r . tfFcTi . k'ii•i ii 114 LI4T 11 I I Eastman, Carmichael Comeau Also Victorious A record turnout went to the polls Thursday and Fri. lay and found themselves a new president in Dick Water- man. Waterman, a junior from Seattle. received 329 votes, in one of the closest races on the ballot. His opponent, Ran- (ly Smith, trailed with 284. paired up in final elections, Deg- Assisting Waterman in h I s man defeating Miss Royall for the presidential duties next year will sophomore representative past be Howie Eastman, junior from last year. Renton. Eastman became first Next year's sophomore class vice president by polling 323 representative will be Gail Po- votes, while his opponent, Toni kela, freshman from Fede'al Beardemphi gathered 271. Way. Miss Pokefa defeated In the race for second vice Dave Purchase by receiving president, Chuck Comeau came 358 votes to his 241. out on top by receiving 332 All five proposed amendments votes. Comeau, a junior ' from to the constitution passed by an Mercer Island, defeated Ken overwhelming margin. McGill, who received 269 votes. Proposition one, called for au The executive secretary post amendment to the ASCPS Con- went to Jackie Carmichael, junior stitution providing for the ap- from Nanimo, B. C. Miss Car- pointment of an election commit- michael had 318 votes while her tee by the ASCPS President at opponent, Carol Weeks, had 275. the beginning of his term of of- In the May Queen contest, fice, and outlining the organize- Linda Sticklin, senior from tion and duties of that committee. Chehalis, emerged as Queen of It passed by a score of 349 to 53. the May by recording 325 votes. Proposition two received the Her opponent, Lois Hagman, largest amount of 'no" votes of had 282. any of the constitutional amend- WITH THE SIGH IN THE BACKGROUND signying the elections, new ASCPS officers are Dick Wo- In the scramble for three dele- ments, passing by a margin of terman, President; Howie Eastman, First Vice Fresident; Jackie Carmichael, Executive Secretary; and gates - at - large positions, Barb 304 to 113. It called for an amend- Chuck Corneau, Second Vice President. Keevil, a junior from Auburn, led ment to the ASCPS Constitution the pack with 377 votes. Hegger- providing for the election of the ness, junior from Tacoma was Yell and Song staffs in the gen- next with 338 tallies. Heggerness eral election. was the only person in the race Proposition three was an running for re-election, having amendment to the ASCPS Consti- held the same post last year. Sti.i tution providing for review by McKenzie, a sophomore from Judiciary Council of all constitu- Grandview, was third with 263 tions and amendments of organi- votes. Other finalists in the dele- zations tinder ASCPS jurisdiction. THE gate-at-large contest who faild It passed 329 to 65. THE OFFICIAL P to place were Chuck Pyle, 209; Proposition four received 329 STUDENTS OF TH Elaine Klein, 203; and John Ma- "yesses" to 65 "nos". It called son, 197. for an amendment to the ASCPS The new senior i'cpresenta- Constitution removing from the tive will be Susie Sprenger, ASCPS Executive Secretary the. Tuesday, March 17, 1959 Tacoma. Washington junior from Auburn. She de- duty of Student Public Relations I 1958-59--Number 18 feated Murray Johnstone by Director. tallying 340 votes to his 245. Proposition five scored the big- Trail Social Calendar Next year's junior representa- gest landslide, receiving 394 "yes" 'Class Election Primaries March 17—St. Patrick's Day (A tive will be Bob Degman. Deg- votes to only 23 "no" votes, It special observance will he man, a sophomore from Wenat- consisted of an amendment to the held this afternoon. Come to chee, tallied 318 votes to Lorna A S C P S Constitution clarifying Will Be Held March 18-19 Trail office for further de- Royall's 270. This year marks the the process of selection for Con- March 18 and 19 are the dates class offices are Don Cooley and tails.) second time these two have vocation Committee members. of primary elections for next Helen Lahti. year's class officers. Candidates In charge of election of junior for next year's senior and junior class officers are Dennis Fusco, - class offices will be chosen in Gail Keplar and Ann Throckmor- junior and sophomore class met- ton. ings tomorrow. Handling the sophomore class Next year's sophomore class elections are Jean Dix, Nan(-,y officers will be nominated in Eliason, and Cheryl Zumwalt. Freshman convocation March 19. Any questions concerning elec- Nominations will be made from tions may he referred to the dcc- the floor in all three meetings tions committee, consisting of with the primaries then beiiig John Sherwood and Professor held immediately afterward. Peterson. Final