*>~tom . V "*'''""---"*"" ^ —.. SOUTH BEND PUBLIC LIBRARY. 304 S.MAIN ST., CITY. "THAT MAN" in WHITE HOUSE spies DAPPLEMERE FARMER black-marketing "GOOSE-FODDER" egui ELIEVE IT OD ALMIGHTY, if He is interested in politics, must have had a good laugh Saturday night, if He listened in on the speech by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, linguistically taking '_**• G the lying hides off the backs of the Republican High Command, their mouth-pieces and dupes OR ELSE who are running around—synthesizing, themselves His annointed,—and heralding a "Second Com­ ing," come November. They'll chain the New Deal MEA T Q* THE COCON UT devil (by aping it) that has been prevalent the past -.•• BY ..•- eleven years, and institute a millenium in America i SILAS WITHERSPOON I after the formula of the twelve years preceding; _. No thing under Harding, Coolidge and Hoover. BATTLE IS ON, OH! like it any­ He must have laughed even harder Sunday morn­ where since ing to hear the Republicans broil in praying moods. CHRISTIAN SOLDIERS" the war be- Some vowed it silly; nothing to it but Fala; others g a n ; in took umbrage at the likening of G. 0. P. insistence AND SIDNEY HILLMAN Pearl Har­ on fraud, to the Mein Kampf formula that if you bor, Algiers, make a lie big enough, and repeat it often enough, IS PUBLIC ENEMY No. 1 Tunisia, you'll believe it yourself. Still others were down­ Italy, Rus­ right mad, including Mr. Thomas Edmund Dewey, ON G. 0. P. ROSTER sia, Poland, whose dander went up to the doffing of his gloves. Bataan, Roosevelt seems to have defied the "sacrilege" WITH ROOSEVELT AND Guadalca­ defined by these self-annointed of the Most High, nal, Paleliu DEWEY RUNNING JUST Normandy, to counter any of their say-soes, or go back, in his­ tory to recount their perfidies gone before. The Belgium, or 1 TO PASS TIME AWAY along River "Masterpiece" inside (page three) is how he did it; Rhine. I knew it long before they came; was taking up the cudgels — yes sir, and what do you told at the luncheon tables, or wherever a G. j think? *8§S O. P.un could get in the word. C. I. O. was It was at a convention of a labor union; the •coming and there would be street brawls; A. Brotherhood of Teamsters (not C. I. 0. but A. F. of F. of L., God's holies because not aligned "That Man" ROOSEVELT (On Page Three) with P. A. C., was likely to turn out and mob them from our midst. There would be nothing wrong about that as long as A. F. of Dewey Doffs His Gloves and Dons His Dander L. was the mob and C. I. O. and P. A. C. the mobees. It makes all the difference in the EWEY, the dapper dandy of Albany, elsetimes ofvDapplemere farm and Berkshire hogs — quite world who is doing the mobbing and who is idylic in his daintiness, — donned his dander and doffed his gloves at Oklahoma City Monday being mobbed. D night, billed by the Republican command to show us how he used to do it to the New York "policy racketeers"; not, of course, of the Wall Street variety. He walked right in, shot off his mouth, However, C. I. O. came and went; nestling and walked right out again. meanwhile at the Indiana Club rooms, where the elite alights, and the only mobbing that He made good only so far as comparison goes, to took place was linguistic; hurled at M. M. the case of the only Wall Street "policy racketeer" that and G. G. (Miller, Morris, Gates and Grant). - he ever tackled; Charley Mitchell of National City C. I. O. had the nerve to come back at assaults Bank, and other points financially prominent. National made on Sidney Hillman, head of P. A. C. City is the bank, you know, over which Winthrop ahd a C. I. O. leader. Hillman is propagan­ Aldrich, Dewey's pride for secretary of the treasury, dized by the G. O. P., and M. M. 8 G. G.. now presides. as some sort of tartar hell-bent on instituting Mitchell was up for fraud anent his federal income himself, with Roosevelt for camouflage, a taxes, which though Dewey's criminal "prosecution" Genghis Khan to America, — out-Hitlering absolved him, the civil courts forced him to pay. He Hitler, out-Hirohitoing Hirohito, and if you was saved from some of the ignominy that befell Al. please, relegating Lenin and Trotsky at their Capone and Mose Annenberg. "worst, to the limbo of nothingness. The present culprit after whose scalp he is gunning 1 As analyzed at the C. I. O. conference, the is Franklin Delano Roosevelt, sometime president of th ? G. O. P. has about settled it in its own mind United States; crimes the New Deal, the war, the peace, (or minds), if any, that its attacks on Roose- and 4th