___ X MONDAY, APRIL 6, 1969 Bloodmobile Visits Center Church Tomorrow^ 9:45 a.m. to 2:30p.m. #AC«''roiJRTEiEN iJIattrlfjPBtpr lEttfiting ijwalb Mystic Review, WBA members, The Weather John Mather Chapter, Order of Th# Adult inquiry and Informa­ PRESCRIPTIONS .Average Daily Net Pre.a» Run DeMolay, will confer the Initiatory tion group will meet Wednesday at will meet tomorrow at 8 p>m. for Busy Meeting SEC Claims Guterma Firm ForeMMt ot 0. 8. Weather BarMU their buaineas mrtting in Odd Fel­ DAT OR NIGHT For the Week Ending About Town Depree upon a cIm s of candidate* ,7130 in Zion Lutheran Church, and April 4th, 1959 the Sunday school staff at 7:30. low* hall. Prealdent Irene La- BY EXPERTS tilondy, not so eold tonight. l**r ______ at 7:30 thl* evening in the Ma*pn‘ Palme and Mrs. Ullian Demeusy Got Debentures for Nothing Richard N. Johnaoil. eon of Mr*. | Ic Temple. All Set Tonight .85-40. 88 edneaday, mnetly elondy The Missionary Sewing Group of will, aerve as co-chairmen of the ARTHUR DRU6 \ A cnw O. Johnson, 88 Linnmore to attend the biislnc** m^etlni^ refreshment committee. Members 12,905 with ahowers, eonttnued mild. ^ 7 a on the honor roll for the land officers are requested to be the Covenant Congregational ____ channeled through the Swiss iianrh^fitpr lEupmng fc a lh Church will meet thla evening at 8 may also bring articles for the For Planners The Securities and Exchangef many Member of the Audit High near 00. woond term at State Technical'present at «. ____ -rf' rummage aale Thursday. Banque de Depots, the debentures Bureau of Cirenlatlon o’clock at the home of Mrs. Pat­ Commlaaion haa charged that a passed to Chatham Corp, a firm Manchester— A City o f Village Charm Inatitute, ^re^^• Britain. j^novah s Wit- terson Chaffin, 67 Oakland St. A meeting of the executive A lengthy agenda faces the| firm controlled bjt international wholly owTied by Guterma and his c'Mar 12« Park St. was nesses on the subject, "Your Will board of the Hollister PTA will be Town Planning Commlaaion at a ' financier Alexander Guterma ac­ family. RANGE ^ ' e first semester's i Be Done Oh Earth," will take place The Regina d'ltaila Society will quired $750,000 in debenture* ap­ MANCHK.STER. CONN., TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 1959 (Classified Advertising on Page 10) PRICE FIVE CENT'S meet tonight at 7:30 at the Italian held tomorrow night at 8 o’clock meeting to be held at 8 o'clock j Bon Ami's dealing* In the de­ VOL. LXXVIII, NO. 159 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) W the University 1 in the achool library. parently "without any actual con­ bentures. according to the SEC. American Club. tonight in the Municipal Building.] sideration what.soever" lii a series eventually led to its purchase of rUEL OIL The Mahehester Federation of The Commlaaion is to prepare: of transactlons-involving Bon Ami $1,1.50,000 of foreign film exhibi­ James G Glenncv, son of M r.' 20 Marble St. Friday, the Theo- The Klir.a Cliapman .loy Circle GASOLINE of the North Methodist CTuirch Democratic Women will meet at a list of projects which it feels, Co. tion rights. Bon Ami u.sed the and Mr*. John Glenncy. TO Blge-. cralir will meet s.t 2 o'cloek Wednesday the Walnut Reataurant at 8 o’clock should, be Included among the pro- j Guterma la under fire from the rights in part payment for televi­ low St, has b- « n initiated...-. j In, .the1-- ijj Kingdom Hall. iHl Mam .St., util SEC. and he has filed a $10 million sion spot time it wanted for ad­ Space Hop be followed by a sertice meelInK at afternoon at the church. Wedne.sday night. Election of. dele­ posed capital Improvements for] Bpsllon Mu Chapter of Kappa gates to the State convention will suit against foreign financiers he vertising its products. Eventually 8;30. ! the next 6-year period. Similar: Delta Pi, the national honor i The monthly meeting of the Fel- be held. recommendations were made re-, blames for his troubles. the cleanser company was unable BANTLY OIL society in education, at the Teach­ Among the charges against t(\ contine the spot time purchase I The I.,adlea ol the A.ashmption lowrraft Club will be held tonight cently to General Manager Rich- j C.lMrWS, IM. Candidate er* College of Connecticut. New Cub .Scout Pack 78 will have a ard Martin by the Board of Edu- ■ Guterma. is one that he defrauded and got the rights back, the SEC Adenauer Will Retire will ronibiiie Iheii' nionthl.y busi- ; at 7:30 at the Masonic Temple. - Britain. A