CoastCoast SSe p t e m bbeer GuardGuard 2 0 0 55 Shiielld off Frreedom NNeeww ffaaccee iinn HHeeaalltthh CCaarree AAuuxxiilliiaarriissttss hheellpp ffiillll SSeerrvviiccee’’ss mmeeddiiccaall nneeeeddss Heroes The world’s best Coast Guard BM1 john cullen, uscg ohn Cullen as a Seaman 2nd Class His timely report alerted authorities to was awarded the Legion of Merit for the presence of Nazi saboteurs on U.S. soil JJdiscovering and reporting the first and was instrumental in leading to their landing of German saboteurs on the United capture of the entire eight-man sabotage States’ coast June 13, 1942. team within two weeks. Cullen was the first American who actu- Ultimately Cullen’s actions resulted in ally came in contact with the enemy on the the foiling of Operation Pastorious, the shores of the United States during World code-name for the German operation, War II. before the German operatives could carry Filled with patriotism and devotion to out their mission. duty, Cullen handled his precarious situa- tion like a true strategist and gave authori- Story and photo courtesy of the CG Historian ties the lead to capture the spy ring. Coast Guard Septem ber U.S. Department of Homeland Security 2005 FeaturesFeatures 10 Crruiisse Conttrroll Miiamii,, tthe crruiise shiip capiittall o ff tthe worrlld,, drraws crru iise shiip iinspecttorrs ffrrom tthe Coastt Guarrd.. 14 Deeppwatter Reviised ““iitt iis tthe numberr one Coastt Guarrd prriiorriitty and tthe corrnerr-- sttone off ourr ...... ffutturre..”” 16 16 Auuxiilliiary MMediiciine The Auxiilliiarry stteps up tto hellp wiitth tthe med iicall need s off tthe Coastt Guarrd.. 20 Coastt Guard Artt Coastt Guarrd — a mediium tto educatte tthe worrlld on ourr miissiions and hiisttorry.. 24 ““AAnd ACTIIOONN!!” IISC San Pedrro and CGC Sherrman’’s datte wiitth Hollllywood fforr tthe ffiillm ““Yourrs Miine and Ourrs..”” 20 News Features Departments On the cover 8 Buuoyy TTender Getts a News Beat Dr. Richard Lavy, Coast 6 Guard Auxiliary, examines Maakeover HSC Daniel Gambino at the The CGC George Cobb sharpens its 28 Log book Coast Guard Headquarters law enforcement teeth. medical clinic. Photo by PA1 Barry Lane, G-IPA-1 9 NATIIONAL AWARD GOES Coast Guard magazine on the Web. www.uscg.mil/magazine TO 7tth DIISTRIICT COAST GUARDSMEN Two corpsmen awarded for their devotion to others. Up Front On Patrol Up Front Members of the Coast Guard's Maritime Safety and Security Team 91105 on patrol near a tall ship in the San Francisco Bay, during the Sail San Francisco 2005 maritime festival. PHOTO BY PA1 ALAN HARAF, 11TH DIST. 2 Coast Guard • September 2005 [email protected] www.uscg.mil/magazine September 2005 • Coast Guard 3 Up Front Damage Report A Coast Guard HH-65 Dolphin helicopter from Air Station New Orleans conducts a Hurricane Dennis damage-assessment overflight near Destin, Fla., July 12. PHOTO BY PAC VERONICA BANDROWSKY, 8TH DIST. 4 Coast Guard • September 2005 [email protected] www.uscg.mil/magazine September 2005 • Coast Guard 5 News Beat Coast Guard The Coast Guard received Five of the six people sus- man's vital signs to a flight a signal from an electronic tained minor injuries but surgeon via radio. Am erica’s position indicating radio refused medical treatment. The flight surgeon recom- Admiral’s Pitch Shield of Freedom beacon from the dive boat The sixth person, Dennis mended that the man be Terminator. Leevou, sustained head lac- immediately airlifted. Adm . Thom as H . C ollins The Coast Guard erations and was experienc- An HH-60 Jayhawk heli- BOSTON, August 4 Commandant launched an HU-25 Falcon ing symptoms of a heart copter took the 55-year-old — Vice Adm. Te rry M. Cross In honor of Coast Guard Day, Vice Commandant jet rescue crew to the scene attack. Station Cleveland man to Bowerman Airport, First District Commander, Rear Rear Adm. Joel Whitehead at 3:30 a.m. Harbor transferred him to where he was transferred to Adm. David Pekoske throws A ssistant Comdt. for Once on scene, the jet emergency medical services. emergency medical services. out the first pitch at the Boston Governm ental & Public Affairs crew spotted the strobe light The other five people were Red Sox game at Fenway park. Capt. Steve Vanderplas on the EPIRB and contacted taken back to Station CGC JARVIS RTB A Coast Guard honor guard Chief, Public Affairs the crew of the Vigilant, a Cleveland Harbor for more HONOLULU, Aug. 1 — was also in attendance to pre- Patricia Miller sent the nation’s and Service’s Deputy Chief, Public Affairs nearby tug boat. information. The investiga- The CGC Jarvis