OUR VOICE: ORLANDO SHOOTING PG.4 ISSUE.01ISSSUS E.01 VOLUME.111 MON, JUNE 13 - TUE, JULY 12, 2016 WEBSITE / KALEO.ORG TWITTER + INSTAGRAM / KALEOOHAWAII KA LEO FACEBOOK.COM / KALEOOHAWAII MEET THE BAND ON PG. 6 [COVER PHOTO] LAUREN TABOR / KA LEO O HAWAI‘I [COVER DESIGN] LAUREN TABOR & BRYE KOBAYASHI / KA LEO O HAWAI‘I 02 MONDAY, JUNE 13, 2016 KA LEO O HAWAI‘I: THE VOICE [email protected] Julius Rigius ADVERTISING Advertising Manager MEET THE STAFF THE STATION THAT LOVES YOU! KA LEO EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Spencer Oshita MANAGING EDITOR Kimberlee Speakman BUSINESS EDITOR Eryn Yuasa CHIEF COPY EDITOR Wesley Babcock DESIGN EDITOR Lauren Tabor ASSOC DESIGN EDITOR Brye Kobayashi NEWS EDITOR Courtney Teague ASSOC NEWS EDITOR Kevin Harrison FEATURES EDITOR Kevin Allen ASSOC FEATURES EDITOR Stephanie Kim OPINIONS EDITOR Brooke Alcuran SPORTS EDITOR Drew Afualo HAPPY ASSOC SPORTS EDITOR Christian Shimabuku COMICS EDITOR Khari Saffo WEB EDITOR Victor Ong HOUR SOCIAL MEDIA EDITOR Jasmine Yi PHOTO EDITOR Reese Kato 4PM4PM toto 7pm7pm ASSOC PHOTO EDITOR Gabriel Estevez DINNER SPECIALSCIIALS ASSOC PHOTO EDITOR Chase Urasaki EVERY NIGHT 4 TOO 10 PM LIVE 24/7 SPECIAL ISSUES EDITOR Christina Yan MARKETING DIRECTOR Ashley Maria c Moose M 90.1 FM (OAHU) | 91.1 FM (NORTH SHORE) | KTUH.ORG PUB & CAFE ADMINISTRATION 310 Lewers Street, Honolulu, HI 96815 @KTUH_FM KTUH HONOLULU Ka Leo O Hawai‘i is the campus newspa- 808-923-0751 - moosewaikiki.com per of the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa. It is published by the Student Media Board weekly except on holidays and during exam periods. Circulation is 10,000. Ka Leo is also published once a week during summer ses- sions with a circulation of 5,000. Ka Leo is funded by student fees and advertising. Its editorial content refl ects only the views of its writers, reporters, columnists and editors, who are solely responsible for its content. No material that appears in Ka @KALEOOHAWAII @KALEOOHAWAII Leo may be reprinted or republished in any medium without permission. The fi rst news- stand copy is free; for additional copies, please visit Ka Leo. Subscription rates are $50 for one semester and $85 for one year. The Student Media Board, a student orga- nization chartered by the University of Hawai‘i Board of Regents, publishes Ka Leo FB.COM/KALEOOHAWAII KALEOOHAWAII O Hawai‘i. Issues or concerns can be report- ed to the board via [email protected]. ©2016 Student Media Board http://www.kaleo.org/smb/ LET’S HAVE A CHAT APPLE NEWS: MOBILE APP: KA LEO O HAWAI‘I STAY KALEO O HAWAII KALEO O HAWAII UNIVERSITY OF HAWAI‘I AT MĀNOA 2445 CAMPUS RD., CONNECTED. HEMENWAY HALL 107 HONOLULU, HAWAI‘I 96822 USE YOUR NEWSROOM (808) 956-7043 ADVERTISING (808) 956-7043 VOICE. #USEYOURVOICE FACSIMILE (808) 956-9962 [email protected] WWW.KALEO.ORG @KALEOOHAWAII KA LEO O HAWAI‘I: THE VOICE MONDAY, JUNE 13, 2016 03 Kevin Harrison Courtney Teague [email protected] Associate News Editor News Editor @kaleoohawaii NEWS UH joining fight against Zika virus Medical school develops vaccine for the virus KEVIN HARRISON were infected with the Zika virus. ASSOCIATE NEWS EDITOR “There are so many things which are unknown about the Zika virus, The University of Hawai‘i’s John so it’s very important for us to know A. Burns School of Medicine (JAB- and at the same time to develop SOM) is importing a sample of the in-house expertise in diagnosis,” Zika virus for vaccination research. Kumar said in a phone interview. Mukesh Kumar, a professor at the Department of Tropical Medicine, VACCINE RESEARCH Medical Microbiology and Pharma- The Zika virus is closely related to cology (TMMMP), said researchers the virus that causes Dengue Fever will be receiving a small sample of and West Nile virus, Kumar said, and a live Zika virus from the Centers for the TMMMP has already developed Disease Control (CDC) in order to test vaccines for both. Kumar also said the vaccines they have been develop- that the vaccine they are developing ing. According to a press release, the is targeting pregnant women. TMMMP applied for a sample in 2009. “We have been very productive The Zika virus is a mosquito-borne we have been working on similar virus that causes fever, rash, joint agents for so many years, it’s highly pain or red eyes. These symptoms likely that we’re the best fi t to work can last anywhere from a few days to on the Zika virus,” Kumar said. two weeks. The World Health Organi- Kumar said they will be using zation (WHO) declared the Zika virus virus particles as opposed to a dead an international public health emer- or inactive sample of the virus to gency after an outbreak occurred in create the vaccine. He said this is a Brazil in 2015. safer method for pregnant women. CONIFERCONIFER / FLICKR Vivek Nerurkar, chair of