junipr majoring in pack meeting tonight at the Buck- cation and eight town departments Bon Ami. which he once headed. says.. ' ">1 \ ' \ - I r)i:i 1 social BCienee, he has been active ne.as meeting unlh the quarterly In the case of the debentures, the The charges involving the de­ meeting of the Manchester Council I St. Anne's Mothers (Ircle will ley School at 7 o'clock. Cub Scout and have also been under study by TEL. Mitchell 9-4595 Squad at 7 tn basketball, track and croa.a, .......o ',» ■meet Wednesday night at 6:45 at applications will be accepted. Par­ the TPC. SEC says Bon Ami bought and bentures was revealed as the eoiintrv. and 1* also a member of of Catholic V%oinen tonight at 8.1,1 the home of Mrs. Adolph Wriibel, ents must accompany the boys. , The Commission is scheduled to later sold for $1,257,005 five-year agency produced more evidence In ROCKVILLE TR 5-3271 the geography club. ' m the ChiirCli of the Assumption make its recommendations to the 8 per cent, sinking fund debentures proceedings to determine If Bon * ____ ! hall An original hat show will he 45 Kdmiind St., and proeeed'from By OrXIFFBEY 0 0 1 X 0 there to the Holy Family Monas- Mrs, Arthur Stewart has been Board of Directors at a meeting of Diversified Oil A Mining Co., Ami should be delisted from the The committee of arrangements held, with prir.e.s awarded. All Washington, April 7 (/P)— lerv. Farmington. named Manchester chairman for to be held soon. The date will be once headed by Guterma. New York Stock Exchange. A for the dance at the Rod and Gun i women attending are Invited to en- I ' . - the Syniphon" of Flower* Ball to set at a directors' meeting lomor- Through a series of transactions, hearing is set for tomorrow. Many "were con.aldered and Club Saturday evening win hold a trr this rontest Refreshnieiila will seven were chosen. Barring From Active Politics ' The Barnard PTSO will hold a be presented April 25 by the J.OW. At this meeting the TPC ^ ARE YOUR CAR meeting tonight at the,jiome of Ibe bp ,aer\ed by .Mrs. Alexander Ry- special meeting tomorrow night at Women's Auxiliary of the Hart­ wTil also present its plan for pav- ] Rii.s.aia’s doing it first, one of Chalrman, William A. Knofla, 9.1 rllewicr, and her rommittee. Wom­ 8 o'clock in the school library. Dr. ford Symphony Society. Proceeds ing and extending Farm Dr. to PAYMENTS TOO en from the four parishes in town Concordia Ladies these seven Americans is Henry St. ! Charles K. .larobson will- show a from the ball, t- be held st the Frances Dr. and installing sani­ Police Arrests likely to be the first man to are invited to attend. ! movie and give a talk on "he mer­ Bond Hotel, will go to the benefit tary sewets to service homes both Meet Tomorrow HIGH? S k a te U e lu r n s The Connecticut Fellowship of its of fluoridation. No business o‘ the symphony orchestra. on the drive and on Norwood St. i orbit the Earth in Space. n Bonn Leader Plans Congregational Christian Women The Motlierhood of Mary Moth­ ; meeting will he held at this time, B.atimated cost of extending and John D. Resnlk 20, of Plattsburg, The selection of the 7-man team of the Hartford District will hold ers Orrle will meet this evening i The next regular meeting will he St:;art L. Forsyth, manager of paving the road was set at a p -. N. Y., was arrested Saturday eve­ The April meeting of the Ladies’ j of “Mercury Astronauts" was an­ F r o m Se co nd an open board meeting at the *1 a o I lock at the home of .Mrs. proxifnately $19,000 by the town | Aid Society of Concordia Lutheran ' TRADE nounced yesterday by the National ; on May 14. The public is invited electric heating de-partment, We.st- ning and charged with disregard­ Horace BushneU Church. Hart­ Ravmond Murphy. 3.1 Dorothy ' to the meeting tomorrow night. engineering department while the ing a stop sign. He posted a $15 Church will take place tomorrow. | Aeronautics and Space Adminis­ Rd .Mrs Fyiward Kosak will be inghou.se Fiectrie Corp., Staunton, ford, on April 14, from 10:15 to 2 Va., will sipeak Tuesday to mem­ water department e.stimated it , bond for court appearance next evening at 7:.30. i tration. Their names are still a P o la r Voyage Run for Presidency ro-hostfss. secret, but they will he made pub- ; p.m. (, Temple Chapter, Order of the bers and guesta of the Connecti­ would coat about $16,000 to install Saturday. Following the business meeting, i DOWN the sewer.s.
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