elections for senior and Election committee wishes to junior class offices will take place urge as many people as can pos- March 23. Final elections for sibly make it, to come to the sophomore class offices will take sophomore and junior class meet- place April 2. ings tomorrow, so that we can Class officers will assume their get as good a representation as duties in the fall, with the excen- possible," John Sherwood told tion of class presidents. who will the Trail yesterday. be seated on Central Board. Editor's note: For further in- Class presidents will be formal- formation on tomorrow's junior ly inaugurated in convocation on and sophomore class meetings. April 7. see stories immediately below Besides class presidents, can- this article.) didates for the offices of \'ice president, secretary - treasurer, sergeant-at-arms, and the posi- Junior Class Meeting tion of class May Princess will also be chosen. There will be a Junior Class CANDIDATES FOR MISS TACOMA from CPS arc, (hctt to right): Kathryn Bohing, Fran Macdonald, Kristine Ho- Any candidates for the offices meeting at 12:15 Wednesday, of president and vice president March 18 in Howarth 215. vel, Carolyn Milne, Maija levins, Jo Ann Sartz, Jaikie Johnson, Marsha Smith, Claudia Cole, Judy DoniehI who have not taken the ASCPS The main order of business and Carol Sandford. Madeline Hansen and Joudy Olsen were not pictured, . - qualifying test should do so be- will be nomination of next year's fore the final elections. officers. Plans for the Commence- Handling the election for senior ment Ball will also be discussed. Other orders of business include the inter-class basketball game, 13CPS Coeds Vie fbr Miss Taicoma Sophomores Meet spirit trophy, and Spring Carni- Thursday and Friday are del- throughout the city for the hon- because it was figured too much There will be a meeting of the val. time would be taken in allowing initely "red-letter" dates for or of becoming Miss Tacoma. sophomore class in Jones 4, on All Juniors are urged to attend all 31 entries in the contest to those interested in beauty. These Wednesday at 12:15 following the both this meeting and the one on The Miss Tacoma pageant will display their talent in one night. Wednesday, March 25, at which are the dates the new Miss Ta- be judged on the girl's talent, meeting of the ICK, Fred Deal The Miss Tacoma candidates officers will be elected. coma will be chosen in the city- poise and beauty, in the method will put on a fashion show to announced. wide contest held at the Tacoma similar to the judging of the Miss kick off the annual Home Show "This is a very important meet- USO auditorium. America contest. Any girl that is at the CPS Memorial Field- not adept in any particular way, ing," he said, "because the pri- Tickets on Safe Thirteen lovely coeds repre- house tonight. mary election for next year's of- may give a three-minute speech After the Miss Tacoma coo- All those desiring to attend the senting CPS will compete in the in place of the talent part. ficers will be the chief order of Miss Tacoma Pageant March 19- contest. Kathryn Boling, Claudia test the winner will go to Seattle business. The election will deter- 20 in the Tacoma USO auditor- Cole, Judy Daniell, Madeline Han- Fifteen girls will emerge as fi- to compete in the Miss Washing- mine the final selection for the ium may obtain tickets in the sen, Kristine Havel, Maija Ievins, nalists the first night, and will ton pageant. The winner of the sophomore class." Trail office, or contact one of the Jackie Johnson, Fran Macdonald, compete for the grand hoiior Fri- contest in Seattle will receive a. Class presidents, following a contestants. Carolyn Milne, July Olsen, Carol day night. Only finalists will be $1,000 scholarship and a trip to change in the ASCPS constitution Further information about the Sandford, Jo Ann•Sartz. and Mar- able to display their talent, as Atlantic City, N. J., where she. two years ago, are also delegates contest may be received in the sha Smith will compete against no talent judging will take place will vie for the crown of Miss to Central Board. Trail office, at least a dozen other girls Thursday night. This was done America. Page 2 The TRAIL Tuesday, Mareh 17, 195 GREEKRNW 'HI TRAIL . By SHARON MASON I A4$#&f41 Published weekly with the exception of vocation and exam periods by the Miss Gail Pokela was crowned Associated Students of the College of Puget Sound. Entered at the post office Sweetheart of Sigma Chi Satu- of Tacoma, Washington as second class matter. C day night at the annual Sweet- / . : tt; heartdinnerdance iJ SK 23521, Ext. 31 <i Pokela is an Alpha Phi pledge, .
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