THE RIGBY STAR, RIGBY, IDAHO Thursday, May 29, 1947 letter continued, "I believe it would action might be deferred tempor for the present," Dworshak's letter it Richard Norris, another newcomer to ive until they visit a sleuthing ag­ // 1 ency to collect pay owed Huntz Hall, be justifiable and wise to lift sugar arily until a more accurate picture concluded. the screen, as Abie, promises to shoot of the sugar industry is available. to stardom. Twin Bill At who has just been fired off the invest­ rationing to housewives immediately. Swell Guy igating staff. This would make possible conserva­ President Truman says that if con- Others in the film are Michael "Although you have authority un­ trol of the nation can be kept out of Chekhov, J. M. Kerrigan, Vera Gor­ Others in the film are Betty Comp- tion and canning of fruits which will der the existing sugar statute to lift son, Bobby Jordan, Gabriel Dell, Billy soon be available throughout the the hands of greedy people, there will At Main Sunday don, George E. Stone, Emory Par- Main This Week price controls prior to October 31, it be no economic collapse. Does that nell, Art Baker, Bruce Merritt, Eric Hit songs of the west vie with spec­ Benedict and David Gorcey. country. Starring Sonny Tufts and Ann "While it may also be desirable to is apparent that retention of these mean that the government will have Blythe in one of the most unusual Blore and Harry Hays Morgan. tacular, rough-and-tumble action price controls should be maintained to run itself? stories ever filmed, "Swell Guy," pro­ scenes and hilarious comedy sequenc­ Idaho Senator Urges lift conrtols of industrial users, such duced by Mark Hellinger shows Sun­ es for the top honors in "Trail To day at the Main Theatre. San Antone," Republic Musical West­ Sugar For Housewives In a complete departure from prev­ Till The Clouds ern starring Gene Autry, which comes WASHINGTON—Immediate lifting ious films, Tufts is presented as a tonoght to the Main Theatre for a of sugar rationing to the nation's THE HOUSE "wrong guy." He plays the role of 3 day run. housewives was urged Tuesday by a renegade war correspondent mis­ Roll By" Sunday The songs, of course, are sung by Sen. Henry Dworshak (R-Idaho) in takenly accepted as a hero in a small A glowing tribute to the memory Gene and by the Cass County Boys, a letter to Secretary Anderson of the OF HITS California town where he arrives after of the late Jerome Kern is offered in the popular musical trio whose ap­ department of agriculture. the war, to visit his mother, brother, "Till the Clouds Roll By" at the Roy­ pearance in an earlier Autry picture While urging prompt removal of sister-in-law and nephew. al Theatre, Sunday through Wed­ caused fans all over the country to quantity restrictions. Dworshak's let­ The film combines gnim and tense nesday. The film is a star-studded scream for more. Top oomedy roles ter made clear that he thought price Technicolor musical drama based on I are played by the inimitable Sterling I controls should be retained for the no YAL melodrama with the psychological study of a knave able to command incidents in the famed composer's Hollo way and by Dorothy Vaughn m present. undeserved sympathy. life and career. ' one of the most diverting roles of her The Idaho solon wrote Anderson Thursday, Friday and Saturday, May 29,30 and 31 Ending on a controversial note, Built around Kern's' touching; career. that his request was based upon re-; Peggy Stewart, one of screenland's Giant Double Program — A Program You Can't Afford to Miss! which will #keep audiences arguing friendship with his musical arranger, > ports of huge storage supplies of su­ about the Tufts characterization, the James Hessler, and the latter's stage- most charming and talented young gar on the eastern seaboard and in-1 ontinuous Show Decoration Day from 4 P. M. picture flaunts Hollywood tradition, struck daughter Sally, the story trac­ stars, makes her bow before Autry di cations that the Cuban crop will be j the "happy ending". es the composer's arrival in New fans for the first time as Gene's lead­ the largest in history. Ann Blyth, in her first picture since York full of hope and ambition, fol­ ing lady. Others are William Henry, "I understand that the U. S. share she won Academy-award nomination lows his rise to fame both here and Tristram Coffin and John Duncan. of the international sugar pool for; for her poisonous brat in "Mildred abroad, accents the romantic meeting "Hard Boiled Mahoney" 1947 is set at 6,800,000 