SUBDIVISION AND LAND DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE for MUNCY CREEK TOWNSHIP Enacted: February IO, I997 Effective: February 15, 1997 Ordinance No. 97-1 I I I ORDINANCE # 97-1 I I MUNCY CREEK TOWNSHIP 1 SUBDMSION AND LAND DEVELOPMENT ORDDNANCE 1 'II 11 Enacted: February 5,1997 Effective: February 10, 1997 I I ,I - Prepared by I' MUNCY CREEK TOWSHIP PLAYING COiMiMISSION and Approved by MWCY CREEK TOWNSHIP BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 'II 11 with the assistance of I LANDPLAN, INC. 11 Professional Planning & Development Consultant I I 1 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS I ARTICLE I -- AUTHORITY. PURPOSE .L?DJURISDICTION PAGE 100 AUTHORITY .. .. .. .. 1 I 101 INTENT ....... .. ... .. ~. .. .. .. .. .. .. ....... .. ............................ 2 102 PURPOSE ........................................................................ 2 I 103 JURISDICTION ............................................................... 2 104 DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY .... ... .. .. .. ... ... ...____~ . .__... _.. 3 I 105 CONFLICT WITH OTHER ORDNANCES .................... 3 B ARTICLE II - SUBMISSION PROCEDURES AM)REOUIREMENTS 200 GENERAL .. -. ~. .. .. .. .... .. .. .... ....... ..... ....... 4 20 1 SKETCH PLAYS ............................................................... 4 I 202 LAW DEVELOPLME" PLXVS ...................................... 5- I 203 PRELrnrnARY PLAYS .................................................... 6 204 FNK PLANS .................................................................... 9 ~1 205 PLAN PROCESSIh-G PROCEDURES ............ ................... 12 206 PROCEDURE FOR INSTALLATION AND APPROVAL OF IMPROVEMENTS ......._.. 14 ~I 207 FEE SCHEDLXE ............................................................... 17 208 RECORDING OF FINAL. PLAV ........................................ 18 ~I 209 RESUBDMSION PROCEDURES ... ..... .. .. .. .... ... .. ... .... .. .. 18 ARTICLE IlI - STJBDMSION DESTGX A-ND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS I .. 300 STAWARDS .................................................................... 19 I 301 STREETS ..............................................................._____.......~........._ 19 302 BLOCKS ............................................................................ 27 3 03 LOTS .....................................................................................___._. 28 I 304 EASEMEXTS ........................._.......................................... 28 305 SEWAGE DISPOSAL FACILITIES .................................. 29 306 WATER SUPPLY .............................................................. 31 ,I 3 07 SITE PREPXRXTIOh- REQLWMENTS ......................... 32 308 STORMWATER imVAGEM2" ... ..... .. .. .. .. ._... ... .. ._. 34 309 WETLANDS ... .. .. .. -. .... .. .... ......... ............................... 38 I 3 10 FLOODPLAIN h/LANAGElMENT .. ... .. .. _..._. .... _...... _. 39 311 UTILITIES . .. .. .. .. .. -. 42 I 3 12 1LLoNuMEms AND -MARKERS .. 42 I I 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS - CONTINUED ARTICLE lV - LAND DEVELOPMENTS -PAGE 400 GENERAL REQIJIKEmS .......................................... 43 I 401 RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMEM'S .................................. 43 402 COMMERCIALAii NDUSTRWL DEVELOPMENTS ........................ 44 I 403 CAiWGROUNDS ............................................................. 44 I ARTICLE V - MOBILE HOME PARKS 500 GENERAL REQulREMENTS .......................................... 45 I 501 DESIGN STANDARDS ..................................................... 45 I ARTICLE VI - ADMWISTRATLON 600 WAIVERS .......................................................................... 4s I 60 1 RECORDS ......................................................................... 4s 602 AMENDMENTS ........................................................... .:... 48 603 PRErnrnREMEDIES ............................................... 4s I 604 ENFORCEiMENT REMEDIES .......................................... 49 605 vaID1TY ......................................................................... 50 606 REMEDIEs ........................................................................ 50 I 607 EFFECTIVE DATE ........................................................... 51 1 ARTICLE VII -.-DEIX"IONS I ............................................................................................ 