jostiua Garsed, formerly and laie of. Stainland in.the Parifli Martin in the Fields in the County of Middlesex, late of of Halifax in Yorksliire, Clothier. Upper Grounds Black Fryars in the Parisli of Christ-church, James Laurie, formerly and late of St. Margaret Lothbury, Surry, Buttonmaker. London, Merchant. Alexander Strachan, formerly and late of Wapping-street in John Clement, formerly and late of Mary Magdalen Ber­ the Parisli ot St. George in the East in the County of Mid­ mondsey in Surry, Broker. dlesex, Mariner, Dealer and Chapman. William Isaac, fo.merly of Weymouth in Dorsetslitre, lateof John Smith, formerly of Bailey's Place, late of East Smith- Redbridge in the County of Southampton, Carpenter. field, both in the Pariih of St. Botolph Aldgate in the­ Christian Hughes, Widow, formerly and Jate of Gloucester- County of Middlesex, Hardwareman. lane in the Out-Parish of Saint Philip and Jacob in the Sierich Reiners, formerly and lateof Cecil-court St, Martin's* • County of Gloucester, Baker. - lane in the Parisli of St. Maitin in the Fields in theCounty Isaac Ross, formerly of Wapping-street St. John Wapping, of Middlesex, Victualler. Jate of Burr-street St. Botolph Aldgate, both in Middlesex, Edward Groombridge, tormerly and late of Lewisliam in the Merchant. County of Kent, Gardener. William Booth, formerly of Goodman's-fields, Middlesex, Charles Knight, formerly of St. Martin's-lane in the Patish of late of Crooked-lane, London, Cordwainer. St. Martin in the Fields in the County of Middlesex, late John Webb, formerly of Flaet-market, London, late of of Eltham in the County of Ken~, Engraver. King-street Westminster, Cook. Matthew Allen, formerly of St. James's- street in the Parish' Martha Middleton, formerly of Paradisc-row St. Mary Ro­ of James, late of Compton-steeet in the Pdrisli of St. therhithe, late of Sc. Mary Magdalen Bermondsey, both in Ann Soho, both in the County of Middlesex, Upholsterer. Surry, Widow. John Cusliing, formerly of the Strand in the Parisli of Sr. Martin in the Fields, late of King-street Drury-lane in the Second Notice. Parisli of St. Giles in the Fields, both in the County of Anthony WaJhborne, formerly of Piccadilly in the Parisli of Middlesex, Gentleman. St. George Hanover-square in the County of Middlesex, late Edward Nichols, formerly and late of Iflington iri tbe County of Battersea in theCounty of Surry, Gentleman. of Middlesex, Baker. John Burton, formerly of Blackmoor-street Clare-market, Edward Farmer, formerly of Ogle-street in the PariJh of St. late of Catherine-street in the Parisli of St, Mary le Strand, Mary le Bone in the County of Middlesex, late of the Pa­ both in the County of Middlesex, Broker. rish of St. George Souihwark in the County of .Surry, Samey. Houghton, formerly of Lees-Jane in the County Pa­ Carpenter. latine of Lancaster, late of Hey Chapel in the County of William Smith, formerly of Newington Buts in the County York, Dealer and Chapman. of Surry, Ute of Burfeltone in the County of Southampton, Daniel Haveland, formerly of Dunkirk in France, Merchant, Mariner. late of Bow-street St. Paul Covent-garden in the County of William Belk, formerly of Selby in YorkJhire, Tanner, Middlesex, Gentleman. Dealer and Chapman, late of Bedhrmie in the Parisli of Joshua Crompt.-.n, formerly of Cursitor-street in the Liberty of Turfican near Falkirk in Scotland, Farmer and Grasier. the Rolls, late of St. Martin's-lane, both in the County of Richard Reece, formerly and late of the Borough of South­ Middlesex, Gentleman. wark in the Parish of St. Olave in the County of Surry* William Peck, formerly and late of Millowbury in the Pa-, Clerk. rifli of Dunton in the County of Bedford, Farmer. Stephen Ballet, formerly of Orpingt'n in the County of Kent, William Longton, formerly os Broadway, late of Peter- late of Ewer-street in the Parisli of St. Mary Over's ia street, both in the Liberty of Westminster and County of Southwark in the County of Surry, Farmer and Victualler. Middlesex, Victualler. Joihua Stancliffe, formerly of Sheffield, late of Halifax, both Samuel Gayron, formerly of Gawcutt, late of Tingwick, in Yorksliire, Watchmaker. both in the County of Buckingham, Carrier. John Gray, formerly of Saint James's Haymarket in the Alexander Watson, formerly of the Parisli of St. Martin in Parish of St. James Westminster, late of Orchard-street the Fields, late of the Parisli of St. George Hanover- Portman-square, both in thj County of Middlesex, Victu­ square, both in the County of Middlesex, Cordwainer. aller. Ceorge Kerton, formerly of Oxford-street, late of Bolsover- Moses Isaacs, formerly of South Park-street in the PariJh ofi street, both in the Parisli of St. Mary le Bone and County St. George Hanover-square, lat? of Back-lane in the Pa­ of Middlesex, Breeches-maker and Glover. risli of St. George RatclifF-highway, both in the County of William