he title mav not be all that original. Neither was it in 1872when Ellen G. White utilized it to launch her distineuished career as a philosopher of Christian education.A perusalof the literature of the times revealsthat the "educational expres- sions re[orm" "proper and education" seemedto be favorite buzzwordsin the press,ban- died about lreelv bv editors, politi- cians,and celebratedspeakers on the Chautauquacircuit who found it pop- ular to inveighagainst the impractical- ity of the classicalcurriculum. The Education" entrenchededucational establishment of the day, so re-sistantto change of By G.H. AKERS any sort, was a specialtarget of writers and speakers. Clearly, grassroots post-Civil War America was growing impatient with its schools.Elitist education,reserved for the upper classand essentiallvfor cosmeticcffcct was definitclvundr'r siegeas backward-orientcd,ex- hausted, and entirelv too static to respond to the needs o[ the r<_rbust new socialorder. The times called for a more appropriatecducational product-trained artisans, surveyors, architccts,engineers, technicians, ser- vice professionals,busincss lcaders, "Can and practitioncrs of cvery sort. Do" had bccomethe order of thc.dar, and Amcrica'scollcgcs and univerii- ties wcre expccted to help substan- tiallvin achicvingthe maniicst dcstinr of an exuberant, expanding voung countrv. A ]lew Voice to Society and Ghurch It was in this latenineteenth-centurv culturalcontext, with tht'GreatCon- versationmoving from coast to coast regarding the appropriate training of the young, that Ellen White moved in "Proper with her landmark essav Edu- cation."In it sheoffcrci hcr own orc- scriptionfor wt.rrthyeducational goals for socicty and church and the best methods for their acc<-rmplishmcnt. Somewhat restrained in her critiouc of the cducational profcssit-rnof ihe day and the applicationof education to national goals,she focused on thc centralitv of moral training, particu- larly the Plan of Salvationin the rvork of education.Or to put it the other rvav around,thc ccntralitv<-rf education in the work of the Plan <lf Salvation. Either wav, educationhad to do with the wholisiic,restorative development of the individualin the advancl'ment of the kingdom of God on earth-a parental, pastoral (as well as profes- sional) assignmentfor teachers. "Righteousness The genericthemes "It's exalteth a nation," character that 8 ADVENTISTEDUCATION . OCTOBER - NOVEN4BER1989 "Education finallv counts."and is for important aspectof the propheticrole. serviccand thc practicaldutics of lifc" It doesnot operatein a vacuum. Ellcn pervadcd hcr messageto society at Ellen White had to communicate with her world largc;but it was primarilv to the voung for God,against the cultural backdrop AdventistChurch, its parents,pastors, ...applied contem- of her timcs, and within the societal and teachers,that she directcd hcr scnsitivities and issues on pcoplc's inspired advice about training thc poraty illustration minds.All this was legitimatcgrist for voung. For thc studcnts themselves . to reflect and her mill.It hasalwavs been s<.r with the shc had much counsel on how thev Lord's anointcdthrough the agcs. might pr<-rfitfronr God's plan of interpret the vision education. A New Gonstruct of Chrtsfian educa- As with her prophctic forebears, Essay as Overture Mrs. White gleancdthe bits and picccs The prophetic qualitv ol Mrs. tion given her. of her world from wherever they White's utterances on cducation is might prove true and useful.She ap- probablv bcst seen in this I 872 pre- be saidin all fairnessthat thc macrovi- plied cor.rtemporary illustration and "Proper mier production Education." sion she then brought to education ever1,legitimate bridge of communi- It was here that she introduced the weisso conrprehensivethat sheproba- cation to reflect and interpret the special pcrspcctivcs that for the bly nccdedthe ncxt fortv-oneyears to vision of Christian education given remainder of her writing ministry definc and clarifv it. her. These building blocks went into occupied her thoughts about school- the distinctiveedifice of thought she ing. In this piece cluster the cardinal Gosmic Dimension was erecting. The shall<lw criticism conceptsthat constituteher contribu- Ellen White,with many other voices that recognizes a few borrowed or tion to earlv American educational of the time, called for educational retouched bricks here or there, and discourse-counselsto a voung nation reform. She expressedher critique of pr<lmptly declares the whole piece and church. Here seemsto residethe the status quo, but in addition did purloined and therfore morally foundational philosophy which she what true prophetsof God have done flawed, misses the mystery of the elaborated,reiterated, and applied to from the dawn of time. Shejoined the divine-human interface in the pro- evolvingAdventist education over the national debate from heaven'spoint of phetic function. Thus prophets work next four decades.A cursorv reviewof view enriching the dialogue-with a with utter contemporaneity and rele- her subseouentcounsels on education cosmic dimension.This aspectof her vancy of