Exhibitorlist 2018 BIOFACH COMPANY ZIP CODE CITY COUNTRY BOOTH-NO. HALL-NO. Rovies Agricultural Olive Producing Cooperative 34005 Rovies-Evoia Greece 9-639 Hall 9 "AGROLOG" CJSC 02/02 Ashtarak Armenia 4-137 Hall 4 "AND" LLC 3501 Sisian Armenia 4-137 Hall 4 "Bastiaansen" Bio Kaas 5124 RW Molenschot Netherlands 7-549 Hall 7 "BIO ILLES BALEARS" 07001 Palma de Mallorca Spain 5-381 Hall 5 "Runo" Sp. z o.o. 4A-321 Hall 4A 100% Amazonia 66017180 Belem Brazil 4-561 Hall 4 3J Developpement 86380 Marigny Brizay France 5-385 Hall 5 4 CARE Co., Ltd. 10510 Bangkok, Minburi Thailand 1-505 Hall 1 A FACTORIA ECOLÓXICA - THE BIO FACTORY 1517 Cristina-Oleiros, a Coruna Spain 5-281 Hall 5 A. Gandola & C. SpA 25011 Calcinato Italy 1-383 Hall 1 A.D. CHINI S.R.L. 38023 CLES Italy 4-219 Hall 4 A.O.A. 84018 Scafati SA Italy 4-309 Hall 4 A.S. AGRI EXPORTS PVT LTD 61000 Chilaw Sri Lanka 2-108 Hall 2 A2 Pasos del Campo, SL 03680 HONDÓN DE LAS NIEVES Spain 5-271 Hall 5 Ab Arctic Birch Oy 66710 Vörå Finland 5-229 Hall 5 AB Earth Flavors 73100 Chania, Crete Greece 4-471 Hall 4 ABAFOODS s.r.l. 45021 Badia Polesine Italy 9-341 Hall 9 Abbot Kinney's 1013BG Amsterdam Netherlands 5-202 Hall 5 ABCD Nutrition 60730 Novillers France 1-126 Hall 1 ABCERT AG 73728 Esslingen Germany 7-451 Hall 7 ABDA LLC 3203 Goris Armenia 4-137 Hall 4 Abellán Biofoods S.L. 30139 El Raal, Murcia Spain 4-152 Hall 4 Aberry Oy 00150 Helsinki Finland 5-229 Hall 5 ABRAMI ELISABETTA AZIENDA AGRICO FRANCIACORTA 25050 Paderno BS Italy 4-621 Hall 4 ABSILOS DU TOUCH SOYTOUCH EVO FRANCE 31430 Pouy de touges France 8-446 Hall 8 AcanChia UG&Co.KG 9-650 Hall 9 Accura Organic Foods 382355 Gandhinagar India 5-235 Hall 5 Aceites Canoliva S.L. 14850 Baena (Cordoba) Spain 5-351 Hall 5 ACEITES DE SEMILLAS, S.A. 08140 Caldes de Montbui Spain 5-171 Hall 5 Aceites El Dorado S.L.U 14900 Lucena, Córdoba Spain 2-250 Hall 2 Aceites Granasur S.A. San Bernardo Chile 2-231 Hall 2 ACETAIA LEONARDI 41043 Formigine MO Italy 4-549 Hall 4 ACETIFICIO ANDREA MILANO SRL 80146 Napoli NA Italy 1-241 Hall 1 Acetificio Carandini Emilio S.P.A 41051 Castelnuovo Rangone Italy 4-529 Hall 4 Acetificio Mengazzoli Snc 46010 Levata di Curtatone Italy 4-109 Hall 4 ACETO BALSAMICO GINO TOSCHI 41056 Savignano sul Panaro MO Italy 8-340 Hall 8 ACHT GRAD plus GmbH 7-775 Hall 7 Page 1 of 80 COMPANY ZIP CODE CITY COUNTRY BOOTH-NO. HALL-NO. Active Herb Trade Organic A.H.T.O 12556 Giza Egypt NCC4A-10 foyer 4A Adamjee Lukmanjee & Sons (Pvt) Ltd 01400 Colombo Sri Lanka 4-381 Hall 4 ADATRIS PLANTES BIO 49120 Chemille-en-Anjou France 1-221 Hall 1 Adelholzener Alpenquellen GmbH 83313 Siegsdorf Germany 6-410 Hall 6 ADI Apicoltura s.r.l. 66046 Tornareccio Italy 8-314 Hall 8 Adonis-lux, Ltd. 72370 Novgorodkivka vill. Ukraine 4A-511 Hall 4A ADV PAX Lutec GmbH 7-716 Hall 7 Aegean Exporters' Associations 35220 Izmir Turkey 4-305 Hall 4 Aegean Exporters' Associations 35220 Izmir Turkey 4-403 Hall 4 Aegean Exporters' Associations 35220 Izmir Turkey 4-503 Hall 4 Aegean Exporters' Associations 35220 Izmir Turkey 4-600 Hall 4 Aegean Exporters' Associations 35220 Izmir Turkey 4-601 Hall 4 Aegean Exporters' Associations 35220 Izmir Turkey 