CENTRAL CALIFORNIA COfficial Publicationa of the tholic Roman Catholic Diocese of Fresno Volume 19, Number 1 ~ Sept. 2016 Life Fresno Diocese Has Four Newly Ordained Priests Rev. Guadalupe Vargas Rev. Cesar Solorio Salvation history in the Bible I chose the priesthood because teaches us that a call from God is I can’t think of any other way I first and foremost an initiative taken would rather work. The priest- by Him. In Genesis, chapter one, we hood is a brotherhood of men read, “Then God said: let there be of all kinds. I used to be a math light and there was light.” God is the teacher but after much discernment one who takes the initiative and then and internal battles, I decided that something takes place. Moreover, working for God would be the when we look at the calling of any of greatest thing I could do with my the major figures in salvation history, life. Who doesn’t want to spend a it is God who calls out first. For lifetime helping people and work- example, Abraham’s call: “The Lord ing in different parishes getting to said to Abraham: Go forth from your know the people of God? land to a land that I will show you." Just like all the saints before Abraham went as the Lord directed our time, the priesthood is about him. God’s call elicits a response inspiring this generation’s saints. from the one being called. I heard My devotion to Mary and other God call to serve as a priest and I great saints, such as St. Therese of willingly responded. Why? Because Lisieux, has helped model for me God knows what is best for me and humility, generosity and compas- if He calls me to priesthood, I believe it is because He knows that I will be happiest sion. This path has been filled doing his work as a priest. In addition, He not only walks with us in our discernment, with blessings and challenges, but one that I would not change for the world! He also confirms for us that we ought to continue our journey as a priest. Some of the Consider the call to the priesthood—the people of Fresno are worth it! Over the great experiences of my life have happened as a seminarian, which confirm that I must years I have had the opportunity to work in various locations and every parish is filled continue toward the priesthood. with wonderful people. Thank you for all your support, both spiritual and financial Whether you are at the point where the idea of priesthood has moved from a pass- and courage to all those discerning the priesthood. ing thought to a constant thought, my advice is that you continue to pray and receive the sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist. Remember that our first and primary call is to “keep yourselves holy, because I am holy.” Receiving those sacraments are essential factors of all Christians striving for holiness, which in effect help set a foun- Rev. Juan Maldonado dation for discerning His call to religious life or priesthood. The priesthood is a vocation to the service of God’s people in a special way, which only one is able Rev. Michael Andrade to respond with love. When you We all have a calling through which come to truly love God with your God intends to draw us towards him- whole being, it is only then that self and to sanctify the world. Each you find yourself being fulfilled in vocation comes with the mandate to die every imaginable way. This is why to oneself for the sake of others. I be- I chose the priesthood, because I lieve that the priesthood is the path that couldn’t find myself being fulfilled God has chosen for me in order to live in any vocation other than the out his calling. Through the celebra- priesthood. tion of the sacraments and undivided Before entering seminary I was a ministry to God’s people, I desire to high school math teacher for seven conform my life perfectly with Christ years. so that I can share with others what I’m always inspired when read- God has shared with me. ing the lives of the saints. The saints Before I entered the seminary, I are always praying and interceding attended San Joaquin Memorial High on our behalf to God, which tells School. I received the great news that us how much we should always ask the late Bishop Steinbock had accepted for their assistance. All of us are me as a seminarian the day of my high called to be saints, but it is up to us school graduation. I also worked part- to persevere in our faith and let go of those worldly attachments that keep us from at- time at the Holy Child Bookstore in taining our final end. Saints Anthony of Padua and Padre Pio are two of my favorites, Fresno. which have shown to live a life of simplicity and love for God and neighbor. I would encourage a man discerning a call to the priesthood to be willing to take If you believe that God is calling you to the priesthood, I would strongly recom- a leap of faith and give the seminary a try. Entering the seminary means that you are mend that you spend some time visiting the Blessed Sacrament, speaking to your pas- open to God’s will in your life in a special way, not that you must become a priest. tor and the Diocesan Vocations Director to help you in the discernment process. It is Also remember that no vocation comes in 100% certainty. always a good idea to attend vocational retreats with religious orders, in order to help I would like to thank the people of the diocese for their constant prayers and support you discern whether God is calling you to religious life or diocesan life as a priest. Be throughout my journey towards the priesthood. Along with my family, it was the par- open to God’s call and listen very closely with your heart. If you feel a sense of peace ishes and people of the Diocese of Fresno that formed my vocation from an early age. and joy when attending Mass and serving others, then the priesthood might be the life Vocations are the fruit of prayer, parish life and strong families within our diocese. God has called you to. DIOCESE OF FRESNO PASTORAL CENTER July 19, 2016 Dear Friends: Queridos Amigos: The ordination of a priest is one of the most gratifying events in a La ordenación de un sacerdote es uno de los eventos más gratificantes bishop’s life. It is the solemn conferral of the Sacrament of Orders for the en la vida de un Obispo. Es la atribución solemne de los Sacramentos good of both the Local and Universal Church. It is also a celebration of del Orden para el bien de la Iglesia Local y Universal. Es también una the Church’s future. celebración del futuro de la Iglesia. At the end of May, I had the distinct privilege of ordaining not one, A finales de Mayo, tuve el privilegio de ordenar no a uno, sino cuatro but four (4) men to the priesthood for the Diocese of Fresno. What a (4) hombres al sacerdocio para la Diócesis de Fresno. ¡Qué maravilloso wonderful gift to the People of God! Every priest’s ministry is a trea- regalo para el Pueblo de Dios! El ministerio de cada sacerdote es un sure and valuable for the spiritual and human well-being of our Diocese. tesoro y valioso para el bienestar humano y espiritual de nuestra Dióce- These four new priests contribute even more to the continuation of the sis. Los cuatro nuevos sacerdotes contribuyen aun más a la continuación power of sacramental life for all of us and into the next generation. We del poder de la vida sacramental para todos nosotros y en la próxima are indeed blessed. generación. Estamos verdaderamente bendecidos. This issue of Central California Catholic Life shines light on the Esta publicación de Vida Católica California Central ilumina la ordination ceremony itself as well as the meaning of the priesthood in the ceremonia de ordenación así como también el significado del sacerdocio life of the local community. Even though we are blessed and grateful for en la vida de la comunidad local. Aunque estamos bendecidos y agradeci- our new priests and for all our priests, this issue also offers us a chance dos por nuestros nuevos sacerdotes y por todos nuestros sacerdotes, esta to reflect more seriously on the urgent need for more priests to be raised edición también nos ofrece una oportunidad para reflexionar más seria- up from our families which will assure that the sacramental needs of all mente en la urgente necesidad para que más sacerdotes surjan de nuestras our people will be met now and well into the future. Enjoy this issue and familias lo que asegurará que las necesidades sacramentales de toda please pray for our priests and for an increase of vocations to the priest- nuestra gente serán satisfechas en el futuro. Disfrute esta publicación y hood —as our Lord says: “The harvest is great, but the laborers are few.” por favor rece por nuestros sacerdotes y por un incremento de vocaciones (Matthew 9:37) al sacerdocio – como nuestro Señor dice: “La cosecha es abundante, pero los obreros son pocos.” (Mateo 9:37). Sincerely yours in Christ, Sinceramente suyo en Cristo, Most Reverend Armando X.
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