the Currently, Kumar said they have According to the CDC, there are about 2,000 cases of Zika virus in the U.S. and its territories. Ten cases are in Hawai‘i. TMMMP, said the Zika virus has injected mice with their vaccine, but also been linked to cases of Guil- in order to test its effectiveness, they CAUSE FOR CONCERN? urkar said. “We have all the mosquitos Janice Okubo, Hawai‘i State Depart- lain-Barré syndrome, a nerve dis- need the live sample from the CDC. Kumar and Nerurkar agreed it is that we need to transmit [the virus], ment of Health spokesperson, said ease in which the immune system In addition to developing a new vac- possible that Hawai‘i could expe- we have tourists coming in here all that in the event of a Zika outbreak, attacks nerve cells, causing muscle cine, he said researchers will also try rience a Zika outbreak since the the time, we have people coming to the state would respond in a similar weakness and, in some cases, paral- those they developed for Dengue and mosquitos that carry Dengue Fever Pacifi c islands and coming home.” way to the Dengue Fever outbreak. ysis. He also said another major con- West Nile virus. can also carry the Zika virus. Kumar Kumar said we cannot always rely “The department continues to work cern is microcephaly, a birth defect “It’s highly likely that techniques also said Zika is endemic to the on the CDC for diagnosing potential with our public and private partners in which a baby is born with a small that work on West Nile and Den- South Pacifi c. Zika cases and that instead, Hawai‘i on improving response plans and head. Microcephaly has occurred in gue will also work on the Zika virus,” “We have all the ingredients that needs local expertise in dealing activities,” Okubo said in an email. the children of pregnant women who Kumar said. you need to have an outbreak,” Ner- with this virus. Ka Leo O Hawai‘i Changes to come for mopeds on campus NICOLE TAM Mānoa, DPS is not a branch of law Aside from the State’s regulations, STAFF WRITER enforcement so it does not have the drivers of mopeds, motorcycles or A recent bill in the legislature for authority to write moving violations scooters need to purchase a permit mopeds statewide may change safety or tickets for outdated registrations or pay for daily parking on the UH regulations for mopeds on the Uni- or safety checks. Mānoa campus. Permits are $30 per versity of Hawai‘i at Mānoa campus. Enforcing such regulations are semester or $90 per year. There are already moped regis- done by law enforcement agencies For more information about tration fees statewide, but HB 1753 like HPD. DPS is unsure whether or mopeds on campus, visit the com- would prevent your moped on the not this bill will affect guidelines muter services information page. road if safety conditions are not up of a citation or parking permits on to par. Hawai‘i and Maui counties are campus. MORE INFO already enforcing such a rule. “Our department will fully sup- If any required part or equip- port any legislation, as well as ment is not present or functioning efforts by Honolulu Police to COMMUTER SERVICES properly, a citation will be issued enforce these laws once they come to vehicle operator listing reasons into effect,” Rice said in an email. LOCATION why the moped is unsafe and “shall The university aims to provide a Queen Liliu‘okalani Center for require that a new certifi cate of safe environment between riders Student Services inspection ... be obtained within fi ve and pedestrians. Room 014 days or that the defect be cured,” “As always, we encourage the bill states. moped-riders to Move with Aloha for HOURS The Honolulu Police Department their safety and the safety of oth- 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. (HPD) is also monitoring this bill but ers on campus,” UH Spokesman Dan Michelle Yu, HPD spokeswoman, said Meisenzahl said in an email. CONTACT the department does not see it hav- 808-956-8899 ing a signifi cant impact at this time. CURRENT POLICIES [email protected] Mopeds must be registered with WOULD IT AFFECT UH? the City and County of Honolu- WEBSITE According to Sarah Rice, com- lu’s Department of Motor Vehicles manoa.hawaii.edu/commuter/ BRYE KOBAYASHI / KA LEO O HAWAI‘I munity programs manager for the (DMV), according to the Commuter Upper campus permits are usable at 13 lots around the campus mauka of Dole Street. Department of Public Safety at UH Services website. 04 MONDAY, JUNE 13, 2016 KA LEO O HAWAI‘I: THE VOICE [email protected] Brooke Alcuran OPINIONS @kaleoopinions Opinions Editor dren to attend therapy, may claim to do so because they want what is best for their child, and that justifi es many actions they take to protect and take care of their kids throughout early life.
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