine (In) Sunfl ower Univer- sity. H Smith -Aerodynamique interne des reacteurs. (Fr) Pamies de l’ecole actuel superior de l’aeronautique, II Part, tuyeres -A technical & operatiional history od the Liberty engine: et jets tanks, ships and aircraft 1017-1960. (In). Robert Neal. -Aeronca C-2 (In) Smith Sonair -A test book of thermodynamics. (In) Parlington, 1913 -Aeronautica Militare-Catalogo Motori-(It) O. Marchi, -A Traduction of excellence. (In) D. Dempsey 1980. -ABC de la aviacion (In) VV Pagé, 1928. -Aeronautical engines (In) FJ Kean, 1918 -AC - Adisory Circulars (In) FAA -Aeronautical motors (In) Hayward -AC Powerplant Handbook. (In) EAA -Aeronautics. (In) Lac ey, Truck, O’Dea, Harvard. -Advanced engine development at Pratt & Whitney (In) -Aeropropulsores por reaccion. Fdo. Medialdea. 1949 * * * “Los Motores Aeroespaciales, A-Z” (Edicion 2018-V12) -Este trabajo tiene 5126 páginas de texto principal. Trata 4500 marcas de fabrican- tes. Hay más de 16000 modelos de motores y mas de 21000 ilustraciones. Sponsored by L’Aeroteca - BARCELONA ISBN 978-84-608-7523-9 < aeroteca.com > Depósito Legal B 9066-2016 Título: Los Motores Aeroespaciales A-Z. © Parte/Vers: 21/12 Página: 6003 Autor: Ricardo Miguel Vidal Edición 2018-V12 = Rev. 01 -Aerospace & Defense Technology -Aircraft gas turbine Powerplant (In) Curso Jeppssen -Aerospace Structural Materials (In) FC Campbell -Aircraft gas turbine powerplants. Otis, CE. 1997 -Aerosphera (In) 1924 y 1939, Angle -Aircraft piston engines: from Manly Baltzer to the Con- tiknental Tiara (In) H. Smith. -Aerostation-Aviation (Fr) Max de Nansouty, 1911 -Aircraft powerplant Hdbk (In) USS CAA, 1949 -Aerothermodynamics and fl ow in turbomachines. (In) Vavra, 1960 -Aircraft Powerplants. Kroes-Wild -Aerothermodynamics of gas turbines and rocket propul- -Aircraft propulsion: a review of the evolution of aircraft sion (In) G. Oates, 1984/1998 powerplants. (In). C.F. Taylor. -Air carrier MRO Hdbk. J. Hessburg (In) -Aircraft propulsion powerplants (In) C Karviner 1956 -Air cooled automotive engines (In) Mackerle, 1972 -Aircraft: story without words. (In) Palay Plus. -Air Passenger Service, Manufacturing Ford Tri-motor -Airplane Engine Encyclopedia (In) Glenn Angle, 1921 (In) Ford Motor Company. -Airline Fleets (In) Pyramid -Airbus A-300 (In) JE -Album of OX-5 Aircraft (In) AAA. -Airbus A-340 (In) Scort Germain -Album of rare OX-5 airplanes. (In) R.Taylor AAA y C- -Airbus A-380 (In) Norris-Wagner Reis. -Airco (In) Mark Davis -Alessandro Anzani: un grande italiano sconociutto. O Courti (It), 1972 -Aircraft and aero-engines of Commonwealth Aircraft Corporation, 1936-1977. (In) A. Cervelli -Alfa Romeo. (It) E Fusi, 1978 -Aircraft and missile propulsion (In). Zucrow -Allied aircraft piston engines of WWII (In) B. Gunston -Aircraft Engine Design. (In) JD Mattingly, 2002. -Allison. Power of excellence, 1915-1990. (In). Sonnen- burg-Schoneberger -Aircraft engines and gas turbines 2001. (In) Jack Her- rebrook -Aluminum fi n rolled on aircraft engine cylinders (In) 1945. -Aircraft engines of the world (In) P Wilkinson, 1945-55, etc . -Allied aircraft piston engines of World War II: history and development of frontline aircraft piston engines -Aircraft gas turbine engine technology. (In) Irwin produced by Great Britain and the United States during Treager, 1979 WWII. (In) G. White. * * * “Los Motores