Articles Activity Planning for a Lunar Orbital Mission John L. Bresina I This article describes a challenging, n this article, I describe the application of artificial intel- real-world planning problem within the ligence technology to address the challenging problem of context of a NASA mission called Iactivity planning for a lunar orbital NASA mission: the LADEE (Lunar Atmospheric and Dust Lunar Atmospheric and Dust Environment Explorer Environment Explorer). I present the (LADEE). approach taken to reduce the complexi- AI technology can help solve a given problem through a ty of the activity-planning task in order software system that automates some aspect of the problem- to perform it effectively under the time pressures imposed by the mission solving process. However, often, a significant aspect of the requirements. One key aspect of this benefit an AI scientist can provide is in terms of defining an approach is the design of the activity- effective formulation of the problem and an effective design planning process based on principles of of the problem-solving process, involving some combination problem decomposition and planning of humans and software. abstraction levels. The second key I present the application of the AI principles of problem aspect is the mixed-initiative system decomposition and planning abstraction levels (for example, developed for this task, called LASS Nilsson [1971] and Knoblock [1993]) to the design of the (LADEE Activity Scheduling System). LADEE activity-planning process in order to reduce problem The primary challenge for LASS was complexity. This design saved time and reduced conflicts in representing and managing the science constraints that were tied to key points servicing the observation requests from the multiple science in the spacecraft’s orbit, given their instrument teams. I also describe the mixed-initiative soft- dynamic nature due to the continually ware system that was developed to make this process efficient updated orbit determination solution. enough to meet the mission requirements and time pressures of the tactical workflow. This system is the LADEE Activity- Scheduling System, which we call LASS. LASS was used exten- sively throughout the mission; it was used by the instrument teams, the project science team, the Science Operations Cen- ter planner, and by the mission planning and sequencing team, which was led by the author. The key challenge in developing LASS was the efficient management of science constraints that were expressed in terms of when the spacecraft was in a certain point in its orbit around the moon. Given that the orbit determination is con- stantly being updated, the prediction of when the spacecraft would be in a particular point in the orbit changes during the Copyright © 2016, Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence. All rights reserved. ISSN 0738-4602 SUMMER 2016 7 Articles overall planning process. Our solution to this chal- sion, but in this article, I focus on the primary phase lenge is generalizable to apply to other planning — the science phase, which was nominally 100 days problems that have analogous issues. (not counting the extended mission phase). Due to Before discussing the activity-planning problem the moon’s gravity, in order to maintain the equato- and our problem-solving approach, I present some rial science orbit, 19 maneuvers had to be performed background information on the LADEE mission and during these 100 days. its concept of operations to help convey the problem Almost all of the science observations during this complexity and the time pressures imposed on the phase were executed on board the spacecraft through planning processes. an absolute timed sequence (ATS). The orbit mainte- nance maneuvers, as well as other engineering activ- ities, were also executed through the on-board ATS. A Mission Overview number of activities, for example, uploading com- The primary objectives of the Lunar Atmospheric and mand sequences or downloading housekeeping and Dust Environment Explorer mission were to deter- science data files, were executed from the ground mine the composition of the lunar atmosphere, to through the command plan. A command plan is a investigate the processes that control its distribution computer program run by the flight controller on the and variability, and to characterize the lunar exos- command and telemetry ground system in order to pheric dust environment. The mission was carried guide the interactions with the spacecraft. out by NASA Ames Research Center in collaboration Each science observation was implemented with NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. through one or more relative timed sequences (RTSs) The LADEE spacecraft launched atop a Minotaur V that were started from the ATS at the appropriate from Wallops Flight Facility on September 6, 2013. time. For LDEX, the appropriate time was any time The lunar orbit acquisition phase was completed on that the sun was not in the instrument’s bore sight. October 12, 2013, beginning the commissioning For NMS and UVS, the appropriate times were phase. This phase included the checkout of the three defined in terms of where the spacecraft was in its science instruments: Lunar dust experiment (LDEX), equatorial orbit around the moon. Specifically, the neutral mass spectrometer (NMS), and ultraviolet observation times were constrained to occur at some spectrometer (UVS). All three instruments were temporal offset to when the spacecraft was crossing attached to the spacecraft in a fixed configuration; one of six orbital points: sunrise terminator, sunset hence, to point an instrument required the spacecraft terminator, noon, midnight, umbra entrance, and to attain an appropriate attitude. This phase also umbra exit (see figure 2). The most important, with included a successful technology demonstration of respect to the primary science objectives, was the lunar laser communications. sunrise terminator, which was when the spacecraft The 100-day science phase of the mission started was passing from the lighted portion of the moon to on November 21, 2013; after a period of extended the dark portion of the moon, since the spacecraft operations, the mission ended on April 17, 2014, was in a retrograde orbit. The science phase orbit was when the spacecraft struck the moon. designed such that when crossing the sunrise termi- The Mission Operations Center was located at nator, the spacecraft would be approximately 50 kilo- NASA Ames in California, and the Science Operations meters above the surface of the moon, in order to sat- Center was located at NASA Goddard in Maryland. isfy mission requirements. These requirements also The project scientist and deputy were at NASA Ames, specified that various types of science observations and the three science instrument teams were geo- had to be performed near the sunrise terminator graphically distributed: the LDEX team at the Uni- event every 12 hours. versity of Colorado at Boulder, the NMS team at To determine the absolute time to start an NMS or NASA Goddard, and the UVS team at NASA Ames. UVS observation, the times when the spacecraft The Laser Communication Operations Center was at would cross these six orbit points in the relevant MIT Lincoln Labs in Massachusetts. orbit had to be predicted. The orbits were approxi- Communications with the spacecraft were accom- mately 113 minutes in duration; hence, there were plished primarily through the deep-space network 12–13 orbits per day. Based on tracking data collect- with secondary support from the near-earth network, ed roughly every three orbits, the flight dynamics as well as the tracking and data relay system during team was continually updating the orbit determina- launch and early mission operations. tion, which is the basis for making these predictions. Based on the spacecraft pointing accuracy require- Mission Operations ments imposed by the science instruments, the ATS was updated every other day, using the most recent Figure 1 presents an overview of mission operations; orbit solution available. Typically, an ATS covered an in this article, I focus on the activity-planning 80-hour period, where the last 32 hours covered the aspects, indicated by the dark boxes. Activity plan- contingency that the next ATS did not get uploaded ning was performed throughout all phases of the mis- in time. When the next ATS included a maneuver 8 AI MAGAZINE Articles Instrument Strategic Orbit Activity Science Telemetry Planning Allocation Requests Analysis Engineering Activity Engineering Requests Analysis Engineering Skeletal Plan Flight Dynamis Maneuver Orbit Products Planning Determination Attitude Maneuver Tracking Planning Verification Tactical Command Command Commands Planning Sequencing Verification FigureFi 1.1 OverviewO i off LADEELADEE MissionMi i Operations.Op ti The five dark boxes involve activity planning. (always within the second day of the ATS), then an ing tracking passes. LDEX typically operated in the extra 24-hour period was added to the previous ATS ram attitude and one of the most common types of to cover the contingency that the maneuver did not NMS observations was performed in ram attitude, so take place. these activities could coincide with tracking. In addition to the 12-hour cadence requirement Due to power limitations and attitude conflicts, (mentioned above), there were exclusion require- NMS and UVS were never operated simultaneously, ments on the science observations. No science activ- but LDEX could operate at the same time as either ities
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