application.The indisputable reveals that she strayed verv little contribution to the educational fact remains that this faithful mes- from the basicthrusts of l872.It must thousht of the time illustrates an senger took a wheelbarrow of bricks ] NOVEMBER1989 9 from around her, a generousgiftload for meaning. For-nranr this is at prcs- from heaven, and an armful of her ent considerablv murkr and uncer- own with which she built a brand new It is a responsible tain. This makes advocacv positions conceptual edifice. The result was a built solely on Ellen White pro- statementof educationalmission and act of pastoral lead- nouncements incessantlv controver- modalitvthat vet standsas a marvel of sial and divisirc, polarizing deeplr transcendent educational philosophy, ership to help our committed Christian brethren and sis- repletewith universalconsiderations. people understand ters, and fracturing the unity of the familv of God. It is therefore a mattcr The Mystery of the Divine- of considerable significance, for it Human llodality what was timeless in drives right to thc heart of our identitv Unfortunate it is that severalsener- her writings as a special people, descrving our best ationsof Advcntistshavc basedthcir time and attention. model modern insoiration of on the in. Christian In the context of hermcneutics, rve false notion that this saint of God sat mav note that it was probablr'' onlv a supinelyby at Sunnvsidein Australia education. diplomatic opencr lor a witnessing or Elmshavenin California,waiting for cncounter that prompted Philip t<-r the angelto dictatc.Not so,she did her "How students and workers-to rcad and inquire of the Ethiopian, read- part-her homcwork. No matter how studv on thcir own and become the cst thou?" But it is a critical ouestion the vision for Christian education sharp instrumentsin the hand of God for us tt.raddrcss todav in rhe Advent- her (even Apostle Paul came to the that thev were intended to bc-were ist communitv of scholars bcforc thc c<-ruldnot say for sure how he visitcd obviousiy born out of hcr own cxpe- most meaningful dialoguc can takc heaven, yet he knew he had been rience.We havethc witnessof the col- placc rcgarding Ellen White. We necd taken there), Ellen White kncw that lectionin her personallibrarv of more to dctermine whether thc message she had receivedsome strong,more- than eight hundred wcll-marked under review is contcmporarY or than-humanimorcssions-that she "saw" books that attest to the crcdibilitv <,rf etcrnal-whether thc mcsscngcr was God'splan-for something better her t'ounscl,nol to spcak ol'the speaking to God's people lor a particu- in education. We have no evidence numcrous clippings and scrapb<.rokslar time and circumsterncc or whether that she had some singlesupernatural that helpedpropel her pen. all pronounct:ments applv to all timcs a dream or vision, cncounter,such as While it mav be oral historv fr<-rm and circumstanccs. (And that, as I with rcspcctto "EGW cducation.l BattleCrcek, or evcn toiklt-'re," understand it, is fairlv closc to the verv Thc plan apparentlyunfolded to her vet it is commonlv known that Mrs. cssence of hermcncutics.) This dctcr- under steadvtutelage over the Spirit's White reouestedthc cditorial staff of mination docs not constitute a down- the thirty silent vears, 1842-72.lt the Advent Review and Sahbath sizing of Ellen White's authoritv and issucs of a awaited thc and nroblcms Heraldto passon to her the no-longer- influence as arnacknorvledged prophct ripe pcrhaps krr t-rptimum limr', neecled,recent, outdatcd papers and among us, or anothcr subtle dcnrvtho- That prime time camein 1872 impact. weekliest<-r which thcv subscribcdin logizatit-rnmovc against thc founding put pen paper whcn shc her to to dis- thc officc-publications which kcpt rnothcr of Advcntist Christian cduc:r- cuss formal education,laying out in thcm abrcast of thc times as iournal- tion. Rather it is ar rcsponsible act of pages thirtv incisive her reactionto the ists and which, as her broad range of pastoral leadership to help our pcclplc fads cducational abuses and of thc knowledge and writings attests,she understarnd what was tinrclcss in hcr dav arndt-rffcrins her vcrsiono[ somc- voraciouslyabsorbcd. Our prophctcss writings in tcrms of transccndcnt thing bcttcr. As we rvill attempt to was quite well-cducated.In the grand- principles in Christian cducation; what shorv latcr in this discussion,G<-rd did cst tradition o[ her era, shc was self- was worthv to bc set uncquivocallv indeednrovide her with sublimealter- educated. When shc asscrted that and pernrancntlr in the inspircd dil- natives to the current convcntional wrestling with great mattcrs of dutv dcm of our spiritual lcgacv as a people; rvisdomin Thc cssavbears education. and destinv in the Word of God car- and what was obviouslv beamcd to a the insigniaol divincilluminaiion, in ricd with it a Spirit-blessed,mind- local time and circumstancc, rvith all terms of the <-rverarchingcducational stretching capability without rival, a thc constraints inhcrent in such tem- principles it enunciates.
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