4-603 Hall 4 AESA - Agropecuaria Ecológica Sierra De Alcaraz, S.L. 02300 Alcaraz, Albacete Spain 5-261 Hall 5 AFNV UG 83313 Siegsdorf Germany 7-876 Hall 7 africrops! GmbH 10969 Berlin Germany 9-533 Hall 9 Agarikus BG ltd. 2226 Gurmazovo Bulgaria 1-620 Hall 1 agaSAAT GmbH 47506 Neukirchen-Vluyn Germany 8-121 Hall 8 Agencia Argentina de Inversiones y Comercio Internacional 1057 Buenos Aires Argentina 2-411 Hall 2 Agentur Ritt GmbH 3300 Amstetten Austria 8-450 Hall 8 AGRANA Beteiligungs-AG 1020 Wien Austria 1-565 Hall 1 AGRANO GmbH & Co. KG 7-546 Hall 7 Agrar GmbH Crawinkel 99330 Crawinkel Germany 9-455 Hall 9 Agrármarketing Centrum Np. Ltd. 1055 Budapest Hungary 4A-411 Hall 4A Agrarmarketing Mecklenburg- Vorpommern e.V. 18182 Bentwisch Germany 6-239 Hall 6 Agrarmarketing Mecklenburg- Vorpommern e.V. 18182 Bentwisch Germany 6-253 Hall 6 Agrarmarketinggesellschaft Sachsen-Anhalt mbH 39108 Magdeburg Germany 9-455 Hall 9 Agrarmarkt Austria Marketing GesmbH 1200 Wien Austria 1-365 Hall 1 AGRECO R. F. GÖDERZ GmbH 37218 Witzenhausen-Gertenbach Germany 9-565 Hall 9 Agri Life 502 325 Telangana (Hyderabad) India 2-350 Hall 2 AGRI.BIO.PIEMONTE 12050 Cissone CN Italy 4-361 Hall 4 AGRIBIO UNION 81630 Salvagnac France 1-231 Hall 1 Agricola Grains S.P.A. 35023 Bagnoli di Sopra PD Italy 4-709 Hall 4 Agricola Himalaya S.A 057 Cali Colombia 2-626 Hall 2 AgricolliBio srl 04012 Cisterna di Latina (LT) Italy 4-160 Hall 4 Agriconserve Rega Soc. Coop. Agr 84087 Striano Italy 1-519 Hall 1 Agricultural cooperative MOLYBAS 72200 Ierapetra-Crete Greece 8-440 Hall 8 Agricultural Export Council 11728 Maadi, Cairo Egypt 4-333 Hall 4 Agriculture Attache of Embassy of Indonesia to Belgium 1200 Brüssel Belgium 2-202 Hall 2 Page 2 of 80 COMPANY ZIP CODE CITY COUNTRY BOOTH-NO. HALL-NO. AGRILATINA Soc. Agr. Semplice 04100 Latina Italy 4-148 Hall 4 Agrilepidio S.r.l. 04012 Cisterna Italy 4-641 Hall 4 Agrimondo Srl 820168 Tulcea Romania 4-461 Hall 4 Agrinatura Srl 6-135 Hall 6 AGRINOVA BIO 2000 95024 Acireale CT Italy 4-361 Hall 4 Agrioil S.p.A. 84069 Roccaspide SA Italy 4-549 Hall 4 Agriprotein GmbH 49661 Cloppenburg Germany 9-239 Hall 9 AGRIPURE EGYPT Cairo Egypt 4-333 Hall 4 AGRO FERGI S.A.C 000018 Lima Peru 2-315 Hall 2 AGRO FOOD Lebensmittel GmbH 85540 Haar bei München Germany 9-649 Hall 9 Agro Hub International (Pvt) Ltd. 75350 Karachi Pakistan 4-408 Hall 4 Agro Product Ltd. 6162 Gabarevo village Bulgaria 4A-539 Hall 4A Agroecology, PE 38000 Poltava Ukraine 4A-511 Hall 4A Agroexim Grup Srl 820168 Tulcea Romania 4-461 Hall 4 Agrofirma "Pole", LLC 18028 Cherkassy Ukraine 4A-511 Hall 4A AGROHERNI 30334 Fuente Alamo Spain 4-249 Hall 4 Agroindustrias Osho S.A.C. Callao Peru 2-315 Hall 2 Agroisolab GmbH 52428 Jülich Germany 9-276 Hall 9 AGROMALLORCA 07007 PALMA Spain 5-381 Hall 5 AGROMISR 21624 Alexandria Egypt 4-333 Hall 4 Agromonte-Agr. Monterosso Soc. coop 97012 Chiaramonte Gulfi (RG) Italy 4-651 Hall 4 Agronat S.A. Agroindustrias NativasImport - Export La Paz Bolivia, Plurinational State of 2-121 Hall 2 Agronic Food Inc 342001 Jodhpur, Rajasthan India 5-235 Hall 5 Agro-Pecuaria Real Idanha, Lda 6060-259 Idanha-a-Nova, Ladoeiro Portugal 