COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA Legislative Journal TUESDAY, JANUARY 1, 2013 SESSION OF 2013 197TH OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY No. 1 SENATE (Whereupon, the Senate en bloc stood in a moment of silence in solemn respect to the memory of the VICTIMS OF SANDY TUESDAY, January 1, 2013 HOOK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, Newtown, Connecticut.) The PRESIDENT. This is the constitutional day and hour for PRESENTATION OF ELECTION RETURNS the convening of the 197th Regular Session of the General As- sembly. The PRESIDENT. The Chair recognizes the Sergeant-at- Arms. The PRESIDENT (Lieutenant Governor Jim Cawley) called The SERGEANT-AT-ARMS. Mr. President, I have the honor the Senate to order at 12 m., Eastern Standard Time. to present the Secretary of the Commonwealth, the Honorable PRAYER Carol Aichele. Secretary AICHELE. Mr. President, I have the honor to pres- The Chaplain, Reverend MARTIN D. ODOM, Pastor of ent the official returns and statements of campaign expense com- Bethel Village A.M.E. Church, Harrisburg, offered the following pliance for the offices of Attorney General, Auditor General, prayer: State Treasurer, and Senators in the General Assembly for the election held November 6, 2012. Let us pray. The PRESIDENT. The Chair thanks Secretary Aichele. The Eternal God, Creator and Sustainer of all humankind, we returns for Treasurer, Auditor General, and Attorney General thank You for this day that You have made. We thank You for will lie on the table. this opportunity that You have given us to serve, to make a meaningful difference in the lives of those whom You have ELECTION RETURNS OF SENATORS called each and all of us to help and uplift. And now, Lord, we pray Your blessings upon the Members of this Pennsylvania The PRESIDENT. The returns of the Senators will be read by State Senate. Guide their deliberations, Lord. Give them clear the Clerk. thought. Give them a heart of compassion and mercy to look The Clerk read the election returns as follows: upon and reflect upon the lives of all of the residents of the Com- monwealth of Pennsylvania, to represent us in such a way that FIRST SENATORIAL DISTRICT Philadelphia Lawrence M. Farnese, Jr. (Dem) 95,612 our lives are enriched and that we are pleased and satisfied with Alfonso Gambone, Jr. (Rep) 20,421 the service that they have given. Make them ever mindful, Lord, that they have been sent here not to be served, but they have been THIRD SENATORIAL DISTRICT sent as servants. And so now, guide them with Your wisdom, by Philadelphia Shirley M. Kitchen (Dem) 101,151 Your grace, that in all that is said and done in this legislative FIFTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT Session, that Your will and Your way will prevail. In Your name Philadelphia Mike Stack (Dem) 65,587 we pray. Amen. Michael J. Tomlinson (Rep) 25,954 The PRESIDENT. The Chair thanks Pastor Odom, who is the SEVENTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT guest today of Senator-elect Teplitz. Philadelphia Vincent J. Hughes (Dem) 105,146 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE NINTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT Delaware Dominic F. Pileggi (Rep) 73,003 (The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by those assembled, Patricia L. Worrell (Dem) 58,769 led by the gentleman from Montgomery, Senator RAFFERTY.) ELEVENTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT Berks Judy Schwank (Dem) 63,796 STATEMENT BY THE PRESIDENT Karen L. Mogel (Rep) 35,318 The PRESIDENT. The Chair notes that today is the first time THIRTEENTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT that the Senate has convened since the terrible events of Decem- Lancaster Lloyd K. Smucker (Rep) 64,153 ber 14, 2012, which took the lives of 26 people, including 20 Tom G. O'Brien (Dem) 50,981 children, at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Con- FIFTEENTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT necticut. The Chair asks that all of the Members and guests re- Dauphin Rob Teplitz (Dem) 61,139 main standing for a moment of silence to remember and honor John McNally (Rep) 57,504 the victims of that tragedy. 2 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL — SENATE JANUARY 1, SEVENTEENTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT Ninth District)Dominic F. Pileggi Montgomery Daylin Leach (Dem) 78,508 Eleventh District)Judy Schwank Charles Henry Gehret (Rep) 45,707 Thirteenth District)Lloyd K. Smucker NINETEENTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT Fifteenth District)Rob Teplitz Chester Andrew E. Dinniman (Dem) 83,589 Seventeenth District)Daylin Leach Christopher J. Amentas (Rep) 61,914 Nineteenth District)Andrew E. Dinniman ) TWENTY-FIRST SENATORIAL DISTRICT Twenty-first District Scott E. Hutchinson Venango Scott E. Hutchinson (Rep) 75,905 Twenty-third District)Gene Yaw Twenty-fifth District)Joseph B. Scarnati, III TWENTY-THIRD SENATORIAL DISTRICT Twenty-seventh District)John R. Gordner Lycoming Gene Yaw (Rep) 66,277 ) Luana Cleveland (Dem) 28,771 Twenty-ninth District David G. Argall Thirty-first District)Patricia H. Vance TWENTY-FIFTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT Thirty-third District)Richard Alloway, II