l I 96th Congress, 1st Session - - . - . Houlle Document No. 96- " . , THE ASSASSINATION OF REPRESENTATIVE LEO J. RYAN AND THE JONESTOWN, GUYANA TRAGEDY REPORT OF A STAFF INVESTIGATIVE GROUP TO THE COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN AFFAIRS U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES MAY Hi, 1979 Printed for the use ot the Committee on Foreign Affairs COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN AFFAIRS CLlllllrflllNT 1. ZABLOCKI, Wiaconllln, Oh.f'MGtl L. B. B'OUNTAIN, Nortb Carolina WILLIAM S. BROOMFIELD. Mleblgo DANTE B. FASCELL, I'lortda EDWARD J. DERWINSKI, IIlinol. CBARLIllS C. DIGGS, Ja., M!eb1p.n PAUL FINDLIllY. Illinol. BIllNJAMIN S. ROSIllNTBAL, New York 10BN B. BUCBANAN, J8.. Alabama Lllllll B. HAMILTON, In41aDa LARRY WINN, Ja.• XlUlu. LIllSTIllR L. WOLFF, New York BEN1AMIN A. GILMAN, New York JONATBAN B. BINGHAM. New York ',fENN"SON GUYER, Oblo GUS YATRON, Pennqlvanla ROBERT 1. LAGOMARSINO, Cal1tornla CARDISS COLLINS, Dllnol. WILLIAM F. GOODLING, PennB7lvanla STIllPBlDN 1. SOLARZ, New York JOEL PRITCHARD, WaBbtngton DON BONxma, Wublngton MILLICENT FENWICK, New Jerse, GERRY E. STUDDS, M....ebusetta DA.N QUAYLE, Indloa ANDY IRELAND, I'lortda DONALD 1. PEABB, Ohio DAN MICA, I'lortda MICBAEL D. BARNlIlS, Marrlod WILLIAM B. ORAY III, Penn.,lvlUl!a TONY P. BALL, Oblo BOWARD WOLPE, Mlcll1pD DAVID R. BOWBN. M1alIIlppl FLOYD J. FITmAN, Indiana los. 1. BUDY, lr•• ·07t4e1 01 S,01/ DouaT T. BtnIU, S'o1/ OOMII"G." Box••". Pllauouro, Sea1/ ,., SSdO" M. WILLCOS, 8'01/ ri"OfI' STAJ'I' I5VE8TIGATIVB GBOUP Gaoao. R. BIIIlD••, S'.1/ 0_"0," Ivo 1. SP.UTI". SII/)eo",,,,.Ulle S'G1/ DwfIC'or Tao... R. S".TO", ,Inflori'll S,01/ O_le"'IS,,,,, ProJ«nl IU) FOREWORD HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, CoMMITTEE ON FOREIGN AFFAIRS, WashingtOn, D.O., May 15, 1979. This investigative factfinding report has been submitted to the Com­ mittee on Foreign Affairs by the Staff Irlvestigative Group. Per my directives and pursuant to the committee's investigative authority:the Staff Group conducted a comprehensive inquiry into the international relations aspects of the activities of the People's Temple, the tragic events that led to the murder of Representative Leo J. Ryan and other members of his pa.rty, and the mass suicide/murder of the followers of People's Temple that occurred in Jonestown, Guyana on November 18, 1978. The findin~ and recommendations in this report are those of the Staff Investigative Group and. do not necessarily reflect the views of the membership of the Committee on Foreign Affairs. CLEMENT J. ZABLOCKI, Ohairman. (m) H. Res. 349 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, U.S., November 7, 1.'J7.9. Resolved, That there shall be printed as a House document tho volume entitled "The Assassination of Representative Leo J. Ryan and the Jonestown, Guyana Tragedy", a report submitted by It Htaff investigative gl'OUP to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. In alldition to the usual number, there shall be printed for the use of the Commit­ tee on Foreign Affairs such number of copies of the report as does not exceed a cost of $1,200. llttest: . EDMUND L. HENSHAW, Jr., Olerk. U.S. House of Representatives. LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, COMMrrrEE ON FOREIGN AFFAIRS, WaBkington, D.O., May 15, 1979. Hon. CLEMENT J .. ZABLOCKI. Ohairman1 OO'mlmittee on Fo;'eign Affairs, House of Representatives, WaBkington, D.O. DEAR MR. CHAIRMAN: Based on your directives, we are enclosing the results of the inquiry you ordered into the assassination of Represent­ ative Leo J. Ryan and related events. We believe we have accom­ plished your obJective in conducting an initial but comprehensive fact­ finding investigation into this matter. This report summarizes the highlights of the investigation and presents our findings and recommendations. All documents and mate­ rial generated in the course of the investigation are available in the committee's files for more complete exammation and review by the members of this committee and others with appropriate security clearances. In isolated cases, documentation provided to the Staff Investigative Group and contained in the appendixes to this report are of poor legibility as a result of several reproductions. Nonetheless, the docu­ mentation is important to various aspects ef the investigation and is therefore included. This has been one of the most challenging and difficult assignments any of us has ever undertaken in our work as congressional staff ('mployees. Your consistent and enthusiastic support greatly facili­ tated the success