Borras Park Community Primary School Governors’ Gazette Academic Year 2018—2019 Volume 3, Issue 1 2018 - 2019 Governing Body Annual Report to Parents MEETING Dear Parents & Carers, wards, Mr Nicklin and cation of our children. It gives me great pleas- Mr Ellis this year and to I would also like to Last year no annual Gov- ure to present to you thank Governors Rev. S. thank you, our parents ernors’ meeting to par- the summary of our an- Errington, and Mr and families. By working ents was held. nual report to Parents Campbell for their valu- together we can achieve This year a meeting will and Carers. The report able contributions dur- the very best for your be held on Tuesday 17th covers activities, per- ing their term of office, children and I thank you March at 5pm in the KS 2 formance and results and to wish them well in whole heartedly for school hall if requested by for the 2018-2019 school future projects. your continued co- the parents. The meeting year. We have also in- The report also gives operation and support. cluded our targets and me the public forum to I hope you enjoy reading would be to discuss the aims for 2019-2020. thank the whole school our annual report. contents of this report— I would like to welcome staff for their unfailing Alan Price the academic year 2018- new Governors Dr Ed- dedication to the edu- Chair of Governors. 2019. All parents are wel- come. Please ensure you contact Who’s who on our Governing Body ? the main school office if Headteacher: Mr R Nicholson you will be attending. If there are insufficient num- Parent Governors: Mr G Ellis (2022) bers the meeting will be Dr V Edwards (2022) cancelled. Mrs J Airey (2020) Mr J Ellinson (2020) School priorities 2018-19 Mrs Jo Jones (2020) Priority 1 Teacher Governors: Mrs J Jones (2020) To further enhance Miss L Jones (2020) methods and strategies for effective teaching Staff Governors: Mrs J Strudwick (2020) and learning LA Governors:: Mr E Paxton (2022) Priority 2 Mr A Dewbery (2021) Mrs A Evans (2020) To develop children’s ability to apply mathe- Mr A Price (2020) matical reasoning skills Community Governors: Mr Nicklin (2022) across the curriculum Mr T Pierce (2020) Priority 3 Mrs K Pritchard (2020) To enhance the quality Mrs C Postle (2020) of feedback to Learners Vacancy Clerk: Mrs T Haines Tel 01978 295481 Governors serve a term of 4 years in office. End of terms are indicated in brackets. £ Money, money, money £ BORRAS PARK COMMUNITY PRIMARY SCHOOL LOCAL AUTHORITY SCHOOL BUDGET UNDER OR 2018-2019 2018 -2019 OVERSPEND BUDGET HEADING Planned Budget Expenditure ()=O/S EMPLOYEES salaries etc. 1,580,240 1,627,207 -46,967 PREMISES Water, Gas Electricity, etc. 96,485 105,309 -8,824 SUPPLIES Capitation, Postage, 78,835 68,198 10,637 Telephone, etc. SUPPORT SERVICES 104,735 105,646 -911 INCOME– grants etc. -236,255 -293,240 56,985 CONTINGENCY 34,043 0 34,043 SCHOOL TOTAL 1,618,814 1,574,045 44,769 BORRAS PARK COMMUNITY PRIMARY SCHOOL FUND BASED ON FINANCIAL YEAR END BUDGET HEADING Income Expenditure Balance Borras Park Community Primary School £64,781.88 £17,043.78 SCHOOL TOTAL £81,825.66 £67,446.89 £14,378.77 Community Links Borras Park Community Primary School developed close links with various community partners. Police community Liaison workshops and internet safety talks have been delivered to pupils in school. School have met the local MP and also attended the Mayor’s Parlour. They have visited the park, completed walkwise and bikeability training within the local community, and they have established close links with the local Co-op and other shops. Many charities have been supported by the pupils last year. PAGE 2 VOLUME 3, ISSUE 1 Attendance As a school we place the utmost importance on attending school whenever possible. All unexplained absences are followed up via a text message or phone call. The school meets with the attendance officer on a half termly basis to monitor attendance. Pupils with unsatisfactory levels of attendance or punctuality are contacted. In exceptional circumstances Parents and Car- ers are required to submit requests for term time leave which may be consid- ered and granted at the discretion of the Headteacher up to a maximum of 10 days. Requests for term time leave are consistent with the leave of ab- sence forms required by all of the Rhosnesni High cluster of schools. Pupil attendance 2018-2019 Attendance Authorised absence Unauthorised absence Whole year 159853 (94.7%) 8878 (5.26%) 84 (0.05%) Special Educational Needs Miss Janet Richards and Mrs Nicola Griffiths (ALNCos/Support teachers) are both employed for five half day sessions per week throughout the year. The school has actively hosted awareness raising activities in relation to the draft code of practice for Additional Learning Needs, ensuring that the Governing Body and staff are fully conversant with the proposed changes and their implications. The school works closely with the Educational Psychologist and other outside agencies. Additional intervention has been provided for pupils experiencing difficulties including be- haviour, EAL and speech and language difficulties. Two specialist classes for children with hearing impairment are an integral part of the school. 