returned colors. CW O 4 Lionel Bryant The Vigilant arrived on tion showed that there was home today after a three- Chief, Imagery Branch scene and located a life raft no alcohol involved in the month patrol that opened Photo by PA3 Luke Pinneo, 1st Dist. PA C Elizabeth Brannan with Bailey aboard. incident. new cooperative interna- Editor Bailey was reported to be tional efforts between the PA 1 David Mosley in good condition and was RESCUE FROM FISHING United States and other A ssistant Editor transported to Theodore, GRAYS HARBOR. Wash., nations of the North Pacific Subscriptions:Call (202) 512- Ala. Aug. 6 — The Coast Guard heads of coast guard 1800 or write to Superinten- medevaced a 55 year-old agencies. dent of D ocum ents, P.O. Box BOAT HITS BREAKWALL man from a 48-foot charter The 378-foot cutter 371954, Pittsb u rgh, PA 15250- 7954. To subscribe online fol- CLEVELAND, Aug. 2 — fishing vessel near here, engaged in officer VOYAGE TERMINATED Boy announcing, "Mayday, low the link at our web site at Station Cleveland Harbor today. exchanges and joint opera- PORTSMOUTH, N.H. Aug. Mayday," indicating it was www.uscg.mil/m agazine. responded to a boat crash The master of the charter tions with the Korean coast 8 — The CGC Jefferson taking on water about 75 Subm issions: W e need your at the west breakwall here fishing vessel Playboy Too guard, Japan coast guard, Island terminated the voyage miles south east of Atlantic stories, photographs, com - Aug. 2. reported a passenger suffer- Russian Northern Border of a 23-foot Bayliner fishing City with four people aboard. m e nts and sug ge stions. Dead- A 42-foot power boat with ing from extreme sea sick- Guard, Canadian coast line for sub m issions is th e 15th vessel 14 miles east of A Coast Guard HU-25 of each m onth. Articles w ill six people aboard hit the ness at 11:40 a.m. guard and the Chinese Portsmouth for several safety Falcon jet from Air Station appear 1.5 m onths after th at wall at a high rate of speed, Station Grays Harbor’s Fisheries Enforcement ves- violations today. Cape Cod, Mass., dropped a deadline. Subm it yo u r stories coming completely out of 47-foot motor life boat sel Zhong Guo Yu Zhen. to: U.S. C oast G uard Crewmembers aboard the pump to the Sunny Boy. A (G-IPA -1), 2100 2nd Street, the water. arrived and reported the CGC Jefferson Island, a 110- good Samaritan then picked S.W., Washington, DC 20593- foot patrol boat homeported up the pump and brought it 0001, or e-mail th e m to cgm ag@ com dt.uscg.mil. Fo r in South Portland, Maine, to the vessel’s crew. more guidelines, visit th e maga- boarded the vessel and dis- A rescue helicopter from zine W eb site and click on Long Shot covered that it lacked a life Atlantic City also responded “sub m issions” or call th e editor at (202) 267-0928. raft and emergency position and stayed with the NEWPORT, R.I. indicating radio beacon. It distressed boat. Letters to the editor:Please Aug. 8 — also had an expired The CGC Mako, homeport- limit rem arks to 150 w ords or Crewmembers from the extinguisher and flares. ed here, also responded. Its less. No nam es will be withheld. Aids to Navigation Team, Provide rank, first a n d last The vessel’s voyage was the crew deployed a rescue Bristol, R.I. took part nam e, phone num ber and unit. today in an Aids to Letters m ay be condensed terminated, and the vessel and assistance team to Navigation rodeo held at was escorted by the assess the situation on the because of space. Not all let- ters will be publishe d . Pier 2 at the Newport Jefferson Island into Sunny Boy. Navy Base. MK1 John Portsmouth. The vessel The rescue team temporar- C oast G uard, CO M DT PUB Perez and MK3 Jeremy cannot leave port until all ily patched the eight-by-eight P5720.2, is produced for mem- Menec show team work bers o f the U .S. C oast G uard. as they haul massive discrepancies are remedied. inch hole in Sunny Boy, then Nature’s Force Editorialcontentisunofficial buoy chain to the finish the crew escorted the boat and notauthority for action. line during the chain race. RESCUING SUNNY BOY into Cape May. Elizabeth City, N.C., July 29 — View s and opinions expre sse d A funnel cloud forms north of a C-130J at do not necessarily reflect Photo by PA3 Kelly Newlin, CAPE MAY, N.J., Aug. 3 — th o se o f th e D e p a rtm e n t o f Coast Guard Support Center, Elizabeth City, 1st Dist. Coast Guard units escorted a MAN IN LIFE RAFT during a summer storm that blew through the Homeland Security o r th e 33-foot fishing boat that was ST.
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