222 POWICK. WORCESTERSHIRE. [KELLY'S the same time : two other screens inclose the north and a collection of coarse delf, and other earthenware, and :South transepts: the east window of three lancet lights glass, early tr1:1velling trunks, and pillions, spinning .and the west window, as ""ell as eight windows in the wheels, piles of arras, quantities of fine damask table' <:hancel and nave, are all stained: there are 390 sittings, linen, and exquisitely embroidered sheets, and a complet~ uo being free. The register dates from the year 1662. ;;et of embroidered bed-furniture; the library include!\ "The living is a vicarage, net yearly value £220, includ­ some astrological parchment MS. attributed to the famou~t ing 2! acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of the Dr. Dee, a native of the adjoining town of Upton-on­ Earl of Coventry, and held since 1867 by the Rev. Thomas Severn, as well as other MSS. ancient books of accounts, Henry Cecil Hughes M.A. of Brasenose College, Oxford. and chests of deeds, besides printed books and some relics, .St. James's, CALLOW END, built in 1888 by the late and copies of the local county journal for ISO years past. Earl Beauchamp, as a chapel of ease to the parish The house is not. shown, and can only be seen by .special church, is a plain edifice of brick, seating about 150 pel·­ permiSSIOn.• • :Sons : the services are conducted by the vicar of Powick. ln 1642 an encounter took place here between the Royal CALLOW END is a hamlet, I~ miles distant, and .and Parliamentary forces, and in 1651 another conflict has a chapel -of pase, built in 1888. CLEVELOAD is occured at Powick bridge, of which structure parts still a hamlet, 3 miles south, on the west bank of the remain. At STANBROOK is St. Mary's Abbey, a con­ Severn, and formerly had a chapel existing till late vent of nuns of the Order of St. Benedict, removed here in the 16th century ; the chapelry is now united to iu 1838 from Salford Priors, in Warwickshire, where they Madresfield. W oodsfield is a hamlet, z miles south-by· bad settled after being expelled from France during the west, also unitt>d to Madresfield. Collett's Green is half, revolution in 1793 : connected with this establishment a-mile "est. Bastonford is a hamlet, 1! Uliles south· there is a school for the education of young ladies: the west. .east wing of the building was completed and occupied Post, M. 0. & '1'. Office. james _.\., Knott, sub-post­ .<Jn New Year's day, 188o: another wing, begun in 1881, master. 'Let·ters through W·orcester, arrive at s.rd was finished in I8g8. The Right Rev. Dame Cecilia A. a.m. & 3 p.m.; dispatched at II.I5 a.m. & 7·35 p.m.; Heywood is Lady Abbess: adjoining the monastery is sundays, arrive at s.Io a.m. & dispatched at 7·35 p.m a. beautiful Catholic church of brick and stone, in the Post, M. '0. & T. Office, Callow End.-Charles 'landy, Geometric Decorated style, erected in 187I from designs su·b-postmaster. Letters arrive throJ.gh Worcester at by the late E. W. Pugin esq. and dedicated to S. Mary; 5.20 a.m. & 3·35 p.m. & are dispatched at ro.so a.m, it consists of sanctuary, choir, two chapels and a western & 7.20 p.m.; sundays, arrive at 5.20 a.m.; dispat-ched .tower containing 9 bells : the sanctuary is adorned with at 7.2o p.m .frescoes and stained windows : the church is served by Wall Letter BoxPs.-Pole Elm, cleared at 10.55 a.m. & vriests of the Benedictine Order. St. Cloud is the resi­ 7.25 p.m.; sundays, 7-25 p.m. Kents Green, cleared dence of Eliot George Bromley Martin esq. D.L., J .P. 6.50 a.m. & 6.40 p.m.; sundays, 6.50 a.m. Bowling The Earl of Coventry P.C. (lord-lieut. ), who is lord of Green, cleared at 7. I5 a.m. & 5 p.m. ; sundays, 7- IS the manor, and Earl Beauchamp P.C., K.C.M.G. are a.m the principal landowners. The soil is loam and clay ; -subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley and The County & CHy of Worcester Lunatic Asylum, pasture, and hops are grown here. The area is 5,I92 pleasantly seated on an eminence a mile west of the acres of land and 58 of water; rateable value, £I5,733; church, is an edifice of red brick, erected in I852, & the populatiot~ in 1901 (including 121 officials and their enlarged from time to time, at a cost of £ r62,ooo, & iamilies and I,I62 inmates in the asylum) was 3,II4 containing, in 1912, 430 males & 530 females, & r8o in the civil parish and 3,070 in the ecclesiastical parish. staff; George Marcus Panton Braine-Hartnell M.R.O.S. Sexton, Frederick Stokes. Eng. & L.R.C.P.Lond. medical