Aeroespaciales, A-Z” (Edicion 2018-V12) -Además hay 2 Partes con 600 páginas con información complementaria del autor relativa al “How to Make this publication”. Son la “Grand Finale”. Sponsored by L’Aeroteca - BARCELONA ISBN 978-84-608-7523-9 Este facsímil es < aeroteca.com > Depósito Legal B 9066-2016 ORIGINAL si la Título: Los Motores Aeroespaciales A-Z. © página anterior tiene Parte/Vers: 21/12 Página: 6004 el sello con tinta Autor: Ricardo Miguel Vidal VERDE Edición: 2018-V12 = Rev. 01 -Allison, the people and the power: a pictoprial history gar Percival, former aviation and aircraft designer. (In) (In) J.E. Zigmunt. E. Percival. -American Eagles (In) DDR, Patterson -Austro-Hungarian-Aircraft WWI (In) Gros -American model engines Encyclopedia -Automobili and aircraft engines. (In) Arthur Judge, 1947 -An account of partnership, government and the aero -Aviadvigateli “Saturna” (Ru) A. Aleshin. engine: the memoirs of George Purvis Bulman. (In) G.Purvis, MC Neale, RR Heritage Trust Sir H. Royce -Aviation engines (In) Scranton, 1938 Foundation. -Aviation engines (In) Pagé, 1918 -An ion rocket. (In) Kauffman, 1961 -Aviation History. (In). TTC -Anyone can Fly (In) R. Powell, J. Martin. -Aviatsiia Rossii. (Ru) I.V. Blonskii -AP mechanics Powerplants. AC 65-9A (In) FAA. -Aviazione Moderna (It) Garuffa, 1931 -Apollo EECOM. (In) Sy Liebergot. -Avro Lancaster (In) Ken Delve -Applied energy conversion. (In) Strotzki-Vopat, 1949 -Axial fl ow compresors.(In) Horlock, 1958 -Applied Fluid dynamics handbook. (In) Robert Blevins, 2000 -Axial fl ow compressors (In). Butterworth, 1966 -Arcjet propulsion system (In) Deninger/Vendra, 1988 -Axial fl ow turbines. (In) Horlock, 1966 -Armstrong Siddeley-The Parkside Story 1896-1939 (In) -Axial und radial kompresoren (Al) Eckert Schnell, 1961 R Cock, RRHT -Arquitectura del motor alternativo de combustion interna de 4 tiempos. (Es) Alvarez Florez. UPC. 1998 (b) -Aspectes physiques et chimiques de la combustion (Fr) Gaete-Feugier, 1976 -BAC-one-eleven. (In) Malcom-Hill -Aspects fundamentaux de la combustion en phase -Balloon Airships and Flying Machines. Bacon 1903 gazeuze. (Fr) De Suete, 1976 -Bessler steam engine airplane. (In) Kenneth Bourke. -Atlas, the ultimate weapon (In) Chuck Walton -Beware low turbine noise. (In) P Engineering, 2001 -Ausmus collection: early aviation, 1900-1970. (In) R. Ausmus. -Biografi a de Pedro Vives Vich. Carner, 1955 -Australian pioneer aviation: interview with Captain Ed- -BIZ Jets (todos los años) Buchair * * * “Los Motores Aeroespaciales, A-Z” (Edicion 2018-V12) -Este trabajo tiene 5126 páginas de texto principal. Trata 4500 marcas de fabrican- tes. Hay más de 16000 modelos de motores y mas de 21000 ilustraciones. Sponsored by L’Aeroteca - BARCELONA ISBN 978-84-608-7523-9 < aeroteca.com > Depósito Legal B 9066-2016 Título: Los Motores Aeroespaciales A-Z. © Parte/Vers: 21/12 Página: 6005 Autor: Ricardo Miguel Vidal Edición 2018-V12 = Rev. 01 -Black Jets- (In) Air T. -Calcolo e construzione dei motori a combustione interna:con 207 fi gure nel texto (It) Otto Kramer, 1952 -BMW dimensions: the history of engines. Engines that made history. Vol 1, 1916-1945. (In) K. Lange. -Calcul et construction des moteurs a combustion. (Fr) Hugo Gildnes, 1905 -BMW dimensions: the history of engines. Engines that made
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