Digest T1T 1E oEoJLrY WASHINGTON (UPI)--The White House search is on for a successor to Su- preme Court Justice Potter Stewart, GAZETTE ' who announced his resignation yes- terday after 23 years on the High Bay, Court. Guantanamo Cuba Stewart will step down at the end of the current session, July 3rd, giving President Reaganta chance to 118 appoint a more conservative justice, lVolume 36 Number Friday, June lo, 1981 and possibly a woman. PEKING (UDI)--China is broadly hint- ing it would break ties with the U.S. U.S., Iraq reach compromise on Israel over America's friendly and arms- supply relationship with Taiwan. NEW YORK (AP)--The compromise has In testimony before the Senate October is the month Israel report- Peking says Sino-American relationsbeen struck. The United States and Foreign Relations Committee yester- edly started planning the attack on only stand to deteriorate over the Iraq have reached agreement on a day, a State Department official, the Iraqi reactor near Bagdad, and Taiwan issue. And China notes it proposed Security Council resolution Robert McFarlane, called the bomb- attack which the Israelis used 2,000 did not hesitate in the 1960s when that would condemn Israel for its ing of the Iraqi nuclear reactor un- pound bombs. But an Israeli embassy mega- recent raid on an Iraqi nuclear reac- justified. And he said the attack spokesman says the NRC visit had ties with another ower,broke the off Soviet Union. tor. has "created profound political tur- "nothing to do with" the raid. St A vote on the formal resolution, moil" in the Mideast. WASHINGTON (UPI)--The White House which makes no mention of sanctions Last October, two Israeli engineers has flatly rejected an air controll- against Israel, is set for today. paid a visit to the Nuclear Regula- Meanwhile, U.S. special envoy Phil- ers union proposal to support pay- The expected "yes" vote from the tory Commission in Washington. ip Habib and Prime Minister Begin met raise legislation in exchange for a United States would be the first re- yesterday, and Begin set no deadlines, no-strike stance. buke the Reagan administration has And while they were there, they in- but repeated his warning that Israel And the administration is unwaver- given Israel at the UN, and is a quired just what sort of damage will "get rid of those missiles" if ing in its position that a strike is rare display of U.S. agreement with 2,000 pound bombs might do to a nu- Habib's mission fails, referring to illegal and won't be tolerated. a hardline Arab state. clear reactor. Syrian missiles in Lebanon. Preparations, including scaled The UN isn't the only forum where down traff ice routes, are in the the administration is making clear making should a walkout scheduled its disapproval of the Israeli raid for Monday occur. in Iraq. Commissary holds a seminar Did you miss the first Civic Coun- The paramount question c' warned cil-sponsored Commissary seminar? depletion and short supply i. goods. NEW ORLEANS, La. (AP)--Nine demonstra- $1-million a minute Information, answers and concern Viable explanations and information tors continue their occupation of the were the key words in the meeting lead to an invitation from SHC Wil- Office of the Mayor of New Orleans, held, June 20th, in the evening. son for the community at-large to a takeover they say was prompted by Is spent on defense Lt. Bolton and Sgt. Hoffstetler get involved. city laxity in the investigation of explained the "whys" and "why nots" be the slayings of four blacks by po- STOCKHOLM, Sweden (UPI)--The Int- of merchandise in the commissary. He suggested that he would lice. ernational Peace Research Institute Along with her staff of supervisors, available to answer questions on Mayor Ernest Morial, the city's in Stockholm says the world spent ranging from procurement to meat procurement anytime until July 3, first black mayor, says he plans to almost $1-million a minute on de- handling, Lt. Nolton discussed how after which SKC Coomer will be in simply wait the demonstrators out. fense last year. the inter-change with Norfolk sup- charge and available. The institute said the United ply really worked. CAPE KENNEPY, Fla. (AP)--NASA offi- States and the Soviet Union led the Along with the general discus Furthermore, It. Bolton enjoined cials have unveiled the payload the way in the $500-billion spending sion came information sheets pre- the community to "use the suggest- space shuttle "Columbia" will carry spree. -pared-by Lt. Bolton and-Sgt. iloff- ion box! -which is available in the on its second mission. The Third World last year account- stetler for reference to freshness commissary store. This is the only Among other things, shuttle astro- ed for 16 percent