Staffordshire SampleCounty Studies THE NORTH STAFFORDSHIRE StaffordshireFIELD CLUB, TRANSACTIONS AND A n n u a l R e p o r t 1936- 37. SampleEDITEDCounty BY H. V. THOMPSON, M.A. Studies VOL. LXXI. Published by the North Staffordshire Field Club, Stoke-on-Trent. STAFFORD: AM/ISON & BOWEN. Ltd . J 937- COPYRIGHT. CONTENTS P age Council and Com mittees for 1936-37 ______ 4 StaffordshireAccounts ------------ - 7 Annual R eport 10 Congress of Arclueological Societies—Miss H. L. Tv. Garbett - 12 Anglo-American Conference of Historians—1'. Pape, M.A., P.S.A. 15 ADDRESSES AND PAPERS. Presidential Address—Miss M. S. Bickley, B.A. - 20 William Adams, 1736—1802—P. W. D. Adams, F.S.A. - 23 Dovedalc and Manifold Valley Properties of the National Trust —F. A. Holmes, F.R.G.S. - - - - - - - - 26 In Memoriam, Revd. E. Deacon, B.A.—W. T. Boydon Ridge, B.Se. ____________ 33 SampleREPORTS OF SECTIONS. A. Zoology.—B. Bryan _ ________County 35 B. Entomology.—H. W. Daltry, F.R.E.S. ----- 43 C. Botany.—W. T. Boydon Ridge, B.Sc. - 48 E. Geology.—F. W. Dennis, F.G.S. 49 P. Meteorology.—Graham C. Lawson, F.R. Met. Soc. - - 53 G Archioology and History.—G. J. V. Bemrose - - - 66 JOURNAL OF PROCEEDINGS. Field Meetings - Studies- 68 Evening Meetings ---------- - 77 List of Members - - - - - - - - - - - 81 APPENDIX. T. Smith.—The Birds of Staffordshire, Part VIII. (pages A213 to A248) PLATES. I. W illiam Adams, 1736-—1802 ----- to face 23 II. Dovedale—National Trust Properties - - - ,,26 III. The Grounds, Ilam Hall ------ „ 28 IV. Wolfscote Dale: Hurts Wood and Hall Dale - „ 29 V. The Greek Temple, Hall Dale - - - - „ 3° VI. The Revd. E. Deacon, B.A. ----- „ 33 4 COUNCIL, FOR 1937-38. Elected March 19th, 1937. StaffordshirePresident: P. C. D u t t o n . Ex-President: Miss M. S. Bickley, B.A. Life Vice-Presidents: F. Barke, F.G.S. A. T. Daniel, M.A. Elected Vice-Presidents: (To retire in 1938) (To retire iu 1939) E. C. MyottSample, M.D. A. H untbach. G. J. V. Bkmrose. CountyF. M. Duncalf . (To retire in 1940) A. H. J ohn, M.B., B.S. A. R. U. Saul. Hon. Secretary : Hon. Treasurer : G. Bloore, U.R.I.B.A. W. T. Boydon RStudiesidge, B.Sc. Hon. Librarian : Hon. Editor: Mrs. A. H. J ohn, B.A. H. V. Thompson, M.A. Chairmen of Sections: A. Zoology - - - B. Bryan B. Entomology - - H. W. Daltry, F.R.E.S. C. Botany - - - W. T. B o y d o n R id g e , B.Sc. D. Microscopy - - W. H ugill, M.Met., F.R.M.S. E. Geology - -- - F. W. Dennis, F.G.S. F. Meteorology - - G. C. Dawson, F.R.Met.Soc. G. Archaeology & History - G. J . V. B km r osk. H. Photography - - W. J . B. Blake. 5 Elected Members of the Council: (To retire in 1938). (To retire in 1939). J. A. A udley. R e v . E. A. E l l i o t , M.A. StaffordshireM is s J . B a l s il l ie , M .B. M rs. W. B. O ld a c r e . G. E. P hillimore. B. B. Simms. H. J. Steele. Mis s E . S. S t r o u d . (To retire in 1940). A. W. Ashton, D.Sc. Mrs. T. C ra tg . M rs. A. E. Blizzard. J. W. M o x o n . Committees eor 1937-38. Finance Committee: T h e P r e s id e n t . T h e H o n . S e c r e t a r y . The Hon. Treasurer.Sample CountyH. V. T h o m p so n , M.A. Library Committee : The President. Miss M. S. Bickley, B.A. The Hon. Librarian. A. H u n tb a c ii. The Hon. Secretary. G. E. Phillimore. G. J . V. Bemrose. W. T. Boydon Ridge,Studies B.Sc. H. V. T h o m p so n , M.A. Staffordshire Collections Committee: The Hon. Secretary. P. C. D u t t o n . H. W. D a l t r y , E.R.E.S. W. T. Boydon Ridge, B.Sc. F. W. D e n n is , F.G.S. H. V. T h o m p so n , M.A. Publication Committee: T h e P r e s id e n t . M rs A. E. B liz z a r d . T h e H o n . E d it o r . H. W. D a l t r y , F.R.E.S. T h e H o n . S e c r e t a r y . A. H. J o h n , M.B., B.S. G. J. V. Bemrose. W. T. Boydon Ridge, B.Sc. 6 Hon. A uditor: Collector : H . C. Bladen. Miss P. W ells Bladen. StaffordshireDelegate to the British Association : A. S co tt, M.A., D.Sc., E.R.S.E. Trustees: S. A. H . B u k n e , M.A. W. T. Boydon Ridge, B.Sc. H. V. Thompson, M.A. SampleCounty Studies StaffordshireANNUAL REPORT Read at the seventy-first annual meeting held at Stoke-on-Trent, Friday, March igtli, 1937. INANCE. The hon. treasurer’s report and financial F statement is better reading than it was last year, inasmuch as an adverse balance of £2 7s. 9d. has been converted into a credit balance of £12 10s. 8d. and