1-531 Hall 1 AgroProdukt.shpk 11000 Istog Serbia 4-171 Hall 4 Agrotrade Export, LLC 61052 Kharkiv city Ukraine 4A-511 Hall 4A Agrover S.r.l. 13034 Lignana Italy 4-651 Hall 4 Agrumaria Corleone SPA 90124 Palermo Italy 7-407 Hall 7 Ah!Natur 39011 Lana Italy 7-375 Hall 7 AHYA COCO ORGANIC FOOD MANUFACTURING CORP. 8000 Davao City Philippines 2-206 Hall 2 Aiello 88050 Cropani Marina CZ Italy 4-459 Hall 4 Aishin Corporation 541-0058 Osaka Japan 4A-221 Hall 4A AIU Group LLC 119415 Moscow Russian Federation 4A-205 Hall 4A Aiya Europe GmbH & KISSA Tea GmbH 1010 Wien Austria 9-265 Hall 9 ajaa! 70794 Filderstadt Germany 9-512 Hall 9 Al SharqSpices Co. for Imp. & Exp. 63611 Fayoum, Ibshaway Egypt 4-341 Hall 4 AL WAHAB RICE MILLS PVT LTD 52368 Sadhoke Pakistan 2-303 Hall 2 Alahram Herbs CO. Giza Egypt 4-333 Hall 4 Alara Wholefoods N1C 4PF London United Kingdom 4-729 Hall 4 Page 3 of 80 COMPANY ZIP CODE CITY COUNTRY BOOTH-NO. HALL-NO. Alberta Rhodiola Rosea Growers Organization Thorsby, Alberta Canada 4A-427 Hall 4A ALB-GOLD Teigwaren GmbH 9-209 Hall 9 ALBIO SRL 31020 Vidor Italy 7-407 Hall 7 ALBRIGI LUIGI SRL 37023 Stallavena di Grezzana Italy 1-630 Hall 1 ALCE NERO SPA 40068 S. Lazzaro di Savena Italy 6-233 Hall 6 ALCE NERO 40068 S. Lazzaro di Savena BO Italy 6-236 Hall 6 Alex & Phil AB 132 46 Saltsjö-Boo Sweden 5-134 Hall 5 Alfred Galke GmbH 7-107 Hall 7 Algamar 12203 Berlin Germany 4A-100 Hall 4A Algarrobos Organicos 15063 Lima Peru 2-315 Hall 2 Aliet Green 16341 Panketal Germany 9-262 Hall 9 ALINOR SPA 26010 Ripalta Cremasca CR Italy 4-435 Hall 4 Alkoholfreie Weinkellerei Weinkönig GmbH 6-267 Hall 6 alkü Ladeneinrichtung / Maier ShopDesign 35745 Herborn Germany 9-657 Hall 9 all i need beverage GmbH 1170 Wien Austria 1-479 Hall 1 ALL NATURAL FOODS D.O.O. 22330 Nova Pazova Serbia 4A-505 Hall 4A All Organic Treasures GmbH 9-554 Hall 9 Alleghanys Maple Farms Inc. G0L 3X0 Saint-Pacome, Quebec Canada 4A-427 Hall 4A ALLETTO 92020 Comitini AG Italy 4-231 Hall 4 Allgäuer Ölmühle e.K. 87663 Lengenwang Germany 6-465 Hall 6 Allos Hof-Manufaktur GmbH 7-613 Hall 7 Allos Hof-Manufaktur GmbH 49457 Drebber Germany 9-341 Hall 9 Allos Schwarzwald GmbH 79108 Freiburg Germany 9-341 Hall 9 Almacabio S.R.L. 39100 Bozen Italy 7-479 Hall 7 ALMAMEL 12005 Castellón Spain 5-271 Hall 5 ALMAVERDE BIO ITALIA 47522 Cesena (FC) Italy 4-421 Hall 4 ALMAWIN 73650 Winterbach Germany 9-471 Hall 9 ALMAZARAS DE LA SUBBETICA SL 14810 Carcabuey, Cordoba Spain 5-351 Hall 5 ALMENDRERA DEL SUR, S.COOP.AND 29580 Cartama Estacion, Malaga Spain 5-351 Hall 5 Alnavit GmbH 9-582 Hall 9 ALOE - BETA 81014 Capriati a Volturno CE Italy 4-231 Hall 4 Aloe Arborescens Solleone 97019 Vittoria RG Italy 8-633 Hall 8 Aloe Jaumave 87930 Jaumave Mexico 1-306 Hall 1 Aloja Starkelsen Sabiedriba ar ierobezotu atbildibu LV4064 Aloja Latvia 5-333 Hall 5 Alp Bayern 80539 München Germany 6-355 Hall 6 Alp Bayern 80539 München Germany 6-357 Hall 6 Alp Bayern 80539 München Germany 6-365 Hall 6 Alp Bayern 80539 München Germany 6-451 Hall 6 Alp Bayern 80539 München Germany 6-465 Hall 6 Page 4 of 80 COMPANY ZIP CODE CITY COUNTRY BOOTH-NO.
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