52 I I I I I I I ARTICLE I I AUTHORITY, PURPOSE AND JURISDICTION 100 AUTHORITY I The Muncy Creek Township Supenisors are vested by law with the readation of subdivision and land development located within the Township limits by Article V, Section I 501, of the Pennsylvania LMunicipalities Code (Act 170 of 1988), as amended. A. Subdivision is defined as the division or redivision of a lot, tract or parcel of land by I any means into two (2) or more lots, tracts, parcels or other divisions of land including changes in existing lot lines for the purpose, whether immediate or future, of lease, partition by the court for distribution to heirs or devisees, transfer of ownership, or I building or lot development; provided, however, that the subdivision by lease of land for agricultural purposes into parcels of more than ten (10) acres, not involving any I new street or easement of access or any residential dwelling shall be exempted. B. Land development is defined as any of the following activities: I 1. a subdivision of land. 2. the improvement of one (1) or two (2) or more contiguous lots, tracts or parceb of I land for any purpose involving a group of two or more residential or nonresidential burldings, whether proposed initially or cumulatively; or, a single nonresidential building on a lot or lots regardless of the number of occupants or tenure. 3. the improvement of one (1) or two (2) or more contiguous lots, tracts or parcels of land for any purpose involving the division or allocation of land or space, whether initially or cuhulatively, betweeii or among two or more existing or prospective occupants by means of: or for the purpose of streets, common areas, leaseholds, 1 condominiums, building groups or other features; excluding the following types of activities: I a. the conversion of an existing single-unit detached dwelling into not more than three (3) residential units, unless such units are intended to be a condominium; and, b. the addition of an accessory building, including farm buildings, on a lot or lots subordinate to an existing principal building. C. Where small portions of existing lots, tracts or parcels of land are being acquired by governmental units or public utilities for use in road improvements, utility lines, or 1 I review andor approval. The Commission has full authority to either approve or I disapprove all plans. I 104 DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY The approval of a subdivision or land development plan in which any portion of the subdivision or land development is within a floodplain shall not constitute a representation, I guarantee, or warranty of any kind by the Township Planning Commission or by any official or employee of the Township as to the practicability or safety of the proposed use, 1 and shail create no liability upon the Township, its officials or employees. I 105 CONnICT WITH OTHER ORDINANCES Where any provision of this Ordinance is found to be in confiict with the provision of a zoning, budding lire, sdety, health, or other ordinance or code of a municipality under the I jurisdiction of this Ordinance, the provision which establishes the higher standard for the promotion and protection of the health and safety of the people shall prevail except as I otherwise provided herein. I I I 1 I I I I I 3 I I ARTICLE I1 I SUB&lISNOON PROCEDURES AND XEQUIREiWENTS 200 GENERAL I A. Hereafter, except as provided in these regulations, no plan of any subdivision or Iand development shall be approved by the Planning Commission except in accordance with these regulations. It is the responsibility of the subdivider to coordinate his or her I plans with the public and private service agencies in the manner set forth in this Ordinance. I B. From the time a plan, whether prehinary or final, is duly 6led as provided in this Ordinance, and while such plan is pending approval or disapprovd, no change or amendment of any zoning, subdivision or other governing ordinance applicable to the 1 plan shall affect the decision on such plan adversely to the applicant. The applicant shall be entitled to a decision in accordance with the provisions of the said ordinances I as they stood at the time the plan was duly filed. I 201 SKETCHPLANS A. The Planning Commission may require the submission of a sketch plan for review prior to the formal f3ng of a subdivision plan. Sketch plans shall be considered as I submitted for informal discussion between the subdivider and Commission, and shall not constitute formal filing of a subdivision pian. I B. Sketch plans should be legibly drawn to scale and show the foilowing data: 1. Title block, containing the name of the owner of the tract, municipality, date, and i approximate scale of the drawing. - 1 2. North arrow. J.- Tract boundary sketch, showing the relation of the tract to the road and highway 1 system of the area. 4. Location sketch, showing the location of the proposed development in relation to I the entire tract. 5. GeneraI street and lot layout, including the approximate dimensions and acreage of I the area to be developed, and the location of existing and proposed buildings, soils test sites, on lot sewage systems or sewers, water mains or wells, utilities, streets . and parking areas, rights-of-way and easements, and watercourses and other ' I significant natural features.
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