of this effort. Equally generous encouragement and h(\lp has been provided by Representatives Dante B. Fascell, William So nroomfield, Edward J. Derwinski, and John H. Buchanan, Jr., as w(~lI as the Committee on, House Administration. All assistance we felt rU'cessary to request of the Congress in the fulfillment of this under­ takin~ has been provided. ThiS report is submitted to you and the committee with the hope it will provHle a sound and adequate basis on which the cOIl}mittee's col­ lective judgment can now be made on whether any future action is warranted 01' necessary. GEORGE R. BERDES, Staff Oonsultant, Ivo J. SPALATIN. Staff Director, Subcommittee on International Security and Scientific Affairs, THOMAS R. SMEETON, Minority Staff Consultant. (V) CON'rENTS :Pap FOREWoRD _ III '" L~~ I " fl ~::",,:. Lm'TER OF TRANSMITTAL n . nnn_hnnn- _ v I. INTRODUCTION n Uh __ =_. ' ~_=_::=-_ ' _' _ 1 A. Ryan trip background__ . __ ..__ n n n __ n n n ~_ 1 B. Summary of events of November 14-19, 1978_nn_nu_.__._ 3 C. Chairman Zablocki's mandate for 8;n investigationn -:.::. 6 n. THE INVESTIGATION . _. 'J=:_ 8 A. Preparation n n._n ._!L_, _ 8 B. Washington activities-I.n 9 C. California activities.. ".c. 9 D. Washington activities-IIn_ 11 E. Guyana activities_U n n "n n n n n n_ 12 F. Washington activities-III. _.~n n n':-n _ :' _~ .:_ 14 G. Information management n _._ -".'::-_ n n= _ _n _ 1"4 H. Miscellaneous informationn ~_:~::::: ~ i4 I. Statistical summary of interviews -: __ :: __ ~ _'n~:' n n._ 15 III. FINDINGS _ 16 A. Jim Jones and People's Temple._ _:·.u_ 16 Background .:~~ _: __ :': 16 Tactics of Jim Jones.._h • n _ 17 Motivation of People's Temple members ~ _1_:_ 19 People's Temple as a "church" n n n h __ u" __ 20 B. Conspiracy against Jim Jones and People's Temple? :'::'_ 20 C. Opponents and media intimidated; public officials used _ 22 n~_ D. Awareness of danger, predicting the degree of violence n 24 E. U.S. Customs Service investigation . n . 25 F. Conspiracy to kill Representative Ryan?n_nnh uu __ 26 G. The Privacy Act and the Freedom of Information Act. _" __ 27 H. Role and performance of U.S. Department of Staten n __ 29 I. Involvement of the Government.of Guyana _ 32 J. Social security j foster children__ . n " _" _h _ 33 K. Future status of People's Temple_n n __ n_~n .:.:.:.: __ 35 IV. R.;COMMENDATIONS __ h h. • n n n n n n __ n __ nnn n 36 (1) Review of exemption provisions under the Privacy Act and Freedom of Information Act nnn n __.h__ U_ 36 (2) Review of Internal Revenue Service rules and regulations regarding churches_ n n n n u _ 36 (3) State Department organization and procedures~ n _ 36 (4) Concentratedneeded program of research and training on cults..._ 37 (5) Inclusion of the subject of cults on the agenda of the White House Conference on the Family__ unnnn _ 37 APPENDIXES I I. Introduction •• . _ 39 43 A. Ryal.t'ifo~::~~~~~~;,bei.;~e~-H~~~Le"o-j.-ityan-8.ii~l;ari~~~ members of the Committee on Foreign Affairs _ 43 (a) October 4, 1978 letter from Hon. Leo J. Ry'an to Hon. Clement J. Zablocki.... _ 43 - • (b) October 12, 1978 letter from Hon. Clement J. Zablocki to Hon. Leo J. Ryan n____ 44 rr-A-I,II-n~II-<), II-E-3~II-F-I,III-A-I,III-A-2,III-B-I, II1-CiIII::.D~ I 41100}.111... U-D, I1-B-2J llMI:m.'hlll-<I-I, III-h, III-I, 111-.1-1, 111-.1-3, JIJ-K, and parts 01 appendixes I-C-I and II-lMl IM\IIn ".. eel and art retalneelllll'O/lllllltloolllll8 on a conftdonUal basis. (m) VIII I. Introduction-Continued A. Ryan triI}--Continued 1. Correspondence between, etc.-Continued Pace (c) October 17, 1978letterfrom Hon. Leo J. Ryan to Hon. Clement J. ZablockL____________ 45 (d) October 18, 1978 letter from Hon. Leo J. Ryan to Hon. William S. Broomfield_ ___ _______ 46 (e) October 18, 1978 letter from Hon. Leo J. Ryan to Hon. Clement J. ZablockLn h 47 (f) October 24, 1978 letter from Hon. Clement J. Zablocki to Hon. Leo J. Ryan ______ ____ _ 48 2. Correspondence between Hon. Leo J. Ryan and the U.S. Embassy in Guyana, Jim Jones and Mark Lane_ ____ __ 49 (a) November 1, 1978 letter from Hon. Leo J. Ryan to Jim Jones_. n Uh_______ 49 (b) November 1, 1978 letter from Hon. Leo J. Ryan to Ambassador John R. Burke u n__ 50 (c) November 5, 1978 State Department cable describ­ ing conditions the People's Temple had estab­ lished for Ryan Codel visit to JonestoWD_hU_ 51 (d) November 6, 1978 letter from Mark Lane to Hon. Leo J. Ryanuh h u u __ nu_ 52 (e) November 10, 1978 letter from Hon. Leo J. Ryan to Mark Lane______________________________ 54 B. Summary of events of November 14-19, 1978h n hu_ 57 1.
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