Jefferson Joseph B. Scarnati III (Rep) 75,096 Thirty-fifth District)John N. Wozniak Thirty-seventh District)Matt Smith TWENTY-SEVENTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT ) Columbia John R. Gordner (Rep) 75,667 Thirty-ninth District Kim L. Ward Forty-first District)Don White TWENTY-NINTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT Forty-third District)Jay Costa, Jr. Schuylkill David G. Argall (Rep) 56,837 Forty-fifth District)James R. Brewster Tim Seip (Dem) 44,365 Forty-seventh District)Elder A. Vogel, Jr. THIRTY-FIRST SENATORIAL DISTRICT Forty-ninth District)Sean D. Wiley Cumberland Patricia H. Vance (Rep/Dem) 123,096 STATEMENT BY THE PRESIDENT THIRTY-THIRD SENATORIAL DISTRICT Franklin Richard Alloway II (Rep) 81,503 The PRESIDENT. For the record, the Chair has been in- Adams Bruce Neylon (Dem) 33,716 formed by the Secretary of the Commonwealth that all Sena- THIRTY-FIFTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT tors-elect have filed in her office the accounts and affidavits as Cambria John N. Wozniak (Dem) 46,637 required by the Election Code. Timothy P. Houser (Rep) 44,844 ADMINISTRATION OF OATH OF OFFICE THIRTY-SEVENTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT TO REPUBLICAN SENATORS-ELECT Allegheny Matt Smith (Dem) 70,883 D. Raja (Rep) 63,854 The PRESIDENT. The next order of business will be the ad- THIRTY-NINTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT ministration of the oath of office for the new and reelected Re- Westmoreland Kim L. Ward (Rep/Dem) 92,984 publican Senators. It is a distinct honor and pleasure to have with Ronald M. Gazze (Dem) 13,946 us today a distinguished judge of the Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania and a personal friend, the Honorable Renee Cohn FORTY-FIRST SENATORIAL DISTRICT Indiana Don White (Rep) 82,761 Jubelirer. Judge Cohn Jubelirer has kindly consented to be here today to administer the oath of office to the Republican Sena- FORTY-THIRD SENATORIAL DISTRICT tors-elect and Officers in accordance with Article VI, Section 3, Allegheny Jay Costa, Jr. (Dem) 94,779 of the Constitution of Pennsylvania. FORTY-FIFTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT We will now proceed to the administration of the oath of of- Allegheny James R. Brewster (Dem) 72,189 fice to the Republican Senators-elect by Judge Renee Cohn Jubelirer. FORTY-SEVENTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT Will the Republican Senators-elect present themselves in front Beaver Elder A. Vogel, Jr. (Rep) 57,613 of the rostrum. Please bring with you the Bibles which have been Kimberly Pazzanita Villella (Dem) 43,348 placed at your desk. If you would please step forward. FORTY-NINTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT Before the administration of the oath, as a housekeeping mat- Erie Sean D. Wiley (Dem) 60,921 ter, the Chair would like to request the cooperation of news pho- Janet S. Anderson (Rep) 40,592 tographers and others who would like to have pictures taken or to videotape so that during each of the actual ceremonies there *Party Designation - (Dem) Democrat, (Rep) Republican will be no picture taking. Those Senators who are sworn in are asked to please, at the conclusion of the actual administration of Whereupon, the following named persons were declared duly the oath of office, stay at the bar for a few minutes for the conve- elected Senators in the General Assembly of the Commonwealth nience of any person who would desire to take pictures. The rest of Pennsylvania: of us will be at ease for those few moments. With that, Judge Cohn Jubelirer. First District)Lawrence M. Farnese, Jr. Judge COHN JUBELIRER. Thank you very much. It is a real Third District)Shirley M. Kitchen honor to be here today with you. Fifth District)Mike Stack Please place your left hand on your Bible and raise your right Seventh District)Vincent J. Hughes hand, and repeat after me: 2013 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL — SENATE 3 I, (state your name), do solemnly swear that I will support, Reported by: obey and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Ann-Marie P. Sweeney Chief Official Reporter Constitution of this Commonwealth and that I will discharge the Senate of Pennsylvania duties of my office with fidelity. Congratulations, Senators. SENATOR VANCE: Good afternoon. Senator Joseph Scarnati (Applause.) was elected to serve as the Interim President pro tempore of the Senate on November 14. At that time, he was administered the oath office to ADMINISTRATION OF OATH OF OFFICE serve as Interim President pro tempore. To serve as the Interim Presi- dent pro tempore, however, Senator Scarnati also needs to be adminis- TO DEMOCRATIC SENATORS-ELECT tered the oath office for his new term as State Senator. The oath of office for his new term as Senator will be administered today. Judge The PRESIDENT. The next order of business will be the ad- Peck will administer the oath of office. ministration of the oath of office for new and reelected Demo- We will now proceed to receive the returns of the election from the cratic Senators. It is an honor and privilege to have with us today 25th Senatorial District from the election held November 6, 2012.
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