13 children were registered in these classes in September 2018 All children have equal access to all activities and aspects of the curriculum. Children are supported accord- ing to their specific needs and no child is treated less favourably than other children. Main- stream pupils with a statement of special educational needs are supported in their year groups according to the individual detail outlined in their statements. Classroom assistants are deployed in all classes to provide added support for children. Provision for Sporting Activities A full curriculum of Physical education is followed at the school, including our annual Olympic event for Foundation Phase pupils and our Sports Day for Key Stage 2. Both of these events incorporate a wide range of sporting events to engage the chikdren in healthy competition. Additional sporting activities are provided for year 1-6 pupils in our extra curricular clubs. We have competed locally and regionally in cricket, netball, tennis, foot- ball and athletics with great success. Swimming has been provided for Key Stage 2 pupils as part of the PE curriculum with pupils attending Rhosnesni High School Swimming Pool and there are many sporting activities provided on our residential visits to PGL and Glanllyn for pupils in years 5 and 6. PAGE 3 VOLUME 3, ISSUE 1 Healthy Eating The staff and Governors at Borras Park Community Primary School are com- mitted to ensuring that our children are given support and advice to eat and drink healthily. This includes ensuring that healthy options are offered by the school meals service and through the range of snacks which are offered in school. All pupils have access to drinking water throughout the day. It is also school policy to promote healthy food in lunch boxes and healthy snacks and we ask that no confectionery be sent in for lunch times. Families will be reminded of this school policy from time to time. Borras Park Community Primary school gained accreditation for our participa- tion in the Wrexham Healthy School scheme last year and School Council were presented with the award on behalf of the school. Toilet facilities Toilet facilities are provided to all pupils across the school, with an appropriate “toilet pupil” ratio. Cleaning is undertaken daily by our cleaners who are employed by Cambrian Cleaners. In addition, a toileting policy is in place to cover younger children who may, on occasion, require toileting assistance. Please see your child’s class teacher if you wish to discuss this further. Monitoring Calendar dates 2019-2020 Autumn Term Last year, monitoring sessions in KS2 Training day 2nd/3rd September 19 focused on the core subjects of Nu- Term opens 4th September 2019 meracy, Literacy and Science. Moni- Half term closes 25th October 2019 toring sessions in Foundation Phase Half term opens 4th November 2019 focused mainly on planning, and cov- Term closes 20th December 2019 erage of skills across the continuous and enhanced provision. A whole Spring Term th school learning walk focused on Nu- Training Day 6 January 2020 meracy and Mental Maths and a joint Term opens 7th January 2020 book scrutiny with Gareth Coombs Half term closes 14th February 2020 raised questions about the effective- Half term opens 24th February 2020 ness and consistency of feedback in Term closes 3rd April 2020 the way we mark currently which led Summer Term to improvements across school, and Training Day 20th April 2020 an increase in pupils improving their Term opens 21st April 2020 own performance using both feed- May Bank Hol 8th May 2020 back and feed forward strategies. Half term closes 22nd May 2020 Links with subject Governors were Half term opens 1st June 2020 strengthened and Governors played a Term closes 16th July 2020 keen role in the monitoring process. PAGE 4 VOLUME 3, ISSUE 1 Changes to Prospectus and Policies At Borras Park Community Primary school we work with staff and governors to develop whole school policies on a rolling programme. Statutory policies are available for parents and carers on our school website. Policies which were written and approved last year included -Performance Management Pol- icy, Safeguarding Policy, Educational Visits Policy, Dignity at Work Policy, Child Protection Policy, Pay Policy, Redeployment and Redundancy Policy and Data Protection Policy The school prospectus is shared with Governors annually. It is distributed to all new families starting school and has been published on our school website.
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