of world military and quality. Though information way the commissary can see the gen- auts will test the environment, spending, or $80-billion. That's and lively discussion abounded, the eral "want" items. search for minerals on earth and ana- twice the share of developing na- number of community participants Remember, one person isn't enough lyze severe weather systems. tions a decade ago. was somewhat lacking. to order a specific item. Get those who want the same item to turn in their suggestions, too. Volume memorial hike is held shows need. Marine hero If you missed this vital seminar, is planning another During-the Spanish American War, a The time did not stop until all Company Lima (Third) the Civic Council seminar in the fall. Battalion of Marines landed at Guan- starting Marines completed the 20K Guantanamo Bay, Cuba commissary your commissary and tanamo Bay, Cuba. course. Due to the logistical im- 2 hrs. 57 mins. 02 secs. Please support Council and get involved. Four days after their landing, on possibility of having each command your Civic We need participation from everyone June 14, 1898, elements of the bat- send a team to Guantanamo, partici- Company Hotel (Fourth) the base who cares about our com- talipn attacked the Spanish fresh pating units set their own courses. Homestead, Florida on water supply at Cuzco Wells (located The first four commands to finish 3 hrs. 10 mins. 15 secs. munity. inside the present U.S. Naval Base). were: In the ensuing battle, the Marines Company Bravo (First) Company Lima furnished a Granadil- can save were pinned down by a numerically Edzell, Scotland lo wood trophy, common to the woods Commissary superior force of Spanish troops. 2 brs. 13 mins. 57 secs. of Cuba, to the 1st Place team. In an effort to aid the besieged This march will be an annual Marines, naval gunfire support was Company India (Second) event, serving to remind Marines of Customers 20.7 percent provided from an American warship. Adak, Alaska the valor of one of their predeces- The fire support from the ship 2 hrs. 43 mins. 43 secs. sors. price comparison fell short of its intended target, CHINFO Newsgram--A survey conducted by 12 Navy commis- landing instead on the Marines. sary stores in the continential U.S. At this point a young Marine ser- shows customers enjoy an overall geant, John Quick realized the ser- savings of 20.7 percent when com- iousness of their situation. pared to average commercial super- market prices. With complete disregard for his The survey conducted in November, wn safety, Sgt. Quick scaled a near- 1980, checked the prices of 85 "mar- by hill and, exposing himself to ket basket" food products and 15 non- both friendly and enemy fire, used food items. semaphore flags to redirect the na- The survey showed that prices in val fire support. For his heroic produce departments were 27.6 per- action, he was awarded the Medal of cent below those of commercial Honor. stores; meat department savings were 22.4 percent and savings on grocer- To commemorate Sgt. Quick's action, ies were 19.5 percent. Overall sav- the Marines of Company Lima, Marine ings amounted to 20.7 percent. Support Battalion, Guantanamo Bay, Prices were recorded for identical Cuba, challenged the ten other com- items and included "specials" and panies of the Marine Support Batta- promotions being offered by commer- lion (serving in various locations cial supermarkets during the survey on three continents) and the First period. Local sales taxes were not and Second Radio Battalions to com- included in commercial prices re- pete in the first annual Sgt. John ported. Quick 20K Memorial Hike. Price comparison surveys are com- On June 14th, the 81st anniversary missioned by the Navy Resale and of the Battle of Cuzco Wells, the Service Support Office in Brooklyn, competition was held. N.Y., and are conducted twice a year For this timed-event each partici- MARINE MEMBERS OF COMPANY LIMA trek up a dusty, graveled road during by Navy commissary stores in differ- pating command must have fielded at the 1st annual Sergeant John Quick 20K Memorial Hike, commemorating ent parts of the country. Differ- least 13 Marines, each carrying his/ the sergeant's heroic efforts in 1898 in Guantanamo Bay. (Photo by ent commissary stores participate her basic field equipment and weapon. AN Lisa VerBrycke.) in each survey. The Daily Gazette Friday, June 19, 1981 July 4th Notes Little Miss GTMO 1981 WHO WILL BE THE NEXT LITTLE MISS prettiest) 5 to 7 year old girls The CORONATfI(ON DANCE will be held QUEEN'S DAY IN THE PARK. Come on GTMO 1981? The 4th of July cele- in the world, so get those entry on Friday, July 3 from 8 to 1 a.m.
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