tons and that Pierce," is seen as a small-town moth in England with the girl he eventual­ When the Bowery Boys become during the first six months we will whose wings are singed by flames of ly married, and ends on a dramatic private detectives in an attempt to consume only approximately 3,000,- love she wastes on the unworthy, un- note when Sally, embittered by a solve the strange disappearance of a! 000 tons," his letter said. "This will dependable Tuft. quarrel over her career, proves her beautiful girl, and find themselves, leave about 3,800,000 tons for Headlined in the cast are Ruth talent as a singer and is reconciled chased by the police and mobsters,' sumption during the latter half of the I Warrick, William Gargan, Mary to Kern whom she has always regard­ they wind up in a very precarious sit-1 year. Nash, John Litel, Thomas Gomez, ed as a foster-parent. uation. This is their position in "Hard \ "This would mean an annual rate John Craven and others. The role of Kern is brought to life Boiled Mahoney." of consumption of 7,600,000 tons, a with sympathy and warmth by Rob­ Leo Gorcey and the Bowery Boys rate far larger than in any year of ] ert Walker in one of his finest por­ have no intention of playing detect-] the past. // trayals to date. Van Heflin is splen­ 'Under such circumstances," his did as the loyal and encouraging My Dog Shep Hessler, and Lucille Bremer gives verve and spirit to the part of Sally. The girl with whom the composer falls Now At Royal in love after he "borrows" her piano, "My Dog Shep," latest Screen Guild is delightfully played by Dorothy THEATRE production release which opens to­ Patrick. night at the Royal theater for a run of three days is a simple but enter­ Punctuating the narrative are song- taining and dramatic story of the love and-dance filled sequences from some RIGBY of an unwanted orphan boy for a of Kern's greatest successes and it is stray dog and the chance meeting of in these that the picture's dazzling an elderly gentleman who takes the array of headliners are given an op­ MAIN pair under his wing. portunity to offer a feast of talent. The picture is clean, suitable for the Others in the film are Judy Gar­ whole family, and stars Tom Neal land, June Allyson and Ray MacDon- Tonight, Friday and Saturday who does an able job as "District At­ ald; Lucille Bremer, Vaji Johnson, torney Herrick," William Farnum, Kathryn Grayson, DinalT!Shor e and veteran of stage and screen, who many other notables May 29,30 and 31 gives an outstanding performance of the elderly "Latham," Lanny Rees, MEMORIAL DAY SPECIALS rising boy star as "Dannie Barker" Woman Sets New Matinee Friday, May 30. Starting at 4 P. M. an dthe beautiful German Shepherd dog, Flame as "Shep." Fishing Record Hit No. 1 — Aubrey's back in the saddle with a corral full of Wholesome entertainment, the film SANDPOINT, Idaho—A beauty op­ entertainment. holds audience interest of young and erator who had never before been old. Full of pathos and stirring emo­ lake fishing, Sunday held a new tion, the plot offers a refreshing new world's record for women by hauling AUTRY «HI CHAMPION slant and helps one to forget worldly a 33%-pound Kamloop rainbow trout 6ENE WAS care and strife. from famed Lake Pend Oreille. NEVER UTTER! "Abie's Irish Rose" Mrs. O. G. Olson of Post Falls, This, the most beloved American Idaho, operator of a Spokane, Wash., comedy, makes its screen bow tonight beauty parlor, landed the giant fish Ridin'High..\ Also at the Royal Theare. at dusk last night after a 25-minute As a play on Broadway, "Abie's battle off Windy point. Some fight Hittin'Hard.J Irish Rose" was a popular favorite of was still left in the trout, which bit theatre-goers who gave it a run of xSingi*' Sweltn more than 2000 performances, a rec­ a chunk from her knee. 5 YEARS ON BROADWAY! ord which stood until 'Tobacco Road" The trout, exceeded in weight only came along. As a radio serial, it thrill­ by a 36-pounder caught May 1 by C. ed millions with the hilarious, heart­ C. Shepherd of Opportunity, Wash., 32 warming adventures of Abie and his will be flown to San Francisco and MERRY spirited colleen. Los Angeles for one-day displays. It This American "Romeo and Juliet" will then be presented to radio writer MONTHS is a sprightly funfest centering ar­ Carleton Morse for having his fic-i ound Abie Levy's turbulent marriage tional "One Man's Family" avcation 3N THE AIR! to Rosemary Murphy. They make a at Lake Pend Oreille.
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