officer & supt.; Henry Felix Fen ton ~LB., Ch.B.Edin. Harold Rosser Style­ PIXHAM is in this parish, 2 miles south, and here man Walford M.R.C.S., L.R C.P.Lond. & Kerr Sim~)l ihe Severn is crossed by a ferry. The White House at son M.B., Ch.B.Edin. as~istant medical officer;;; Rev. Pixham, called "Prior's Court," the property of Earl Thomas John Landy Davies B.A. chaplain; RPv. Beauchamp, and now occupied by Capt. Jame~ C. Edward BE>nedict Weld-lllundell 0. S.B. Catholic Lattey, is still, notwithstanding some modern altera­ chaplain; George Frederick Sparrow Brown, clerk to tions, one of the quaintest and most interesting old the committee of visitors; John G. Hadley, clerk; ·:timbered houses in the country, not only as an example Waiter J. Longden, assistant clerk; Harry E. Jackson, -of this unique style of domestic architecture, but storekeepPr; Hubert LeicestPr, auditor; William W. UlOre particularly on account of its furnishings and Huddleston, fcrm bailiff; JamE's Longden, engineer; <:ontents generally, which have accumulated here, Henry W. Martin & Miss Brown, chief attendants; without sale or other mode of disposal. from a remote Mrs. Penny, housekeeper period. The house belonged, during the Civil War, to the Lanes, of Bentlev. and within its walls, after Public Elementary Schools. the disastrous fight at Naseby, June I4, 1645, Charles I. Powick (mixed), erected in 1g71 from designs by Mr. 'iO'Ilnd shelter, and it has also been suggested that Preedy, at cost of £ , , on a site given by Earl Jane Lane, whoseo name is so wE'll known in connection 8 1 400 with the escape of CharlPs II. after the battle of Beauchamp, for 200 children; average attendance, 'Worcester, September 3, ·r65I, once resided here: 175; George W. Bishop, master the house is quadrangular in plan, with a series of Callow End (mixed), erected in 187I, also from Mr. picturesque gables, and on the west side retains many Preedy's design, at the cos~ of Earl Beauchamp; the features of the Tudor period: a curious porch, -wit.b schooi will hold 135 children; average attendance, oaken pillars, surmounted by four gablets, admits to the IOO; M:iss 'Emily Thrupp, mistress .diminutive CO\Irtyard, and on the opposite side is the Omnibus to Worcester looves Asylum lane at ro a.m. ·Olrl hall, at one end of which a ponderous staircase, 12 noon & 2 &; 4 il.m. on mon. & thurl'l. & leaves er~cted about· r72o. leads to the rooms above: the in- Callow End at 12 noon & 2, 4, 6 & 8 p.m. on tues. ;terior contains much old furniture of various dates. WE'd. fri. & sat. (nlso at 9 a.m. on s11t) PO\VICK. Hooper Colonel Alfred Winsmore ) Aston .Tames, Half Way HPnH• P.H J.P. Kent's Green court Bonlton Edward, fanner & haulier, PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Hoult Clement, Holly lodge 1 The View JBeauchamp Arth. J. The Old Rrctory Hug-hes Rev. Thomas Henry CecU 1 Breakwell Edmund, Yellow Lion P.H Braine-Hartnell Geo. Marcus P:mton M.A: Vicarage · · 1 Browning Alfd.farmer, Bowling green L.R.C.P.Lond. The Asylum Jackson Thomas · County & City of Worcester Lunatic Cazalet Edward Jas. Bransford court Ottley Mrs. Churchill cottage · /·1 Asylum (George Marcus Pauton "Cook George, Bastonford Sherwill Capt. Markham E. T. Het- Braine - Havtnell M.R.C.S.Eng., Chance Arent Schuyler de Peyster, mitagR '· · L.R.C.P.;Lond. medical bfficer & The WhPatfields Simpson Kerr M.B.,Ch.B.Th~> Asylum supt,; George Frederick Sparrow 'D&vies Rev. Thomas John Landy Stephens Henry. Th'e Bax'ters ·' '· · B!'own, <:lerk to the committee of B. A. The Asvlum Todd Marshall, Ram Hill '" 'visitors· John G. Hadley, clerk; 1 'Df\vis francis ffrench, Powyke c~mrt Walford Harold Rosser Styletnan ' Waiter J. Long'den, :1ssistantl clerk) 'Dowdeswell Mrs. King's End . M.R.C.S., L.R.O.P. The Asylum· Cubberley. Henry, farmer. Pole elm Enderby Charles Lewis, Holly mount Walker Lt.-Col. Herbert Sutherland, Darlil}g-ton Wm. fa.rmr.Cle'velhde' frm 'Fento.n Henry Felix M.B.t Ch.B.Edin. The Cross house ' DPnl!'v Annie (Mrs.), Ccverttrv Arms The Asylum Woodward Mii•s, Powick honse ' P.H · ' ' Fox Majot:, William Arthur, Sandpits · · / RthPridu-e> Thns. (!rocPr.Bowling A"J'een Gutch Mrs. lting's End cottage ' • · COMMaRCIAL. ' 1 '1 F1rtch Hf"nrr, carpen tPr Jlildebrand Mrs. Belle view Arnold Graham, farme.r,'1 J..ower 1<1-raiflgt>r fTt>n.RI'flr & Ralt!!"~'t StaffP.:fl :dill Reginald George, The Terrace Woodsfield · · J, Gt!flitns Frtide~Ick, bttildt-1' .
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