term. Long on gall this time as he was short velt are like thin air disintegrated. So the tac­ on gumption in the Mitchell case, history repeated. The tic is to pick on Hillman, make a bogey of acquittal verdict will be unsealed on election day. (On Pag« Two} There wasn't a thing new in his Oklahoma City speech. He had said it all before at Philadelphia, Louis­ ville, Sheridan, Wyo., Couer d' Alene, Seattle, Portland, DAYS IS DAYS San Francisco, LQS Angeles—less reciting some alleged By JOHN O'HARA authorities to bolster him up. He seemed to realize that he needed bolstering. He FTER the first few days there the repeated the perfidies of which President Roosevelt ac­ habits of living in a new place began cused him; they were as the attar of roses when he A to form. Larkin would lean over spouted them, but returning to his nostrils, divested of and kiss his wife good-by, get out of the car, his egotism, and their falsity spiked, they were mud. go inside the station, buy his paper at the Like the coiled snake that the Carolinas once displayed news-stand, walk through the station, and on their flag, he hissed; "don't tread on me." (On Page Seven) Touch-Me-Not" DEWEY (On Page Five) Page Two THE MIRROR ViCfOllY PARADE By COLLIER the $5,000 limitation), never aided and abetted partisan finances. Follqgy the association's weekly ELIEVE It. telease and you're durr-b if you can guess it, de­ spite the clever presentations, any less than a G. O. P. propaganda sheet, and definitely so intend­ Or ELSE! ed. R| (From Page One) And next we have with us Frank Gannett's hjm, and lead the populace, if possible, into for­ and Dr. Edward A. Rumely's, Sam B. Petten­ getting the man in the white house by concen­ giU's a_a4 P<____- G. 1f__Htl-olomew's Committee for trating on the one they would past in the dog­ Oaf_stitutional Government, Inc. (CCGI) ; oh house. M. M. & G. G., though tirey set the hM no, __ot a Republican appendix. "For Americans rolling locally, as Hitler institflfcad the blitz and Only," their latest ©-tit-pat; oh well, of couErse, if Hirohito the shaking blas&t; sure, there shouldn't yostshave ever read. Article V of the constitution, be any back talk. Aren't they the annointed of providing for change, or have the gumption to the Most High? assume that there has been any evolution to What right have these scavengers of the dust, American life since 1789, yoia're net an Amer­ and grime; without diplomas, bank balances, so­ ica©. Back to the Indians, back to the caves, back cial status, and pews up front—where everybody to the fig-leaves. can see them come in,—to challenge the word of The first historical record of claim to private such mighties or attempt to lay waste to their property was at Jacob's well"; bask to Jake, never charm? Isn't "Bob" Grant, for instance, the mind any of the various refinements, securities, First Methodist Church's "own congressman" as definitions, that have since then been given, and per special announcement of a coming appearance taken away, from private ownership, consistent at church, the Sunday morning that was Grant with the -needs of successive times. Stick to the Day at Pottawatomie park? well, "free exterprise" (freedom to exploit), "in­ * * * * vestment -ittc_-3t-ve"; faty claim, shoot meddlers, Near as I can find and no strikes—back to Jacob's well. Back from By "Making Mountain out what hap­ the New Deal to the "OLD STEAL." pened at the C. I. Of Molehill" Retorts O. conference was that Clyde E. Anyhow Dr. Edward Of GIO Inkle Akin to Stephenson, presi­ A. Rumely (formerly AGA Browder and dent of the St. of Laporte), executive Joseph County secretary of CCI (the CCGI Rumeley at Misprison of Treason Industrial Unioaa great constitution sav­ Council, welcoming the delegates, and James Mc- # THAN*-- TO iors) , and Earl Brow­ Ewen, of South Bend, president of the Indiana CrOLVesStt IS-i K.V. SUR der, head of ACA Par in Hoospw C. I. O. Council, who acted as permanent chair- (American Communist man, said some uncomplimentary things about Association) have some­ Experience Plus Miller, Morris and Grant. that I hoped the contribution to the Republican par­ thing in common. Both Stephenson called Frederick Alfred Miller, publish­ ty would do some good. The Mirror never heard of have refused to testify be­ er of the Tribune, biased and prejudiced; said he its membership again; never got a card nor received fore the house association Refusals to Let wouldn't print the proceedings, and that his paper any more literature.
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