Geter, formerly and late of Birchin-lane Cornhill in Middlesex, Dealer and Chapman. the City of London, Peruke-maker. William Betts, formerly ot Mincing-lane in the City of Lon­ John Ducker, formerly of Newington Buts, late of Horfly­ don, late of Coppers Row Crutched Fryars in the said City down Southwark, both in the dunty of Surry, of London, Merchant. John Lewis, formerly of Oxford-street, late of Rupert-street, William Bradley, formerly of Ewer-street in the PariJh of both in the Parisli of St. James and County of Middlesex, St. Saviour's Southwark, late of Bird-cage-alley in the Victualler. PariJh of St. George the Martyr, both in the County of James Deeker, formerly of Bruton-street Berkley-square, late Surry, Printer. of Brooke-street Grosvenor-fquare, both in the County of Jonathan ButtiJhill, formerly of St, Mary Islington, late of Middlesex, Cabinet-maker. New North-street in the Paristi of St. George BloomJburyj, John Dee, formerly and late of Chertsey in the County of both in the County ofMiddlefex, Musician. Surry, Broom-maker. James Tyrrell, formerly of Windmill-hill Moorfields in the "William Bryant, formerly of Catherine-street St. Mary le County of Middlesex, late of the Strand Westminster> Strand, late of St. Luke Chelsea, both in the County of Wooilendraper. Middlesex, Taylor. John Somervill, formerly of Windmill-hill Moorfields in thg Joseph Helpes, formerly and late of Monmouth-street in the County of Middlesex, late of the Strand Westminster,, Parifli of St. Giles in the Fields in the County of Middle­ Wooilendraper. sex, Salesman. Thomas Jackson, formerly and late of Mint-street in ther Joseph Hawthorne*, formerly of Allen-street in the PariJh of PariJh of St. George Southwark irr the County of Surrya. Clerkenwell, late of Field-lane HolbornhiJI in the Parisli Chairmaker. of St. Andrew in the County of Middlesex, Dealer and Jofjph Jackson, formerly of Stratford in the Parisli of West­ .. Chapnian. ham in the County of EJIex, late of Mint-street in thtr " Jacob Bell, formerly and late of Biackwall in the County of PariJh of ' St. George in the County of Su.-ry, Braise- Middlesex, Lighterman and Waterman. founder. paniel Baker, formerly of Sedgley in the County of Stafford, Thomas Cooper, formerly of Houndfditch in the City of Lon­ iate of Birmingham in the County of Warwick, Candlestick- don, late of Upper Thames-street in the fiid City o5 maker. London, China and Classman. Thomas Vobe, formerly and late of Hollywell-street in the Bridges Thomas Hooke, of Quecn's-court King-street Covent- Parish of -St. Clement Danes in the Liberty of Westminster garden, late of Gloucester-street in the PariJh of St. George and County of Middlesex, Mercer. Bloomsbury, both the County of Middlesex, Gentleman. John Veale, formerly and late of tbe City of Exeter in the John Taylor, formerly of Hampton-Town, late of Twicken­ County of Devon, Linnendraper and Auctioneer, ham, both in Middlesex, Perukemaker and Victualler. Adam Robinson, formerly and late of Addle-street Alderman­ Thomas Prewett, formerly of Nightingale-lane in thc PariJh bury in the City of London, Gentleman. * of Aldgate, late of Tenfoot-way in the PariJh of Wapping,, Thomas Keen, formerly and late of Bartlet's Buildings in the both in Middlesex, Labourer.. ' PariJh of St, Andrew Holborn in the County of Middlesex,. Frances Prewett, otherwise Frances Davies, formerly of Dealer and Chapman. Nightingale-lane in the PariJh of Aldgate, late of Tenfcot-*- James Heard, formerly of the PariJh of St. George Middle- way, Wapping, both in Middlesex, Labourer. .. sexl, late of the PariJh of St. Mary le Bow in the City of Thomas Rawbone, formerly of St. Leonard Shoreditch, Mid­ . London, Gentleman. dlelex, late of the Old Bailey in the City of London, Up» "William Brinkworth, formerly of Biddestone St, Nicholas, late holder. •. of the Parisli of Bradford, both in. the County of Wilts, i John Dowson,. formerly of Kmgston upon Hull, Yorksliire,,.. Yeoman, J late of Gre3nwich Tn Kent, Sailmaker, Abel Moxham, formerly, and late of Coldhorne otherwise Cul George Henderson, formerly of St. James Westminster, late herne inthe County of Wilts*Yeoman, of St. Mary Newington Butts, Surry, Baker. John Elstob, focmerly ind late*of the Parisli of St. John I Richard Harper, formerly and late of the Paiifli of Bermond*- Wapping in the County ofMiddlefex, Merchant. * sey in the-County of Surry, Fellmonger. Paniel Young, formerly of St. Martin in the Fields in the William Hodgson, formerly of High Holborn in the PariJh of- County of Middlesex, late of Lambeth in the County of St. Andrew Holborn,.' late of Tavistock-street in the PariJh- Surry, Wooilendraper. of St. Paul Covent Garden, both in the Qounty ot Middle­ Jjlatthew Simpson, junior, formerly of Mount Sorrel in the sex, Artificial Wood Manufacturer.
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