there are credit balances in the Library and Trust accounts. M e e tin g s . The field meetings, numbering seven day and half-day, and two evening meetings, were well attended and all the places visited were without exception of great in­ terest to the members. The addressesSample at the fourCounty evening meetings have been upon very varied subjects. Most of the lectures have been exceedingly well illustrated and the subjects which were of exceptional interest created a lively discussion. The attendance at the evening meetings was not up to the average. Membership. This is now holding its own in numbers as last year’s figure of 455 is now equalled by a similar total. The individual figures are: New members, 31 Studies; deceased, 11 ; struck off, 7 ; resigned, 13. It is with deep regret the council has to record the death of the Rev. Ernest Deacon, past president and hon. editor, whose passing will be a great loss to the Club. Mr. E. S. .Stringer’s death has also to be recorded with regret; he will be remembered for his work 011 the Finance committee and as an old and keen member of the Club. Delegates. The Club is again indebted to Miss H. L. E. Garbett for her attendance and very excellent report of proceedings at the Congress of Archaeological Societies. Unfortunately, the Rev. S. J. Daltry was unable to attend this year owing to ill-health and for a similar reason Dr. A. Scott could not represent the Club at the Conference of Delegates of Corresponding Societies of the British Asso­ 1936-37- ANNUAL REPORT. II ciation. The council also wishes to express its thanks to Mr. T. Pape for his able report upon the Anglo-American Con­ Staffordshireference of Historians. D altry Memorial Library. The library committee reports that there is a shortage of shelf room and recom­ mends that surplus unbound numbers of the Transactions and of miscellaneous literature should be weeded out and reduced. The council begs to acknowledge with thanks the following gifts to the Library :—A specially bound volume of his papers on Cheshire from Mr. W alter Smith, of Macclesfield ; a revised translation of the portion of Domesday book con­ cerning Staffordshire interleaved with the original by Dr. H. M. Eraser. Staffordshire Collections. The reception of a Bronze age urn at theSample Hanley museumCounty was reported. Reference was again made at the meeting of the Staffordshire Collections sub-committee to the need for better housing of exhibits and to the want of a new building. It is gratifying to hear that scholars now attend the Hanley museum for instruc­ tion in subjects which include natural history. A w a rd s . The council has awarded the Garner medal to Mr. H. W. Daltry, F.R.E.S., for his contributionsStudies to the entomology of North Staffordshire. G e n e r a l . A Staffordshire committee has been formed of the National Council for the Preservation of Rural England and the council of the Club has delegated Mr. S. A. H. Burne to represent them on it. CONGRESS OF ARCHEOLOGICAL SOCIETIES StaffordshireT will be a matter for regret to the whole Club that the I Rev. S. J. Daltry could not be present at the Congress of Archaeological vSocieties on November 17th 1936, or con­ tribute to our annual volume the liveliness of his report. The meeting was held as usual in the rooms of the Society of Antiquaries at Burlington House, the chairman being the president of that Society. After the reading of the report came the election of the council and Miss Mary Kitson Clark, Mr. Colin D. B. Ellis, Miss Kathleen Kenyon, Mr. Philip Laver, Mr. T. E. Morris and Mr. J. N. L. Myres were elected in place of the retiring members, Mr. E. Birley, Capt. Cun- ington, Sir Cyril Fox, Dr. Wilfred Jackson, Mr. R. S. Newall and Dr. R. E. M. Wheeler. The treasurerSample presented Countyhis report, which showed that the finances of the Congress were in a satisfactory condition, the improvement in the balance being largely due to the collection of arrears. This had involved a large expenditure of time and, in order to avoid this in future, the treasurer proposed "that any affiliated Society which is in arrear for more than two years with its subscription or in payment for reports shall ipso jado cease to be a MemberStudies of the Con­ gress’’.
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